Adamic Code: Difference between revisions

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Adamic grammar consists on a reutilization of the primordial and diluvian systems. When the relevant grammatical terms ('''X''') are expressed the same way they are in the Pangaean Code (but within the morphophonological boundaries of Adamic) it is applied the formula '''[[X]=P]A'''; whereas with Diluvian, it is '''[[X]=D]A'''. Furthermore, the identification of the particle ('''Y''') in the configuration of the Adamic Code responsible for the equivalence is represented by '''Y⇒(...Y...)'''.
===Lesson 1===
[[§]=P]A ∃ C<sub>2</sub>⇒(<X>C<sub>1</sub>V<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>V<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub><X>).
| colspan="5" | avâla a<span style="color:blue">k</span>u
| -v-'-l->a/a/a/a || a-k-u
| person>∅ || a-<small>DEITIC</small>-<small>NOMINATIVE</small>
| "person" || "that"
| colspan="4" | ''<span style="color:blue">that</span> person''
===Lesson 2===
[[§]=P]A ∃ C<sub>3</sub>⇒(C<sub>1</sub>V<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>V<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub>).
| colspan="5" | avâla aru<span style="color:blue">k</span>
| -v-'-l->a/a/a/a || a-r-u-k
| person>∅ || a-<small>GENERIC</small>-<small>NOMINATIVE</small>-<small>COMITATIVE</small>
| "person" || "with a"
| colspan="4" | ''<span style="color:blue">with</span> a person''
===Lesson 3===
[[§]=P]A ∃ C<sub>2</sub>∨C<sub>3</sub>⇒(C<sub>1</sub>V<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>V<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub>).
| colspan="5" | avâla a<span style="color:blue">lk</span>u
| -v-'-l->a/a/a/a || a-lk-u
| person>∅ || a-<small>ALIENATIVE</small>.<small>DEITIC</small>-<small>NOMINATIVE</small>
| "person" || "other next"
| colspan="4" | ''<span style="color:blue">other</span> person <span style="color:blue">next</span> ''
===Lesson 4===
[[§]=P]A ∃ V<sub>1</sub>⇒(C<sub>1</sub>V<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>V<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub>).
| colspan="5" | avâla <span style="color:blue">i</span>ru
| -v-'-l->a/a/a/a || i-r-u
| person>∅ || the-<small>GENERIC</small>-<small>NOMINATIVE</small>
| "person" || "the"
| colspan="4" | ''<span style="color:blue">the</span> person''
===Lesson 5===
[[§]=D]A ∃ V⇒(V-...-V)
| colspan="5" | avâla iruc<span style="color:blue">ai</span>
| -v-'-l->a/a/a/a || i-r-u(c)-ai
| person>∅ || the-<small>GENERIC</small>-<small>NOMINATIVE</small>-group
| "person" || "the group of"
| colspan="4" | ''the <span style="color:blue">group of</span> people''
===Lesson 6===
[[§]=P]A ∃ V<sub>2</sub>⇒(C<sub>1</sub>VV<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>VV<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub>)
| colspan="5" | avâla ir<span style="color:blue">a</span>
| -v-'-l->a/a/a/a || i-r-a
| person>∅ || the-<small>GENERIC</small>-<small>ACCUSATIVE</small>
| "person" || "the"
| colspan="4" | ''the person <span style="color:blue">(accusative)</span>''
===Lesson 7===
[[§]=D]A ∃ cV⇒(cV-...-cV)
===Lesson 8===
===Lesson 9===
===Lesson 10===
===Lesson 11===
===Lesson 12===
===Lesson 13===
===Lesson 14===
===Lesson 15===
===Lesson 16===
===Lesson 17===
===Lesson 18===
===Lesson 19===
===Lesson 20===
===Lesson 21===
===Lesson 22===
===Lesson 23===
===Lesson 24===
===Lesson 25===
===Lesson 26===
===Lesson 27===
===Lesson 28===
===Lesson 29===
===Lesson 30===
===Lesson 31===
===Lesson 32===
===Lesson 33===
===Lesson 34===
===Lesson 35===
===Lesson 36===
<!-- Here are some example subcategories:
Derivational morphology

