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Too C

筆画 Class SKIP 部首 Notes
5 中国制造 1/3/2 Not in Kangxi. Replace with .
17 異体字 1/3/14 Variant of 奶. Replace with 乳.
8 異体字 1/3/5 Variant of 奶. Replace with 乳.
5 中国制造 2/3/2 On 単亜語/HSK/2 only. We use 他 or 彼 instead
5 異体字 2/3/2 Variant of 另. Replace with 他 or 彼.
5 中国制造 2/3/2 On 単亜語/HSK/1 only. No 3rd person pronoun in D.
6 中国制造 1/3/3 On 単亜語/HSK/1 only. No 3rd person pronoun in D. Originally a variant of 姐 (jiě, “elder sister”). Later repurposed as a feminine third-person pronoun influenced by European languages. Linguist Liu Bannong is credited with coining this use around the 1910s.
7 混乱 1/3/4 Used for sound, but we'd never agree. Use 叫 for the meaning and 那 for the sound.
8 中国制造 2/4/4 HSK/1, but solely Chinese. Use 父 instead. 巴 has the sound.
7 中国制造 1/2/5 HSK/1, but solely Chinese. Use 汝 for second-person intimate, 爾 for 'yeah'.
10 中国制造 1/2/8 HSK/1, but solely Chinese. Use 等 to make plural personal pronouns. First attested in the Song dynasty.
5 異体字 1/2/3 Variant of 們
11 中国制造 2/7/4 HSK/1, but solely Chinese. First attested in the Yuan era. Use 君 for 'you'.
6 中国制造 4/6/1 HSK/1, but mainly Chinese.
7 中国制造 1/3/4 HSK/1, but mainly Chinese. Please use 捜 or 探 or 尋 instead.
7 中国制造 2/2/5 Chinese only
6 異体字 4/6/1 丿 Variant of 丟
13 中国制造 1/3/10 Chinese SFP. Use 乎 instead. HSK/1
6 異体字 1/3/3 Variant of 嗎
7 中国制造 1/3/4 "to argue" Use 弁論. HSK/2
14 中国制造 1/3/11 HSK/1, but Chinese only. SFP. Sound of 麻
11 中国制造 2/6/5 HSK/1, but Chinese only. Use 充分 for 'enough'. Var 够, 彀, 勾
12 官话 3/7/5 HSK/2, but Chinese only. Vars: 趂 , 𧼇, 賺 , 赚
9 官话 1/3/6 HSK/1, but we use 頗 instead.
16 官话 1/3/13 HSK/1, but Chinese only.
5 官话 1/2/3 HSK/3 and 4, but Chinese only.
11 官话 3/3/7 HSK/2 but Chinese only
13 官话 1/7/6 HSK/2. 'dodge, evade' Use 避 instead

呀, 呢, 垉, 拆, 垈, 扔, 怕, 挖, 趴, 哎, 怎, 咱, 捗, 疼, 烤, 掉, 厠, 啦, 棵, 喊, 喂, 筷, 嗯, 睜, 麼, 踢, 擋, 嘴, 擠, 瀬, 嚷, 傻=儍, 摔, 撕, 捡=撿, 趟, 搶=抢

