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===Swadesh List===
====Kinship Terms====
Kinship terms are relatively straightforward in Is Burunking, showing fewer distinctions than in English. Within the family structure there are three degrees of proximity: the first is an individual's direct bloodline, both ancestors and direct descendants; the second includes closely related blood relatives (aunts, nephews etc.); and the third any more distantly related blood relatives or relatives by marriage. Within these three vertical groups, distinctions are then made by generation, and, in older generations only by gender.
|nativename = Yipua
|language = Burungian
|I = ni
|you (singular) = yi
|he = ngane
|we = bolo (incl.), bu (excl.)
|you (plural) = fu
|they = xinxing
|this = waz
|that = uri (non-distal), az (distal)
|here = uki waz
|there = uki uri
|who = nogyong
|what = nohez
|where = nuki
|when = neuji
|how = nobide
|not = ez
|all = olo
|many = ngeu
|some = goi
|few = goito
|other = beres
|one = bade
|two = bega
|three = iruz
|four = luaz
|five = bolos
|big = enji
|long = luhe
|wide = habai
|thick = luji
|heavy = oitung
|small = buchi
|short = lobuz
|narrow = daz
|thin = bene
|woman = buya
|man (adult male) = az
|man (human being) = gyong
|child = waz
|wife = buya
|husband = az
|mother = aba
|father = yata
|animal = mala
|fish = azeng
|bird = huri
|dog = hopuz
|louse = huzi
|snake = (no word)
|worm = anaz
|tree = weyang
|forest = weyanzoi
|stick = xigoz
|fruit = banash
|seed = aye
|leaf = uzi
|root = ezo
|bark = ai
|flower = domai
|grass = beraz
|rope = leta
|skin = ai
|meat = -
|blood = odou
|bone = nozuz
|fat = gying
|egg = -
|horn = adaz
|tail = bootang
|feather = -
|hair = ye
|head = buru
|ear = berezi
|eye = bigi
|nose = xuduz
|mouth = wa
|tooth = oros (front), eging (back)
|tongue = bingi
|fingernail = -
|foot = weng
|leg = -
|knee = beiwang
|hand = yipu
|wing = egai
|belly = habei
|guts = erese
|neck = lepo
|back = beekaz
|breast = ogas
|heart = bues
|liver = gibei
|drink = edang
|eat = yang
|bite = -
|suck = -
|spit = -
|vomit = -
|blow = -
|breathe = -
|laugh = -
|stand = -
|turn = iruai
|fall = eroz
|give = bang
|hold = -
|squeeze = eresh
|rub = -
|wash = -
|wipe = -
|pull = -
|push = -
|throw = bushi
|tie = -
|sew = weshi
|count = -
|sing = -
|play =-
|float = -
|flow = yazong
|freeze = -
|swell = -
|sun = oi
|moon = iye
|star = eiz
|water = uz
|rain = yozi
|river = ibya
|lake = -
|sea = ehsayo
|salt = gas
|stone = ezi
|sand = ondaz
|dust = wash
|earth = luz
|cloud = oje
|fog = -
|sky = urushi
|wind = yai
|snow = iruz
|ice = yos
|smoke = eke
|fire = fu
|ash = wash
|burn = eze
|road = bide
|mountain = binji
|red = guzi
|green = urujing
|yellow = uzi
|white = fuzi
|black = bei
|night = bua
|day = ibu
|year = urute
|warm = -
|cold = os
|full = bete
|new = bizi
|old = haz
|good = ong
|bad = gyas
|rotten = -
|dirty = xiking
|straight = fueng
|round = bei
|sharp = -
|dull = -
|smooth = yong
|wet = -
|dry = yeyaz
|correct = -
|near = -
|far = uzung
|right = -
|left = eekez
|at = -
|in = -
|with = -
|and = -
|if = -
|because = -
|name = yeng
|see = ikoi
|hear = -
|know = eking
|think = oite
|smell = oyang
|fear = beuzuz
|sleep = lo
|live = biite
|die = eite
|kill = ereite
|fight = -
|hunt = -
|hit = -
|cut = bye
|split = -
|stab = -
|scratch = -
|dig = -
|swim = bii uz chi
|fly = bii egai chi
|walk = bii weng chi
|come = etuz
|lie = esang
|sit = yez
|say = eirang
|languagecount = 1

{| class="wikitable" width="100%;"
! width="10%;" | !! width="30%;" | 1st Degree !! width="30%;" | 2nd Degree !! width="30%;" | 3rd Degree
! Gen. +2 
| style="text-align:center;" |  '''grandfather:''' ''dada'' <br/> '''grandmother:''' ''baba'' || || style="text-align:center;" rowspan="2;" | '''other older collateral relative:''' <br/> ''asaba''
! Gen +1
| style="text-align:center;" | '''father:''' ''yata'' <br/> '''mother:''' ''ama'' ||style="text-align:center;" | '''parent's brother:''' ''xoba'' <br/> '''parent's sister:''' ''xeba'' <br/> '''parent's sibling (''iriji''):''' ''hanauba''  <br/> '''father-in-law, step-father:''' ''neba'' <br/> '''mother-in-law, step-mother:''' ''aneepa''
! Gen. 0
| style="text-align:center;" |  '''EGO:'''  ''NI'' || style="text-align:center;" | '''husband:''' ''xengaz'' <br/> '''wife:''' ''buya'' <br/> '''older sibling:''' ''angane'' <br/> '''younger sibling:''' ''azeba'' || style="text-align:center;" | '''other same-generation relative:''' <br/> ''angade''
! Gen. -1
| style="text-align:center;" | '''child:''' ''omba'' || style="text-align:center;" | '''nephew/niece:''' ''yoba'' <br/>  '''step-child, son/daughter-in-law:''' ''ezang'' || style="text-align:center;"  rowspan="2;" | '''other younger collateral relative:''' <br/> ''xuni''
! Gen. -2
| style="text-align:center;" |  '''grandchild:'''  ''xemba''||
