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kēn wikk áswid fúGuh '(literary, archaic) he was sad' (lit. 'a black face was on him'; cf. Maltese qalbu sewda lit. 'his heart is black')
PDaknija, PDaknijēh - commitment (Khmer loanword, started out as slang from Corsican colonization of Cambodia)
šéba (v) '(archaic) to be sated'
šébba (v) 'to sadden; (archaic) to satiate'
šebā́n (adj) 'sad; (archaic) sated' (same semantic shift as English sad; the English semantic shift is recent and unique to Pacific English in Irta)
Tífil (m) 'boy'
TFə́jlə (f) 'girl'
ktḗb, kútib (m) 'book'
aDšā́n, aDšā́nə [æɑ̯ʈˠˈʂˠɑːnʲ?] (adj) 'thirsty'
itlā́n, itlā́nə (m) 'airplane'
DōR, jDīR, mDūR, DəjR (v) 'to fly'
BáZəW (collective), BáZWə, BəZWṓh (singulative, f) 'vulture'
óLəR, əLṓR (m) 'eagle'
ā́Zim (collective), ā́ZMə, āZMḗh (singulative, f) 'bone'
páKəZ, pəKZṓh (f) 'sin, moral guilt'
RəfáKZi (v) 'to sin'
XáDijə, XəDijḗh (f) '(poetic or jocular) sin, offense'
XáDə, jáXDə (v) '(poetic or jocular) to sin, to commit an offense'
XōD, jəXī́D (v) 'to sew'
XjḗDə, XjēDṓh (f) 'sewing'
PDā́Tə, PDāTṓh (f) 'potato'
jṓRəP (f) 'Europe'
əl-ḗNTəS jṓRPəX (f) 'European Union'
NəWN or LəWN (m) 'lunch' (from Latin nōna or Irish lón)
lisḗn (f) '(anatomy) tongue; (literary) language'
liah, líahə (adj) 'gray'
ábjəZ, bə́jZə (adj) 'white'
áswid, sə́wdə (adj) 'black'
áhmir, hámrə (adj) 'red'
áXZir, XáZRə (adj) 'green'
áSFir, SáFRə (adj) 'yellow'
GóRəM, GóRMə (adj) 'blue'
KóRKRə, KóRKRə (adj) 'purple'
Rə́WSi, RəWSī́jə (adj) 'pink'
ohū́ž, ohū́žə (adj) 'orange'
DoWN, DóWNə (adj) 'brown'
šemšā́n (m.) 'sunburn'
bəRGū́G, bəRGūGijḗh (m.) 'apricot'
XoWX (m.) '(collective) peach'
GášgəX, Gašgíx (m.) 'hero'
gəbbḗR, gəbbḗRə (m.) 'man of character; great man'
əd-dúnjə or əl-aRZ (f.) Earth
aRZ, aRZijḗh - (f.) earth, land, ground
Nóhir - snake (random a > o to better distinguish it from nahir 'river')
həlów - Hello (most common greeting today)
meXsí - thank you
Bužū́h - daytime greeting
BuSWā́h - nighttime greeting
Bāj - goodbye
diZī́w - (solemn) greeting
diSMúRīw - (solemn) reply to diZīw
SLōN - (solemn) goodbye
kejf d'íntum? - how are you?
kəl- forms predicative adjectives and adverbs from adjectives ("like the ADJ one")
ēn kəD-Dájjib/ēn kəl-gəlṓR (mishearing of ceart go leor) - I'm well
gəlṓR and g-l-R root, "regular, alright"
RágləR = to suffice, to supply enough
šīl-ísim di lákum? - What's your name?
[NAME] l-ísim di li/inə [NAME] - I'm [NAME]
áLLəh - God
j'áLLəh (intj) 'oh God! for heaven's sake! well (indignant)! come now!'
áLLəh óGəS úmmuh (intj) 'expression of shock'
kibī́R - big
SəΓī́R - small
u - unmarked word for "and"
óGəS - form of "and" often used between two names (In Irta Corsica, the Tironian et was deferentially written out as ocus when between two names of saints, God etc.); otherwise only shows up in formulas and oaths
éjsə óGəS Múrə = Jesus and Mary
f'ísim əl-misḗr oGəS əl-íbin óGəS əR-Ruah Gúddus = in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
ā́nə óGəS Dáhī = Áine and Daithí
əR-RəNDṓn = Lent
Rī, Rījḗh = king
SaZW = Sadhbh (broad dh = Z is a Corsican Irish conservatism lost in other Irta Irish dialects)
nəhḗrəN = Ireland (interpreting genitive na hÉireann as absolute state)
Tī́šəX = prince; əT-Tī́šəX, Tī́šəX nəhḗrəN = the Taoiseach
əl-milḗd = Christmas
lə́jlət əS-SáWəN = Halloween
əS-SáWəN = All Saints' Day
əL-Xašk = Easter (The native cognate əl-físah means Passover)
ejd əl-hamsī́n = Pentecost
Min, Mil- = from (random emphasis)
aSXū́R, aSṓXəR = bird
úlihrəXT, ulihrəXTijḗh = ordeal (< 'pilgrimage')
pilgrináž, pilgrinažijḗh = pilgrimage
rəxáNi, káNi, káNitə, xáNəXəZ = he bought
rəwáNNəX, wáNNəX, məwáNNəX, wáNəXT/təwNī́X = he blessed (of God, priests, etc.)
RəPáddir, Páddir, məPáddir, təPdī́r = to pray
məGṓm, məGəmḗh = maqam
ā́RəBi, ā́RəB = Arab person
dēR, dəjḗR = house
nēR, nəRī́n = fire
Zífra, Zəfḗra = frog
oRṓb, iRā́b = crow
Dájjib əR-Rágil! (to a man) / Dájjib əl-máRə! (to a woman) etc. = Good job! (calque of maith an fear etc.)
milšā́n, milšā́nə = dessert (from Irish milseán)