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Adwan (amhdha [ˈawðɐ]) is a personal a priori conlang. Primarily inspired by the notion of high density information packing and free word order, Adwan is characterized by a large presence of fricatives and a borderline polysynthetic morphology consisting of enclitic agglutination. Aesthetically, Adwan is heavily inspired by Polish, Welsh, and Portuguese, with an internal structure largely influenced by Basque, Nahuatl, and Latin.



The consonants g, and h are used with other a finite amount of other consonants to form further graphemes that represent distinct sounds, where appending g marks historical palatalization, and h lenition/spirantization. For the semivowel consonants representing the sounds /j/ and /w/ are represented by their vowel forms 'i' and 'w' when preceding a vowel and after a consonant, and by 'gh' and 'mh' otherwise, respectively. When preceding 'g', the consonants 'm' and 'n' become nasalized velar and palatal approximants /j̃/ and /w̃/, respectively.

Adwan consonant inventory
Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar
Nasal m /m/ n /n/
Plosive p /p/, b /b/ t /t/, d /d/ tg /cç/, dg /ɟʝ/ c /k/, g /g/1
Fricative ph /ɸ/, bh /β/ pg /f/, bg /v/ th /θ/, dh /ð/ s /s/ rh /ʂ/, rg /ʐ/ cg /ç/ ch /x/
Approximant gh /j/, nh /j̃/2 mh /w/, mg /w̃/2,3
Tap r /ɾ/
Lateral fricative lh /ɬ/, lg /ɮ/
Lateral approximant l /l/
  1. Under gemination, /g/ undergoes lenition to /ɣ/ such that the segment /g.g/ > /ɣː/, i.e., /gː/ does not occur.
  2. /j̃ w̃/ only occur in falling diphthongs.
  3. /w̃/ is realized as [ɰ̃]


