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== Etymologies possibly linked to Nostratic ==
== Etymologies possibly linked to Nostratic ==

{| class="wikitable"
|*ŋV 1st p. pron.
|*mV 1st person pronoun
|*ŋV 1st person pronoun (exclusive?)
|*χwV 2nd person pronoun
|*nV 2nd person pronoun, thou
|*si 2nd person pronoun, thou
|*ṭ[u] 2nd person pronoun, thou
|*sV 3rd person pronoun
|*KVrdV a bird of prey
|*CVnCV a biting insect
|*nV a deictic element
|*nV a demonstrative element
|*ṭVkV (*dwVḳV) a horned animal
|*mVrV a k. of berry
|*[č`w]VHḳV a k. of bird
|*CVmV a k. of bird
|*CVmV a k. of bird
|*HalVḳV a k. of bird
|*HalVḳV a k. of bird
|*kaNV a k. of bird
|*kaNV a k. of bird
|*ḳUĺV a k. of bird
|*ḳUĺV a k. of bird
|*kVṗV a k. of bird
|*kVṗV a k. of bird
|*kwVtV a k. of bird
|*kwVtV a k. of bird
|*ĺVkĺVkV ? a k. of bird
|*sVgV (?) a k. of bird
|*SVlwV a k. of bird
|*SVlwV a k. of bird
|*ṭVrV / *ṭVṭVrV a k. of bird
|*k[i̯a]ma 'a k. of aquatic bird' a k. of bird
|*KVwrV a k. of bird (gallinacean)
|*c`iŋu a k. of bone
|*lVnṭV a k. of cereal
|*lVnṭV a k. of cereal
|*ṭVḳV a k. of duck
|*ṭVḳV a k. of duck or hen
|*č`VHmV a k. of fish
|*kVrV a k. of fish
|*kVrV a k. of fish
|*kećä 'k. of fish' a k. of fish
|*ńowŋa salmon a k. of fish
|*mVsV a k. of fruit
|*mVsV a k. of fruit
|*KVwrV a k. of gallinacean bird
|*wVĺV a k. of grass
|*wVĺV a k. of grass
|*cVmV a k. of grass
|*mula a k. of horned animal
|*mula a k. of horned animal
|*KUmV a k. of insect
|*KUmV a k. of insect
|*ḳUṭḳV a k. of insect
|*ḳUṭḳV a k. of insect
|*lVŋV a k. of insect
|*mVḳV a k. of insect
|*mVḳV a k. of insect
|*pUḳV a k. of insect
|*pVN(T)V ? a k. of insect
|*ṗVnǯV a k. of insect
|*či̯ū́ p𝑖̯ū́𝑝a ( ~ -u) a k. of insect
|*m[a]ŋi a k. of insect
|*ṗVnǯV a k. of insect, louse
|*c`UtV a k. of liquid
|*sUŋV a k. of onion
|*bVrV a k. of predator
|*KVrdV a k. of predator
|*[xq̇]wĕ[l]ʕǝ́ a k. of rodent
|*lVmV a k. of sack
|*jVwV (*ʔVjwV) a k. of tree
|*jVwV (*ʔVjwV) a k. of tree
|*kojw[a] a k. of tree
|*NEḳrV a k. of tree
|*ʔilVmV a k. of tree
|*cVHnV ( ~ *c`-) a k. of ungulate
|*CVxnV a k. of ungulate
|*mVnV a k. of ungulate
|*ḳVwKV a k. of vessel
|*pVNV a k. of vessel
|*sVgV (?) a k. of water bird (gull)
|*lVlV a part of leg, foot
|*cwVkV ( ~ čw-) a small animal
|*mVwć`wV a stinging insect
|*pUḳV a stinging insect
|*eli all
|*kalV ? all, join
|*mVwcwV an insect
|*čă k𝑎̆𝑘i 'a k. of insect' an insect
|*CV(n)CV ? an internal organ
|*morV an ungulate
|*jVrV angry
|*mVńCV animal hair
|*mVńcV ( ~ -c`-) animal hair
|*gujrV antelope
|*gujrV antelope
|*gara arm
|*küjnV arm
|*lVlV arm
|*ćVḳV arm, leg
|*ḳVwVŋV armpit
|*čVbV army, people
|*ṗVdwV; cf. also "Alt. "*pi̯ŏ t𝑖̯𝑜̆𝑡e ( ~ -t-, *pi̯ă t𝑖̯𝑎̆𝑡u) 'light' ashes, burn
|*ṗVlV ashes, dirt
|*dVgV back
*gedV back
*gedV back
*sVrV back
*tVbV back
*tVbV back
*ʔarV back
*ʔarV back
*kuNṭV back, rear
*ṗVŋV back, side
*bVHCV bad
*ʔVkV bad
*ʔVkV bad
*darV bad, dirty
*darV bad, dirty
*bVHCV bad, evil
*sogwV ( ~ š-) bad, harm
*ḳerV bark
*ḳerV bark
*ḲopV bark
*ḲopV bark
*ḳuLV bark
*ḳVrṗV bark
*ṭUgV ( ~ -H-) bark, cover
*ḳuLV bark, peel
*ḳVrṗV bark, skin
*ḳocV basket
*ḳoćV basket
*kwVrV (~ gw) be angry
*kwVrV (~ gw) be angry
*HVŕV be destroyed, fall apart
*ḳOṗV be full
*ḳOṗV be full, complete
*lVχV be ill
*lVχV be ill
*HVwV be satiated (?)
*gVlV be smooth
*nVkV be visible, see
*biχV beat
*biχV beat
*ṭoḳV beat
*ṭoḳV beat
*buṭV beat, break
*SUTV (?) beat, hit
*SUTV (?) beat, hit
*ṭapħa beat, hit
*ṭapħa beat, hit
*ṗVrV bee
*ṗVrV bee, insect
*[šw]VtV behind, buttock
*SVtV behind, buttock
*wa[n]čV belly
*wa[n]ʒ́wV belly
*gwVlV belly, entrails
*kuŋV belly, heart
*kuŋV belly, heart
*gUtV / *kUtV belly, intestines
*gUtV / *kUtV belly, intestines
*gwVlV belly, liver
*Ḳarbi belly, stomach
*Ḳarbi belly, stomach
*HalV below
*HalV below
*ḳVlV ? bend
*ḳVŋV bend
*ṭoŋV bend
*mVrV berry
*mVkV big
*t`VwjV ? big
*wol[a] big
*wol[a] big
*ḳUlV big fish
*ḳUlV big fish
*dVnwV big tree
*dVnwV big tree
*tVdV big, full
*pVKV big, heavy
*mVkV big, large
*č`oḳV ( ~ -q̇-) big, thick
*č`oḳV ( ~ -q̇-) big, thick
*tVdV big, thick
*ʔVnV big, very
*ʔVnV big, very
*bišV ( ~ -č`-) bile
*KuTV bind
*KVrV bind
*kojw[a] birch
*[č`w]VHḳV bird
*HVwjV bird
*HVwjV bird
*ṗVńcwV ( ~ -c`w-) bird's tail
*käjwV (?-b-) bite, chew ?
*ḳVCV bite, tear
*CVnCV biting insect
*gVcwV(~-čw- ) bitter
*sVbV bitter
*bišV ( ~ -č`-) bitter, gall ?
*gVcwV(~−č𝑤𝑉(~-čw- ) bitter, sour
*ḳarV black
*ḳarV black
*ʔVbV ? black
*ʔVbV ? black
*ḳUmV black, dark
*ḳUmV black, dark
*mVCHV black, dark
Drav. *nal- 'black' black, dark
*sVrV black, night
*ṭVrV / *ṭVṭVrV black-cock
*ʔVlV blade, awl
*ʔVlV blade, whetstone
*HVlVḳV blister, abscess
*HVlVḳV blister, wound
*bUjlV ? blood
*bUjlV blood? blood
*ḳVnV blood blood
*wirV blood
*ʔVsxV blood
*ḳVnV blood, blood vessel
*HwinV blood, breath
*ʔVsxV blood, breath
*ḳurV blood, red
*ḳurV blood, red blood, red
*cwVnV spirit; blood blood, spirit
*mVLV blood; marrow
*wirV blood; red
*swVNV blue
*swVNV blue
*ṭVlV board, stick
*bVdV body
*bVdV body, belly
*borV, *buŕa boil
*borV, *buŕa boil
*ḳVju boil, burn
*girV bone
*girV bone
*HV(w)[č`]V bone
*HV(w)čV bone
*ḳač`V bone
*ḳaCV bone
*ʒ́VmV ? (cf. also *c`iŋu) bone
*ṗVjNV bone, tooth
*ṗVjNV bone, tooth
*ʔVṗV bosom
*ʔVṗV bosom
? FU *luwV (*luɣV) 'horse' bovine ?
*büḲa bow
*ṭoŋV bow, arc
*tajV bow, lean
*mVŋV brain
*mVŋV brain
*wVṭV(mV) brain, head
*wVṭV(mV) brain, marrow; head
*rVṭV branch
*rVṭV branch, rod
*HelV branch, stick
*šVṭV ? branch, twig, rod
*cVṗV break, chop
*buṭV break, split
*[c]V(n)ʒwV breast
*ḳerdV breast
*ṗome breast
*ʔudV breast, belly
*mälgi breast, udder
*mälgi breast, udder
*sVwHV breath, smell
*bVrḳV bright
*ʔVǯV bright
*ʔVǯV bright
*boŕa brown
*boŕa brown
*KVŋV brown, dark
*KVŋV ? brown, yellow
*ŋalmV bug, flea
*dwVmV build, house
"Alt. "*mūga 'bonfire' burn
*ṗaĺV burn
*ṗaĺV burn
*ṗVrV burn
*wVrV burn
*wVrV burn
*buKV burn, bake
Alt. *t`èmo ( ~ t-) burn, kindle burn, boil
*qoṭi burn, fire
*qoṭi burn, fire
*t`ülV burn, fire
*gUrV burn, hot coals
*gUrV burn, hot coals
*buKV burn, roast
*ḳVńV burn, roast, dry
*Cajŋa ? burn, shine
*ʒajŋa ? burn, shine
*paḳV burst
*ṗVrṗVlV butterfly
*ṗVrṗVlV butterfly
*ṗVrV buy, sell
*ṗVrV ( ~ p-) calf
*ṗVrV ( ~ p-) calf, bull
*morV cattle; horse
*ḳVjwV cave, hole
*ḳVjwV cave, hole
*ṗVlV cheek ?
*bUrV chest, belly
*bUrV chest, belly
*mVḳV child
*berV child, to bear
*berV child, to bear
*kenV chin
*kenV (cf. also *kVngV) chin
Alt. *čò k𝑜̀𝑘e ( ~ -i̯u-) 'cheek bone' chin, beard
*kVṗV chin, jaw
*cVṗV chop
*ḳUṭV (cf. also *ḳVtV) chopped piece, to cut
*ʔarV clan member
*pVnV clay, mud
*pVnV clay, mud
*ḳa(j)dV clothing
*bVl(w)V cloud
*bVl(w)V cloud
*CuxLV coals, burn
*CuxLV coals, soot, burn
*[z]VrV cold
*KurV cold
*KurV cold
*SVŋV cold
*ʒ́VrV cold
*SVŋV cold, frost
*Horä come, go; rise
*pVnč`wV (?) coniferous tree
*pVnč`wV (?) coniferous tree, resin
*ḳVnVṭV corner, enclosure ?
*ḳVnVṭV corner, wall
*dwVrV court, enclosure
*ṭUgV ( ~ -H-) cover
*ḳaṗV cover, close
*ḳaṗV cover, close
*kar-/*ker- crane
*kar-/*ker- crane
*c`VrV crust
*ḳUrV curved, bent
*čVḳV ( ~ *č`-) cut
*ḳUṭV cut
*ḳVc`V cut
*kVlV ? cut
*CarV cut, sharp
*HamV dark
*rVmV dark
*rVmV dark
*sVmV dark
*ṭVmV dark
*ṭVmV dark
*muṭV dark dark, black
*mVCHV dark, black
*sVmV dark dark, black
*muṭV dark, cloudy
*kVcwV ( ~ -čw-) darkness, night
*gojńV dawn
*gojńV dawn, light
*lVwŋV dawn, light
*lVwŋV dawn, noon
*dʷVjɣV day, shine
*dʷVjɣV day, shine
*ŋera day, sun, light
*ŋVwV decease
*mVnV deer
*ʔelV deer
*ʔelV deer
*ʔoru deer, antilope
*pOgV deer, he-goat
*mV demonstr. pronoun
*mV demonstr. pronoun
*ṭV demonstr. pronoun
*ṭV demonstr. pronoun
*ḳV demonstrative pronoun
*sV demonstrative pronoun
*rVCV dew, liquid
*muṭV die, finish
*HwelV die, starve
PIE *nek'- die; kill
*ḳVṗV dig, hack
*gwVCV direction, road
*gwVCV direction, road, pass
*böḳa dirt
*c`VrV dirt
*c`VrV dirt
*kodV dirt
*kodV ? dirt
*lVḳwV dirt
*magV dirt, earth ?
*[ʒ]VḳV dirt, faeces
*SVḳV dirt, faeces
*KUCV ? dog
*ḳVpV ? dog
*ḳVpV ? dog
*ŋindV dog
*ŋindV dog
*ŋVḳV dog
*bVrV dog, wolf
*KUCV [?] dog, wolf
*ŋVḳV dog, wolf
*CVm(ŋ)V dream
*jVgU drink
*CUtV drink, liquid
*ʔEmV drink, swallow
*HVṗV drink, water
*gwVlV dry
*ḳVjwV(rV) dry
*ḳVjwV(rV) dry
*kVkV dry
*kVk𝑉𝑘V dry
*KVmV dry
*ḳVs(w)V dry
*sušV dry
*śušV dry dry
*gwVlV (cf. also */ḳ/alV) dry, burn
*ḳorV dung, mud
*bur(H)V dust
*bur(H)V dust
*ṭVṭV dust, ashes
*ṭVṭV dust, ashes, smoke
*böḳa dust, dirt
*gülV dwelling
*gülV dwelling
*KVrWV ear
*KVrWV ear
*ʔVCV early
*ʔVrV early
*ʔVrV early
*ʔVcwV early, dawn
*DVG- earth
*DVG- earth
*magV earth
*ṭVŕV earth, dust
*ṭVŕV earth, dust
*UNV eat
Drav. tin- 'eat' eat
*UNV eat, drink
*cimu ( ~ ć-, č-, č`-) top, summit edge
*Hońća edge
*HońcV edge
*mVcV ( ~ -c`-) edge
*ṗerV edge
*PVlV edge
*PVlV (but cf. also *ṗVlV) edge
*mVcV ( ~ -c`-) edge, side
*ṗerV edge, side
*ṭUĺV egg
*ṭUĺV egg
*c`VjḳV elbow, forearm
*küjnV elbow, knee
*ʔaḳV elder brother or sister
*eńV elder brother/sister
*ʔVṭV (cf. also *tajV) elder male relative, father
*ʔaḳV elder relative
*ʔVṭV elder relative
*ʔilVmV elm
*gErV enclosure
*gVrdV enclosure
