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The "Sephardi-Estuary-Ashkenazi" continuum

The Lõisian standard English accent belongs in a continuum of accents, with a quasi-Sephardi Hebrew accent on one end and a quasi-Ashkenazi Hebrew accent on the other end. However, it's been influenced significantly by the nearby Philadelphian accent (spoken in the ancient city of Philadelphia).


Feature Western ("Sephardi") L-Philadelphian L-Standard Eastern ("Ashkenazi")
KIT ɪ ɪ~ɪ̈ ɪ~ɪ̈ i
DRESS ɛ ɛ ɛ e
TRAP a~ɑ æ a a; o ("Poylish")
BATH (the BATH lexical set is same as RP) a~ɑ aː~æ: a; o ("Poylish")
LOT ɔ ɑ~ä ɔ~ɒ o
STRUT ʊ ʌ~ɤ ɜ̟~ɐ ɜ
FOOT ʊ ʊ ʊ̈~ɘ u
FLEECE iʝ + reinforcement before C; ɪj otherwise ɪj~iː iː; ej ("Poylish")
FACE eː~eɪ ɪj + reinforcement before C; ɛɪ otherwise ɛɪ eɪ; aɪ ("Poylish")
PRICE əɪ~ʌɪ + reinforcement before C; ɑɪ~ɒɪ otherwise ɑɪ aɪ; oɪ ("Poylish")
CHOICE oɪ~ʊɪ + reinforcement before C; oɪ otherwise ɔɪ~oɪ; ui ("Poylish")
MOUTH æʊ~ɛɔ æʊ
GOAT oː~oʊ əʊ~ə̟ʊ~eʊ, oʊ before [ɫ] ə̟ʊ~əʊ~əʏ~ʌʏ, ɔʊ~ɒʊ before [ɫ] ɔɪ~oɪ; a: ("Poylish")
GOOSE üw~yː, uː before [ɫ] üː, uː before [ɫ] uː; iː ("Poylish")
PALM ɑː ɑ~ä ɑː
THOUGHT ɑː oə(ɹ)~ʊə(ɹ) ɔː; uː ("Poylish")
NEAR iːɹ iə(ɹ)
SQUARE eːɹ eə(ɹ) ɛɚ
NURSE əːɹ əː(ɹ) ɚː əʀ
START ɑːɹ ɒː(ɹ) ɑɚ
NORTH ɑːɹ oə(ɹ)
FORCE oːɹ oə(ɹ) oɚ (oʊɚ~əʊɚ for Jewish speakers) ɔɪʀ~oɪʀ
POOR uːɹ oə(ɹ)
CURE juːɹ joə(ɹ)~jə(ɹ) juɚ~jɚː juʀ
commA ə ə(ɹ) ə ə
lettER əɹ ə(ɹ) ɚ əʀ
happY i iː~ɪj iː~ɪj i
Other phenomena
Feature Western L-Philadelphian L-Standard Eastern
Rhoticity Historical /r/ is always [ɹ] Non-rhotic with intrusive R Historical /r/ is always [ɹ] Historical /r/ is always [ʀ]
Dark L Always Always, often vocalizing Only when non-prevocalic Never
/θ ð/ Always [t̪ d̪] Often [t̪ d̪] [θ ð] [s̠ d]
/w/ [w] [w] [w] [v]
Aspiration of voiceless stops and t/d-tapping As in AmE As in AmE As in AmE Never

Western accent

This is the "Western English" accent. When Hebrew is read in this accent, it sounds like Israeli Hebrew with an American accent. It still has some non-Sephardi features, e.g. tsere = FACE = [eɪ] is distinct from segol = DRESS = [ɛ].

The intonation is stereotypical American/Valley Girl.


This accent is spoken in both the city of Alaşehir in Turkey (or as locals call it, "Flulfia"), and in Philadelphia, PA (called "New Philadelphia" in Lõis). It's basically a non-rhotic version of our Philly accent; r-intrusion is used, as in the New York accent.

A characteristic feature is reinforcement for certain vowels or diphthongs before consonants, which changes the pronunciation of the vowel:

  • The nucleus is shortened.
  • When the consonant is voiced, the offglide is lengthened: fame [fɪiːm]
  • When the consonant is voiceless, the consonant is lengthened: face [fɪjsː]

/θ ð/ are commonly [t̪ d̪].

L-Standard English

Often called the "Newton accent". Also a standard for English Hebrew.

A kind of "Transatlantic accent", inspired by Californian + Philly + Modern RP/Estuary.

  • orange = [ɒɹɪndʒ~ɔɹɪndʒ]
  • Mary [mɛəɹi] ≈ merry [mɛɹi] ≠ marry [maɹi]
  • Mirror-nearer distinction
  • Hurry-furry distinction
  • No mergers before /l/
  • L is light [l] before vowels and dark [ɫ] otherwise, as in RP.
    • wholly-holy split.
  • No glottal reinforcement before stops.
  • /p t k/ are unaspirated after stressed syllables as in AmE.
  • /d t/ has a tapped [ɾ] allophone in similar environments as in American English.
  • wine-whine merger optional.
  • /r/ may be [ʋ] between vowels.

Eastern accent

When L-English Jews read Hebrew in this accent, it sounds almost exactly like the Ashkenazi accent. Source of "oy vey" (from oh woe /øɪ vøɪ/)

This is not a specifically Jewish accent, and not all L-English Jews (or even all Ultra-Orthodox Jews) speak it.

  • /w/ = [v]
  • /l/ is always light
  • /r/ = [ʀ~ʁ]
  • /s/ = Basque z
  • /θ/ = Basque s
  • /ð/ = [d]
  • Stops are unaspirated

[o:l hju:mən bijənz əʀ boʀən fʀi: ən i:kwəl ɪn digniti ən ʀaɪts. dei əʀ ɪndaʊd wid ʀi:zən ən konʃəns ən ʃʏd akt toʀds won ənʏdəʀ ɪn ə spiʀit əv bʀʏdəχʏd]


Traditionally spoken by the Azalic population of Poland. In a dialect continuum with Polish, a close sister language (which is not the same as our timeline's Polish since it's Azalic)