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The Romà language, called internally ''"a dinc nòsta"'' («نوسثا طينك ا», «נאסת דינך ה», «ⴰ ⴷⵉⵏⴽ ⵏⵧⵙⵜ»), “our language”, is an Western Iberian Romance language of the Pyrenean-Mozarabic group. With ca. 1500 speakers, it’s a highly endangered language. Most of its speakers live around the comune of Dagràn, Taghramt, Morocco (Fahr Anjra prefecture, Tanger-Tetuán region).
The Romà language, called internally ''"a dinc nòsta"'' («نوسثا طينك ا», «נאסת דינך ה», «ⴰ ⴷⵉⵏⴽ ⵏⵧⵙⵜ»), “our language”, is a Western Iberian Romance language of the Pyrenean-Mozarabic group. With ca. 1500 speakers, it’s a highly endangered language. Most of its speakers live around the comune of Dagràn, Taghramt, Morocco (Fahr Anjra prefecture, Tanger-Tetuán region).

Considered one of the "languages of aljamía", it had its highest point of developement and spread around the ninth century. Compared with its palaeographic registers, the language doesn’t seem to have changed all too much since then.
Considered one of the "languages of aljamía", it had its highest point of developement and spread around the ninth century. Compared with its palaeographic registers, the language doesn’t seem to have changed all too much since then.
Schleicher's fable:
:''A raxè i tos fesàns.''
:''Èr’un raxè sensemàt sot un savrì, i toservànt uns fesàns. Ùn, ferànt un càr pentàt; alt, portànt un morrà percaldò; i talt lyú un omre rapyo levànt. A raxè favlò-les pros fesàns adìs: volt-mì tripulàt d’oservà dos fesàns, lavrànt i lavrànt pro somes. Os fesàns replicùn-yà adìs: oscùt-nos, a raxè; nos, elcìn, volt tripulàt de noscì d’ìst: l’omre, càp tè, litova-si o carsà das raxès in lints mùryos, per as raxès fan-nò-se da semè. Inlòc d’oservà aqìst, a raxè facyò-le i scurryò in dirècyu al’arro.''