*gVrdV enclosure
*wVč`V ( ~ -ǯ-) enclosure
*dwVrV enclosure, yard
*gErV enclosure, yard
*[s]UwV end; mouth
*ḳarV enemy
*ḳarV enemy
*SVKV evening
*sVrV evening
*ʒwVṗV evening
*ʒwVṗV evening, sleep
*sun(d)V ( ~ ś-, š-) extinguish extinguish
*HuḲa eye, see
*HuḲa eye, see
*HwVlV eye, see
*SVmrV eyebrow (> eyelid); hair of head
*mVŋV face
*kVṗV face, chin
*pVNV face, forehead
*mVĺV face, head
*mVṭV face, head
*pVNV ? face, head
*mVŋV face, nose, mouth
*mVṭV face, skin on head
*ḳVtV fall
*HewV fall, descend
*HewV(jV) fall, descend, disappear
*ḳUlV far; next
*PV[s]V fart
*PVSV fart
*gwVjV fat
*gwVjV fat
*sebV ( ~ ś-, š-) fat, intestines
*aṗV father
*aṗV father
*ṗVĺV feather
*ṗVĺV feather, tail
*nVzV ( ~ -ʒ-) female
*ṗenV female
*mVṭV female genitalia
*mVṭV female genitalia
*kälU female in-law
*kälU female in-law
*eńV female relative
*mVjNV female relative
*mVjNV female relative
*natV female relative
*natV female relative
*wVč`V ( ~ -ǯ-) fence, enclosure
*HwelV fight, kill
*pVrV finger
*č`wVṗV finger, claw
*č`wVṗV finger, claw
*pVrV finger, fingernail
*ḳVrV finger, toe
*CVCxV fire
*dʷVɣV fire
*dʷVɣV fire
*ṗVxwV fire
*ṗVxwV fire
*zVcwxV fire
*HenkV fire, burn
*HenkV fire, burn
*nVjV fire, burn
*ŋera fire, burn
*ṗVrV fire, burn
*ʔumV ? fire, burn
*ʔumV ? fire, burn
*cVḳV ( ~ *č-) fire, to strike fire
*lVmV fire, warmth
*č`VHmV fish
*dVgV fish
*dVgV fish
*mVǯHV fist
*ṗVnḳV fist, handle
*kompV fist, wrist
*mVǯHV fist; ? squeeze with a fist, crumple
*lVṗV flat
*lVṗV flat
*ṭaPV flat
*ṭaPV flat
*ṗVlHV flat, level
*ṗVlHV flat, level
*ṭalV flat, plain
*pur_cwV(GV) / *pülcwV(GV) flea
*pur_cwV(GV) / *pülcwV(GV) flea
*SVĺV flesh, fat flesh, blood
*c`ebV flesh, fat
*swVĺV flesh, fat
*ńVjrV flow
*ńVjrV flow
*bVlV flow, gush
*bVlV flow, gush
*ṗarV fly
*ṗarV fly
*ṗVlV fly, flea
*ṗVlV fly, midge
*musV fog
*HVlV food
*HVlV food, eat
*tVlV foolish, deceive
*bVl(m)V foot, knee
*ṗVHdV foot, sole
*ḳVrV foot, toe
*ni̯VnV forest, wilderness
*NVlV four
*[čw]VlɣV fox
*[čw]VlɣV fox, weasel
*lVmV fragile
*sVŋV fringe, thread
*śVŋV ( ~ *ć`-) fringe, thread
*gwVrV frog
*gwVrV frog
*HalV front
*HanṭV front
*HanṭV front
*ʔedV front, breast front
*mVńV front, breast
*mVńV front, breast
*ʔedV front, breast
*newRV front, nose
*HalV front, outside
*pič`V frost, cold
*čVgV frozen snow
*čVgV frozen snow
*bVrq̇wV fruit
*bVrq̇wV fruit
*HVp`V ? full
*HVPVTV full
*malV full
*ṭVngV full
*ṭVngV full
*tVrV full
*wV(n)CV full, all
*wV(n)CV full, all
*ṭVmV full, fill
*HarV furrow
*HarV furrow, hoe
*ṗVrV buy, assemble gather, assemble
*ḳUṭV genitalia
*ḳUṭV genitalia
*malV get in pairs, pair > two
*ga get, obtain
*ajṭV ~ *amṭV? gift, allotment
*ajṭV ~ *amṭV? gift, allotment
*ćwVHV give
*gi[ɫ]ħu glittering
*gi[ɫ]ħu glittering
*[c]VbV glue
*ćabV glue, join
*HVŕV go astray, fall apart
*HVjV go, come
*HVjV go, follow
*ṭVkV (*dwVḳV) goat
*ʔoru goat, deer
*pOgV goat, ram, deer
*mVlV good
*näḳi good
*näḳi good (of soul)
*bVtV ? good, big
*dUgV good, fit
*wVlV good, new
*ʔVjV good, proper
*ʔVjsV good, take care ?
*ĺVkĺVkV goose
*SVrV grain
*SVrV grain
*kamV grasp
*kamV grasp
*HamV grasp, seize, press
*kuCu grass
*ćVmV grass, reed
*c`UlV grass, twigs
*kuč`u grass, vegetables
*c'VjrV grey
*c'VjrV grey
*ṗoŋV gum, resin, mud
*ńVjlV part of face, gums gums
*oŕV guts, inside
*ṭanV hack
*cVḳV hair
*k`VSV hair
*ńä[w(ŋ)]a [cf. *ŋVjV] hair
*ńä[w(ŋ)]a [cf. *ŋVjV] hair
*nVwrV hair
*nVwrV hair
*ŋVjV hair
*p`un(́)V hair
*p`un(́)V hair
*pUdV hair
*sVHrV hair
*sVHrV hair
*ṭVrV hair
*ṭVrV hair
*k`VSV hair ?
*Ḳila hair, beard
*burV hair, eyebrow
*pUdV (? *HapUdV) hair, feather
*burV hair, hair of head
*q̇irV hair, head
*ŋVjV hair, rope
*Ḳila hair, stalk
*sVPV hair, tail
*palV half, part
*mVńV ( / *mVń-rV?) hand
*mVńV ( / *mVń-rV?) hand
*kompV hand(ful)
*bVgu hand, arm
*udV hand, arm
*ŋVlV ? hand, bone
*ŋVlV ? hand, elbow
*ṗVnḳV hand, fist
*udV hand, limb
*ḳVmV ? hard
*ḳVmV ? hard, bone
*pVKV hard, firm
*sogwV ( ~ š-) harm, deceive
*c`VrV harsh, ragged
*q̇irV head
*ḳapV head, back of head
*sVmV hear
*SVmV hear
*ḳiwlV hear, ear
NY *me- 'hear; ear' hear, ear
*sVʎV(mV) heart
*śVʎV(mV) heart
*ḳerdV heart, breast
*[H]indV heat
*mVnḳV heavy, labour
*cVčV herd
*berg[i] high
*berg[i] high
*TVGV high
*tujpV hill
*bVgV ( ~ -ɣ-) hill, rock
*tujpV hill, top
*wVdV hit
*wVdV hit
*HangV (cf. also *wonkV) hole
*k`VCV hole
*ḳUrV hole
*wonkV hole
*ḳVwVŋV hole, cavity
*gop`a hole, empty
*gop`a hole, empty
*k`VCV hole, mouth
*p`u[ṭ]V hole, vulva
*HVlwV hollow
*HVlwV hollow, cavity
*ḳäṗV hoof
*ḳäṗV hoof
*sUdV hoof
*ṭUṗV hoof
*ṭUṗV hoof hoof, finger(nail)
*c`UdV hoof, hoof deformation
*ḳirV horn
*mVrgV horn
*mVrgV horn; root
*bVrV horned animal
*bVrV horned animal
*ṗäḳV hot, warm
*pVrV house
*ʔU[ṭ]V house
*ḳojmV village, hut house, village
*mVk`V humid, wet
*ʔVkV (*ʔVgV) I, myself
*ʔVkV (*ʔVgV) I, myself; we [1st p. pronoun]
*mV I, we [1st p. pronoun]
*jVkV ice, cold
*jVkV ice, cold
*m[ä]rV ill, die
*m[ä]rV ill, die
*tVkV insect, vermine
*tVkV insect, vermine
*ḳwVŋV insect, worm
*lVŋV insect, worm
*ʔudV inside, stomach
*ŋiV interrog. or relat. pronoun
*ŋiV interrog. or relative pronoun
*ḳV interrogative pronoun
*mV interrogative pronoun
*[c']VlV intestine
*ć'VlV intestine
*ḳUʒwV intestine
*ḳUʒ́wV intestines
*ḳVmV stomach, intestines ? intestines
*lVŋ(d)V intestines
*oŕV intestines
*ʔVŋV jaw, palate
*ʔVŋV jaw, palate
*bVgu joint, limb
*bVjV joy
*bVjV joy, desire
*sVḳV ( ~ š-) juice, ferment
*lVKV jump, run
*lVŋ(d)V kidney, heart
*KolV kill
*ḳVwχV kill
*bVl(m)V knee
*sVnV knee, ankle
*kUŋ[d]V knife, cut, break
*ṭanV know
*ṭanV (?*-ŋ-) know know, hear
*nerV know, name
*lVmbV large fish
*zīwe(ŋkV) large predator
*zīwe(ŋkV) large predator
*sUrV large, heavy
*sUrV large, heavy
*gUlV laugh
*gUlV laugh, merry
*bolV leaf
*bolV leaf
*lVṗV leaf
*ṗVlV leaf tree
*ṗVlV leaf tree
*lVṗV leaf, bark
*HelV leaf, branch
Alt. *pòŋa ( ~ *p`-) 'bud' leaf, flower
*HVrVlV (*HVlVrV) leaf; reed?
*ɫaḳV leg
*ɫaḳV leg
*ḳVwlV leg, arm
*ḳVwlV leg, limb
*ṭalV level ground
*laḳV lick
*laḳV lick
*lašV ? lick
*lašV ? lick
*talV lick, drink
*ḳVwjV lie
*Howri light, burn
*Howri light, burn
*SulV light, loose
*HVlV light, shine
*HVlV light, shine
*jVḳV light, shine
*jVḳV light, shine
*mVlV light, shine
*ṗVHdV limb
*kanpV lip, soft excrescence
*kanpV lip, soft excrescence
*GurV liquid
*GurV liquid
*lVṭV liquid
*lVṭV liquid
*sVwV liquid
*śVwV liquid
*lVḳwV liquid, dirt
*L[ä]jV liquid, flow
Alt. *pi̯ā̀ki liver liver
CK *ponta " liver
*tVrV(ŋV) liver, belly
*mVLV blood, marrow? liver, intestines
*mVxlV ( ~ *mVlxV) lizard, slug
*mVxlV ( ~ *mVlxV) lizard, worm
*zVmV loins, groin
*tel(ḥ)V long
*tel(ḥ)V long
*śVnV long bone
*[s]VPV long hair, tail
*ḳUlV long, far
*HVgU long, high
*wVŕV long, wide
*wVŕV long, wide
*SulV loose
*lVCV loose(n)
*pVN(T)V ? louse
*ṭäjV louse
*ṭäjV louse
*ñejV louse, nit
*ʔVjV love, good
*mVnzV luminary
*mVnʒ́V luminary
*pVjLV lung, liver
*pVjLV lung, spleen
*gVntV male
*gVntV male
*mVḳV male, male child
*ḳaćV ( ~ -ć`-) man
*mänV man
*mänV man
*m[o]nV many
*m[o]nV many
*ṗalV many
*ṗV(H)- ? many
*bVtV ? many, big
*ṗalV many, full
*[sw]VjmV marsh
*[sw]VjmV marsh, uncultivated land
*ḳ[u]nV marten
*ḳ[u]nV marten
*ńVḳV(rV) meat
*sUḳV meat
*ʔomsV meat
*ʔomśV meat
*cVč𝑉čV meat, animal
*sUḳV meat, deer
*mVḳV meat, liver
*mVḳV meat, liver
*ńVḳV(rV) meat, roe, intestines
*ʔarV member of the clan
*mVtV moisture
*mVtV moisture
*ṭVlgV(nV) moon, heavenly body
*ṭVlgV(nV) moon, luminary
*ṗuKdV (?) morning
*HamV morning / evening
*SVKV morning ~ evening
*ŋańV morning, clear sky
*kuńV ? moth
*ʔVjV ? mother
*ʔVjV ? mother
*ʔVmV mother
*ʔVmV mother, woman
*balV mountain
*malV mountain
*malV mountain
*wVrV mountain
*wVrV mountain
*TVGV mountain, high
*balV mountain, hill
*gʷVrV mountain, hill
*gʷVrV mountain, hill
*ṗVrV mountain, top
*ṗVrV mountain, top
*cVḳV ( ~ *c`-) mouse
*CVḳV (cf. also *cwVkV ( ~ čw-)) mouse, squirrel
*gʷVĺV mouse, squirrel
*[s]UwV mouth
*HVwV mouth, hole
*HVwV mouth, hole
*č`VmV ? mouth; eat
*ʔVpV mouth; speak
*ʔVpV mouth; to speak
*ḳorV mud, dung
*ṗoŋV mud; gum, resin
*HVwV multitude; be satiated
*pUtV mushroom, fungus
*pUtV mushroom, sponge
*luku naked, take off clothes
*ĺVm(ŋ)V name
*ĺVm(ŋ)V name
*ṗVtV name
*ṗVtV name, call
*šamV name, shape
*[s]VKV nape, back
*śVKV nape, back
*dVgV nape; back
*č`VnV narrow
*ṭijV narrow
*č`VnV narrow, thin
*ʔVbV near
*ḳVlV neck
*kVŋkV neck, collar
*HVŋV neck, throat
*ḳVlV neck, throat
*nVKV neck, vertebra
*ʔVlV negative particle
*ʔVlV negative particle
*ʔe negative verb
*žVjŋV new
*CVrV new, fresh
*žVjŋV new, good
*CVrV new, young
*wVlV new, young
*HUdV night
*kVcwV ( ~ -čw-) night
*lVlV night
*lVlV night
? *ŋańV 'morning, clear sky' night, dawn
*HUdV night, sleep
*zVNV night, sleep
*ʒ́iNV night, sleep
*ʔamV night, sleep
*ñejV nit
*sajrV nit, louse
*sajrV ( ~ *ś-) nit, louse
*ḳVŋV nose
*ḳVŋV nose
*ne(H)wRV nose
*ŋVkCV nose
*wiKV (?*ujKV) nose
*wiKV (?*ujKV) nose
*CVxrV nose, nostril
*cwVxrV nose, nostril
*ʔVnV not
*ʔVnV not, negative particle
*ʔe not, negative verb
*gVrVbV notch, sign
*nVwV now; new
*nVwV now; new
*tVrV numerous, full
