User:Anyar/Sandbox: Difference between revisions

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(Added comparison table, using Wikipedia Germanic comparison table as template)
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==Vocabulary comparison==<!-- This section is linked from [[Gothic language]] -->
==Vocabulary comparison==<!-- This section is linked from [[Gothic language]] -->
Several of the terms in the table below have had [[semantic drift]]. For example, the form ''Sterben'' and other terms for ''die'' are [[cognates]] with the English word ''starve''. There is also at least one example of a common borrowing from a non-Germanic source (''ounce'' and its cognates from [[Latin]]).
Several of the terms in the table below have had [[semantic drift]]. For example, the form ''Sterben'' and other terms for ''die'' are [[cognates]] with the English word ''starve''. There is also at least one example of a common borrowing from a non-Germanic source (''ounce'' and its cognates from [[Latin]]).
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 85%;"
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg mw-collapsible"
! [[English language|English]]
! rowspan="2" | English
! [[Scots language|Scots]]<ref>The spellings used are those based on the prestigious literary conventions described in the article Modern Scots. Others spelling variants may be encountered in written Scots, e.g. aipil (apple), buik (book), huik (hook), houss (house) and monie (many).</ref>
! colspan="9" | Upper Minhast
! [[West Frisian language|West Frisian]]
! colspan="2" | Western Minhast
! [[Afrikaans language|Afrikaans]]
! Gullic
! [[Dutch language|Dutch]]
! colspan="3" | Lower Minhast
! [[Limburgish]]
! Montaine
! [[Low German]]
! [[Central German|Central<br />German]]<br />([[Luxemburgish|Luxembourg]])
! [[German language|German]]
! [[Yiddish language|Yiddish]]
! [[Gothic language|Gothic]]
! [[Icelandic language|Icelandic]]
! [[Faroese language|Faroese]]
! [[Swedish language|Swedish]]
! [[Danish language|Danish]]
! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian<br />(Bokmål)]]
! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian<br />(Nynorsk)]]
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli<ref>The cognate means 'potato'. The correct word is 'Súrepli'.</ref> || äpple || æble || eple || eple
! Classical Minhast
! Dūy min Kirmast (Salmon Speaker)
! Hašlua min Kirmast (Wolf Speaker)
! Dūy min Kirmast (Salmon Speaker)
! Hašlua min Kirmast (Wolf Speaker)
! Kaslub min Kirmast (Dog Speaker)
! Nurrappam Kirmast (Bear Speaker)
! Yattaxmin Kirmast (Fox Speaker)
! Modern Standard Minhast
! Naggikim Kirmast (Elk Speaker)
! Hurkadim Kirmast (Seal Speaker)
! Annea min Kirmast (Gull Speaker)
! Neyūn min Kirmast (Osprey Speaker)
! Šunnekim Kirmast (Egret Speaker)
! City Speaker
! Banakim Kirmast (Stone Speaker)
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| bear
| bear
Line 851: Line 857:
| bjørn
| bjørn
| bjørn
| bjørn
| bjørn
| bear
| beech || beech || boeke || beuk || beuk || beuk || Böök || Bich || Buche || — || 𐌱𐍉𐌺𐌰<br />(bōka),<ref name="Bōka">Attested meaning 'letter', but also means beech in other Germanic languages, cf. Russian buk 'beech', bukva 'letter', maybe from Gothic.</ref><br /> -𐌱𐌰𐌲𐌼𐍃<br />(-bagms) || beyki || bók<br />(artræ) || bok || bøg || bok || bok, bøk
| board || buird || board || bord || boord || bórdj || Boord || Briet || Brett<ref name="Bord">''Brett'' is used in the South, ''Bord'' is used additionally in the North</ref> || ברעט<br />(bret) || 𐌱𐌰𐌿𐍂𐌳<br />(baúrd) || borð || borð || bord || bord || bord || bord
| book || beuk || boek || boek || boek || book || Book || Buch || Buch || בוך<br />(bukh) || 𐌱𐍉𐌺𐌰<br />(bōka) || bók || bók || bok || bog || bok || bok
| breast || breest || boarst || bors || borst || boors || Bost || Broscht || Brust || ברוסט<br />(brust) || 𐌱𐍂𐌿𐍃𐍄𐍃<br />(brusts) || brjóst || bróst, bringa || bröst || bryst || bryst || bryst
| brown || broun || brún || bruin || bruin || bruun || broen || brong || braun || ברוין<br />(broyn) || 𐌱𐍂𐌿𐌽𐍃<br />(bruns) || brúnn || brúnur || brun || brun || brun || brun
| day || day || dei || dag || dag || daag || Dag || Dag || Tag || טאָג<br />(tog) || 𐌳𐌰𐌲𐍃<br />(dags) || dagur || dagur || dag || dag || dag || dag
