Guimin/Corpus: Difference between revisions

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Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Нон Сәнчӏэ̄сы Кӏвӣш Гъарӣбдэ Хин Екӏды
«Ик пӏыланэ̄с тыринтӏ. Тӏӯъ әлма̄с тытӏма?»
«Вә̄тӏә̄дәсы онччё̄м цӏахе! Вә̄тӏә̄дәсы онччё̄м цӏахе! Вә̄тӏә̄дәсы онччё̄м цӏахе!»
«Къӏайлэ̄, иккы гориләсы.»
«Тӏӯъ мәън сәәд имтӏма? Э̄, сә угь?»
«Тӣтӏуъ тәзә̄ъгьар вӣсы кӏәчӏәпӏиси ниминми Luther гьу Emily исинтӏды. Ик кӏадг чӏусы чӏусы нидуътӏ.»
«Кисасы тӏо сәм макароны с сыром-әми га̄йнтӏма бинк?»
«Ми пӏӣрӯъ синтӏытбыд.»
«Нәгнәсы гӯънтӏ гьаш.»
«Тӏви вӣцӏ, ттӏанцӏчӏинэ адуъкӏинэ, ми вӣцӏухъ вӣсы сәрвәрәсы къәптта̄нэ̄м дошмәне гӯънинтӏкьиды, сә двә̄ла кэрпы, ппа̄нәс нэ̄чӏэ... вӣкӏәм я̄вэ̄де?... имчӏәш е е гьандуг, ниыъкӏанцӏ, шипәли, вэ̄, нивире хин, нвәнцӏуъпӏтӏэцы»
Nine Things to Whisper to Complete Strangers
"I have the plans. Do you have the diamond?"
"Salty peanuts! Salty peanuts! Salty peanuts!"
"Secretly, I am a gorilla"
"Does this make sense to you? Like, any of it?"
"Pretend we are turtles named Luther and Emily. I don't care who's who."
"Are your pockets full of macaroni and cheese, too?"
"I arrived by elephant."
"Bread is real."
"You know, under different circumstances, I believe we could have been the owners of rival graveyards, each resorting to increasingly desperate, not to mention questionable, nay, even illegal, means to secure , how shall we say... permanent residents?"