(cf. PIE *ar- 'nut') nut, fruit
*gwVrV old
*gwVrV old
*zVr(d)V old
*ʔUdV one
*ʔUdV one
*ʔVrV one
*ʔVrV one
PIE *sem- one
*dwV(j)ḳV one, finger
*dwV(j)ḳV one, finger (?)
*ʔo(ŋ)nV one, self
*sUŋV onion, odorous grass
*ṗan[c]V open
*ʔVrHV open space
*ʔVrHV open space
*HangV open, hole
*ʔaḳa open; hole
*nerV order, custom
*ni̯VnV original place
*aĺV other side other
*gUjV other
*gwVjV other
*mVnḳV pain, wound
*gilV painful state, grief
*gilV painful state, grief
*gagtV pair, one of a pair
*ŋVnV palate, tongue
*ŋVnV palate, tongue
Yuk. *caʷlǝʒǝ- hand, Nivgh. *cälmǝ palm palm
*ṗVlŋV palm (of hand)
*ṗVlŋV palm of hand, handful
*ńVjlV part of face
*ŋVk[čw]V part of nose
Alt. *t`ā́nV ( ~ -ē-) (?) part of nose part of nose
*čVKV part of shoulder
*čVKV part of shoulder, joint
*gEpSV paw, grasp
*gEpčwV paw, hand
*ɣoŋɣV peg, nail
*ḳUjḳV peg, nail (cf. also *kikV 'bite', *ḳVkV 'break, peck') peg, nail
*ḳUjḳV peg, root
*bVĺV penis
*bVĺV penis
*ṗacV ( ~ -c`-, -č-) penis
*ṗaćV ( ~ -ć`-, -č-) (cf. also *pVjcV ( ~ -č-)) penis
*čVbV people, army
*baja place
*baja place
*ṭVrṗV pleasure, satisfaction
*malV plenty, abundant
*küɫä pond
*küɫä pond
*laḳwV pool, low ground
*laḳwV pool, low ground
*ṗVdV pot
*ṗVdV pot
*pVNV pot
*mVlV pray
*ma prohibitive / negative particle
*ma prohibitive particle, not
*[č]iru pus, rot
*Ciru pus, rot
*ńukV push, move
*ṭurV quick
*ṭurV quick
*pV[ṭ]V quick, swift
*musV ? rain, fog, steam
*HVrćV ( ~ -ć`-) (cf. also *rVCV) rain, pour
*HVrV rare
*HVrV rare rare, new
*HVrVlV (*HVlVrV) reed
*tajV relative-in-law
*ḳVCV (also *kVCV) ring, hook
*ḳVč`V ring, spool
*ŋwVkV rise
*HVgU rise, stand up
*ʔVpV rise, up
*ʔVpV rise, up
*ʔur(H)V road
*ʔur(H)V road
*mVrV road, walk
*lVgV ? rod, strap
*lVgV ? rod, strap
*t`VrV(ŋV) roe; inside
*tV(H)mV root, bone (?)
*tV(H)mV root, bone (?) root, bone (??)
*wVr[t]V root, herb
*wVr[t]V root, herb
*ḲurV root, sprout
*ḲurV root, stalk
*wVŕV ( ~ *HuŕV) rope, thread
*ḳoĺV round
*ḳoĺV round
*ṭompV round
*ṭompV ? round, convex
*kuNṭV rump, buttocks
*nVKV rump, neck
*bok[a] run
*bok[a] run
*ʔurKV run, drive
*lVmV sack, bag
*CalV salt
*sVbV salt, bitter
*čwalV salt, sea
*č`VmV salty, sour
*cwVwVrV salty, sour
*ki[ǯ]V sand
*kiCV sand
*ṭVrṗV satisfaction
*tVHV say
*wVḳV say, call
*čVwV ( ~ *č`-) say, sound
*čVwV ( ~ *č`-) say, sound
*pVkV scab
*ś(w)VcwV scatter, sift
*ḳwVnCV scrape, scraper
*ḳwVncwV scrape, scraper
*wVrcwV scratch
*ḳVSV scratch, scrape
*wVrcwV scratch, scrape
*jamV sea
*sVjɣwV sea, shallow
*jamV sea, water
*sVjɣwV sea, water
*ʔVnjV see, eye
*ṗVrV seed, kin
*ṗVrV seed, kin
*sVjHV seed; to sift
*HamV seize
*ʔo(ŋ)nV self
*bedV separate, split
*aHulV settlement
*palVHV settlement
*palVHV settlement
*aHulV settlement ( < *root, seed?)
*šamV shape
*Hoḳi sharp
*CVNV sharp object
*Hoḳi sharp point, tooth
*c`iĺV sharp stick
*c`iĺV sharp stick
*pVxwV sharp, to whet
*pVxwV sharp, to whet
*kV(n)ḳV shell
*kV(n)ḳV shell, bark
*ḳVnčV shin, shank
*ḳVnčV shin, thigh
*bVrḳV shine, bright
*mVlV shine, burn
*belV shine, burn (several roots?)
*belV shine, glitter
*laṗV shine, glitter
*bVɣV shine, light
*bVɣV shine, light
IE *leuk- ? shine; burn
*tVlV shoulder
*tVlV shoulder, arm
*ṗVŋV shoulder, shoulder-blade
IE *rewǝ- shout, roar shout
*tVjḳV show, point at
*ēco ( ~ -ć-, -č-) sick, ill
*bVḳV side
*bVḳV side (of body)
*SirV sinew; root
*SirV sinew; root
*sVnV ( ~ ś-, š-, ć`-) single, first
*sVnV ( ~ š-, c`-) single; apart, asunder
*SäwCV sister, woman?
*SäwCV sister, woman?
*ḲaĺV skin
*ḲaĺV skin
*perV skin
*perV skin
*ṗVtV skin
*ṗVtV skin
*ṭVlV skin
*ṭVlV skin
*pVkV skin, bark
*kamV skin, crust, peel
*ṭVwq̇V skin, hair
*ṭVwq̇V skin, hair on body
*kamV skin, husk
*ḳapV skull
*HaḳumV sky, cloud
*HaḳumV sky, cloud
*kVCV slanting
*ʔamV sleep
*[ʒ]VlV slide, creep
*SVlV slime
*SVlV slime, dirt
*cVḳV small
*CVḳV small
*ḳVṭV small
*ṭijV small
*ciṗV small bird
*ciṗV small bird
*ṗenV small female animal
*ṭVnV small, thin, short
*ḳVṭV small, young
*pVwjV small. child
*pVwjV small. child
*cwVHmV smear
*mVjrV smear, fat
*mVjrV smear, fat
*ć`ämV smear; fat
*[s]VwHV smell
*ṗunV smell
*sun(g)V smell
*śun(g)V smell
*ṗunV smell, breathe, smoke
*mUc`V ( ~ -s-) smile
*ǯun[k]V smoke
*ǯun[k]V smoke
*nVbV smoke, cloud
*nVbV smoke, cloud
*gVlV smooth
*CVNV smth. sharp
*ṗVjmV snake
*ʔanKV snake
*ʔanKV snake
IE *nētr- 'snake' snake
*lVmbV snake, eel
*lVmV soft, fragile
*mVlV soft, mild
*lVjńV soft, weak
*LVṗV soft, wet
*LVṗV soft, wet
Alt. *mùsi 'steam, spirit' soul, breath
*CVwVrV sour
*č`VmV sour, bitter
*sVḳV ( ~ ś-, š-, ć`-) sour, ferment
*ṭVgV span
*ṭVgV span
*jVnV speak, say, sound
*jVnV speak, sound
*ṗuNV spin, twist
*ṗuNV spin, twist
*cwVnV spirit
*ṭupV spit
*ṭupV spit
*ḳiwHV spit, fang
*ḳiwHV spit, fang
*lVṗV ? spleen
*lVṗV ? spleen
*tV(H)ʎV spleen
*tV(H)ʎV spleen, liver
*cVlV split
*CVlV split, tear off
*ṗVrjV spread
*CVχrV spread, extend
*pVdV spread, long
*PVnV spring
*bira (*bujra) spring, flow
*bira (*bujra) spring, flow
*p`iSV sprinkle
*p`isV sprinkle
*kanVbV stalk
*kanVbV stalk, peg
*čwVrV stand
*dVštV star
*HVzwVrV star, luminary
*dV[š]tV ? star, moon
*HVźVrV star, shine
*ṭVlV stem, board
*ColV steppe, valley, meadow
*ColV steppe, valley, meadow
*bVč`V stick
*ḳVlV stick
*ḳVlV stick
*bedV stick into, pierce
*bVč`V stick, pole
*ḳUrV stick, tree
*ḳUrV stick, tree
*ḳVmV ? stomach, intestines
*ḳElV stone
*kiwV stone
*ṭ/aj/lV stone
*ṭ/aj/lV stone
*bVgV ( ~ -ɣ-) stone, hill
*kiwV stone, mountain
*ḳElV stone, rock
*burV ( >> *p-) storm
*burV ( >> *p-) storm
*Huwa stream, flow of water
*Huwa stream, flow of water
*ṭumgV stump
*ṭumgV stump, trunk
*SUṗV suck
*zUkV suck
*muḳV swallow, gobble suck, swallow
*eli sufficient, complete
*si̯aχu (-ɣ-) sun
*si̯aχu (-ɣ-) sun
? PT *daŋ 'dawn'; PJ (Ryukyu) *tianta 'sun' sun, day
*laHm[u] swamp
*laHm[u] swamp
*šwxVjṗV sweep
*cwVtu sweet
*cwVtu sweet, tasty
*ḳudV tail
*ḳudV tail
*toḳE tail
*toḳE tail
*ṗVńcwV ( ~ -ćw−,−č𝑤-,-čw-, -ǯ-) tail, (long) hair
*śVrV back tail, back
*ga take
*ʔanV take
*gerV take, bring
*tVKV take, bring
*ʔVpV take, carry
*gVṭV take, get
*kantV take, grasp
*ʔVpV take, seize
*ṭVHmV taste
*xamV, *xamŋV taste (*xamŋV 'mouth')
*cVḳV temple, hair on temple
*ṗV(H)- ? ten, many
*ʔU[ṭ]V tent
*ḳoĺV testicle
*ḳoĺV testiculus
*ʔVbV that, that near
*ʔa (*ʔe) that, this
*ʔu that, this
*ʔu that, this
*ʔa (*ʔe) that, this (prob. *Ha that, *He this)
*ṭujV (*ṭVwjV) thick
*ṭVkV thick
*ṭVkV thick, full
*bongä thick, swell
*bongä thick, swell
*bVgtV thigh
*bVgtV thigh
*ṗVǯkV thigh, leg (?)
*ṗVǯkV thigh, rump
*cUṗV thin
*ṭVnV thin
*ćUṗV thin, narrow
*HVdV thing
*HVdV thing; interrog. stem
*cV ( ~ č-) this
*cV ( ~ č-, ć-) this
*ḳV this
*ʔi (*hi) this
*ʔi (*hi) this
*ʒwVgV thorn
*ʒ́wVgV thorn
*NEḳrV thorny bush
*χwV thou (obl. forms?) [2nd p. pronoun]
*nV thou thou [2nd p. pronoun]
*ṭ[u] thou [2nd p. pronoun]
HVŋV throat
*kUṭV throat, intestines
*kUlV throat, swallow
*kUlV throat, to swallow
*cVḳV tickle
*tVḳV tie, weave
*CVCV tip, spout
*čVčV tip, spout
*ŋāńi to approach, follow
*ṗVrXV to ask, pray
*ṗVrXV to ask, pray
*mUCV to bare teeth
*buHi to be
*woɣlV to be
*woɣlV to be
*ʔa ? to be
*ʔa ? to be
*ʔesA to be
*ʔesA to be
*kVCV to be angry
*kVCV to be angry, hostile
*ṭVkV to be completed, exhausted
*ṭVkV to be lost, exhausted
*buḳV to be mad, stupid
*HwVlV to be visible
*c`olHV to be well
*ColHV to be well
*ʔelA to be, live
*ʔelA to be, live
*š[e]wV to bear
*š[e]wV to bear
*ṭVlV to bear
*ṭVlV to bear, lift
*ṗVṭV to beat
*ṗVṭV to beat
*ḳVwχV to beat, hit
*büḲa to bend
*cVḳV to bend
*Garḳu to bend
*Garḳu to bend
*guḳa to bend
*guḳa to bend
*güpA to bend
*ḳVlV ? to bend
*ḳVŋV to bend
*ɫoŋḳa to bend
*ɫoŋḳa to bend, bow
*KUrV to bend, turn
*güpA to bend; hump, heap
*KuTV to bind, girdle
*taxlwV to bind, harness
*kikV to bite
*ṭVHmV to bite, taste
*c`ajV to blink, shine, shade
*CajV to blink, shine, shade
*dVwɣV to blow
*p`uSV to blow
*p`uSV to blow
*ṗuɣV to blow
*ṗuɣV to blow
*dVwɣV to blow, shake
*Hewa to blow, winnow
*Hewa to blow, winnow
*ḳüpä to boil, foam
*ḳüpä to boil, foam
*gVbV to boil, roast
*lUŋ(k)V to bore, dig
*cVḳV to bow, bend
*ṗVSV to break, crumble
*ʔVrHwV to break, cut, wound
*ʔVrHwV to break, scatter, tear
*HwinV to breathe
*ʔanqV to breathe
*ʔanqV to breathe
*/ḳ/alV to burn
*ć`wVwV (?*HVwć'wV) to burn
*cwVwV (?*HVwcwV) to burn
*dekO to burn
*dekO to burn
*Hase to burn
*HaSe to burn
*ḳVńV to burn
*ṗVdwV to burn
*ṭülV to burn
*kVwrV to burn, bake
*kVwrV to burn, bake
*ḳVju to burn, boil
*CVlV to burn, flash
*gVbV to burn, heat
*nVjV to burn, sun
*paḳV to burst, split (many roots)
*CVḥV (?) to call
*gVjwV to call
*gVjwV to call
*ḳErV to call
*ḳErV to call
*č`VrV to care
*čVrV to care
*HVrV to change, borrow
*HVrV to change, distribute
*käjwV (?-b-) to chew
*lVkV to collect, count
*lVkV to collect, count
*ṗanV to collect, put
*muṭV to complete
*ḳa(j)dV to cover
*ḳVrV to cover, protect
*gʷVnV to covet sexually
*gʷVnV to covet sexually
*aĺV to cross, other side
*pi(u)čV to crush
*ṗVjńV to crush, press
*pi(u)CV to crush, squeeze
*muɣrV to cry
*ḳVwV to cry, shout
*jVrV to curse, be angry