| dead || deid || dea || dood || dood || doed || doot || dout || tot || טויט<br />(toyt) || 𐌳𐌰𐌿𐌸𐍃<br />(dauþs) || dauður || deyður || död || død || død || daud
| die, starve || dee, stairve || stjerre || sterf || sterven || stèrve || staarven || stierwen || sterben || שטאַרבן<br />(shtarbn) || 𐌳𐌹𐍅𐌰𐌽<br />(diwan) || deyja || doyggja || dö || dø || dø || døy, starva
| enough || eneuch || genôch || genoeg || genoeg || genóg || noog || genuch, genug || genug || גענוג<br />(genug) || 𐌲𐌰𐌽𐍉𐌷𐍃<br />(ganōhs) || nóg || nóg, nógmikið || nog || nok || nok || nok
| finger || finger || finger || vinger || vinger || veenger || Finger || Fanger || Finger || פֿינגער<br />(finger) || 𐍆𐌹𐌲𐌲𐍂𐍃<br />(figgrs) || fingur || fingur || finger || finger || finger || finger
| give || gie || jaan || gee || geven || geve || geven || ginn || geben || געבן<br />(gebn) || 𐌲𐌹𐌱𐌰𐌽<br />(giban) || gefa || geva || ge, giva || give || gi || gje(va)
| glass || gless || glês || glas || glas || glaas || Glas || Glas || Glas || גלאָז<br />(gloz) || — || glas || glas || glas || glas || glass || glas
| gold || gowd || goud || goud || goud || goud, góldj || Gold, Guld || Gold || Gold || גאָלד<br />(gold) || 𐌲𐌿𐌻𐌸<br />(gulþ) || gull || gull || guld, gull || guld || gull || gull
| good || guid || goed || goed || goed || good || goot || gutt || gut || גוט<br />(gut) || 𐌲𐍉𐌸(𐌹𐍃)<br />(gōþ(is)) || góð(ur), gott || góð(ur), gott || god || god || god || god
! [[English language|English]]
! [[Scots language|Scots]]
! [[West Frisian language|West Frisian]]
! [[Afrikaans language|Afrikaans]]
! [[Dutch language|Dutch]]
! [[Limburgish]]
! [[Low German]]
! [[Central German|Central<br />German]]<br />([[Luxemburgish|Luxembourg]])
! [[German language|German]]
! [[Yiddish language|Yiddish]]
! [[Gothic language|Gothic]]
! [[Icelandic language|Icelandic]]
! [[Faroese language|Faroese]]
! [[Swedish language|Swedish]]
! [[Danish language|Danish]]
! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian<br />(Bokmål)]]
! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian<br />(Nynorsk)]]
| hand || haund || hân || hand || hand || hand || Hand || Hand || Hand || האַנט<br />(hant) || 𐌷𐌰𐌽𐌳𐌿𐍃<br />(handus) || hönd || hond || hand || hånd || hånd || hand
| head || heid || holle || hoof,<ref name="hoof">Now only used in compound words such as ''hoofpyn'' (headache) and metaphorically, such as ''hoofstad'' (capital city).</ref> kop<ref name="kopf">From an old Latin borrowing, akin to "cup".</ref> || hoofd, kop<ref name="kopf" /> || kop<ref name="kopf" /> || Hööft, Kopp<ref name="kopf" /> || Kopp,<ref name="kopf" /> Kapp || Haupt, Kopf<ref name="kopf" /> || הויפט, קאָפּ<br />(hoypt, kop)<ref name="kopf">From an old Latin borrowing, akin to "cup".</ref> || 𐌷𐌰𐌿𐌱𐌹𐌸<br />(háubiþ) || höfuð || høvd, høvur || huvud || hoved || hode || hovud
| high || heich || heech || hoog || hoog || hoeg || hooch || héich || hoch || הויך<br />(hoykh) || 𐌷𐌰𐌿𐌷<br />(háuh) || hár || høg, ur || hög || høj || høy, høg || høg
| home || hame || hiem || heim,<ref name="heim">Archaic: now only used in compound words such as 'heimwee' (homesickness).</ref> tuis<ref name="tuis">From a compound phrase akin to "to house"</ref> || heem, heim,<ref name="heim" /> thuis<ref name="tuis" /> || thoes<ref name="tuis" /> || Tohuus,<ref name="tuis" /> Heem || Heem || Heim(at) || היים<br />(heym) || 𐌷𐌰𐌹𐌼𐍉𐌸<br />(háimōþ) || heim || heim || hem || hjem || hjem, heim || heim
| hook, crook || heuk || hoek || haak || haak || haok || Haak || Krop, Kramp, Hoken || Haken || האַק<br />(hak) || *𐌺𐍂𐌰𐌼𐍀𐌰<br />(*krampa) || haki, krókur || krókur, ongul || hake, krok || hage, krog || hake, krok || hake, krok<ref name="ongel">''ongel'' is also used for fishing hook.</ref>
| house || hoose || hûs || huis || huis || hoes || Huus || Haus || Haus || הויז<br />(hoyz) || 𐌷𐌿𐍃<br />(hūs) || hús || hús || hus || hus || hus || hus
| many || mony || mannich, mennich || baie, menige || veel, menig || minnig || veel, männig || vill || manch, viel || מאַנכע<br />(mankhe) || 𐌼𐌰𐌽𐌰𐌲𐍃<br />(manags) || margir || mangir, nógvir || många || mange || mange || mange
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| moon || muin || moanne || maan || maan || maon || Maan || Mound || Mond || לבֿנה <br /> (levone) || 𐌼𐌴𐌽𐌰<br />(mēna) || máni, tungl || máni || måne || måne || måne || måne
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| night || nicht || nacht || nag || nacht || nach || Nacht || Nuecht || Nacht || נאַכט<br />(nakht) || 𐌽𐌰𐌷𐍄𐍃<br />(nahts) || nótt || nátt || natt || nat || natt || natt
