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Verbs have four stems:
*Present stem
*Future stem
*Perfect stem
*Neutral stem
Each of these stems may have strong and weak variants.
The first three stems are given by the principle parts. The neutral stem can be derived from the present or future stem by the following rules:
#If one of the two stems is derived from the other by adding something (a suffix, infix, prefix, etc.), the simpler stem (i.e. the one that does not have the addition) is used.
#If the stems are suppletive, the perfect stem is used.
Regardless of which stem is used, the neutral stem inherits both the strong and weak variants from its parent stem.
====Principal parts====
The principal parts are:
*The 1S present indicative
*The 1P present indicative (if the present weak stem is different than the strong stem)
*The 1S future indicative
*The 1P future indicative (if the future weak stem is different than the strong stem)
*The 1S perfect indicative
*The 1P perfect indicative (if the perfect weak stem is different than the strong stem)
For example, the citation form of the verb "to be" is ''ézmi, əzmés, fū́mi, fevū́ħa''. Note that the 1P future and perfect forms are excluded since the weak stems are identical to the corresponding strong stems.
The following simple tenses/moods exist:
*Based on the present stem:
**'''Present indicative:''' Expresses an action/state that is ongoing or that is done habitually.
**'''Present subjunctive:''' Expresses an ongoing hypothetical or counterfactual action/state. It is also used as the negative counterpart to the durative imperative.
**'''Imperfect:''' Expresses an ongoing or habitual action/state in the past.
**'''Presumptive:''' Expresses an action/state that is presumed to be ongoing.
**'''Durative imperative:''' Expresses a command or request to do something continuously or to continue to do it.
*Based on the future stem:
**'''Future indicative:''' Expresses an action/state in the future. It is also used as a present tense in narratives.
**'''Future subjunctive:''' Expresses a hypothetical or counterfactual action/state that has not yet occurred.
**'''Gnomic:''' Expresses general truths. It is also used as a past tense in narratives.
**'''Jussive:''' Expresses a request or encouragement for an action to be performed (less emphatic than the imperative). It is also used as the negative counterpart of the simple imperative.
**'''Simple imperative:''' Expresses a request or command for an action to be performed.
*Based on the perfect stem:
**'''Perfect indicative:''' Expresses a simple action in the past.
**'''Perfect subjunctive:''' Expresses a hypothetical action in the past.
**'''Conditional:''' Expresses a counterfactual action/state in the past, or an action/state whose validity is dependent on such a condition.
====Stem patterns====
When it comes to stems, there are three patterns depending on the tense:
*'''Pattern 1 (mixed stem):''' Strong stem in the singular, secondary stem in the plural and impersonal.
**Indicative tenses follow this pattern.
*'''Pattern 2 (strong stem):''' Strong stem throughout the tense.
**Subjunctive tenses follow this pattern.
*'''Pattern 3 (weak stem):''' Weak stem throughout the tense.
**Non-indicative tenses that are not subjunctive follow this pattern.
There are three voices that are indicated by conjugation:
#*This is the default form of a verb.
#*The verb agrees with the subject who does the action.
#*It can have anticausative or autocausative meanings.
#*With intransitive verbs, it often has an autobenefactive meaning. There may be special connotations for specific verbs.
#*The verb agrees with the patient on which the action is done.
#*With intransitive verbs, it often implies that an action occurred without volition/intent. There may be special connotations for specific verbs.
In verbs, stress is usually on the stem.
However, some athematic verbs take stress on the ending whenever the weak stem is used. This stress in always on the final syllable of the verb except in 3P forms ending in ''-enti'', in which case the stress is on the penultimate syllable (i.e. ''-énti'').
In partiples, infinitives, and other derived nouns/adjectives, such verbs take stress on the case endings except in the primary stems of active participles, which take stress on the first syllable of the derivational ending.
In all cases, the stress patterns can easily be identified from the principal parts.
Note that perfect stems that are derived from present or future stems by a suffix (such as ''-đ-'') are stressed on the final syllable before the suffix.-->
Forms using strong stems are stressed on the final syllable of the stem, while forms using weak stems are stressed on the ending.
However, there are a few verbs with lexical stress on the stem. In these verbs, the weak stem is identical to the strong stem and it is stressed instead of the ending.-->
===Verb conjugation===
====Verb classes====
There are two main classes of verbs.