*ɣVcV ( ~ -c`-) to cut
*ɣVčV ( ~ -č`-) to cut
*ḳVć`V to cut
*mVc`V to cut
*ṭanV ? to cut
*ṗVwV to cut, hit, saw
*ṗVwV to cut, hit, saw
*kVlV ? to cut, knife
*CarV to cut, sharp
*sVḳV to cut, split
*śVḳV to cut, split
*mVCV to cut, tear
*tVlV to deceive
*KolV to die, kill
*ḳVṗV to dig, hack
*palV to divide, cut in half
*jVgU to drink
*tVrV to drink, flow
*KVmV to dry
*šwVrV to dry
*šwVrV to dry
*sun(d)V ( ~ š-) to dry up, extinguish
*ʒeGV to eat
*ʒeGV to eat
*ʔitV to eat
*ʔitV to eat
*ḳVmV to eat, gulp
*ḳVmV to eat, gulp
*ŋēni to enter, go
*ḳVtV to fall
*ṗeṭV to fall
*ṗeṭV to fall, (down)
*ṗVjlV to fall, fly
*ṗVjlV to fall, soar
*belHi to fear, be angry
*belHi to fear, be scared
*zUkV to ferment, squeeze juice
*ṭVmV to fill, stuff
*ḳUdV to finish
*ḳUdV to finish
*dUgV to fit, be good
*ḳVnV to fit, be good
*CVlV to flash, shine
*CurV / *CorV to flow, drip
*CurV / *CorV to flow, drip
*tUKV to flow, pour
*lVjḳV to follow, send, leave
*lVjḳV to follow, send, leave
*gVṭV to get
*be[rH]u to give
*be[rH]u to give
*cwVHV to give
*dwV[H]V to give
*dwV[H]V to give
*KVmV ? to give birth, family
*kVngV to gnaw
*gVwV / *gwVjV (?) to go
*meŋV to go
*ŋēni (cf. also *ŋāńi) to go, come
*ʒ́wVHV to go, come
*ʒwVHV to go, come, drive
*gVwV / *gwVjV (?) to go, follow
*mVrV to go, walk
*HaṗV to grasp
*HaṗV to grasp
*ḳaṗV to grasp
*ḳaṗV to grasp
*[p]itV to grasp, seize
*zVr(d)V ( ~ *ʒ-) to grow
*buHi to grow, become
*tajV to hang
*[s]VŋʒwV ? to hang down; stand (?)
*kUŋ[d]V to harm, break
*CVrV to hate, be annoyed
*ǯVrV to hate, be annoyed
*ḳiwlV to hear
*ḳVrV to hide, protect
*KuĺV to hide, secret
*ḳVkV to hit, break
*mVqwV to hit, push
*gerV to hold
*ʔanV to hold, seize
*wVlV to howl, cry
*wVlV to howl, cry
*anTV to join, together
*anTV to join, together
*lVKV to jump, run
*ḳVs(w)V to kindle, dry
*cwVnV to know
*g(w)enV to know
*g(w)enV to know
*CVḥV (?) to know, consider
*ćwVnV (cf. also *sVnV) to know, think
*sVnV to know, think
*wetV to lead
*wetV (cf. also *dwVwV 'run') to lead, to go
*šVwV to let, agree
*l[a]pV to lick
*talV to lick
*lVm(ŋ)V to lick, swallow
*l[a]pV to lick; lip
*ḳVwjV to lie
*kVlV to lie, fall down
*kVlV to lie, sleep (also 'fall', cf. 412?)
*alV to listen, hear
*alV to listen, hear
*ḥujV to live
*ḥujV to live
*tVjḳV to look, show
*KuĺV to lose, hide
*wärV to make
*wärV to make
*KVmV ? to marry
*ḳVnV to match, fit
*dVnV to melt, flow
*dVnV to melt, flow
*kalV ? to mix, join
*SVlV to move
*SVlV to move
*ńowda to move quickly
*ńowda to move quickly, pursue
*mVqwV to move, push
*ćeKV to move, step
*ṗanCV to open, spread
*ʔaḳa to open, spread
*luku to peel, naked
*CoḳV to pierce
*CoḳV (cf. also *čVḳV) to pierce
*źVḳV to plait
*zVḳV to plait, smth. plaited
*HUbV to plait, weave
*HUbV to plait, weave
*rVCV to plait, weave, rope (?)
*tIgwV to plant vertically
*ṗIḳV to polish, rub
*L[ä]jV to pour
*lVHwV to pour
*ṗVHV to pour, drink to pour
*ṗVHV to pour, drink
*tUKV to pour, drop
*ʒwVHlV to pour, stream
*piCV ? to prepare food
*piCV ? to prepare food
*ńamV to press, seize
*ńamV to press, seize
*ṭVnV to pull
*ṭVnV to pull, stretch
*nVq̇V to push, beat; grind (2 roots?)
*nVq̇V to push, beat; grind (2 roots?)
*ńukV to push, pull
*dVʕV (*d[i]ɣV) to put
*dVʕV (*d[i]ɣV) to put
*ṗanV to put
*HVlV to receive (+ bestow)
*kVdwV ? to rise
*kVdwV to rise to rise
*ḲaLi to rise, raise
*ḲaLi to rise, raise
*Horä to rise; move, go
*HUlV to roll
*HUlV to roll
*murV to roll, twist
*ṗVšV to rub, crumble
*ṗIḳV to rub, scratch
*dwVwV to run
*ḳacwV to run
*ṭoKV to run
*ṭoKV to run
*ʔurKV to run
*ṭVŕgV to run, road
*tVHV to say
*wVḳV to say, call
*mVlV to say, pray
*s(w)VcwV to scatter
*ḳirV to scrape
*ḳirV; cf. also *gVrV scratch, *gVrVbV notch, sign to scrape
*ḳV[sw]V to scrape
*gVrV to scratch
*xVḳV to scratch
*xVḳV to scratch
*ʔVwʒwV(HV) to see
*silV to see, eye
*wEdwV to see, eye
*ʔVnjV to see, eye
*HwVjV to see, guard
*HwVjV to see, guard
*silV to see, inspect
*šVḳV to see, know
*šVḳV ( ~ *ć`w-) to see, know
*wEdwV to see, know, search
*ʔVwCV(HV) (cf. also *ʔincV) to see, perceive
*[p]itV to seize, press
*dVrV to shake
*nVkV to shine, be visible
*laṗV to shine, glitter, flash
*ḳVwV to shout, sound
*sVjHV to sift
*č`VṗV to sink
*č`VṗV to sink
*ʒVlV to slide, creep
*ḥVwV (?) to speak
*ḥVwV (?) to speak
*watV to speak
*watV to speak
*sVjwV to speak, shout
*sVjwV ( ~ *ś-) to speak, shout
*muɣrV to speak, sound
*wVŕV ( ~ *HuŕV) to spin, plait
*KVrV to spin, wind
*lUŋ(k)V to split, bore
*ṗVrjV to spread
*pVdV to spread, long
*CVχrV ? to spread, strew
*čwVrV to stand
*sVlV to stand (?)
*sVŋʒ́V to stand, hang down (?)
*tIgwV to stand, plant vertically
*ŋwVkV to stand, rise
*menV to stay
*nV(w)HV to stay, be, stand
*menV to stay, reside
*NEgV to stick in, pierce
*NEgV to stick in, pierce
*bulV to stir, mix
*bulV to stir, puddle
*nV(w)HV to stretch, stand
*cVḳV ( ~ *č-) to strike fire
*kUdV to submerge
*[c`w]VṗV to suck
*ʔEmV to suck
*CVrbV to suck (?)
*[c]VrbV to suck, leech
*C(w)VHrV to suffer
*c`VHrV to suffer
*dVwV to suffer
*dVwV to suffer, die
*enV to suffer, die
*enV to suffer; pain
*cwalV to suffice, be full
*HVṗV to swallow
*L[ü]ḳa to swallow
*L[ü]ḳa to swallow
*lVm(ŋ)V to swallow
*Sem[H]V to swallow
*Sem[H]V to swallow
*tVrV to swallow, drink
*muḳV to swallow, gobble
*balʕ[u] to swallow, throat
*gwVrV to swallow, throat
*gwVrV to swallow, throat
*balʕ[u] to swallow, throat; pipe
*swxVjṗV to sweep
*bari to take
*bari to take
*kantV to take
*ʔVjsV to take care of, honour
*HVlV to take, receive
*č`VmV ? to taste, eat
*xamV to taste, sour
*p`äŕ[a] to tear, break, split
*p`äŕ[a] to tear, break, split
*ḳV[ǯ]V to tear, rip
*manu to think
*manu to think
*ʒVm(ŋ)V to think, dream
*ḳVńV to tie, bind
*ḳVńV to tie, bind
*taxlwV to tie, net
*tVKV to touch
*Koki to trace
*Koki to trace
*dVrV to tremble
*ṭurV to turn round
*ṭurV to turn round
*ʔVŋV to understand, brain (?)
*gUrV to understand, see
*gUrV to understand, see
*swiḳV ( ~ šw-) to urinate
*[š]ehŕa to wake
*źwehŕa to wake
*ṭVlV to wake, become clear
*ṭVlV to wake; see > eye (?)
*gVrV to walk, go
*gVrV to walk, run
*meŋV to walk, run
*lVHwV to wash, soak
*mVjV to weaken, disappear
*mVjV to weaken, disappear
*lVCV to wear out; weak, exhausted
*wVc`V to wear, put on
*rVcV ( ~ -c`-) to weave (a lattice?)
*c`VmrV to wink, eyelid
*h/a/wV to wish
*wiʎ/g/V to wish
*wiʎ/g/V to wish
*h/a/wV to wish (cf. 173)
*ʔVnV(jV) to wish, help
*šVwV to wish, let
*buḳV to worry, be stupid
*ʔewV to wound, kill
*ʔewV to wound, kill
*tilV(ŋV) tongue
*tilV(ŋV) tongue
*Ḳä[lH]ä tongue, to speak
*Ḳä[lH]ä tongue, to speak
*palV tooth
*palV tooth
*ɣoŋɣV tooth, peg
*ḳVmbV tooth, sharp edge
*ḳVmbV tooth, sharp edge
*ḳVḳV top
*ḳVḳV top
*mVĺV top
*KVmPV top of head
*KVmPV top of head
*TUmV top of head, hair
*TUmV top of head, hair of head
*ḳirV top of head, horn
*cimu ( ~ č-, č`-) top, summit
*ṭaṗV touch, plaster
*ṭaṗV touch, plaster, attach ?
*ceKV tramp, step
*ṗUjV tree
*ṗUjV tree
*widV tree
*dʷirV tree, wood
*dʷirV tree, wood
*c`UlV twig, branch
*šVṭV ? twig, rod
*murV twist
*tVḳV twist, weave
*malV two
*tuʔV ( ~ *tuq̇V) two
*tuʔV ( ~ *tuq̇V) two
*NVlV two / four / eight
*gagtV two, pair
*jVŕV two, pair
*jVŕV two, pair
*ʔVŋV understand, brain
*ʔirV ungulate
*ʔirV ungulate
*kVŋkV upper part of chest, collarbone
*swiḳV ( ~ šw-) urine, urinate
*gowlV valley
*gowlV valley, deep
*kala vessel
*kala vessel
*ḳaṗV vessel
*ḳaṗV vessel
*ḳVwKV vessel
*koṭV village
*koṭV village, house
*ḳojmV village, hut
*p`u[ṭ]V vulva
*pVjcV ( ~ -č-) vulva
*ṗuKdV wake
*kä[lH]V walk, roam, ford
*kä[lH]V walk, roam, ford
*ṭVŕgV walk, run, road (several roots? assimilations?)
*lVmV warm
*ṭ[ä]pV warm
*ṭ[ä]pV warm
Ur. *kačV 'warm' warm
*bVnV ? wash
*mVs(k)V ( ~ -ʒ-) wash
*mVś(k)V ( ~ -ʒ́-) wash
*HVrcV ( ~ -c`-) wash, flow
*bVnV ? water
*wetV water
*wetV water
*ʕEḳu water
*ʕEḳu water
*ʒwVHlV water, pour
*kUdV water, to submerge
*mEwV water, wet
*mEwV water, wet
*wV we (pronoun)
*wV we we, I [1st p. pronoun]
*HalV (cf. also *lVjV ) weak
*lVjV weak
*ṭVrV weak
*lVjńV weak, lax
*HalV weak, tired
*ŋVwV weak, tired, dead
*ṭVrV weak, young
*wVCV wear, dress
*ēco ( ~ -č-) weary, tired
*(H)wiɫV wet
*(H)wiɫV wet wet
*mäŕä wet
*mäŕä wet
*mVk`V wet
*mV what, interrogative pronoun
*swVḳV ( ~ cw−,č𝑤-,čw-) white
*swVḳV ( ~ cw-,čw-) white, clean
*CV who
*ḳV who, what
*ḳVĺwV whole
*ḳVĺwV whole, all, combine
*ćwalV whole, full
*ṗaṭV wide
*ṗaṭV wide, open
*čwalV willow
*čwalV willow
*CalV ? wind, to blow
*gara wing; arm
*PVnV winter ~ spring
*gImV winter, cold
*gImV winter, cold
*ʔVnV(jV) wish
*ḲüjnA wolf, dog
*ḲüjnA wolf, dog
*k/u/nV woman
*k/u/nV woman
*nVzV ( ~ -ʒ-) woman, female
*widV wood
*ḲorV worm
*ḲorV worm
*kuńV (if < *kuj-nV?) worm
*mVṭV worm
*mVṭV worm
*ṗäri worm
*ṗäri worm
*ḳwVŋV worm, insect
*ŋalmV worm, insect
*w[e]ṭV year
*w[e]ṭV year
*CVnV year, old
*zVnV year, old
*si you
"Alt. "*bāla 'child, young' young
*ṭVlV young animal, plant
*ṭVlV young animal, plant
*majrV young male
*majrV young male
*ḳacV ( ~ -c`-) young man
*ḳʷVŕV young of animals
*ḳʷVŕV young of animals
*ḲanV young, child
*ḲanV young, child