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| no, nay || nae || {{not a typo|nee}} || {{not a typo|nee}} || {{not a typo|nee(n)}} || nei || {{not a typo|nee}} || {{not a typo|nee(n)}} || {{not a typo|na}}, {{not a typo|nee}}, nein, nö || ניין<br />(neyn) || 𐌽𐌴<br />() || nei || nei || nej, nä || nej, næ || nei || nei
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| old (but elder, eldest) || auld || âld || oud || oud || aajt (''old''), gammel (''decayed'') || oolt (''old''), gammelig (''decayed'') || aal || alt || אַלט<br />(alt) || 𐍃𐌹𐌽𐌴𐌹𐌲𐍃<br />(sineigs) || gamall (but eldri, elstur), aldinn || gamal (but eldri, elstur) || gammal (but äldre, äldst) || gammel (but ældre, ældst) || gammel (but eldre, eldst) || gam(m)al (but eldre, eldst)
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| one || ane || ien || een || één || ein || een || eent || eins || איין<br />(eyn) || 𐌰𐌹𐌽𐍃<br />(áins) || einn || ein || en || en || en || ein
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| ounce || unce || ûns || ons || ons || óns || Ons || Eng kéier, Eemol || Unze || || 𐌿𐌽𐌺𐌾𐌰<br />(unkja) || únsa || únsa || uns || unse || unse || unse, unsa
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| snow || snaw || snie || sneeu || sneeuw || sjnie || Snee || Schnéi || Schnee || שניי<br />(shney) || 𐍃𐌽𐌰𐌹𐍅𐍃<br />(snáiws) || snjór || kavi, snjógvur || snö || sne || snø || snø
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
! [[English language|English]]
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
! [[Scots language|Scots]]
! [[West Frisian language|West Frisian]]
! [[Afrikaans language|Afrikaans]]
! [[Dutch language|Dutch]]
! [[Limburgish]]
! [[Low German]]
! [[Central German|Central<br />German]]<br />([[Luxemburgish|Luxembourg]])
! [[German language|German]]
! [[Yiddish language|Yiddish]]
! [[Gothic language|Gothic]]
! [[Icelandic language|Icelandic]]
! [[Faroese language|Faroese]]
! [[Swedish language|Swedish]]
! [[Danish language|Danish]]
! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian<br />(Bokmål)]]
! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian<br />(Nynorsk)]]
| stone || stane || stien || steen || steen || stein || Steen || Steen || Stein || שטיין<br />(shteyn) || 𐍃𐍄𐌰𐌹𐌽𐍃<br />(stáins) || steinn || steinur || sten || sten || stein || stein
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| that || that || dat || daardie, dit || dat, die || dat, tot || dat, dü || dat || das || דאָס<br />(dos) || 𐌸𐌰𐍄𐌰<br />(þata) || það || tað || det || det || det || det
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| two, twain || twa || twa || twee || twee || twie || twee || zoo, zwou, zwéin, zwee || zwei, zwo || צוויי<br />(tsvey) || 𐍄𐍅𐌰𐌹<br />(twái) || tveir, tvær, tvö || tveir, tvey, tvær, tvá || två, tu || to || to || to<ref>Dialectally tvo, två, tvei<br />(m), tvæ<br />(f), tvau<br />(n).</ref>
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| who || wha || wa || wie || wie || wee || wokeen || wien, ween || wer || ווער<br />(ver) || 𐍈𐌰𐍃<br />(ƕas) || hver || hvør || vem || hvem || hvem || kven
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
| worm || wirm || wjirm || wurm || worm || weurm || Worm || Wuerm, Mued || Wurm, Made || וואָרעם<br />(vorem) || 𐌼𐌰𐌸𐌰<br />(maþa) || maðkur, ormur || maðkur, ormur || mask, orm&nbsp;<ref name="orm" /> || orm || makk, mark, orm &nbsp;<ref name="orm">The cognate ''orm'' usually means 'snake'.</ref> || makk, mark, orm<ref name="orm" />
| apple || aiple || apel || appel || appel || appel || Appel || Apel || Apfel || עפּל<br />(epl) || 𐌰𐍀𐌻𐌿𐍃<br />(aplus) || epli || epli || äpple || æble || eple || eple
! [[English language|English]]
! [[Scots language|Scots]]
! [[West Frisian language|West Frisian]]
! [[Afrikaans language|Afrikaans]]
! [[Dutch language|Dutch]]
! [[Limburgish]]
! [[Low German]]
! [[Central German|Central<br />German]]<br />([[Luxemburgish]])
! [[German language|German]]
! [[Yiddish language|Yiddish]]
! [[Gothic language|Gothic]]
! [[Icelandic language|Icelandic]]
! [[Faroese language|Faroese]]
! [[Swedish language|Swedish]]
! [[Danish language|Danish]]
! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian<br />(Bokmål)]]
! [[Norwegian language|Norwegian<br />(Nynorsk)]]