#'''Athematic verbs''' - These are classified into three sub-classes:
##'''Long vowel stems:''' Strong and weak stems are identical and end in a long vowel.
##'''Short vowel stems:''' The weak stem (and maybe also the strong stem) ends in a short vowel.
##'''Consonant stems:''' These have a stem that ends in a consonant - most perfect stems and a few other stems fall in this class.
#'''Thematic verbs''' - The majority of verbs fall under this class (except in the perfect). There are subclasses of thematic verbs depending on the formation of the various stems.
Note that it is possible for the different stems of a single verb to be in different classes or sub-classes. <!--In fact, this is true of the majority of verbs, which have thematic present and future stems and an athematic perfect stem.-->
====Forms based on the present stem====
The following tenses are based on the present stem:
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|+ Forms based on the present stem
! Form !! Stem type
| Present indicative || Mixed
| Present subjunctive || Strong
| Imperfect || Mixed
| Presumptive || Weak
| Durative imperative || Weak
| Present participles || Weak
The endings are as follows:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Conjugation of active present-stem forms
! colspan="5"| Present active infinitive
! colspan="5"| Present active participle
|colspan="6"| -nts/onts, -nt/ont, -ntes/ontes, -ntī/ontī, -ntyās/ontyās
! Person/<br />Number !! colspan="2"|Present indicative !!colspan="2"| Present subjunctive !! colspan="2"|Imperfect !! colspan="2"|Presumptive !! colspan="2"|Durative imperative
! 1S
| -(ũ)mi || -ō || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmi || -ũ/m || -om || -yem/īm || -oyem || -(ũ)mu || -omu
| -zi/si/əzi || -ezi || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ēzi || -(ə)s || -es || -is/īs || -ois || -đi/ŧi/əđi || -eđi
| -(ə)ti || -eti ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ēti ||-(ə)t || -et || -it/īt || -oit || -(ə)tu || -etu
| -(u)wes || -owes ||colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōwes || -(u)we || -owe || -iwe/īwe || -oiwe || -(u)weu || -oweu
| -(ə)tons || -etons ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētons || -(ə)tom || -etom || -itom/ītom || -oitom || -(ə)tonđi || -etonđi
| -(ə)tāns || -etāns ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētāns|| -(ə)tām || -etām || -itām/ītām || -oitām || -(ə)tāmu || -etāmu
| -(ũ)mes || -omes || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmes || -(ũ)me ||-ome || -ime/īme || -oime || -(ũ)meu || -omeu
| -(ə)tes || -etes || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētes || -(ə)te || -ete || -ite/īte || -oite || -(ə)teđi || -eteđi
| -nti/enti || -onti || colspan="2"|-(ʕ)ōnti || -nt/ent || -ont || -yent/īnt || -oyent || -ntu/entu || -ontu
| -(ə)ri || -ori || colspan="2"|-(ʕ)ōri || -(ə)r || -or || -yer/īr || -oyer || -(ə)ru || -oru
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|+ Conjugation of middle present-stem forms
! colspan="5"| Present active infinitive
! colspan="5"| Present middle participle
|colspan="3"| -(ũ)mnos, -(ũ)mnom, -(ũ)mnā
|colspan="3"| -omnos, -omnom, -omnā
! Person/<br />Number !! colspan="2"|Present indicative !!colspan="2"| Present subjunctive !! colspan="2"|Imperfect !! colspan="2"|Presumptive !! colspan="2"|Durative imperative
! 1S
| -(ũ)mazi || -omazi || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmazi || -(ũ)mas || -omas || -yemas/īmas || -oyemas || -(ũ)mazu || -omazu
| -(ə)stazi || -estazi || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ēstazi || -(ə)stas || -estas || -istas/īstas || -oistas || -zos/sos/əzos || -ezos
| -(ə)tozi || -etozi ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētozi ||-(ə)tos || -etos || -itos/ītos || -oitos || -(ə)tozu || -etozu
| -(u)westas || -owestas ||colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōwestas || -(u)weđas || -oweđas || -iweđas/īweđas || -oiweđas || -(u)weđazu || -oweđazu
| -(ə)tonstas || -etonstas ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētonstas || -(ə)tonđas || -etonđas || -itonđas/ītonđas || -oitonđas || -(ə)tonđazu || -etonđazu
| -(ə)tānstas || -etānstas ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētānstas|| -(ə)tānđas || -etānđas || -itānđas/ītānđas || -oitānđas || -(ə)tānđazu || -etānđazu