Too K

筆画 Class SKIP 部首 Notes
2 口訣 1/1/1 Korean 구결 for '하다'
3 口訣 2/2/1 Korean 구결 for '라/다'
4 口訣 2/2/2 Korean 구결 for '샤'.
8 口訣 2/5/3 Korean 구결 for '라'.
8 口訣 2/6/2 Korean 구결 for '란/난/역'.
3 口訣 3/2/1 Korean 구결 for '절'.
4 口訣 2/2/2 Korean 구결 for '한'.
5 口訣 2/3/2 Korean 구결 for '산'.
𰆊 2 口訣 4/1/2 Korean 구결 for 'ㄴ'.
3 異体字 2/2/1 Variant of 亇 (마/망치 (“hammer”))
3 국자 2/2/1 'hammer'/마/망치, use 槌
3 국자 2/2/1 Korean-coined hanja for "slave" or "maid", 절.
3 口訣 2/3/1 Korean 구결 for '홀'.
6 口訣 2/5/1 Korean 구결 for '걸, to hang'
6 口訣 2/5/1 Korean 구결 for '올'
7 口訣 2/6/1 Korean 구결 for '잘'
9 口訣 2/8/1/ Korean 구결 for '솔', a Korean painting tool. The sound is foreign, i.e. 소르. 単亜語/敎育用基礎漢字/名
9 口訣 2/8/1 Korean 구결 for '얼'
3 口訣 2/2/1 Korean 구결 for '굴' (Korean dried fish)
3 口訣 2/2/1 Korean 구결 for '둘'
4 口訣 2/3/1 Korean 구결 for '살'
4 口訣 2/3/1 Korean 구결 for '톨'
𠃗 4 口訣 2/3/1 Korean 구결 for '울'. On 単亜語/敎育用基礎漢字/名
5 口訣 2/4/1 Korean 구결 for '글' (writing)
5 口訣 2/4/1 Korean 구결 for '올'
5 口訣 2/4/1 Korean 구결 for '둘'. On 単亜語/敎育用基礎漢字/名
6 口訣 2/5/1 Korean 구결 for '갈'
6 口訣 2/5/1 Korean 구결 for '돌'. On 単亜語/敎育用基礎漢字/名
7 口訣 2/6/1 Korean 구결 for '쌀' (rice).
4 口訣 2/3/1 Korean 구결 for '할'
8 口訣 2/7/1 Korean 구결 for '살'. On 単亜語/敎育用基礎漢字/名
9 口訣 2/8/1 Korean 구결 for '율'
9 口訣 2/8/1 Korean 구결 for '줄' (rope)
10 口訣 2/9/1 Korean 구결 for '잘' (honorific title)
11 口訣 2/10/1 Korean 구결 for '뜰'
8 국자 1/2/6 Korean for '고'
5 異体字 2/2/3 Ancient variant of 夢
6 口訣 2/5/1 Proto-Hangǔl for 덕 or 각
6 口訣 2/5/1 Proto-Hangǔl for 덩 or 강
13 口訣 2/11/2 Proto-Hangǔl for 산
5 口訣 2/2/3 이, 며, 너
8 異体字 1/3/5 Variant of 厼/며
9 異体字 1/4/5 Variant of 厼/며
10 口訣 2/5/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 것
11 口訣 2/6/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 똥/shit
11 異体字 2/5/6 Proto-Hangǔl for 똥/shit
11 口訣 2/2/9 Proto-Hangǔl for 뱀/얌
11 口訣 2/6/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 엿
11 異体字 2/6/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 엿
12 口訣 2/7/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 폿
2 口訣 4/2/1 Proto-Hangǔl for 면
3 口訣 2/1/2 丿 Proto-Hangǔl for 호
13 口訣 2/8/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 짓
8 口訣 2/3/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 솟
10 口訣 2/5/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 갓
10 口訣 2/5/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 말
13 口訣 2/8/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 비롯
9 국자 2/3/6 Later reimagined as a variant of our 斎.
10 口訣 2/5/5 Proto-Hangǔl for 욋
3 국자 2/1/2 Korean place names 촉
6 국자 2/3/3 Invented character for 'cod'/화
8 국자 1/3/5 Both J and K invented this?! On 単亜語/敎育用基礎漢字/名.
6 국자 2/5/1 Personal name: 꺽 from 1562
9 국자 2/5/4 부 (worker)
9 異体字 2/5/4 Variant of 巬
9 국자 2/4/5 '팟'
15 국자 3/3/12 广
15 국자 1/3/12 황 “the first note, 황종 (黃鐘, hwangjong) of the Shí-èr-lǜ musical scale”)
8 국자 1/3/5 Name of a Korean mountain 기, 지
16 국자 1/12/4 '선'. 単亜語/敎育用基礎漢字/名
6 국자 2/4/2 '둑'
5 국자 2/4/1 '둥'
9 국자 2/8/1 '억'
9 국자 2/8/1 '엉'
13 국자 2/8/5 '엇'
12 국자 1/3/9 'husband's family' 한문교육용기초한자/이름
9 국자 1/4/5 'a slip of bamboo engraved with signs', 'tag'
12 국자 1/4/8 A Korean-made-up character for gutter (we use 排水溝). 명
13 국자 1/4/9 wooden ladder, 비
15 국자 1/4/11 자, place name
21 국자 1/4/17 장 (“wardrobe; cabinet”) 한문교육용기초한자/이름, sound is 蔵
22 국자 1/4/18 Styphnolobium japonicum (회화나무 槐花 槐树 Hoa hòe)
8 국자 2/3/5 'to carve wood' 한문교육용기초한자/이름
24 국자 1/4/20 Korean 엄. prickly castor oil tree (Kalopanax septemlobus)
8 국자 2/4/4 daenama (대나마, 大奈麻) – the tenth (10th) rank in the class system of the ancient Silla dynasty
8 국자 1/3/5 우 (mul ireum u) Taedong River (대동강)
𣴘 9 국자 1/3/6 대 (“the second note, 대려 (大呂, daeryeo) of the Shí-èr-lǜ musical scale that is two octaves higher”)
10 국자 1/3/7 태 (“the third note, 태주 (太簇, taeju) of the Shí-èr-lǜ musical scale that is two octaves higher”) , also 𣴘
15 국자 1/3/12 남 (“the tenth note, 남려 (南呂, namnyeo) of the Shí-èr-lǜ musical scale that is two octaves higher”)
18 국자 1/3/15 황 (“the first note, 황종 (黃鍾, hwangjong) of the Shí-èr-lǜ musical scale that is two octaves higher”)
18 국자 1/3/15 무 (“the eleventh note, 무역 (無射, muyeok) of the Shí-èr-lǜ musical scale that is two octaves higher”)
9 국자 2/4/5 소 a rare surname
15 국자 1/3/12 돈 (“hide of a marten”)
9 국자 2/4/5 한문교육용기초한자/고등. Same sound as 沓, same meaning as 田.
7 국자 1/5/2 Korean variant of 福?
18 국자 1/5/13 dry rice
13 국자 2/3/7 한문교육용기초한자/이름, 버들고리 오 (beodeulgori o)) A willow trunk.
10 국자 1/2/8 한문교육용기초한자/이름, used in Korean place names. 야
9 국자 2/3/6 'late' - 늦
23 국자 2/3/20 '살'
9 국자 3/4/5 한문교육용기초한자/이름 - '겁'
17 국자 3/8/9 팽 (“wind that enters a door or through a gap in a door”)
18 국자 1/9/9 '편'

