


Non-verbal case prefixes

  • a-, u- (case) – general direct/focus case.
  • i-, é- (case) – general locative case.
  • ni- (case) – genitive case for persons (na- plural, nu- common?), unfocused actor case.
  • si- (case) – subject case for persons (sa- plural, su- common?)
  • ki- (case) – unfocused oblique (dative etc) case for persons (ka- plural, ku- common?)
  • di- (case) – unfocused locative case for persons (da- plural, du- common?)


  • i-, hi-, xi- (v, nmz, case) – verbal: instrumental voice; nominal: instrumental nouns; case: ablative.
  • ka- (v, nmz, adv) – verbal: qualitative/experiential/occurrential stative; nominal: nouns of state, manner, quality and occurrence; adverbal: past-tense marker in temporal expressions. Often used in conjunction with -an for a more mediopassive meaning.
  • ka-ďap = fitness (for a task, potential), ka-ben = otherness
  • ma- (v, nmz) – verbal: stative, a good verbal marker in general; nominal: agent, patient and instrumental nouns.
  • ma-kan = to eat, ma-ďap = to fit together with something, ma-kaé = to dig or someone who digs.
  • maN- (v) – transitive verbal marker
  • man-ďap = to fit something with something else
  • mu- (case, v) – case: dative, lative case; verbal: to go to or approach something or a place.
  • pa- (v, nmz) – verbal: causative (can come before ma-, ka- etc), instrumental voice; nominal: agent and instrument prefix.
  • pa-kan = to feed, pa-kan = digging tools
  • ta- (v, nmz) – verbal: involuntary passive voice, sudden, unexpected, or spontaneous actions or experiences; nominal: nominalised equivalent of verbal sense.

Infixes (optionally prefixes)

  • -an-, -n- (v, nmz) – verbal & nominal: frequentative, intensifier, pluraliser
  • -in- (v, nmz) – verbal: perfective marker; nominal: perfective, sometimes passive perfect nominals.
  • kinaé-an = a place that has been dug up, had its crop harvested, plundered, etc; zinan = a path or way prepared beforehand, cf. the phrase "pave the way for..."
  • -um-, -m- (v) – actor voice, transitive marker. Often combined as -N- with ma-.
  • kuman = to eat (something).


  • -an (v, nmz) – verbal: locative voice, passive, mediopassive, to place or be placed; nominal: place noun, noun of location, thing of X trait or quality.
  • kaé-an = dig site, quarry; tam-an = grave, garden, planted field; dang-an = place near a fire, bui-an = pigpen, bui-bui-an = place where all the pigs are or the pigs in general.
  • -en (v, nmz) – verbal: patient voice; nominal: patient noun
  • kan-en = be eaten, thing that is eaten (food)


(Prefixed by si-, a-, etc)

  • 1s – ku
  • 2s – u
  • 3s – ya
  • 1p inc. – mi
  • 1p exc. – ta
  • 2p – mu
  • 3p – da


Note: this section was written before articles, case particles, and suprasegmental phonotactics were sorted, so examples may be outdated.
  • Actor voice: kuman u-bui tu-bemben xi-baq-nu-ya i-uma
(the pig eats the banana with its mouth by the house)
  • Patient/passive voice: kan-en u-bemben nu-bui xi-baq-nu-ya i-uma
(the banana is eaten by the pig with its mouth by the house)
  • Instrumental voice: i-kan u-baq-nu-ya nu-bui tu-bemben i-uma
(with its mouth, the pig eats the banana by the house)
  • Locative voice: kan-an u-uma tu-bemben u-bui xi-baq-nu-ya
(by the house, the pig eats the banana with its mouth).



  • ambai – lover, companion (< PMP *abay, cf. sabai)
  • ambang – sea-faring boat, important boat (< PMP *qabang₁)
  • bei – don't! (vetative marker) (< PMP *beliq₂)
  • bang – fruit tree (< PMP *baraŋan₁,₂)
  • baq, bóq, baqbaq – mouth, say, speak (< PMP *baqbaq)
  • baqbaq – chatter, hubbub, mouthing off, conversation, speaking
  • bat
  • 'bemben – banana (< PAN *beNbeN) (cf. *punti)
  • ben, bəən – other, different, not that (< PWMP *beken)
  • bui, bai – pig (< PAN *babuy₃)
  • dang, dangdang, danang, déng – broil, warm near a fire (< PAN *dangdang)
  • ďan, yan – no, not (< PWMP *dian)
  • ďap, dap – fit, fitting, fit together, close together, possible, able, can (< PMP *dapet, PAN *dapa)
  • ém – bird, chicken, critter (< PMP *qayam₁, *qayam₂)
  • in, éni, ai – (dialectal) no, not (< PAN *ini, PAN *qazi)
  • kaé – hole, dig up (< PAN *kalih)
  • kan – eat (< PAN *kaen)
  • muq, móq – storm, gargle, south-east, east (< PAN *timuR)
  • nang – indefinite determiner, adverb; if, perhaps, hopefully (< PMP *baraŋ₁)
  • pan, pən, pén – enclosure, fenced or walled off area (< PMP *pager)
  • pui, apui, ampui, hui – fire (< PAN *Sapuy)
  • tam – bury, buried things such as graves and caches, plant (< PAN *tanem)
  • taq – soft negative that invites input from the other speaker (< PWMP *taq₃)
  • taé – feces, excrement, poop (< PAN *Caqi)
  • sabai, sambai – together, side-by-side (< PAN *sabay₁, PMP *sa(m)bay)
  • uma – house (< PAN *Rumaq)
  • vang, óng, ang – boat, canoe (< PAN *qabang₁)
  • yeq – this (< PWMP *ieq)
  • zan – path, way, street (< PMP *zalan)