Revision as of 23:46, 17 February 2018

Dialect Table

Minhast Superdialects and Dialects
Superdialect Dialect Region/Prefecture/District Distinguishing Features
Upper Minhast Horse Speaker Umbarak, Hayreb, Nanampuyyi, Wattare, Saxtam, Gannasia Prefectures;

Kattek (Horse Speaker portion of NCR, approx 50%)

Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -uyyi
Salmon Speaker Hittaħm, Iskamharat, Tuhattam, Perim-Sin, Gaššarat. Ruyāya Prefectures;

Iyyūmi (Salmon Speaker portion of NCR, approx 40%)

Fossilized suffix -ūy preserved
Wolf Speaker Ešked,Attum Attar, Tayyagur, Rakwar, Tabuk Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy preserved
Dog Speaker Hisašarum, Way, Išpa, Warat, Tabbakun, Neweyya, Uħpar, Nikwat, Salabūr, Tawāheb Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -uyye
Bear Speaker Tannumay, Puyya Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -uyya
Fox Speaker Kardam, Eħħar Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -uyye
Elk Speaker Meti, Attuar, Essak Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -ūwe
Seal Speaker Pinda, Rukpu Prefectures Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -ūwi
Lower Minhast Gull Speaker Kissamut, Tur'akkam, Senzil, Rēgum Prefectures;

Bayburim, Taliwāz, Urgabal, Tantanay, Nuwway, Kitamta, Antuwe, Sašlar (South Coast Colonies)

Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -we, -ia
Osprey Speaker Uyyuš, Arinak, Naggiriyan, Nāz Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -ia
Egret Speaker Nentue, Isku Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -ia
Stone Speaker Sakkeb, Neskud,Yaxparim, Izgilbāš, Zurzugul, Higbilan, Narpaz Fossilized suffix -ūy realized as -ia, -ie

Nankore Vowel IPA Template

  Front Near- front Central Near- back Back
Blank vowel trapezoid.svg
ɯ · u

Minhast Vowel Template

  Front Near- front Central Near- back Back
Blank vowel trapezoid.svg

Minhast Noun Table

Noun Classes
Absolutive Pre-clitic Form Incorporated Form Examples
Class I gal=Ø gal=