== Etymologies possibly linked to Afroasiatic ==
== Etymologies possibly linked to Afroasiatic ==

Revision as of 22:39, 10 July 2024

Etymologies possibly linked to Nostratic

Proto-Atlanto-Mediterranean Meaning Notes
*ŋV 1st p. pron.
*mV 1st person pronoun
*ŋV 1st person pronoun (exclusive?)
*χwV 2nd person pronoun
*nV 2nd person pronoun, thou
*si 2nd person pronoun, thou
*ṭ[u] 2nd person pronoun, thou
*sV 3rd person pronoun
*KVrdV a bird of prey
*CVnCV a biting insect
*nV a deictic element
*nV a demonstrative element
*ṭVkV (*dwVḳV) a horned animal
*mVrV a k. of berry
*[č`w]VHḳV a k. of bird
*CVmV a k. of bird
*CVmV a k. of bird
*HalVḳV a k. of bird
*HalVḳV a k. of bird
*kaNV a k. of bird
*kaNV a k. of bird
*ḳUĺV a k. of bird
*ḳUĺV a k. of bird
*kVṗV a k. of bird
*kVṗV a k. of bird
*kwVtV a k. of bird
*kwVtV a k. of bird
*ĺVkĺVkV ? a k. of bird
*sVgV (?) a k. of bird
*SVlwV a k. of bird
*SVlwV a k. of bird
*ṭVrV / *ṭVṭVrV a k. of bird
*k[i̯a]ma 'a k. of aquatic bird' a k. of bird
*KVwrV a k. of bird (gallinacean)
*c`iŋu a k. of bone
*lVnṭV a k. of cereal
*lVnṭV a k. of cereal
*ṭVḳV a k. of duck
*ṭVḳV a k. of duck or hen
*č`VHmV a k. of fish
*kVrV a k. of fish
*kVrV a k. of fish
*kećä 'k. of fish' a k. of fish
*ńowŋa salmon a k. of fish
*mVsV a k. of fruit
*mVsV a k. of fruit
*KVwrV a k. of gallinacean bird
*wVĺV a k. of grass
*wVĺV a k. of grass
*cVmV a k. of grass
*mula a k. of horned animal
*mula a k. of horned animal
*KUmV a k. of insect
*KUmV a k. of insect
*ḳUṭḳV a k. of insect
*ḳUṭḳV a k. of insect
*lVŋV a k. of insect
*mVḳV a k. of insect
*mVḳV a k. of insect
*pUḳV a k. of insect
*pVN(T)V ? a k. of insect
*ṗVnǯV a k. of insect
*či̯ū́ p𝑖̯ū́𝑝a ( ~ -u) a k. of insect
*m[a]ŋi a k. of insect
*ṗVnǯV a k. of insect, louse
*c`UtV a k. of liquid
*sUŋV a k. of onion
*bVrV a k. of predator
*KVrdV a k. of predator
*[xq̇]wĕ[l]ʕǝ́ a k. of rodent
*lVmV a k. of sack
*jVwV (*ʔVjwV) a k. of tree
*jVwV (*ʔVjwV) a k. of tree
*kojw[a] a k. of tree
*NEḳrV a k. of tree
*ʔilVmV a k. of tree
*cVHnV ( ~ *c`-) a k. of ungulate
*CVxnV a k. of ungulate
*mVnV a k. of ungulate
*ḳVwKV a k. of vessel
*pVNV a k. of vessel
*sVgV (?) a k. of water bird (gull)
*lVlV a part of leg, foot
*cwVkV ( ~ čw-) a small animal
*mVwć`wV a stinging insect
*pUḳV a stinging insect
*eli all
*kalV ? all, join
*mVwcwV an insect
*čă k𝑎̆𝑘i 'a k. of insect' an insect
*CV(n)CV ? an internal organ
*morV an ungulate
*jVrV angry
*mVńCV animal hair
*mVńcV ( ~ -c`-) animal hair
*gujrV antelope
*gujrV antelope
*gara arm
*küjnV arm
*lVlV arm
*ćVḳV arm, leg
*ḳVwVŋV armpit
*čVbV army, people
*ṗVdwV; cf. also "Alt. "*pi̯ŏ t𝑖̯𝑜̆𝑡e ( ~ -t-, *pi̯ă t𝑖̯𝑎̆𝑡u) 'light' ashes, burn
*ṗVlV ashes, dirt
*dVgV back
  • gedV back
  • gedV back
  • sVrV back
  • tVbV back
  • tVbV back
  • ʔarV back
  • ʔarV back
  • kuNṭV back, rear
  • ṗVŋV back, side
  • bVHCV bad
  • ʔVkV bad
  • ʔVkV bad
  • darV bad, dirty
  • darV bad, dirty
  • bVHCV bad, evil
  • sogwV ( ~ š-) bad, harm
  • ḳerV bark
  • ḳerV bark
  • ḲopV bark
  • ḲopV bark
  • ḳuLV bark
  • ḳVrṗV bark
  • ṭUgV ( ~ -H-) bark, cover
  • ḳuLV bark, peel
  • ḳVrṗV bark, skin
  • ḳocV basket
  • ḳoćV basket
  • kwVrV (~ gw) be angry
  • kwVrV (~ gw) be angry
  • HVŕV be destroyed, fall apart
  • ḳOṗV be full
  • ḳOṗV be full, complete
  • lVχV be ill
  • lVχV be ill
  • HVwV be satiated (?)
  • gVlV be smooth
  • nVkV be visible, see
  • biχV beat
  • biχV beat
  • ṭoḳV beat
  • ṭoḳV beat
  • buṭV beat, break
  • SUTV (?) beat, hit
  • SUTV (?) beat, hit
  • ṭapħa beat, hit
  • ṭapħa beat, hit
  • ṗVrV bee
  • ṗVrV bee, insect
  • [šw]VtV behind, buttock
  • SVtV behind, buttock
  • wa[n]čV belly
  • wa[n]ʒ́wV belly
  • gwVlV belly, entrails
  • kuŋV belly, heart
  • kuŋV belly, heart
  • gUtV / *kUtV belly, intestines
  • gUtV / *kUtV belly, intestines
  • gwVlV belly, liver
  • Ḳarbi belly, stomach
  • Ḳarbi belly, stomach
  • HalV below
  • HalV below
  • ḳVlV ? bend
  • ḳVŋV bend
  • ṭoŋV bend
  • mVrV berry
  • mVkV big
  • t`VwjV ? big
  • wol[a] big
  • wol[a] big
  • ḳUlV big fish
  • ḳUlV big fish
  • dVnwV big tree
  • dVnwV big tree
  • tVdV big, full
  • pVKV big, heavy
  • mVkV big, large
  • č`oḳV ( ~ -q̇-) big, thick
  • č`oḳV ( ~ -q̇-) big, thick
  • tVdV big, thick
  • ʔVnV big, very
  • ʔVnV big, very
  • bišV ( ~ -č`-) bile
  • KuTV bind
  • KVrV bind
  • kojw[a] birch
  • [č`w]VHḳV bird
  • HVwjV bird
  • HVwjV bird
  • ṗVńcwV ( ~ -c`w-) bird's tail
  • käjwV (?-b-) bite, chew ?
  • ḳVCV bite, tear
  • CVnCV biting insect
  • gVcwV(~-čw- ) bitter
  • sVbV bitter
  • bišV ( ~ -č`-) bitter, gall ?
  • gVcwV(~−č𝑤𝑉(~-čw- ) bitter, sour
  • ḳarV black
  • ḳarV black
  • ʔVbV ? black
  • ʔVbV ? black
  • ḳUmV black, dark
  • ḳUmV black, dark
  • mVCHV black, dark

Drav. *nal- 'black' black, dark

  • sVrV black, night
  • ṭVrV / *ṭVṭVrV black-cock
  • ʔVlV blade, awl
  • ʔVlV blade, whetstone
  • HVlVḳV blister, abscess
  • HVlVḳV blister, wound
  • bUjlV ? blood
  • bUjlV blood? blood
  • ḳVnV blood blood
  • wirV blood
  • ʔVsxV blood
  • ḳVnV blood, blood vessel
  • HwinV blood, breath
  • ʔVsxV blood, breath
  • ḳurV blood, red
  • ḳurV blood, red blood, red
  • cwVnV spirit; blood blood, spirit
  • mVLV blood; marrow
  • wirV blood; red
  • swVNV blue
  • swVNV blue
  • ṭVlV board, stick
  • bVdV body
  • bVdV body, belly
  • borV, *buŕa boil
  • borV, *buŕa boil
  • ḳVju boil, burn
  • girV bone
  • girV bone
  • HV(w)[č`]V bone
  • HV(w)čV bone
  • ḳač`V bone
  • ḳaCV bone
  • ʒ́VmV ? (cf. also *c`iŋu) bone
  • ṗVjNV bone, tooth
  • ṗVjNV bone, tooth
  • ʔVṗV bosom
  • ʔVṗV bosom

? FU *luwV (*luɣV) 'horse' bovine ?

  • büḲa bow
  • ṭoŋV bow, arc
  • tajV bow, lean
  • mVŋV brain
  • mVŋV brain
  • wVṭV(mV) brain, head
  • wVṭV(mV) brain, marrow; head
  • rVṭV branch
  • rVṭV branch, rod
  • HelV branch, stick
  • šVṭV ? branch, twig, rod
  • cVṗV break, chop
  • buṭV break, split
  • [c]V(n)ʒwV breast
  • ḳerdV breast
  • ṗome breast
  • ʔudV breast, belly
  • mälgi breast, udder
  • mälgi breast, udder
  • sVwHV breath, smell
  • bVrḳV bright
  • ʔVǯV bright
  • ʔVǯV bright
  • boŕa brown
  • boŕa brown
  • KVŋV brown, dark
  • KVŋV ? brown, yellow
  • ŋalmV bug, flea
  • dwVmV build, house

"Alt. "*mūga 'bonfire' burn

  • ṗaĺV burn
  • ṗaĺV burn
  • ṗVrV burn
  • wVrV burn
  • wVrV burn
  • buKV burn, bake

Alt. *t`èmo ( ~ t-) burn, kindle burn, boil

  • qoṭi burn, fire
  • qoṭi burn, fire
  • t`ülV burn, fire
  • gUrV burn, hot coals
  • gUrV burn, hot coals
  • buKV burn, roast
  • ḳVńV burn, roast, dry
  • Cajŋa ? burn, shine
  • ʒajŋa ? burn, shine
  • paḳV burst
  • ṗVrṗVlV butterfly
  • ṗVrṗVlV butterfly
  • ṗVrV buy, sell
  • ṗVrV ( ~ p-) calf
  • ṗVrV ( ~ p-) calf, bull
  • morV cattle; horse
  • ḳVjwV cave, hole
  • ḳVjwV cave, hole
  • ṗVlV cheek ?
  • bUrV chest, belly
  • bUrV chest, belly
  • mVḳV child
  • berV child, to bear
  • berV child, to bear
  • kenV chin
  • kenV (cf. also *kVngV) chin

Alt. *čò k𝑜̀𝑘e ( ~ -i̯u-) 'cheek bone' chin, beard

  • kVṗV chin, jaw
  • cVṗV chop
  • ḳUṭV (cf. also *ḳVtV) chopped piece, to cut
  • ʔarV clan member
  • pVnV clay, mud
  • pVnV clay, mud
  • ḳa(j)dV clothing
  • bVl(w)V cloud
  • bVl(w)V cloud
  • CuxLV coals, burn
  • CuxLV coals, soot, burn
  • [z]VrV cold
  • KurV cold
  • KurV cold
  • SVŋV cold
  • ʒ́VrV cold
  • SVŋV cold, frost
  • Horä come, go; rise
  • pVnč`wV (?) coniferous tree
  • pVnč`wV (?) coniferous tree, resin
  • ḳVnVṭV corner, enclosure ?
  • ḳVnVṭV corner, wall
  • dwVrV court, enclosure
  • ṭUgV ( ~ -H-) cover
  • ḳaṗV cover, close
  • ḳaṗV cover, close
  • kar-/*ker- crane
  • kar-/*ker- crane
  • c`VrV crust
  • ḳUrV curved, bent
  • čVḳV ( ~ *č`-) cut
  • ḳUṭV cut
  • ḳVc`V cut
  • kVlV ? cut
  • CarV cut, sharp
  • HamV dark
  • rVmV dark
  • rVmV dark
  • sVmV dark
  • ṭVmV dark
  • ṭVmV dark
  • muṭV dark dark, black
  • mVCHV dark, black
  • sVmV dark dark, black
  • muṭV dark, cloudy
  • kVcwV ( ~ -čw-) darkness, night
  • gojńV dawn
  • gojńV dawn, light
  • lVwŋV dawn, light
  • lVwŋV dawn, noon
  • dʷVjɣV day, shine
  • dʷVjɣV day, shine
  • ŋera day, sun, light
  • ŋVwV decease
  • mVnV deer
  • ʔelV deer
  • ʔelV deer
  • ʔoru deer, antilope
  • pOgV deer, he-goat
  • mV demonstr. pronoun
  • mV demonstr. pronoun
  • ṭV demonstr. pronoun
  • ṭV demonstr. pronoun
  • ḳV demonstrative pronoun
  • sV demonstrative pronoun
  • rVCV dew, liquid
  • muṭV die, finish
  • HwelV die, starve

PIE *nek'- die; kill

  • ḳVṗV dig, hack
  • gwVCV direction, road
  • gwVCV direction, road, pass
  • böḳa dirt
  • c`VrV dirt
  • c`VrV dirt
  • kodV dirt
  • kodV ? dirt
  • lVḳwV dirt
  • magV dirt, earth ?
  • [ʒ]VḳV dirt, faeces
  • SVḳV dirt, faeces
  • KUCV ? dog
  • ḳVpV ? dog
  • ḳVpV ? dog
  • ŋindV dog
  • ŋindV dog
  • ŋVḳV dog
  • bVrV dog, wolf
  • KUCV [?] dog, wolf
  • ŋVḳV dog, wolf
  • CVm(ŋ)V dream
  • jVgU drink
  • CUtV drink, liquid
  • ʔEmV drink, swallow
  • HVṗV drink, water
  • gwVlV dry
  • ḳVjwV(rV) dry
  • ḳVjwV(rV) dry
  • kVkV dry
  • kVk𝑉𝑘V dry
  • KVmV dry
  • ḳVs(w)V dry
  • sušV dry
  • śušV dry dry
  • gwVlV (cf. also */ḳ/alV) dry, burn
  • ḳorV dung, mud
  • bur(H)V dust
  • bur(H)V dust
  • ṭVṭV dust, ashes
  • ṭVṭV dust, ashes, smoke
  • böḳa dust, dirt
  • gülV dwelling
  • gülV dwelling
  • KVrWV ear
  • KVrWV ear
  • ʔVCV early
  • ʔVrV early
  • ʔVrV early
  • ʔVcwV early, dawn
  • DVG- earth
  • DVG- earth
  • magV earth
  • ṭVŕV earth, dust
  • ṭVŕV earth, dust
  • UNV eat