| -(ũ)mestas || -omestas || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmestas || -(ũ)međas ||-omeđas || -īmeđas/īmeđas || -oimeđas || -(ũ)međazu || -omeđazu
| -(ə)testas || -etestas || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētestas || -(ə)teđas || -eteđas || -iteđas/īteđas || -oiteđas || -đwes/ŧwes/əđwes || -eđwes
| -ntozi/entozi || -ontozi || colspan="2"|-(ʕ)ōntozi || -ntos/entos || -ontos || -yentos/īntos || -oyentos || -ntozu/entozu || -ontozu
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|+ Conjugation of passive present-stem forms
! colspan="5"| Present active infinitive
! colspan="5"| Present passive participle
|colspan="3"| -(ə)tos, -(ə)tom, -(ə)tā
|colspan="3"| -etos, -etom, -etā
! Person/<br />Number !! colspan="2"|Present indicative !!colspan="2"| Present subjunctive !! colspan="2"|Imperfect !! colspan="2"|Presumptive !! colspan="2"|Durative imperative
! 1S
| -(ũ)mar || -omar || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmar || -(ũ)ma || -oma || -yema/īma || -oyema || -(ũ)mau || -omau
| -(ə)star || -estar || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ēstar || -(ə)sta || -esta || -ista/īsta || -oista || -zo/so/əzo || -ezo
| -(ə)tor || -etor ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētor ||-(ə)to || -eto || -ito/īto || -oito || -(ə)tou || -etou
| -(u)westa || -owesta ||colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōwesta || -(u)weđa || -oweđa || -iweđa/īweđa || -oiweđa || -(u)weđau || -oweđau
| -(ə)tonsta || -etonsta ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētonsta || -(ə)tonđa || -etonđa || -itonđa/ītonđa || -oitonđa || -(ə)tonđau || -etonđau
| -(ə)tānsta || -etānsta ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētānsta|| -(ə)tānđa || -etānđa || -itānđa/ītānđa || -oitānđa || -(ə)tānđau || -etānđau
| -(ũ)mesta || -omesta || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmesta || -(ũ)međa ||-omeđa || -īmeđa/īmeđa || -oimeđa || -(ũ)međau || -omeđau
| -(ə)testa || -etesta || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētesta || -(ə)teđa || -eteđa || -iteđa/īteđa || -oiteđa || -đwe/ŧwe/əđwe || -eđwe
| -ntor/entor || -ontor || colspan="2"|-(ʕ)ōntor || -nto/ento || -onto || -yento/īnto || -oyento || -ntou/entou || -ontou
#Phonemes in brackets are inserted after consonant clusters (if a vowel) or after vowels (if a consonant).
#When two endings are given separated by a slash, they are used after vowels and after consonants respectively. If a third is also given, it is used after consonant clusters.
#When stress is not indicated, the final syllable of the stem is stressed. When it is indicated, the ending is stressed. However, when the weak stem has lexical stress, the ending loses its stress.-->
====Forms based on the future stem====
The following tenses are based on the future stem:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Forms based on the future stem
! Form !! Stem type
| Future indicative || Mixed
| Future subjunctive || Strong
| Gnomic || Mixed
| Jussive || Weak
| Simple imperative || Weak
| Future participles || Weak
The endings are as follows:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Conjugation of active future-stem forms
! colspan="5"| Present active infinitive
! colspan="5"| Future active participle
|colspan="6"| -nts/onts, -nt/ont, -ntes/ontes, -ntī/ontī, -ntyās/ontyās
! Person/<br />Number !! colspan="2"|Future indicative !!colspan="2"| Future subjunctive !! colspan="2"|Gnomic !! colspan="2"|Jussive !! colspan="2"|Simple imperative
! 1S
| -(ũ)mi || -ō || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmi || -ũ/m || -om || -yem/īm || -oyem || -(ũ)mu || -omu
| -zi/si/əzi || -ezi || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ēzi || -(ə)s || -es || -is/īs || -ois || -đi/ŧi/əđi || -eđi
| -(ə)ti || -eti ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ēti ||-(ə)t || -et || -it/īt || -oit || -(ə)tu || -etu
| -(u)wes || -owes ||colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōwes || -(u)we || -owe || -iwe/īwe || -oiwe || -(u)weu || -oweu
| -(ə)tons || -etons ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētons || -(ə)tom || -etom || -itom/ītom || -oitom || -(ə)tonđi || -etonđi
