Features Shorthand |
ant |
Anterior |
atr |
Advanced Tongue Root |
bck |
Back |
-bck = +frn , but central vowels are -bck and -frn .
cgl |
Constricted Glottis |
cns |
Consonant |
crn |
Coronal |
ctn |
Continuant |
-ctn = oral stop
drl |
Delayed Release |
drs |
Dorsal |
dst |
Distal |
frn |
Front |
-frn = +bck , but central vowels are -bck and -frn .
hgh |
High |
-hgh ≠ +low . +hgh is specific to i, y, ɯ, u, &c.
lab |
Labial |
lat |
Lateral |
lng |
Long |
+lng = 2 morae, -lng = 1 mora, usually, but this may change in languages with more complex length systems.
low |
Low |
-low ≠ +hgh . +low is specific to a, ɑ, ɑ, &c.
nas |
Nasal |
obs |
Obstruent |
-obs = +son
phx |
Pharyngeal |
rnd |
Round |
sgl |
Spread Glottis |
sib |
Sibilant |
son |
Sonorant |
-son = +obs
std |
Strident |
str |
Stress(ed) |
syl |
Syllabic |
tns |
Tense(d) |
vox |
Voice(d) |