Drav. tin- 'eat' eat

  • UNV eat, drink
  • cimu ( ~ ć-, č-, č`-) top, summit edge
  • Hońća edge
  • HońcV edge
  • mVcV ( ~ -c`-) edge
  • ṗerV edge
  • PVlV edge
  • PVlV (but cf. also *ṗVlV) edge
  • mVcV ( ~ -c`-) edge, side
  • ṗerV edge, side
  • ṭUĺV egg
  • ṭUĺV egg
  • c`VjḳV elbow, forearm
  • küjnV elbow, knee
  • ʔaḳV elder brother or sister
  • eńV elder brother/sister
  • ʔVṭV (cf. also *tajV) elder male relative, father
  • ʔaḳV elder relative
  • ʔVṭV elder relative
  • ʔilVmV elm
  • gErV enclosure
  • gVrdV enclosure
  • gVrdV enclosure
  • wVč`V ( ~ -ǯ-) enclosure
  • dwVrV enclosure, yard
  • gErV enclosure, yard
  • [s]UwV end; mouth
  • ḳarV enemy
  • ḳarV enemy
  • SVKV evening
  • sVrV evening
  • ʒwVṗV evening
  • ʒwVṗV evening, sleep
  • sun(d)V ( ~ ś-, š-) extinguish extinguish
  • HuḲa eye, see
  • HuḲa eye, see
  • HwVlV eye, see
  • SVmrV eyebrow (> eyelid); hair of head
  • mVŋV face
  • kVṗV face, chin
  • pVNV face, forehead
  • mVĺV face, head
  • mVṭV face, head
  • pVNV ? face, head
  • mVŋV face, nose, mouth
  • mVṭV face, skin on head
  • ḳVtV fall
  • HewV fall, descend
  • HewV(jV) fall, descend, disappear
  • ḳUlV far; next
  • PV[s]V fart
  • PVSV fart
  • gwVjV fat
  • gwVjV fat
  • sebV ( ~ ś-, š-) fat, intestines
  • aṗV father
  • aṗV father
  • ṗVĺV feather
  • ṗVĺV feather, tail
  • nVzV ( ~ -ʒ-) female
  • ṗenV female
  • mVṭV female genitalia
  • mVṭV female genitalia
  • kälU female in-law
  • kälU female in-law
  • eńV female relative
  • mVjNV female relative
  • mVjNV female relative
  • natV female relative
  • natV female relative
  • wVč`V ( ~ -ǯ-) fence, enclosure
  • HwelV fight, kill
  • pVrV finger
  • č`wVṗV finger, claw
  • č`wVṗV finger, claw
  • pVrV finger, fingernail
  • ḳVrV finger, toe
  • CVCxV fire
  • dʷVɣV fire
  • dʷVɣV fire
  • ṗVxwV fire
  • ṗVxwV fire
  • zVcwxV fire
  • HenkV fire, burn
  • HenkV fire, burn
  • nVjV fire, burn
  • ŋera fire, burn
  • ṗVrV fire, burn
  • ʔumV ? fire, burn
  • ʔumV ? fire, burn
  • cVḳV ( ~ *č-) fire, to strike fire
  • lVmV fire, warmth
  • č`VHmV fish
  • dVgV fish
  • dVgV fish
  • mVǯHV fist
  • ṗVnḳV fist, handle
  • kompV fist, wrist
  • mVǯHV fist; ? squeeze with a fist, crumple
  • lVṗV flat
  • lVṗV flat
  • ṭaPV flat
  • ṭaPV flat
  • ṗVlHV flat, level
  • ṗVlHV flat, level
  • ṭalV flat, plain
  • pur_cwV(GV) / *pülcwV(GV) flea
  • pur_cwV(GV) / *pülcwV(GV) flea
  • SVĺV flesh, fat flesh, blood
  • c`ebV flesh, fat
  • swVĺV flesh, fat
  • ńVjrV flow
  • ńVjrV flow
  • bVlV flow, gush
  • bVlV flow, gush
  • ṗarV fly
  • ṗarV fly
  • ṗVlV fly, flea
  • ṗVlV fly, midge
  • musV fog
  • HVlV food
  • HVlV food, eat
  • tVlV foolish, deceive
  • bVl(m)V foot, knee
  • ṗVHdV foot, sole
  • ḳVrV foot, toe
  • ni̯VnV forest, wilderness
  • NVlV four
  • [čw]VlɣV fox
  • [čw]VlɣV fox, weasel
  • lVmV fragile
  • sVŋV fringe, thread
  • śVŋV ( ~ *ć`-) fringe, thread
  • gwVrV frog
  • gwVrV frog
  • HalV front
  • HanṭV front
  • HanṭV front
  • ʔedV front, breast front
  • mVńV front, breast
  • mVńV front, breast
  • ʔedV front, breast
  • newRV front, nose
  • HalV front, outside
  • pič`V frost, cold
  • čVgV frozen snow
  • čVgV frozen snow
  • bVrq̇wV fruit
  • bVrq̇wV fruit
  • HVp`V ? full
  • HVPVTV full
  • malV full
  • ṭVngV full
  • ṭVngV full
  • tVrV full
  • wV(n)CV full, all
  • wV(n)CV full, all
  • ṭVmV full, fill
  • HarV furrow
  • HarV furrow, hoe
  • ṗVrV buy, assemble gather, assemble
  • ḳUṭV genitalia
  • ḳUṭV genitalia
  • malV get in pairs, pair > two
  • ga get, obtain
  • ajṭV ~ *amṭV? gift, allotment
  • ajṭV ~ *amṭV? gift, allotment
  • ćwVHV give
  • gi[ɫ]ħu glittering
  • gi[ɫ]ħu glittering
  • [c]VbV glue
  • ćabV glue, join
  • HVŕV go astray, fall apart
  • HVjV go, come
  • HVjV go, follow
  • ṭVkV (*dwVḳV) goat
  • ʔoru goat, deer
  • pOgV goat, ram, deer
  • mVlV good
  • näḳi good
  • näḳi good (of soul)
  • bVtV ? good, big
  • dUgV good, fit
  • wVlV good, new
  • ʔVjV good, proper
  • ʔVjsV good, take care ?
  • ĺVkĺVkV goose
  • SVrV grain
  • SVrV grain
  • kamV grasp
  • kamV grasp
  • HamV grasp, seize, press
  • kuCu grass
  • ćVmV grass, reed
  • c`UlV grass, twigs
  • kuč`u grass, vegetables
  • c'VjrV grey
  • c'VjrV grey
  • ṗoŋV gum, resin, mud
  • ńVjlV part of face, gums gums
  • oŕV guts, inside
  • ṭanV hack
  • cVḳV hair
  • k`VSV hair
  • ńä[w(ŋ)]a [cf. *ŋVjV] hair
  • ńä[w(ŋ)]a [cf. *ŋVjV] hair
  • nVwrV hair
  • nVwrV hair
  • ŋVjV hair
  • p`un(́)V hair
  • p`un(́)V hair
  • pUdV hair
  • sVHrV hair
  • sVHrV hair
  • ṭVrV hair
  • ṭVrV hair
  • k`VSV hair ?
  • Ḳila hair, beard
  • burV hair, eyebrow
  • pUdV (? *HapUdV) hair, feather
  • burV hair, hair of head
  • q̇irV hair, head
  • ŋVjV hair, rope
  • Ḳila hair, stalk
  • sVPV hair, tail
  • palV half, part
  • mVńV ( / *mVń-rV?) hand
  • mVńV ( / *mVń-rV?) hand
  • kompV hand(ful)
  • bVgu hand, arm
  • udV hand, arm
  • ŋVlV ? hand, bone
  • ŋVlV ? hand, elbow
  • ṗVnḳV hand, fist
  • udV hand, limb
  • ḳVmV ? hard
  • ḳVmV ? hard, bone
  • pVKV hard, firm
  • sogwV ( ~ š-) harm, deceive
  • c`VrV harsh, ragged
  • q̇irV head
  • ḳapV head, back of head
  • sVmV hear
  • SVmV hear
  • ḳiwlV hear, ear

NY *me- 'hear; ear' hear, ear

  • sVʎV(mV) heart
  • śVʎV(mV) heart
  • ḳerdV heart, breast
  • [H]indV heat
  • mVnḳV heavy, labour
  • cVčV herd
  • berg[i] high
  • berg[i] high
  • TVGV high
  • tujpV hill
  • bVgV ( ~ -ɣ-) hill, rock
  • tujpV hill, top
  • wVdV hit
  • wVdV hit
  • HangV (cf. also *wonkV) hole
  • k`VCV hole
  • ḳUrV hole
  • wonkV hole
  • ḳVwVŋV hole, cavity
  • gop`a hole, empty
  • gop`a hole, empty
  • k`VCV hole, mouth
  • p`u[ṭ]V hole, vulva
  • HVlwV hollow
  • HVlwV hollow, cavity
  • ḳäṗV hoof
  • ḳäṗV hoof
  • sUdV hoof
  • ṭUṗV hoof
  • ṭUṗV hoof hoof, finger(nail)
  • c`UdV hoof, hoof deformation
  • ḳirV horn
  • mVrgV horn
  • mVrgV horn; root
  • bVrV horned animal
  • bVrV horned animal
  • ṗäḳV hot, warm
  • pVrV house
  • ʔU[ṭ]V house
  • ḳojmV village, hut house, village
  • mVk`V humid, wet
  • ʔVkV (*ʔVgV) I, myself
  • ʔVkV (*ʔVgV) I, myself; we [1st p. pronoun]
  • mV I, we [1st p. pronoun]
  • jVkV ice, cold
  • jVkV ice, cold
  • m[ä]rV ill, die
  • m[ä]rV ill, die
  • tVkV insect, vermine
  • tVkV insect, vermine
  • ḳwVŋV insect, worm
  • lVŋV insect, worm
  • ʔudV inside, stomach
  • ŋiV interrog. or relat. pronoun
  • ŋiV interrog. or relative pronoun
  • ḳV interrogative pronoun
  • mV interrogative pronoun
  • [c']VlV intestine
  • ć'VlV intestine
  • ḳUʒwV intestine
  • ḳUʒ́wV intestines
  • ḳVmV stomach, intestines ? intestines
  • lVŋ(d)V intestines
  • oŕV intestines
  • ʔVŋV jaw, palate
  • ʔVŋV jaw, palate
  • bVgu joint, limb
  • bVjV joy
  • bVjV joy, desire
  • sVḳV ( ~ š-) juice, ferment
  • lVKV jump, run
  • lVŋ(d)V kidney, heart
  • KolV kill
  • ḳVwχV kill
  • bVl(m)V knee
  • sVnV knee, ankle
  • kUŋ[d]V knife, cut, break
  • ṭanV know
  • ṭanV (?*-ŋ-) know know, hear
  • nerV know, name
  • lVmbV large fish
  • zīwe(ŋkV) large predator
  • zīwe(ŋkV) large predator
  • sUrV large, heavy
  • sUrV large, heavy
  • gUlV laugh
  • gUlV laugh, merry
  • bolV leaf
  • bolV leaf
  • lVṗV leaf
  • ṗVlV leaf tree
  • ṗVlV leaf tree
  • lVṗV leaf, bark
  • HelV leaf, branch

Alt. *pòŋa ( ~ *p`-) 'bud' leaf, flower

  • HVrVlV (*HVlVrV) leaf; reed?
  • ɫaḳV leg
  • ɫaḳV leg
  • ḳVwlV leg, arm
  • ḳVwlV leg, limb
  • ṭalV level ground
  • laḳV lick
  • laḳV lick
  • lašV ? lick
  • lašV ? lick
  • talV lick, drink
  • ḳVwjV lie
  • Howri light, burn
  • Howri light, burn
  • SulV light, loose
  • HVlV light, shine
  • HVlV light, shine
  • jVḳV light, shine
  • jVḳV light, shine
  • mVlV light, shine
  • ṗVHdV limb
  • kanpV lip, soft excrescence
  • kanpV lip, soft excrescence
  • GurV liquid
  • GurV liquid
  • lVṭV liquid
  • lVṭV liquid
  • sVwV liquid
  • śVwV liquid
  • lVḳwV liquid, dirt
  • L[ä]jV liquid, flow

Alt. *pi̯ā̀ki liver liver CK *ponta " liver

  • tVrV(ŋV) liver, belly
  • mVLV blood, marrow? liver, intestines
  • mVxlV ( ~ *mVlxV) lizard, slug
  • mVxlV ( ~ *mVlxV) lizard, worm
  • zVmV loins, groin
  • tel(ḥ)V long
  • tel(ḥ)V long
  • śVnV long bone
  • [s]VPV long hair, tail
  • ḳUlV long, far
  • HVgU long, high
  • wVŕV long, wide
  • wVŕV long, wide
  • SulV loose
  • lVCV loose(n)
  • pVN(T)V ? louse
  • ṭäjV louse
  • ṭäjV louse
  • ñejV louse, nit
  • ʔVjV love, good
  • mVnzV luminary
  • mVnʒ́V luminary
  • pVjLV lung, liver
  • pVjLV lung, spleen
  • gVntV male
  • gVntV male
  • mVḳV male, male child
  • ḳaćV ( ~ -ć`-) man
  • mänV man
  • mänV man
  • m[o]nV many
  • m[o]nV many
  • ṗalV many
  • ṗV(H)- ? many
  • bVtV ? many, big
  • ṗalV many, full
  • [sw]VjmV marsh
  • [sw]VjmV marsh, uncultivated land
  • ḳ[u]nV marten
  • ḳ[u]nV marten
  • ńVḳV(rV) meat
  • sUḳV meat
  • ʔomsV meat
  • ʔomśV meat
  • cVč𝑉čV meat, animal
  • sUḳV meat, deer
  • mVḳV meat, liver
  • mVḳV meat, liver
  • ńVḳV(rV) meat, roe, intestines
  • ʔarV member of the clan
  • mVtV moisture
  • mVtV moisture
  • ṭVlgV(nV) moon, heavenly body
  • ṭVlgV(nV) moon, luminary
  • ṗuKdV (?) morning
  • HamV morning / evening
  • SVKV morning ~ evening
  • ŋańV morning, clear sky
  • kuńV ? moth
  • ʔVjV ? mother
  • ʔVjV ? mother
  • ʔVmV mother
  • ʔVmV mother, woman
  • balV mountain
  • malV mountain
  • malV mountain
  • wVrV mountain
  • wVrV mountain
  • TVGV mountain, high
  • balV mountain, hill
  • gʷVrV mountain, hill
  • gʷVrV mountain, hill
  • ṗVrV mountain, top
  • ṗVrV mountain, top
  • cVḳV ( ~ *c`-) mouse
  • CVḳV (cf. also *cwVkV ( ~ čw-)) mouse, squirrel
  • gʷVĺV mouse, squirrel
  • [s]UwV mouth
  • HVwV mouth, hole
  • HVwV mouth, hole
  • č`VmV ? mouth; eat
  • ʔVpV mouth; speak
  • ʔVpV mouth; to speak
  • ḳorV mud, dung
  • ṗoŋV mud; gum, resin
  • HVwV multitude; be satiated
  • pUtV mushroom, fungus
  • pUtV mushroom, sponge
  • luku naked, take off clothes
  • ĺVm(ŋ)V name
  • ĺVm(ŋ)V name
  • ṗVtV name
  • ṗVtV name, call
  • šamV name, shape
  • [s]VKV nape, back
  • śVKV nape, back
  • dVgV nape; back
  • č`VnV narrow
  • ṭijV narrow
  • č`VnV narrow, thin
  • ʔVbV near
  • ḳVlV neck
  • kVŋkV neck, collar
  • HVŋV neck, throat
  • ḳVlV neck, throat
  • nVKV neck, vertebra
  • ʔVlV negative particle
  • ʔVlV negative particle
  • ʔe negative verb
  • žVjŋV new
  • CVrV new, fresh
  • žVjŋV new, good
  • CVrV new, young
  • wVlV new, young
  • HUdV night
  • kVcwV ( ~ -čw-) night
  • lVlV night
  • lVlV night

? *ŋańV 'morning, clear sky' night, dawn

  • HUdV night, sleep
  • zVNV night, sleep
  • ʒ́iNV night, sleep
  • ʔamV night, sleep
  • ñejV nit
  • sajrV nit, louse
  • sajrV ( ~ *ś-) nit, louse
  • ḳVŋV nose
  • ḳVŋV nose
  • ne(H)wRV nose
  • ŋVkCV nose
  • wiKV (?*ujKV) nose
  • wiKV (?*ujKV) nose
  • CVxrV nose, nostril
  • cwVxrV nose, nostril
  • ʔVnV not
  • ʔVnV not, negative particle
  • ʔe not, negative verb
  • gVrVbV notch, sign
  • nVwV now; new
  • nVwV now; new
  • tVrV numerous, full

(cf. PIE *ar- 'nut') nut, fruit

  • gwVrV old
  • gwVrV old
  • zVr(d)V old
  • ʔUdV one
  • ʔUdV one
  • ʔVrV one
  • ʔVrV one

PIE *sem- one

  • dwV(j)ḳV one, finger
  • dwV(j)ḳV one, finger (?)
  • ʔo(ŋ)nV one, self
  • sUŋV onion, odorous grass
  • ṗan[c]V open
  • ʔVrHV open space
  • ʔVrHV open space
  • HangV open, hole
  • ʔaḳa open; hole
  • nerV order, custom
  • ni̯VnV original place
  • aĺV other side other
  • gUjV other
  • gwVjV other
  • mVnḳV pain, wound
  • gilV painful state, grief
  • gilV painful state, grief
  • gagtV pair, one of a pair
  • ŋVnV palate, tongue
  • ŋVnV palate, tongue

Yuk. *caʷlǝʒǝ- hand, Nivgh. *cälmǝ palm palm

  • ṗVlŋV palm (of hand)
  • ṗVlŋV palm of hand, handful
  • ńVjlV part of face
  • ŋVk[čw]V part of nose