| -(ə)tāns || -etāns ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētāns|| -(ə)tām || -etām || -itām/ītām || -oitām || -(ə)tāmu || -etāmu
| -(ũ)mes || -omes || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmes || -(ũ)me ||-ome || -ime/īme || -oime || -(ũ)meu || -omeu
| -(ə)tes || -etes || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētes || -(ə)te || -ete || -ite/īte || -oite || -(ə)teđi || -eteđi
| -nti/enti || -onti || colspan="2"|-(ʕ)ōnti || -nt/ent || -ont || -yent/īnt || -oyent || -ntu/entu || -ontu
| -(ə)ri || -ori || colspan="2"|-(ʕ)ōri || -(ə)r || -or || -yer/īr || -oyer || -(ə)ru || -oru
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Conjugation of middle future-stem forms
! colspan="5"| Present active infinitive
! colspan="5"| Future middle participle
|colspan="3"| -(ũ)mnos, -(ũ)mnom, -(ũ)mnā
|colspan="3"| -omnos, -omnom, -omnā
! Person/<br />Number !! colspan="2"|Present indicative !!colspan="2"| Present subjunctive !! colspan="2"|Imperfect !! colspan="2"|Presumptive !! colspan="2"|Durative imperative
! 1S
| -(ũ)mazi || -omazi || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmazi || -(ũ)mas || -omas || -yemas/īmas || -oyemas || -(ũ)mazu || -omazu
| -(ə)stazi || -estazi || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ēstazi || -(ə)stas || -estas || -istas/īstas || -oistas || -zos/sos/əzos || -ezos
| -(ə)tozi || -etozi ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētozi ||-(ə)tos || -etos || -itos/ītos || -oitos || -(ə)tozu || -etozu
| -(u)westas || -owestas ||colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōwestas || -(u)weđas || -oweđas || -iweđas/īweđas || -oiweđas || -(u)weđazu || -oweđazu
| -(ə)tonstas || -etonstas ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētonstas || -(ə)tonđas || -etonđas || -itonđas/ītonđas || -oitonđas || -(ə)tonđazu || -etonđazu
| -(ə)tānstas || -etānstas ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētānstas|| -(ə)tānđas || -etānđas || -itānđas/ītānđas || -oitānđas || -(ə)tānđazu || -etānđazu
| -(ũ)mestas || -omestas || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmestas || -(ũ)međas ||-omeđas || -īmeđas/īmeđas || -oimeđas || -(ũ)međazu || -omeđazu
| -(ə)testas || -etestas || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētestas || -(ə)teđas || -eteđas || -iteđas/īteđas || -oiteđas || -đwes/ŧwes/əđwes || -eđwes
| -ntozi/entozi || -ontozi || colspan="2"|-(ʕ)ōntozi || -ntos/entos || -ontos || -yentos/īntos || -oyentos || -ntozu/entozu || -ontozu
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Conjugation of passive future-stem forms
! colspan="5"| Present active infinitive
! colspan="5"| Future passive participle
|colspan="3"| -(ə)tos, -(ə)tom, -(ə)tā
|colspan="3"| -omnos, -omnom, -omnā
! Person/<br />Number !! colspan="2"|Future indicative !!colspan="2"| Future subjunctive !! colspan="2"|Gnomic !! colspan="2"|Jussive !! colspan="2"|Simple imperative
! 1S
| -(ũ)mar || -omar || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmar || -(ũ)ma || -oma || -yema/īma || -oyema || -(ũ)mau || -omau
| -(ə)star || -estar || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ēstar || -(ə)sta || -esta || -ista/īsta || -oista || -zo/so/əzo || -ezo
| -(ə)tor || -etor ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētor ||-(ə)to || -eto || -ito/īto || -oito || -(ə)tou || -etou
| -(u)westa || -owesta ||colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōwesta || -(u)weđa || -oweđa || -iweđa/īweđa || -oiweđa || -(u)weđau || -oweđau
| -(ə)tonsta || -etonsta ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētonsta || -(ə)tonđa || -etonđa || -itonđa/ītonđa || -oitonđa || -(ə)tonđau || -etonđau
| -(ə)tānsta || -etānsta ||colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētānsta|| -(ə)tānđa || -etānđa || -itānđa/ītānđa || -oitānđa || -(ə)tānđau || -etānđau
| -(ũ)mesta || -omesta || colspan="2"| -(ʕ)ōmesta || -(ũ)međa ||-omeđa || -īmeđa/īmeđa || -oimeđa || -(ũ)međau || -omeđau
| -(ə)testa || -etesta || colspan="2"| -(ʔ)ētesta || -(ə)teđa || -eteđa || -iteđa/īteđa || -oiteđa || -đwe/ŧwe/əđwe || -eđwe
| -ntor/entor || -ontor || colspan="2"|-(ʕ)ōntor || -nto/ento || -onto || -yento/īnto || -oyento || -ntou/entou || -ontou
#Phonemes in brackets are inserted after consonant clusters (if a vowel) or after vowels (if a consonant).
