- Caur kep tote utimu, mas ikkep utimen usim vithi. He wanted to talk to a tree, and trees only speak with each other.
- Cheers! Trum Tulvan cum!
- Crum itrum. A good man.
- Crum nus. The old man.
- Crumen cum grev goiven uzim icrum, utimen cum ütim. For men gods have human form, for trees tree form.
- Cur goiven umar crumen gim. The gods desire the blood of men. (From a very ancient codex)
- Gud dapau crum itrum uroth itrum. A good man must look for a good woman.
- Kalev vu kwam mem ni oren yulen I haven't seen you in a thousand years!
- Lev kem uroth. I see a woman. (i.e. I see there is a woman as I pass by or in general)
- Lev kwam ucrum nus. I see an old man.
- Lev kwam ucrum ëv nus. I see a man (who) is old.
- Lev kwam uroth. I see a woman. (i.e. I'm looking at the woman, even sometimes it can mean that you are staring at her)
- Lev kwam utimen nus. I see the old trees or I look at the old trees.
- Lev memen kem. You see me. (no ergative)
- Lev memene kem. You are looking at me. (ergativized)
- Lev tegene sim They look at themselves (fem.)
- Lev totene sim They look at themselves (masc.)
- Levi crumu nus. See an old man!
- Nwir cnara. The black sky.
- Primi sim Take care!
- Primi sim is used to mean Take care!
- Primin sim Take care, you guys!
- Roth icrum. A mannish woman.
- So for example a common warning to children is cnarakepi vu! 'Don't curse!'.
- TUYLV LEVI POILU SIV Think and speak with logic
- The famous phrase 'that is not logical' rendered in Tulvan as: Ëv si ilipoilu or ëv ilipoilu
- Tulv kwam, kik ëv kem. Cogito ergo sum.
- Tulvi sim siv! Think for yourself!
- Utim cip. The new tree.
- balum koinu mas thaiv gim. A Song of Ice and Fire.
- cur kwam tulu, I want to think.
- cur mem uspär? Do you want some water?
- kutulv kwam. I will think (about it...)
- lev kwam crumu nus
- mar ikoinu. Icy blood.
- ni nari gim ni wen cum from night to day
- ti tig vu mem sivsut ti iksuti vu mem! If you can't do it well, then don't do it lamely
- ti tulv kwam ti kuëvud kem. If I think, I will know.
- ti ävi kem mem ti kyasut vu kwam. If I were you, I wouldn't do it.
- ti ëv kem ipoilu ti kuprim kwam urëlik ikem. If I'm logical, I will protect my mind.
- ti ëvpuaki meme ukem ti kyatumil mem. If you listened, you would learn.
- trum ni nari Goodnight
- trum ni nari. Good night.
- Ëv tulu itrum, it is good to think, or, thinking is good.
- Ëvpak itrum crum, tumil ipoilu crum. A good man listens, a logical man learns.
- Ëvudi sim Know (your)self
- ëvpak vu mem 'you don't listen to me'