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1,591 bytes added ,  20 December 2012
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* '''18th''' or '''19th Hålimond - Herfstsewennyt''' = Autumn Equinox (2nd autumn festival);
* '''18th''' or '''19th Hålimond - Herfstsewennyt''' = Autumn Equinox (2nd autumn festival);
* ''29th'' or ''30th Winterwild - Winteråwilmsåwen'' (or ''Jårjondning'') = New Year's eve.
* ''29th'' or ''30th Winterwild - Winteråwilmsåwen'' (or ''Jårjondning'') = New Year's eve.
One of the most famous festive song in Tjoc, is '''O håli nyt''', that corresponds to the English ''Oh holy night''. The ''Ljoskjare af Angelkinn'', however, is a pagan country, as it has been written, so the lyrics of the song don't talk about Jesus, but about '''Wintersoljet'''.
''O håli nyt,
Te skjor skyna så hådri:
Het is se nyt hwonn’ se Sunne is iborn.
Lengi swaf tat lond i tem calle Winter
Hen kimt se Sunne ond kljoft njon se Jort
An hopsem killning gåt tur se mewi worull:
Ur tem dyrkn kimt ut se nywe dag
KOR: Singt nů mig glåels
O singt ond west jall’n mirje
O yssi nyt, o nyt af håli bir
O yssi nyt, o nyt, o yssi nyt
We wåta ůs i mones skjolwor ljot
Ond åbywa wor se Sun af Ljot kimt.
Tů, Måer, hall ůs i Tyn klippning,
Senn ůs Tyn Birt, hwå kljoft ůre sål’n.
Se Winter is call, te nyten sinn long ond djork,
We måtja se Lent, an nyw hådri anginn.
KOR (x 2)''
''Oh holy night,
The stars shine so brightly:
It is the night when the sun is born.
Long slept the land in the cold winter
It comes the Sun and warms again the Earth
A thrill of hope goes through the tired world:
From the darkness comes out the new day.
Chorus: Sing now with joy
O sing and be all joyful
O night divine, o night of holy birth
O night divine, o night, o night divine
We get wet in the silver light of the moon
And wait for the Son of Light coming.
You, Mother, hold us in Your embrace,
Send us Your Child, who warms our souls.
The winter is cold, the nights are long and dark,
We dream the spring, a new bright beginning.
Chorus (x 2)''