#When two endings are given separated by a slash, they are used after vowels and after consonants respectively. If a third is also given, it is used after consonant clusters.
#When stress is not indicated, the final syllable of the stem is stressed. When it is indicated, the ending is stressed. However, when the weak stem has lexical stress, the ending loses its stress.-->
====Forms based on the perfect stem====
The following tenses are based on the perfect stem:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Forms based on the perfect stem
! Form !! Stem type
| Perfect indicative || Mixed
| Perfect subjunctive || Strong
| Conditional || Weak
| Perfect participles || Weak
The endings are as follows:
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Conjugation of active perfect-stem forms
! colspan="2"| Perfect active participle
|colspan="2"| -(u)wōs, -(u)wos, -uzes, -uzī, -uzyās
! Person/<br />Number !! Perfect indicative !! Perfect subjunctive !! Conditional
! 1S
| -(ħ)a || -(ʕ)ō  || -yem/īm
| -(ə)ta || -zi/ezi || -is/īs
| -(ʔ)e || -ti/eti ||-it/īt
| -(u)we || -wes/owes || -iwe/īwe
| -(ə)tom || -tons/etons || -itom/ītom
| -(ə)tām || -tāns/etāns|| -itām/ītām
| -(ũ)me || -mes/omes || -ime/īme
| -(ə)te || -tes/etes || -ite/īte
| -nt/ent || -nti/onti || -yent/īnt
| -(ʔ)ēr || -ri/ori ||  -yer/īr
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Conjugation of middle perfect-stem forms
! colspan="2"| Perfect passive participle
|colspan="2"| -(ũ)mnos, -(ũ)mnom, -(ũ)mnā
! Person/<br />Number !! Perfect indicative !! Perfect subjunctive !! Conditional
! 1S
| -(ũ)mas || -(ʕ)ōzi  || -yemas/īmas
| -(ə)stas || -stazi/estazi || -istas/īstas
| -(ə)tos || -tozi/etozi ||-itos/ītos
| -(u)weđas || -westas/owestas || -iweđas/īweđas
| -(ə)tonđas || -tonstas/etonstas || -itonđas/ītonđas
| -(ə)tānđas || -tānstas/etānstas|| -itānđas/ītānđas
| -(ũ)međas || -mestas/omestas || -imeđas/īmeđas
| -(ə)teđas || -testas/etestas || -iteđas/īteđas
| -ntos/entos || -ntozi/ontozi || -yentos/īntos
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Conjugation of passive perfect-stem forms
! colspan="2"| Perfect passive participle
|colspan="2"| -(ə)tos, -(ə)tom, -(ə)tā
! Person/<br />Number !! Perfect indicative !! Perfect subjunctive !! Conditional
! 1S
| -(ũ)ma || -(ʕ)ōr  || -yema/īma
| -(ə)sta || -star/estar || -ista/īsta
| -(ə)to || -tor/etor ||-ito/īto
| -(u)weđa || -westa/owesta || -iweđa/īweđa
| -(ə)tonđa || -tonsta/etonsta || -itonđa/ītonđa
| -(ə)tānđa || -tānsta/etānsta|| -itānđa/ītānđa
| -(ũ)međa || -mesta/omesta || -imeđa/īmeđa
| -(ə)teđa || -testa/etesta || -iteđa/īteđa
| -nto/ento || -ntor/ontor || -yento/īnto
#Phonemes in brackets are inserted after consonant clusters (if a vowel) or after vowels (if a consonant).