Alt. *t`ā́nV ( ~ -ē-) (?) part of nose part of nose

  • čVKV part of shoulder
  • čVKV part of shoulder, joint
  • gEpSV paw, grasp
  • gEpčwV paw, hand
  • ɣoŋɣV peg, nail
  • ḳUjḳV peg, nail (cf. also *kikV 'bite', *ḳVkV 'break, peck') peg, nail
  • ḳUjḳV peg, root
  • bVĺV penis
  • bVĺV penis
  • ṗacV ( ~ -c`-, -č-) penis
  • ṗaćV ( ~ -ć`-, -č-) (cf. also *pVjcV ( ~ -č-)) penis
  • čVbV people, army
  • baja place
  • baja place
  • ṭVrṗV pleasure, satisfaction
  • malV plenty, abundant
  • küɫä pond
  • küɫä pond
  • laḳwV pool, low ground
  • laḳwV pool, low ground
  • ṗVdV pot
  • ṗVdV pot
  • pVNV pot
  • mVlV pray
  • ma prohibitive / negative particle
  • ma prohibitive particle, not
  • [č]iru pus, rot
  • Ciru pus, rot
  • ńukV push, move
  • ṭurV quick
  • ṭurV quick
  • pV[ṭ]V quick, swift
  • musV ? rain, fog, steam
  • HVrćV ( ~ -ć`-) (cf. also *rVCV) rain, pour
  • HVrV rare
  • HVrV rare rare, new
  • HVrVlV (*HVlVrV) reed
  • tajV relative-in-law
  • ḳVCV (also *kVCV) ring, hook
  • ḳVč`V ring, spool
  • ŋwVkV rise
  • HVgU rise, stand up
  • ʔVpV rise, up
  • ʔVpV rise, up
  • ʔur(H)V road
  • ʔur(H)V road
  • mVrV road, walk
  • lVgV ? rod, strap
  • lVgV ? rod, strap
  • t`VrV(ŋV) roe; inside
  • tV(H)mV root, bone (?)
  • tV(H)mV root, bone (?) root, bone (??)
  • wVr[t]V root, herb
  • wVr[t]V root, herb
  • ḲurV root, sprout
  • ḲurV root, stalk
  • wVŕV ( ~ *HuŕV) rope, thread
  • ḳoĺV round
  • ḳoĺV round
  • ṭompV round
  • ṭompV ? round, convex
  • kuNṭV rump, buttocks
  • nVKV rump, neck
  • bok[a] run
  • bok[a] run
  • ʔurKV run, drive
  • lVmV sack, bag
  • CalV salt
  • sVbV salt, bitter
  • čwalV salt, sea
  • č`VmV salty, sour
  • cwVwVrV salty, sour
  • ki[ǯ]V sand
  • kiCV sand
  • ṭVrṗV satisfaction
  • tVHV say
  • wVḳV say, call
  • čVwV ( ~ *č`-) say, sound
  • čVwV ( ~ *č`-) say, sound
  • pVkV scab
  • ś(w)VcwV scatter, sift
  • ḳwVnCV scrape, scraper
  • ḳwVncwV scrape, scraper
  • wVrcwV scratch
  • ḳVSV scratch, scrape
  • wVrcwV scratch, scrape
  • jamV sea
  • sVjɣwV sea, shallow
  • jamV sea, water
  • sVjɣwV sea, water
  • ʔVnjV see, eye
  • ṗVrV seed, kin
  • ṗVrV seed, kin
  • sVjHV seed; to sift
  • HamV seize
  • ʔo(ŋ)nV self
  • bedV separate, split
  • aHulV settlement
  • palVHV settlement
  • palVHV settlement
  • aHulV settlement ( < *root, seed?)
  • šamV shape
  • Hoḳi sharp
  • CVNV sharp object
  • Hoḳi sharp point, tooth
  • c`iĺV sharp stick
  • c`iĺV sharp stick
  • pVxwV sharp, to whet
  • pVxwV sharp, to whet
  • kV(n)ḳV shell
  • kV(n)ḳV shell, bark
  • ḳVnčV shin, shank
  • ḳVnčV shin, thigh
  • bVrḳV shine, bright
  • mVlV shine, burn
  • belV shine, burn (several roots?)
  • belV shine, glitter
  • laṗV shine, glitter
  • bVɣV shine, light
  • bVɣV shine, light

IE *leuk- ? shine; burn

  • tVlV shoulder
  • tVlV shoulder, arm
  • ṗVŋV shoulder, shoulder-blade

IE *rewǝ- shout, roar shout

  • tVjḳV show, point at
  • ēco ( ~ -ć-, -č-) sick, ill
  • bVḳV side
  • bVḳV side (of body)
  • SirV sinew; root
  • SirV sinew; root
  • sVnV ( ~ ś-, š-, ć`-) single, first
  • sVnV ( ~ š-, c`-) single; apart, asunder
  • SäwCV sister, woman?
  • SäwCV sister, woman?
  • ḲaĺV skin
  • ḲaĺV skin
  • perV skin
  • perV skin
  • ṗVtV skin
  • ṗVtV skin
  • ṭVlV skin
  • ṭVlV skin
  • pVkV skin, bark
  • kamV skin, crust, peel
  • ṭVwq̇V skin, hair
  • ṭVwq̇V skin, hair on body
  • kamV skin, husk
  • ḳapV skull
  • HaḳumV sky, cloud
  • HaḳumV sky, cloud
  • kVCV slanting
  • ʔamV sleep
  • [ʒ]VlV slide, creep
  • SVlV slime
  • SVlV slime, dirt
  • cVḳV small
  • CVḳV small
  • ḳVṭV small
  • ṭijV small
  • ciṗV small bird
  • ciṗV small bird
  • ṗenV small female animal
  • ṭVnV small, thin, short
  • ḳVṭV small, young
  • pVwjV small. child
  • pVwjV small. child
  • cwVHmV smear
  • mVjrV smear, fat
  • mVjrV smear, fat
  • ć`ämV smear; fat
  • [s]VwHV smell
  • ṗunV smell
  • sun(g)V smell
  • śun(g)V smell
  • ṗunV smell, breathe, smoke
  • mUc`V ( ~ -s-) smile
  • ǯun[k]V smoke
  • ǯun[k]V smoke
  • nVbV smoke, cloud
  • nVbV smoke, cloud
  • gVlV smooth
  • CVNV smth. sharp
  • ṗVjmV snake
  • ʔanKV snake
  • ʔanKV snake

IE *nētr- 'snake' snake

  • lVmbV snake, eel
  • lVmV soft, fragile
  • mVlV soft, mild
  • lVjńV soft, weak
  • LVṗV soft, wet
  • LVṗV soft, wet

Alt. *mùsi 'steam, spirit' soul, breath

  • CVwVrV sour
  • č`VmV sour, bitter
  • sVḳV ( ~ ś-, š-, ć`-) sour, ferment
  • ṭVgV span
  • ṭVgV span
  • jVnV speak, say, sound
  • jVnV speak, sound
  • ṗuNV spin, twist
  • ṗuNV spin, twist
  • cwVnV spirit
  • ṭupV spit
  • ṭupV spit
  • ḳiwHV spit, fang
  • ḳiwHV spit, fang
  • lVṗV ? spleen
  • lVṗV ? spleen
  • tV(H)ʎV spleen
  • tV(H)ʎV spleen, liver
  • cVlV split
  • CVlV split, tear off
  • ṗVrjV spread
  • CVχrV spread, extend
  • pVdV spread, long
  • PVnV spring
  • bira (*bujra) spring, flow
  • bira (*bujra) spring, flow
  • p`iSV sprinkle
  • p`isV sprinkle
  • kanVbV stalk
  • kanVbV stalk, peg
  • čwVrV stand
  • dVštV star
  • HVzwVrV star, luminary
  • dV[š]tV ? star, moon
  • HVźVrV star, shine
  • ṭVlV stem, board
  • ColV steppe, valley, meadow
  • ColV steppe, valley, meadow
  • bVč`V stick
  • ḳVlV stick
  • ḳVlV stick
  • bedV stick into, pierce
  • bVč`V stick, pole
  • ḳUrV stick, tree
  • ḳUrV stick, tree
  • ḳVmV ? stomach, intestines
  • ḳElV stone
  • kiwV stone
  • ṭ/aj/lV stone
  • ṭ/aj/lV stone
  • bVgV ( ~ -ɣ-) stone, hill
  • kiwV stone, mountain
  • ḳElV stone, rock
  • burV ( >> *p-) storm
  • burV ( >> *p-) storm
  • Huwa stream, flow of water
  • Huwa stream, flow of water
  • ṭumgV stump
  • ṭumgV stump, trunk
  • SUṗV suck
  • zUkV suck
  • muḳV swallow, gobble suck, swallow
  • eli sufficient, complete
  • si̯aχu (-ɣ-) sun
  • si̯aχu (-ɣ-) sun

? PT *daŋ 'dawn'; PJ (Ryukyu) *tianta 'sun' sun, day

  • laHm[u] swamp
  • laHm[u] swamp
  • šwxVjṗV sweep
  • cwVtu sweet
  • cwVtu sweet, tasty
  • ḳudV tail
  • ḳudV tail
  • toḳE tail
  • toḳE tail
  • ṗVńcwV ( ~ -ćw−,−č𝑤-,-čw-, -ǯ-) tail, (long) hair
  • śVrV back tail, back
  • ga take
  • ʔanV take
  • gerV take, bring
  • tVKV take, bring
  • ʔVpV take, carry
  • gVṭV take, get
  • kantV take, grasp
  • ʔVpV take, seize
  • ṭVHmV taste
  • xamV, *xamŋV taste (*xamŋV 'mouth')
  • cVḳV temple, hair on temple
  • ṗV(H)- ? ten, many
  • ʔU[ṭ]V tent
  • ḳoĺV testicle
  • ḳoĺV testiculus
  • ʔVbV that, that near
  • ʔa (*ʔe) that, this
  • ʔu that, this
  • ʔu that, this
  • ʔa (*ʔe) that, this (prob. *Ha that, *He this)
  • ṭujV (*ṭVwjV) thick
  • ṭVkV thick
  • ṭVkV thick, full
  • bongä thick, swell
  • bongä thick, swell
  • bVgtV thigh
  • bVgtV thigh
  • ṗVǯkV thigh, leg (?)
  • ṗVǯkV thigh, rump
  • cUṗV thin
  • ṭVnV thin
  • ćUṗV thin, narrow
  • HVdV thing
  • HVdV thing; interrog. stem
  • cV ( ~ č-) this
  • cV ( ~ č-, ć-) this
  • ḳV this
  • ʔi (*hi) this
  • ʔi (*hi) this
  • ʒwVgV thorn
  • ʒ́wVgV thorn
  • NEḳrV thorny bush
  • χwV thou (obl. forms?) [2nd p. pronoun]
  • nV thou thou [2nd p. pronoun]
  • ṭ[u] thou [2nd p. pronoun]

