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A "dual-accent" English giblang with Wyacker loans

<ow> in initial syllable position always means MOUTH; GOAT is oa or -ow in native words

Some old place names can be Wyacker-derived (e.g. Wạnchụrch /ˈwɔnt͡ʃət͡ʃ/ ~ wangkirkkai, Nónganẹy /nɑŋgəniː/ ~ eNa:ngoäinnai)



Accent alternation functions like Korean ideophone vowel harmony

Some ideophones are Wyacker-xenic (e.g. ạrrạnkạ 'flagrantly' from Wyacker arangka), some native (spáng and spạng)

Don't overuse -le and -er! This is not Germanic