#When two endings are given separated by a slash, they are used after vowels and after consonants respectively. If a third is also given, it is used after consonant clusters.
#When stress is not indicated, the final syllable of the stem is stressed. When it is indicated, the ending is stressed. However, when the weak stem has lexical stress, the ending loses its stress.-->
====Forms based on the neutral stem====
All forms based on the neutral stem are non-finite.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Forms based on the neutral stem
! Form !! Stem type !! colspan="2"| Ending !! Usage !! Example
| Verbal noun 1 (neuter) || Strong || -(ʕ)os, -(ʕ)ōs, -(ʕ)ozes || -ōs, -ōzes
| Verbal noun 2 (neuter) || Weak || -tər/otər, -tōr/otōr, -tnes/otnes || -ōtər, -ōtnes
| Abstract noun (feminine) || Mixed || -(ə)tis, -(ə)teis || -etis, -eteis || Denotes an abstract state of the verb being performed. It can also have meanungs extended from this. || ''dṓtis, dotéis'' "givingness, generosity"; ''fū́tis, fūtéis'' "existence, essence, being, nature"; ''méntis, mə̃téis'' "thinkingness, rationality; thought"; ''féretis, féreteis'' "state of carrying/being carried"
| Action noun (masculine) || Mixed || -(ə)tus, -(ə)teus || -etus, -eteus || Denotes an action/state, similar to the English gerund. It can also have secondary meanings extended from this. || ''dṓtus, dotéus'' "(the act of) giving"; ''fū́tus, fūtéus'' "(the act of) becoming"; ''féretus, féreteus'' "(the act of) carrying"; ''méntus, mə̃téus'' "(the act of) thinking; understanding"; ''jéustus, justéus'' "(the act of) tasting; taste"
| Instance noun (feminine) || Weak || -(ə)twā, -(ə)twās|| -etwā, -etwās || Denotes an instance of an action/state || ''dotwā́, dotwā́s'' "an instance of giving"; ''fūtwā́, -s'' "an instance of being/becoming/coming into being"; ''mə̃twā́, -s'' "an instance of thinking; an individual thought"; ''féretwā, -s'' "an instance of carrying"
| Tenseless active participle || Weak|| -(ə)los, -(ə)lom, -(ə)lā || -elos, -elom, -elā || This describes something/someone that does/is something, without reference to time.<!-- When used with intransitive verbs, it implies the presence of volition/agency.--><!-- || ''dolós, -óm, -ā́'' "giving"; ''fūlós, -óm, -ā́'' "being, becoming"
| Tenseless passive participle || Weak || -(ə)tos, -(ə)tom, -(ə)tā || -etos, -etom, -etā || This describes something/someone on which an action is done, without reference to time. <!--For intransitive verbs, it is similar to its active counterpart but implies an absence of volition/agency.--><!-- || ''dotós, -óm, -ā́'' "(being) given (something)"; ''fūtós, -óm, -ā́'' "coming into being"
| Stative participle || Weak || -(ə)nos, -(ə)nom, -(ə)nā || -enos, -enom, -enā || Describes someone/something that is in a state resulting from an action being performed, with an implication of a lack of volition/agency. <!--For intransitive verbs, it is synonymous to the tenseless passive participle, although their secondary meanings may differ.--> || ''donós, -óm, -ā́'' "(having been) given (something)"; ''fūnós, -óm, -ā́'' "existing"; ''férenos, -om, -ā'' "carried"
| Agent noun (masc.) || Weak || -(ə)tēr, -(ə)teres, -tres || -etēr, -eteres, -etres || Denotes the masculine performer of an action (where the verb would be expressed in the active voice). <!--It implies the presence of volition/agency.--> || ''dotḗr, dotéres, dotrés'' "giver (m.)"; ''fūtḗr, fūtéres, fūtrés'' "he who becomes/is (something)"; ''féretēr, -teres, -tres'' "carrier (m.)"
| Agent noun (fem.) || Weak || -(ə)trī, -(ə)təryās || -etrī, -təryās || The feminine equivalent of the masculine agent noun. || ''dotrī́, dotəryā́s'' "giver (f.)"; ''fūtrī́, fūtəryā́s'' "she who becomes/is (something)"; ''féretrī, -təryās'' "carrier (f.)"
