Hyperfrench (rug Fusieznyvier, literally "Modern French") is a language of Irta's France. It is notable for being the least conservative Indo-European language in Irta, grammatically.
Around 1300 Parisian French started evolving very rapidly, around the fifteenth century it had a similar aesthetic to our Modern French. Around the seventeenth century there was another huge sound shift as well as grammatical shifts due to the loss of prestige of Literary French in Irta. Today's Hyperfrench is a quasi-polysynthetic language with clitic complexes and bipersonal agreement, very unusual for Indo-European.
resier, redi, rethva, rekath, resiak, resis, resiet, revyt, renief, redis
rezuz, redyz, rethvasidis, rekasidis, resiaksidis, residis, resietsidis, revytsidis, reniefsidis, revia
Hyperfrench completely lost pluralization, due to unpredictable/koineized sound changes involving yers and analogy.
nom, gen
1sg: ma, nema
2sg: tva, detva
1pl: u, du
2pl: vu, devu