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< Guosa
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Guosa will be written in the N'Ko alphabet, after it is disseminated and spread. The two writing schemes and their IPA equivalents are written here:

N'Ko Alphabet (1/2)
N'Ko ߊ ߓ‎ ߗ ߘ‎ ߋ ߍ ߝ‎ ߜ߭ ߜ ߤ‎ ߌ ߖ‎ ߞ‎ ߟ‎
Roman. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ɛɛ Ff Gg gb Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll
IPA /a/ /b/ /tʃ~c/ /d/ /e/ /ɛ/ /f~ɸ/ /g/ /ɡ͡b/ /h/ /i/ /dʒ~ɟ/ /k/ /l/
N'Ko Alphabet (2/2)
N'Ko ߡ ߣ‎ ߒ ߢ߭‎ ߢ‎ ߏ ߐ‎ ߔ‎ ߙ ߛ‎ ߕ ߎ‎ ߥ‎ ߦ‎
Roman. Mm Nn N'n' Ŋŋ Ññ Oo Ɔɔ Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Ww Yy
IPA /m/ /n/ /n̩/ /ŋ/ /ɲ/ /o/ /ɔ/ /p/ /ɹ~r/ /s/ /t/ /u/ /w/ /j/

There are several other unique symbols:

N'Ko ߠ ߧ ߑ ؛ ߸ ߹ ٪ ﴾﴿ ߷
Meaning Na Woloso Ña Woloso Dagbasinna ; , ! % Parenth. Gbakurunen

The wolosos signify mutation by a preceding nasal. Dagbasinna is used to mark consonant cluster. The Gbakurunen marks the end of a major section of text.

Foreign sounds are marked with one or two dots about existing letters: ߓ߭ is /ɓ/, ߖ߭ is /z/, ߗ߭ is /ʒ/, ߛ߭ is /ʃ/, ߝ߭ is /v/, ߞ߭ is /x/, ߤ߭ is /ħ/, ߋ߳ is /ǝ/, ߎ߳ is /y/, ߘ߳ is /ɗ/, ߛ߳ is /θ/, ߜ߳ is /k͡p/, ߜ߫ is /ɣ/, ߞ߫ is /q/. Nasalization of vowels is marked with an under-dot: ߊ߲ ߋ߲ ߍ߲ etc.

Tones are marked in the following seven ways:

Tone Markings
Low High Rising Falling
Short ߬ ߫ No No
Long ߰ ߯ ߱ ߮

and mid or neutral tone is not written.