Knašta/Knašticization of Foreign Words
When words are borrowed into Knašta from foreign languages, they must go through a process known as Knašticization. Below is a list of rules on the Knašiticization of foreign words.
1. Remove -ER Verb Ending From French Verbs
French verbs ending in -er have this ending removed before other rules are applied
Example: partager (to share) [partaʒe] to partaž [partaʒ]
2. Add -Tsí / -Atsí To End Of Word
Add -tsí to the end of the word if it ends in a vowel, and -atsí if it ends in a consonant.
Example: partager (to share) [partaʒe] to partaž [partaʒ] to partažatsí (to share) [partaʒatsi]
3. Add -A or -Ka To End Of Word
This rule can not be used in conjunction with rule 2
Add -a, or -ka to the end of the word.
Example: place (French, place) [plas] to plaska (place) [plaska]
4. English -GH- To Q
The English -gh is replaced by q, which represents the voiceless palatal fricative /ç/. This is the closest sound in Knashta to -gh-'s sound value in old and middle English: the voicless velar fricative /x/.
Example: night [naɪt] to niqt [nɪçt]
5. -Ology To -Oloqíà
The suffix -ology is rendered in Knašta as -oloqíà [oloçi.a].
Example: ideology [aɪ.di.ˈɑl.əd.ʒi] to idéòloqíà [ide.olo.çi.a]