HVŋV throat

  • kUṭV throat, intestines
  • kUlV throat, swallow
  • kUlV throat, to swallow
  • cVḳV tickle
  • tVḳV tie, weave
  • CVCV tip, spout
  • čVčV tip, spout
  • ŋāńi to approach, follow
  • ṗVrXV to ask, pray
  • ṗVrXV to ask, pray
  • mUCV to bare teeth
  • buHi to be
  • woɣlV to be
  • woɣlV to be
  • ʔa ? to be
  • ʔa ? to be
  • ʔesA to be
  • ʔesA to be
  • kVCV to be angry
  • kVCV to be angry, hostile
  • ṭVkV to be completed, exhausted
  • ṭVkV to be lost, exhausted
  • buḳV to be mad, stupid
  • HwVlV to be visible
  • c`olHV to be well
  • ColHV to be well
  • ʔelA to be, live
  • ʔelA to be, live
  • š[e]wV to bear
  • š[e]wV to bear
  • ṭVlV to bear
  • ṭVlV to bear, lift
  • ṗVṭV to beat
  • ṗVṭV to beat
  • ḳVwχV to beat, hit
  • büḲa to bend
  • cVḳV to bend
  • Garḳu to bend
  • Garḳu to bend
  • guḳa to bend
  • guḳa to bend
  • güpA to bend
  • ḳVlV ? to bend
  • ḳVŋV to bend
  • ɫoŋḳa to bend
  • ɫoŋḳa to bend, bow
  • KUrV to bend, turn
  • güpA to bend; hump, heap
  • KuTV to bind, girdle
  • taxlwV to bind, harness
  • kikV to bite
  • ṭVHmV to bite, taste
  • c`ajV to blink, shine, shade
  • CajV to blink, shine, shade
  • dVwɣV to blow
  • p`uSV to blow
  • p`uSV to blow
  • ṗuɣV to blow
  • ṗuɣV to blow
  • dVwɣV to blow, shake
  • Hewa to blow, winnow
  • Hewa to blow, winnow
  • ḳüpä to boil, foam
  • ḳüpä to boil, foam
  • gVbV to boil, roast
  • lUŋ(k)V to bore, dig
  • cVḳV to bow, bend
  • ṗVSV to break, crumble
  • ʔVrHwV to break, cut, wound
  • ʔVrHwV to break, scatter, tear
  • HwinV to breathe
  • ʔanqV to breathe
  • ʔanqV to breathe
  • /ḳ/alV to burn
  • ć`wVwV (?*HVwć'wV) to burn
  • cwVwV (?*HVwcwV) to burn
  • dekO to burn
  • dekO to burn
  • Hase to burn
  • HaSe to burn
  • ḳVńV to burn
  • ṗVdwV to burn
  • ṭülV to burn
  • kVwrV to burn, bake
  • kVwrV to burn, bake
  • ḳVju to burn, boil
  • CVlV to burn, flash
  • gVbV to burn, heat
  • nVjV to burn, sun
  • paḳV to burst, split (many roots)
  • CVḥV (?) to call
  • gVjwV to call
  • gVjwV to call
  • ḳErV to call
  • ḳErV to call
  • č`VrV to care
  • čVrV to care
  • HVrV to change, borrow
  • HVrV to change, distribute
  • käjwV (?-b-) to chew
  • lVkV to collect, count
  • lVkV to collect, count
  • ṗanV to collect, put
  • muṭV to complete
  • ḳa(j)dV to cover
  • ḳVrV to cover, protect
  • gʷVnV to covet sexually
  • gʷVnV to covet sexually
  • aĺV to cross, other side
  • pi(u)čV to crush
  • ṗVjńV to crush, press
  • pi(u)CV to crush, squeeze
  • muɣrV to cry
  • ḳVwV to cry, shout
  • jVrV to curse, be angry
  • ɣVcV ( ~ -c`-) to cut
  • ɣVčV ( ~ -č`-) to cut
  • ḳVć`V to cut
  • mVc`V to cut
  • ṭanV ? to cut
  • ṗVwV to cut, hit, saw
  • ṗVwV to cut, hit, saw
  • kVlV ? to cut, knife
  • CarV to cut, sharp
  • sVḳV to cut, split
  • śVḳV to cut, split
  • mVCV to cut, tear
  • tVlV to deceive
  • KolV to die, kill
  • ḳVṗV to dig, hack
  • palV to divide, cut in half
  • jVgU to drink
  • tVrV to drink, flow
  • KVmV to dry
  • šwVrV to dry
  • šwVrV to dry
  • sun(d)V ( ~ š-) to dry up, extinguish
  • ʒeGV to eat
  • ʒeGV to eat
  • ʔitV to eat
  • ʔitV to eat
  • ḳVmV to eat, gulp
  • ḳVmV to eat, gulp
  • ŋēni to enter, go
  • ḳVtV to fall
  • ṗeṭV to fall
  • ṗeṭV to fall, (down)
  • ṗVjlV to fall, fly
  • ṗVjlV to fall, soar
  • belHi to fear, be angry
  • belHi to fear, be scared
  • zUkV to ferment, squeeze juice
  • ṭVmV to fill, stuff
  • ḳUdV to finish
  • ḳUdV to finish
  • dUgV to fit, be good
  • ḳVnV to fit, be good
  • CVlV to flash, shine
  • CurV / *CorV to flow, drip
  • CurV / *CorV to flow, drip
  • tUKV to flow, pour
  • lVjḳV to follow, send, leave
  • lVjḳV to follow, send, leave
  • gVṭV to get
  • be[rH]u to give
  • be[rH]u to give
  • cwVHV to give
  • dwV[H]V to give
  • dwV[H]V to give
  • KVmV ? to give birth, family
  • kVngV to gnaw
  • gVwV / *gwVjV (?) to go
  • meŋV to go
  • ŋēni (cf. also *ŋāńi) to go, come
  • ʒ́wVHV to go, come
  • ʒwVHV to go, come, drive
  • gVwV / *gwVjV (?) to go, follow
  • mVrV to go, walk
  • HaṗV to grasp
  • HaṗV to grasp
  • ḳaṗV to grasp
  • ḳaṗV to grasp
  • [p]itV to grasp, seize
  • zVr(d)V ( ~ *ʒ-) to grow
  • buHi to grow, become
  • tajV to hang
  • [s]VŋʒwV ? to hang down; stand (?)
  • kUŋ[d]V to harm, break
  • CVrV to hate, be annoyed
  • ǯVrV to hate, be annoyed
  • ḳiwlV to hear
  • ḳVrV to hide, protect
  • KuĺV to hide, secret
  • ḳVkV to hit, break
  • mVqwV to hit, push
  • gerV to hold
  • ʔanV to hold, seize
  • wVlV to howl, cry
  • wVlV to howl, cry
  • anTV to join, together
  • anTV to join, together
  • lVKV to jump, run
  • ḳVs(w)V to kindle, dry
  • cwVnV to know
  • g(w)enV to know
  • g(w)enV to know
  • CVḥV (?) to know, consider
  • ćwVnV (cf. also *sVnV) to know, think
  • sVnV to know, think
  • wetV to lead
  • wetV (cf. also *dwVwV 'run') to lead, to go
  • šVwV to let, agree
  • l[a]pV to lick
  • talV to lick
  • lVm(ŋ)V to lick, swallow
  • l[a]pV to lick; lip
  • ḳVwjV to lie
  • kVlV to lie, fall down
  • kVlV to lie, sleep (also 'fall', cf. 412?)
  • alV to listen, hear
  • alV to listen, hear
  • ḥujV to live
  • ḥujV to live
  • tVjḳV to look, show
  • KuĺV to lose, hide
  • wärV to make
  • wärV to make
  • KVmV ? to marry
  • ḳVnV to match, fit
  • dVnV to melt, flow
  • dVnV to melt, flow
  • kalV ? to mix, join
  • SVlV to move
  • SVlV to move
  • ńowda to move quickly
  • ńowda to move quickly, pursue
  • mVqwV to move, push
  • ćeKV to move, step
  • ṗanCV to open, spread
  • ʔaḳa to open, spread
  • luku to peel, naked
  • CoḳV to pierce
  • CoḳV (cf. also *čVḳV) to pierce
  • źVḳV to plait
  • zVḳV to plait, smth. plaited
  • HUbV to plait, weave
  • HUbV to plait, weave
  • rVCV to plait, weave, rope (?)
  • tIgwV to plant vertically
  • ṗIḳV to polish, rub
  • L[ä]jV to pour
  • lVHwV to pour
  • ṗVHV to pour, drink to pour
  • ṗVHV to pour, drink
  • tUKV to pour, drop
  • ʒwVHlV to pour, stream
  • piCV ? to prepare food
  • piCV ? to prepare food
  • ńamV to press, seize
  • ńamV to press, seize
  • ṭVnV to pull
  • ṭVnV to pull, stretch
  • nVq̇V to push, beat; grind (2 roots?)
  • nVq̇V to push, beat; grind (2 roots?)
  • ńukV to push, pull
  • dVʕV (*d[i]ɣV) to put
  • dVʕV (*d[i]ɣV) to put
  • ṗanV to put
  • HVlV to receive (+ bestow)
  • kVdwV ? to rise
  • kVdwV to rise to rise
  • ḲaLi to rise, raise
  • ḲaLi to rise, raise
  • Horä to rise; move, go
  • HUlV to roll
  • HUlV to roll
  • murV to roll, twist
  • ṗVšV to rub, crumble
  • ṗIḳV to rub, scratch
  • dwVwV to run
  • ḳacwV to run
  • ṭoKV to run
  • ṭoKV to run
  • ʔurKV to run
  • ṭVŕgV to run, road
  • tVHV to say
  • wVḳV to say, call
  • mVlV to say, pray
  • s(w)VcwV to scatter
  • ḳirV to scrape
  • ḳirV; cf. also *gVrV scratch, *gVrVbV notch, sign to scrape
  • ḳV[sw]V to scrape
  • gVrV to scratch
  • xVḳV to scratch
  • xVḳV to scratch
  • ʔVwʒwV(HV) to see
  • silV to see, eye
  • wEdwV to see, eye
  • ʔVnjV to see, eye
  • HwVjV to see, guard
  • HwVjV to see, guard
  • silV to see, inspect
  • šVḳV to see, know
  • šVḳV ( ~ *ć`w-) to see, know
  • wEdwV to see, know, search
  • ʔVwCV(HV) (cf. also *ʔincV) to see, perceive
  • [p]itV to seize, press
  • dVrV to shake
  • nVkV to shine, be visible
  • laṗV to shine, glitter, flash
  • ḳVwV to shout, sound
  • sVjHV to sift
  • č`VṗV to sink
  • č`VṗV to sink
  • ʒVlV to slide, creep
  • ḥVwV (?) to speak
  • ḥVwV (?) to speak
  • watV to speak
  • watV to speak
  • sVjwV to speak, shout
  • sVjwV ( ~ *ś-) to speak, shout
  • muɣrV to speak, sound
  • wVŕV ( ~ *HuŕV) to spin, plait
  • KVrV to spin, wind
  • lUŋ(k)V to split, bore
  • ṗVrjV to spread
  • pVdV to spread, long
  • CVχrV ? to spread, strew
  • čwVrV to stand
  • sVlV to stand (?)
  • sVŋʒ́V to stand, hang down (?)
  • tIgwV to stand, plant vertically
  • ŋwVkV to stand, rise
  • menV to stay
  • nV(w)HV to stay, be, stand
  • menV to stay, reside
  • NEgV to stick in, pierce
  • NEgV to stick in, pierce
  • bulV to stir, mix
  • bulV to stir, puddle
  • nV(w)HV to stretch, stand
  • cVḳV ( ~ *č-) to strike fire
  • kUdV to submerge
  • [c`w]VṗV to suck
  • ʔEmV to suck
  • CVrbV to suck (?)
  • [c]VrbV to suck, leech
  • C(w)VHrV to suffer
  • c`VHrV to suffer
  • dVwV to suffer
  • dVwV to suffer, die
  • enV to suffer, die
  • enV to suffer; pain
  • cwalV to suffice, be full
  • HVṗV to swallow
  • L[ü]ḳa to swallow
  • L[ü]ḳa to swallow
  • lVm(ŋ)V to swallow
  • Sem[H]V to swallow
  • Sem[H]V to swallow
  • tVrV to swallow, drink
  • muḳV to swallow, gobble
  • balʕ[u] to swallow, throat
  • gwVrV to swallow, throat
  • gwVrV to swallow, throat
  • balʕ[u] to swallow, throat; pipe
  • swxVjṗV to sweep
  • bari to take
  • bari to take
  • kantV to take
  • ʔVjsV to take care of, honour
  • HVlV to take, receive
  • č`VmV ? to taste, eat
  • xamV to taste, sour
  • p`äŕ[a] to tear, break, split
  • p`äŕ[a] to tear, break, split
  • ḳV[ǯ]V to tear, rip
  • manu to think
  • manu to think
  • ʒVm(ŋ)V to think, dream
  • ḳVńV to tie, bind
  • ḳVńV to tie, bind
  • taxlwV to tie, net
  • tVKV to touch
  • Koki to trace
  • Koki to trace
  • dVrV to tremble
  • ṭurV to turn round
  • ṭurV to turn round
  • ʔVŋV to understand, brain (?)
  • gUrV to understand, see
  • gUrV to understand, see
  • swiḳV ( ~ šw-) to urinate
  • [š]ehŕa to wake
  • źwehŕa to wake
  • ṭVlV to wake, become clear
  • ṭVlV to wake; see > eye (?)
  • gVrV to walk, go
  • gVrV to walk, run
  • meŋV to walk, run
  • lVHwV to wash, soak
  • mVjV to weaken, disappear
  • mVjV to weaken, disappear
  • lVCV to wear out; weak, exhausted
  • wVc`V to wear, put on
  • rVcV ( ~ -c`-) to weave (a lattice?)
  • c`VmrV to wink, eyelid
  • h/a/wV to wish
  • wiʎ/g/V to wish
  • wiʎ/g/V to wish
  • h/a/wV to wish (cf. 173)
  • ʔVnV(jV) to wish, help
  • šVwV to wish, let
  • buḳV to worry, be stupid
  • ʔewV to wound, kill
  • ʔewV to wound, kill
  • tilV(ŋV) tongue
  • tilV(ŋV) tongue
  • Ḳä[lH]ä tongue, to speak
  • Ḳä[lH]ä tongue, to speak
  • palV tooth
  • palV tooth
  • ɣoŋɣV tooth, peg
  • ḳVmbV tooth, sharp edge
  • ḳVmbV tooth, sharp edge
  • ḳVḳV top
  • ḳVḳV top
  • mVĺV top
  • KVmPV top of head
  • KVmPV top of head
  • TUmV top of head, hair
  • TUmV top of head, hair of head
  • ḳirV top of head, horn
  • cimu ( ~ č-, č`-) top, summit
  • ṭaṗV touch, plaster
  • ṭaṗV touch, plaster, attach ?
  • ceKV tramp, step
  • ṗUjV tree
  • ṗUjV tree
  • widV tree
  • dʷirV tree, wood
  • dʷirV tree, wood
  • c`UlV twig, branch
  • šVṭV ? twig, rod
  • murV twist
  • tVḳV twist, weave
  • malV two
  • tuʔV ( ~ *tuq̇V) two
  • tuʔV ( ~ *tuq̇V) two
  • NVlV two / four / eight
  • gagtV two, pair
  • jVŕV two, pair
  • jVŕV two, pair
  • ʔVŋV understand, brain
  • ʔirV ungulate
  • ʔirV ungulate
  • kVŋkV upper part of chest, collarbone
  • swiḳV ( ~ šw-) urine, urinate
  • gowlV valley
  • gowlV valley, deep
  • kala vessel
  • kala vessel
  • ḳaṗV vessel
  • ḳaṗV vessel
  • ḳVwKV vessel
  • koṭV village
  • koṭV village, house
  • ḳojmV village, hut
  • p`u[ṭ]V vulva
  • pVjcV ( ~ -č-) vulva
  • ṗuKdV wake
  • kä[lH]V walk, roam, ford
  • kä[lH]V walk, roam, ford
  • ṭVŕgV walk, run, road (several roots? assimilations?)
  • lVmV warm
  • ṭ[ä]pV warm
  • ṭ[ä]pV warm

Ur. *kačV 'warm' warm

  • bVnV ? wash
  • mVs(k)V ( ~ -ʒ-) wash
  • mVś(k)V ( ~ -ʒ́-) wash
  • HVrcV ( ~ -c`-) wash, flow
  • bVnV ? water
  • wetV water
  • wetV water
  • ʕEḳu water
  • ʕEḳu water
  • ʒwVHlV water, pour
  • kUdV water, to submerge
  • mEwV water, wet
  • mEwV water, wet
  • wV we (pronoun)
  • wV we we, I [1st p. pronoun]
  • HalV (cf. also *lVjV ) weak
  • lVjV weak
  • ṭVrV weak
  • lVjńV weak, lax
  • HalV weak, tired
  • ŋVwV weak, tired, dead
  • ṭVrV weak, young
  • wVCV wear, dress
  • ēco ( ~ -č-) weary, tired
  • (H)wiɫV wet
  • (H)wiɫV wet wet
  • mäŕä wet
  • mäŕä wet
  • mVk`V wet
  • mV what, interrogative pronoun
  • swVḳV ( ~ cw−,č𝑤-,čw-) white
  • swVḳV ( ~ cw-,čw-) white, clean
  • CV who
  • ḳV who, what
  • ḳVĺwV whole
  • ḳVĺwV whole, all, combine
  • ćwalV whole, full
  • ṗaṭV wide
  • ṗaṭV wide, open
  • čwalV willow
  • čwalV willow
  • CalV ? wind, to blow
  • gara wing; arm
  • PVnV winter ~ spring
  • gImV winter, cold
  • gImV winter, cold
  • ʔVnV(jV) wish
  • ḲüjnA wolf, dog
  • ḲüjnA wolf, dog
  • k/u/nV woman
  • k/u/nV woman
  • nVzV ( ~ -ʒ-) woman, female
  • widV wood
  • ḲorV worm
  • ḲorV worm
  • kuńV (if < *kuj-nV?) worm
  • mVṭV worm
  • mVṭV worm
  • ṗäri worm
  • ṗäri worm
  • ḳwVŋV worm, insect
  • ŋalmV worm, insect
  • w[e]ṭV year
  • w[e]ṭV year
  • CVnV year, old
  • zVnV year, old
  • si you

"Alt. "*bāla 'child, young' young

  • ṭVlV young animal, plant
  • ṭVlV young animal, plant
  • majrV young male
  • majrV young male
  • ḳacV ( ~ -c`-) young man
  • ḳʷVŕV young of animals
  • ḳʷVŕV young of animals
  • ḲanV young, child
  • ḲanV young, child

Etymologies possibly linked to Afroasiatic

Etymologies possibly linked to Sino-Caucasian

Etymologies possibly linked to Austric

Etymologies possibly linked to Macro-Khoisan

Proto-Atlanto-Mediterranean Meaning Notes
*dʑoʔa ashes *ʒ́o[a]
*tsəha cold *cha-
*ʢa deictic stem *Ha
*tʼəʔu dew *ǀu
*tɬʼə-χuɦə dry *ǀǀXU
*ts3uɦə excrement *CU
*ts3a(ɴə) fat *Ca(N)
*vuɦə father *BU
*tʼə-ʁə hair *ǀʁV
*tɬaʔu hand *ƛ[a]u
*ɳətsʼəʔu kidney *ɳ!u-
*gətʼəʔa leaf *ɡǀa
*tɬaɴə lizard *ƛaNV
*pʼə-ha meat *ʘha
*ʢajə mother *[H]aj-
*tɬʼakʼəɴə shoe *ƛ̣aḳVNV
*tsʼəkʼə smoke *c̣VḳV
*ʎi to blow the nose; snot *ʎi-
*tɬək3ə to chop *ƛVKV
*kəxe to cry, sound *kxe
*kə-ŋə to know *kVʔV[ŋ]
*ʔits3a to steal *[i]Ca-
*tɬʼə-kəxa to wash *ǀǀkxa
*tɬʼə-ɢo tortoise *ǀǀGo-