Third Linguifex Relay/Tsan
Here is the Tsan version! Finally! Do look at the linked document, otherwise you won't understand a thing.
"No nouns, no verbs" it the motto of this language. Remember that.
Katsa sáakatsi
Ámani kúub
Ay, yáahútshuritsayí, katsayí
ya yáakúunitsuyí, katsayí
Túukumaninu asá titsúyi wuwúatlútsá
ha katsini sasáakatsi.
Tshiman ha téeyitlumbatsu, ya
kálintan thúrintuya uyáayíhatsutshemahitsu.
Anni kúub
Tsuritsun kúbáne yáahantikon
ya tsuríne yáahantikon
ya shakíne yáahantikon
tashuyí titsúyi
aytshi sáatshimani ya sáanaytshiyan
aytshiyímba yíhatsutshemahi.
Watun asáne yáahantikon
ya siwatúukoni yáahantikon
kúsiki ha yáahantikon
Káwer kúub
Téeyimbaatsi tlúusíne, atenásiyi
Yiyíkúun uya kontsurí yáakakáwi
ya uya konnatshí yáambáari.
Ku uyáhahambay uya kontsúrín
Uytsíne uyáhahissa tshiwutlaniu
sáanaytshiyan tsurin ya watun
uyáhahissayí kúusine.
Ku uyáhatsúyatsi as
uyáhawishayí ántine
ha uyáhamáte aytsurin sáawushumban
konúuy yáahútshuritsayí.
Tsan | English | Notes |
útshuri | banishing | |
ay | excl., oh | |
katsa | songbird, thrust | |
kúunitsu | punishing | |
túukuma | time, days | |
asá | this, these | |
tsúy | speech | |
tlútsa | hearing | |
yíhatsutshemahi | (even) less | |
ha | thus, then, therefore | |
katsi | bird's song | |
tshima | world | |
tlumba | silence | |
ya | and | |
kálinta | goodness | |
thúrintuya | kindness-SPEC-and | irregular, glossed |
tsuri | cold | |
kúba | anger, wroth | |
antikon | come | |
kon- | DAT., BEN., ABL., MAL. | dative and benefactive marker, ablative and malefactive ifverb is neg. |
táshu | protecting | |
aytshi | monarch, ruler | |
naytshiya | domain | |
-mba | NEG. | negation marker |
yíhatsutshemahi | (even) more | if verb is neg. then "no more" |
watu | snow | |
-ne | INSTR., COM., GEN. | instrumental and comitative marker, alsomarks have-possession |
siwatúukon | summer | |
kúsik | seedling | |
úrumbi | Urumpi tree | a tree of sorts - don't look it up |
mbaa | sleeping | |
tlúusi | fear | |
atenási | fox | |
kúu | friend | |
kakáwi | burning | |
uya | against | used with the benefactive kon- |
mnatshi | storm | kon + mnatshi = konnatshi |
mbáari | evil | |
ku | when | relative and interrogative pronoun, controls thesubjunctive -ay, see also -k |
amba | making | |
-k | what | "objective" form of ku |
uytsíne | in this manner, like this | |
issa | waiting | |
tshi- | below | |
-u | LOC. | locative marker, rules "prepositions" such asbelow, next to |
kúusi | mourning | |
as | but | |
wisha | whispering | |
ánti | soft | |
máte | dream | |
wutlan | heaven, sky, god | |
wushumba | discontent, despair | |
konúuy | from where | |
-itsa | IPFV. | imperfective marker |
-itsu | CAUS. | causative marker |
kúub | part | |
áman | one | |
an | two | |
káwer | three |