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Yacavestu (Yacɐvestu) is a language of Yaca Island in Tricin. It's inspired by Clofabosin, Khmer and Portuguese.


The consonants of Yacavestu are p t ch c b d gh g m n nh l lh r f v s z y.

The vowels are a e i o u ɐ, with only ɐ i u allowed in unstressed syllables. In addition there are diphthongs and nasal vowels (written with a tilde).



Yacavestu has a two way grammatical gender system like Clofabosin: animate/inanimate.

  • bantoch (lamp) - inanimate
  • masil (food) - inanimate
  • calh (man) - animate
  • mulhɐ (nose) - animate


Yacavestu verbs come in two tenses: past and nonpast, as well as several auxiliary suffixes. The bare nonpast is both a present habitual and a future tense, e.g. axurão (speaks).

Yacavestu is relatively unusual in that the verb stem alone is a tenseless negative form: axur (doesn't speak). Old Yacavestu used to have a consistent system of personal suffixes for verbs but in modern times, the 3rd person singular inanimate form became the default form for all persons and numbers.