| Agent noun (neut.) || Mixed || -(ə)tər, -(ə)tōr, -tres || -etər, -etōr, -etres || The neuter equivalent of the masculine agent noun. || ''dṓtər, dṓtōr, dotrés'' "that which gives"; ''fū́tər, fū́tōr, fūtrés'' "that which becomes/is (something)"; ''féretər, féretōr, féretres'' "that which carries; vehicle"
|Theme noun (masc.) || Weak || -(ə)los, -(ə)lośśo || -elos, -elośśo || Denotes the "doer" of a verb expressed in the middle voice. <!--It implies the presence of volition/agency. || ''dolós, -ōs'' "receiver (m.)"; ''fūlós, -ōs'' "he who becomes/makes himself (something)"; ''férelos, -ōs'' "he who carries himself"
| Theme noun (fem.) || Weak || -(ə)lā, -(ə)lās || -elā, -elās || The feminine equivalent of the masculine theme noun. || ''dolā́, -s'' "receiver (f.)"; ''fūlā́, -s'' "she who becomes/makes herself (something)"; ''férelā, -s'' "she who carries herself"
| Theme noun (neut.) || Mixed || -(ə)lom, -(ə)tośśo || -elom, -elośśo || The neuter equivalent of the masculine theme noun. || ''dolóm, -ōs'' "that which receives"; ''fūlóm, -ōs'' "that which becomes (something)"; ''férelom, -ōs'' "that who carries itself"
| Patient noun (masc.) || Weak || -(ũ)mēn, -(ũ)menes, -mnes/ũnes || -omēn, -omenes, -omnes || Denotes the masculine patient an action is performed on or, equivalently, the "doer" of a middle- or passive-voice verb.<!-- With intransitive verbs, it is similar in meaning to the agent noun but implies a lack of volition/agency.--> || ''domḗn, -ménes, -mnés'' "he who is given (to someone)"; ''fūmḗn, -ménes, -mnés'' "he who exists; male being"; ''féromēn, -menes, -mnes'' "he who is carried"
| Patient noun (fem.) || Weak || -mnī/ũnī, -mnyās/ũnyās || -omnī, -omnyās || The feminine equivalent of the masculine patient noun. || ''domnī́, -mnyā́s'' "she who is given (to someone)"; ''fūmnī́, fūmnyā́s'' "she who exists; female being"; ''féromnī, -mnyās'' "she who is carried"
| Patient noun (neut.) || Mixed || -(ũ)mə̃, -(ũ)mōn, -mnes/ũnes || -omə̃, -omōn, -omnes || The neuter equivalent of the masculine patient noun. || ''dṓmə̃, dṓmōn, domnés'' "that which is given (to someone)"; ''fū́mə̃, fū́mōn, fūmnés'' "that which is; thing"; ''ménmə̃, ménmōn, mə̃mnés'' "that which is thought; belief, understanding"; ''féromə̃, -mōn, -mnes'' "that which is carried"
# In non-finite forms, "mixed" stem means that the strong stem is used in the nominative, vocative, and accusative, and the weak stem is used in other cases.
# The forms in the above table can be formed from any verb and have predictable meaning (although there may be unpredictable secondary meanings). Besides the above forms, there are many other nouns and adjectives that can be derived from verbs through various suffixes. However, they may not apply to all verbs and the meanings are often unpredictable.
===Derived verbs===
====Verbs derived from verb stems====
Generally, the neutral stem is used for verb derivation.
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center"
|+ Verbs derived from verbs
! rowspan="2"| Derived verb !! rowspan="2"|Stem !! colspan="3"|Suffix
! Present !! Future !! Perfect
===Special verbs===
*'''Deponent verbs:''' These verbs take passive forms despite being active in meaning.
*'''The verb "to be":'''
**In the passive, it means "to exist".
**In the middle, it means "to become, to make oneself" or, by extension, "to act as" or even "to pretend to be".
**Forms based on the non-present stems usually have an inchoative meaning (i.e."to become").<!-- In these cases, the middle has a more emphatic meaning.
***E.g. ''fūmi orēś'' "I will be(come) a king" vs ''fūmazi orēś'' "I will -->
