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< Cwengâr
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Hello. (response)


How are you? [To a Man/Woman]

   E te r[hà/a] c'hwyn?

Fine, thank you. [To a Man/Woman]

   C'hyn, cwyn [fàrh/ffar]

What is your name? [To a Man/Woman]

  Ffemocw e r[hà/a]

My name is ______ .

  Ffemocw e ( _____ .) 

Nice to meet you. [To a Man/Woman]

   Cwân r[hà/a] e ler.

Please. [To a Man/Woman]

   Gwô[nasalized-verb] r[hà/a]....

Thank you. [To a Man/Woman]

   Temelârh r[hà/a] c'hyn gwês [If speaker is male]
   Temelârh r[hà/a] c'hyn cwesh [If speaker is female]

You're welcome.

   Anene e shâc'hwyn.


   Te âd/Te at [Depending on gender of object in question]


   Ane âd/Ane at

Excuse me. (getting attention)


Excuse me. (begging pardon)


I'm sorry.

  Fogwên r[hà/a] e su
  Fogwên r[hà/a] e shy


   Cwŷn lhutenefur.

Goodbye (formal)

   Gwôrh Êlhônaf

I can't speak name of language [well].

   [Cwŷn] hangôngârh du c'hengâr. [Male Speaker]
   [Cwŷn] hangôngâr ty c'hengâr. [Female Speaker]

Do you speak English?

    Cwâr[h rhà/ra] hasana?

Is there someone here who speaks English?

   E c'hâr en at hasana nŷr ôtan âd?



Look out!


Good morning.

   Ffelârh 'ol

Good evening.

   Ffelârh lhôhol.

Good night.

   Ffelârh lhushen.

Good night (to sleep)

  Ffelârh shŷn 

I don't understand.

   Angâm du. [Male Speaker]
   Angâm ty. [Female Speaker]

Where is the toilet?

    Te ôlhorem hôtan e âd?

[edit] Problems

Leave me alone.

   Pelâr e ffetan!

Don't touch me!

    Anâfôn e su! [Male Speaker]
    Anâfôn e shy! [Female Speaker]

I'll call the police.

   Dôpemogw du ta c'hyn! [Male Speaker]
   Dôpemocw ty ta c'hyn! [Female Speaker]


   Â C'hyn!

Stop! Thief! [Masc/Fem]

   Gwôrh [e hôtan]! Â [G'hêgwon/C'hŷcwŷn]! 

I need your help.

  Cwâb du e r[hà/a] ngôrhêgw.
  Cwâp ty e r[hà/a] ngôrhêgw.

It's an emergency.

  Te e nâl c'hâb

I'm lost.

 Angâm du su nôtan.
 Angâm ty shy nôtan.

I lost my bag.

 Angâm du su râlad.
 Angâm ty shy râlad.

I lost my wallet.

 Angâm du su ngârhocw.
 Angâm du shy ngârhocw.