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Proto-Ladippic (PLad; qo:nga la:Dippe) is the common ancestor of the Dwischaric languages including Mandarin Orange. It is inspired by an older draft of Praimhín's Proto-Pulchric.

Plans for Ladippic


  • 1: Gotte
  • 2: Li:pa
  • 3: puNNe
  • 4: nga:R
  • 5: hu:ke
  • 6: ete:Ba
  • 7: daiqe
  • 8: nga:Ni
  • 9: Ma:Tu
  • 10: uleRRe
  • 11: ema:rra
  • 12: pi:Di
  • 13: pi:Di re qotte
  • 144: Taratte
  • 1728: u:biq



Labial Coronal Palatal Dorsal Laryngeal
plain emph. plain emph. plain emph.
Nasal m /m/ M /mʶ/ n /n/ N /nʶ/ ng /ŋ/ NG /ɴ/
Stop tenuis p /p/ P /pʶ/ t /t/ T /tʶ/ k /k/ q /q/
voiced b /b/ B /bʶ/ d /d/ D /dʶ/ g /ɡ/ G /ɢ/
Fricative h /h/
Trill/Tap r /ɾ/ R /ɾʶ/
Approximant w /w/ l /l/ L /lʶ/ y /j/

Emphatic consonants are uvularized, as in Arabic.

Aspiration is allophonic in voiceless stops. The Luminese dialect aspirates stops more strongly than in the Rencadic dialect.


Every consonant except /w j h/ can occur geminated between vowels. Geminate taps are realized as trills.

Gemination is indicated in the orthography by doubling the consonant letter; geminate ng and NG are written nng and NNG respectively.


  Front Central Back
short long short long short long
Close i /i/ i: /iː/ u /u/ u: /uː/
Mid e /e/ e: /eː/ o /o/ o: /oː/
Open a /a/ a: /aː/

Diphthongs: /ai/ /au/ (written ai au respectively)


Only CV syllables are allowed, except:

  • a geminate consonant can begin a non-initial syllable
  • CVC and CVCː are allowed as the last syllable


Stress is almost always on the first long syllable, or if no syllable is long, the last syllable in the Rencadic dialect and the first syllable in the Luminese dialect.