IPA for Mihousapeja

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Mihousapeja pronunciations. English approximations are loose in some cases and are only intended to give a general idea of the pronunciation. Primary stress falls on the nasal vowel, marked with tilde (~), if it's one of the three last syllables, otherwise it becomes the secondary stress and the primary is the second-to-last syllable. If the word don't has an explicit nasal, the primary stress falls in the second-to-last syllable.

IPA Examples nearest English equivalent
p lopil spot
ƥei pat
t natir start
kiƭa top
k kaoti skunk
aƙura cow
ʔ teqia uh-oh
m meplu mole
n jarane another
ŋ xinkar sing
f fami fame
s ese send
ʃ loxuplo sheep
χ lohio loch, Bach (German)
ɻ farsol fork, 肉 (ròu, Mandarin)
j pojaplo yet
ɾ rota cara (Portuguese)
l pelia louse
ʎ hułoplo failure, olho (Portuguese)
IPA Examples nearest English equivalent
a kaásil stack, carro (Portuguese)
ã kãte estante (Portuguese)
e lef say, café (French)
aj naaitiri devise
ˈ Primary stress
ˌ Secondary stress