Too J

筆画 Class SKIP 部首 Notes
13 国字 1/9/4 Archer's arm protector. Poss same as 䪏
9 異体字 1/4/5 Compound of 真魚 (mana, “fish”) +‎ 板 (ita, “board”). Vars: 俎, 𤕲
6 国字 1/3/3 Unknown, Japanese origin
6 国字 1/3/3 Abbreviation of 浄土 (jōdo, “the Pure Land”) found in esoteric Buddhism.
4 国字 4/4/4 A native Japanese unit of weight (momme). It was a former Jōyō character, but since 2010, it is merely 単亜語/常用/日本人名用漢字.
4 国字 3/2/2 A "new" Japanese character. Dan'a'yo uses 味覚(뮈각) for "smell". This character was added to the 単亜語/常用/高等 in 2010.
5 国字 3/2/3 Invented character in Japan for 'kite'. We use 鳶 for the bird and 紙鳶(저연) for the paper. On the 単亜語/常用/日本人名用漢字.
6 国字 3/2/4 Invented character in Japan for 'calm, lull'. On 日本人名用漢字. Just use 和
6 国字 3/4/2 Replace with 十 or 汁. On 単亜語/常用/日本人名用漢字.
8 国字 1/3/5 Both J and K invented this?! On 単亜語/敎育用基礎漢字/名.
4 国字 4/3/3 Origin of katakana ホ.
16 国字 1/11/5 Japanese fluvial sculpin (Cottus pollux). Use 杜父魚
7 国字 1/5/2 'decaliter' --> 十升 21 国字 1/11/10 'sardines'. Use 沙丁魚 instead. In the 日本人名用漢字.
23 国字 1/11/12 'lizardfish'. Use 狗母魚.
13 国字 1/11/2 'weir, trap'. Use 漁具
18 国字 1/7/11 'grosbeak'. Use 斑鳩
𫠍 21 国字 1/11/? 'Japanese needlefish'
5 国字 2/3/2 For the meaning, use 会.
2 異体字 4/2/4 丿 Variant of 〆, an ancient scribal mark for "closed"
1 国字 4/1/4 丿 Ancient scribal mark for "closed"
21 国字 3/5/16 Originally 'menstrual cramps', then 'anger', then 'spasm'
𱁬 84 国字 2/6/76 Probably only ever a joke kanji!
7 幽霊文字 2/3/7 Misspelling of 𡚴. Use 蚩 + 女
13 異体字 1/3/10 Use 蚩 + 女.
12 国字 3/8/4 Coined by Date Tsunamura when he was looking at the sea through the gate of Dainenji Temple in Sendai.
16 国字 1/8/8 ornamental metal fixtures (esp. on furniture, temples, shrines, etc,.) 'kazari'
13 幽霊文字 1/3/10 Likely to be an error of 彊
9 幽霊文字 1/3/6 Japanese horse chestnut
11 国字 2/8/3 'Raindrop'. Appears only in the Longkan Shoujian. Use 滴 and/or 雨
5 国字 3/3/2 'crowded'. Appears on 常用漢字/高等. For the sound, use 入, for the meaning 複雜.
6 国字 1/3/3 'low lands'. For the sound, use 下. For the meaning, use 低地.
13 国字 1/2/11 'grebe'. Use 鸊鷉 or 浮巣鳥 or 息長鳥?
12 国字 1/5/6 Alternative spelling of 上下: the haori and hakama as a set; especially, one using a sleeveless haori with flared shoulders worn by certain samurai during the Edo Period.
13 国字 2/10/3 title of a Noh play
𭛝 6 ゲバ字 1/3/3 Used for 衛. U2d6dd.svg
𪮇 11 国字 1/3/8 扌+包+口. Only used in Samuhara Jinja, the name of a Shinto shrine in Osaka City, Japan. U2ab87.svg
12 幽霊文字 2/4/8 "the color of the sun"
𪮷 16 国字 1/3/13 扌+合+辛. Only used in Samuhara Jinja, the name of a Shinto shrine in Osaka City, Japan. U2abb7.svg
𫂲 8 国字 2/2/6 乃+米. もみがら momigara, rice chaff
6 国字 1/4/2 Only used for place names in Aichi prefecture, such as 杁中 (Irinaka). The original meaning is a gutter buried in an embankment to adjust the amount of water.
7 国字 1/4/3 'lumberjack' Use 樵夫.
15 国字 1/11/4 Amur catfish (Silurus asotus). なまず (namazu). Use 鮎
12 幽霊文字 1/4/8 'bowl' also 棬
16 国字 1/11/5 Japanese-invented character for dotted gizzard shad, Konosirus punctatus, Use 鱅! Ignore C's 鿴!
25 国字 1/11/14 Japanese-invented character. Mahi-mahi
𫡤 6 国字 2/2/4 Triplication of 九 (“nine”). U2b864.svg
9 国字 1/2/7 ?
𠏹 16 国字 1/2/14 Buddha
14 幽霊文字 1/4/10 ø
20 異体字 1/4/16 cage, lattice (㰍)
9 異体字 1/4/5 cage, lattice
11 国字 1/6/5
6 国字 3/2/4
16 幽霊文字 1/10/6 ø
17 国字 1/3/14 'overbearing wife' 嬶天下
4 国字 2/3/1 phonetic for 'te'
19 国字 1/11/8 'gnome fish'
19 国字 1/11/8 'cat fish' Use 鮎
19 国字 1/11/8 'killer whale', 'orce', 'shachihoko' -> 虎鯨, 虎鯉魚
17 国字 1/11/6 'adult flathead mullet'
9 国字 1/3/6 'mountain pass'
5 国字 1/3/2 'underground sluice' Use 水門
9 国字 1/6/3 kilometer, Use 千米(천메)
9 国字 1/6/3 'unhulled rice'. On 日本人名用漢字
12 国字 1/6/6 used in the placename 粭島 (Sukumo-jima), "Sukumo Island" in Yamaguchi prefecture
9 国字 2/3/6 surname
17 国字 1/6/11 'mite' Use 壁虱
9 国字 1/4/5 'dry field' On 単亜語/常用/3 and 単亜語/敎育用基礎漢字/名, but just use 田
9 国字 1/3/6 Use 関 or 山口 instead for 'mountain pass'. On 常用漢字/高等.
16 国字 1/4/12 A recent Japanese invention. Use 胰 for 'pancreas'
22 国字 1/8/14 lance, spear, javelin --> 鎗/槍
18 国字 1/8/10 habaki: a metal collar mounted in between a sword's blade and the guard to keep the guard firmly fixed in place
16 国字 1/8/8 tinplate (used in the word 錻力 (buriki, “tinplate”))
24 国字 1/7/17 "not before long", var:軅
16 国字 1/7/9 한문교육용기초한자/이름 "training, rearing"
14 国字 1/7/7 ねらう (nerau)、しのぶ (shinobu)

