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Revision as of 08:06, 4 July 2018 by Jumark27 (talk | contribs) (→‎Stress)
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The intention to create is to have a language that is very related to every language in the world.

La intention por creati es por havi lingua ke es veri relato a cada lingua en la mundo.



It suggests that you should use only k instead of c at the final of the word for /k/ sound while you must use c at the beginning and/or middle of the word... and you should use only k if the following vowel is e and i at the beginning and/or middle of the word...

All are phoenetic, no silent letters... no diacritics, except for stressing...


Pronunciation of consonants - Pronunciation de consonantes

B - /b/
C - /k/ before a, o, and u and /s/ before e and i and with h pronunced as /ch/
D - /d/
F - /f/
G - /g/ before a, o, and u and /j/ before e and i, and if you want to pronounce a /g/ sound before e and i you should put letter h after g as this gh
H - /h/
J - /j/
K - /k/
L - /l/
M - /m/
N - /n/ and with g pronounced as /ng/, and if you want to pronounce a /g/ sound, use should double the letter g as this ngg
P - /p/
Q - with u pronounced as /kw/
R - /r/
S - /s/ and with h pronounced as /sh/
T - /t/
V - /v/
W - /w/
X - /x/
Y - /y/
Z - /z/


Pronunciation of vowels - Pronunciation de vocales

A - /ah/
E - /eh/
I - /ee/
O - /oh/
U - /oo/



Stressing is always at the first syllable but if putted by diacritics, the stress will move to the syllable with this diacritics.






Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

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