膤 梻 榁 樰 橳 檪 欟 毟 熕 燵 瓧 瓰 畩 硴 筺 簗 簱 籏 籡 艠 苆 萙 蘰 褝 襅 𬦷 躮 𨋳 𨏍 𨑕 𫐤 遖 𨕫 𨛗 𰽔 𨵱 陦 颪 饂 𩛰 𬵂 𫙕 𬵑 鮲 鯎 鯏 鯑 𩸽 𫙧 鰘 鰚 鰰 鱜 鱩 鱪 鱫 鴫 鵆 鵇 鶫 𪐷 𪚲

𪞄 𪟧 哘 噺 囎 垳 﨏 塀 墹 𪥽 𡱖 峅 𪩣 𪩩 怺 𪫧 𬀧 𪰪 杢 𣏒 枠 枡 𪱻 桛 桝 梺 椙 椛 椣 椥 﨓 榊 樫 𪳤 𬇐 𪸉 狆 瓩 𤭯 硲 𥫤 笹 簓 糎 纃 腺 𦻙 蘒 𫌷 𮘁 𬣐 𫏮 𬧬 辷 辻 迚 﨤 釺 𨦈 鎹 𨸶 鯳 𩸕 鶎 麿

  • <-杤 has gone on to international use.
  • 𢭏 is a 国字 we use! It appears on 한문교육용기초한자/이름, is extended Shinjitai, and has a unique simplification in Mandarin.
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