galde, galyār
Class II marua marū=


marūde, marūpar
yarea yarē=


yarēde, yarēran
simmia simmī=


simmīde, simmīkan
Class III asr asr-, asre-


asride, asrenī
niss niss-,nisse-


nisside, nissekī

Minhast Portmanteau Pronominal Affixes

Agent (Singular) Patient (Singular)
1st sg. 2nd sg. 3rd masc. sg. 3rd fem. sg. 3rd neut. anim sg. 3rd neut. inanim. sg.
1st Sg. ---- -tak- -(e)k- -kk- -k- -tirk-
2nd Sg -ktah- ---- -tah- -lettah- -tah- -tittah-
3rd Masc. Sg -knen- -nten- -nn-, -Ø- -lenn- -enn- -tirenn-
3rd Fem. Sg -kl- -tal- -l- -ll- -l- -till-
3rd Neut. Anim. Sg -k- -t- -Ø- -Ø- -s- -t-
3rd Neut. Inanim. Sg -km- -tam- -m- -mm- -m- -timm-
Agent Patient (Singular)
1st Pl. Incl. ---- ---- -hak- -hlak- -k- -tirhak-
1st Pl. Excl. ---- -ntem- -nn- -lennem- -ennem- -tinnem-
2nd Pl. -aktahm- ---- -mt- -lettem- -ettem- -tittem-
3rd Pl. Common -ekken- -takken- -nk- -lekken- -seššen- -tikken-
3rd Pl. Neut. Anim. -aksen- -tasn- -sn- -less- -sess- -tiss-
3rd Pl. Neut. Inanim. -akmah- -tammah- -mah- -(a)mmah- -mah- -timmah-

Minhast Portmanteau Pronominal Affixes #2

Person - Number - Gender Independant Forms Bound Forms
Ergative Absolutive Oblique Stative
1st Sg. yakte yak yak- -ek
2nd Sg. tahte taħ tah-,taħ- -taħ
3rd Masculine - Common Sg. kūde kua kū- -na
3rd Feminine Sg. lēde- lea lē-, ley- -lea
3rd Neuter Animate Sg. šemet šea šē-, šey- -šea
3rd Neuter Inanimate Sg. mēde mea mē-,mey- -mea
1st Plural Inclusive hakemt(e) hak hak- -hakkem
1st Pl Exclusive nemt(e) nem nem- -nem
2nd Pl. taħtemt(e) taħtem -taħtem -taħtem-
3rd Masc./Common Pl kemt(e) kem kem- -kem
3rd Fem. Pl. wext(e) wexī, weššī wex- (n/a)
3rd Neut. Anim. Pl. sešt(e) seš sešš(i)- -sseš
3rd Neut. Inanim Pl. maħt(e) maħ mah-, maħ- -maħ

Minhast Phonotactics Table

Minhast Phonotactics Table

Initial Consonant Final Consonant
f p b k x g t d s š z l r m n h w y
f ff pp pp fk fx fk ft ft fs ff fs fl fr fm fn ff fw fy
p pp pp pp pk xp pk pt pt ps ħp ps pl pr pm pn ħp pw py
b pp pp bb pk xp mg pt mb ps ħp ps bl br mb mb ħp bw by
k kf kp kp kk kk kk kt kt ks ħk ks kl kr km kn ħk kw ky
x xf xp xp kk xx gg xt xt ss šš ss xl xr xm xn xx xw xy
g kf kp gb kk kk gg kt gd ks ħk zg lg gr gm gn ħk gw gy
t ft pt pt kt xt kt tt tt st št st tt rt mt nt ħt wt šš
d ft pt bb kt xt gd tt dd st ħt zd ld rd mb nd ħt dw dy
s sp sp sp sk xs sk st st ss šš ss sl ss sm sn ħs sw šš
š šf šp šp šk šš šk št št ss šš ss šl šš šm šn ħš šw šš
z sp sp zb sk ss zg st zd ss šš zz zl zz zm zn ħs zw zy
l lf pp lb kk xl lg tt ld sl šl zl ll rr lm,mm nn ħl lw yy
r rf rp rb rk rx rg rt rd, dd rs, ss rš, šš zz ll rn, nn rm, mm nn rħ, ħr rw ry
m mf mp mb nk xn mg mt md ns šm nz ml mr mm nn mh ww my
n mf mp mb nk xn mg, ng nt nd ns, sn, ss nš, šn, šš nz ll rr mm nn nh nw ny,yy
h ff ħp ħp ħk xx ħk ħt ħt ħs ħš ħs ħl ħr ħm ħn ħħ ħw ħy

Vocabulary comparison

Several of the terms in the table below have had semantic drift. For example, the form Sterben and other terms for die are cognates with the English word starve. There is also at least one example of a common borrowing from a non-Germanic source (ounce and its cognates from Latin).

English Upper Minhast Western Minhast Gullic Lower Minhast Montaine
Classical Minhast Dūy min Kirmast (Salmon Speaker) Hašlua min Kirmast (Wolf Speaker) Dūy min Kirmast (Salmon Speaker) Hašlua min Kirmast (Wolf Speaker) Kaslub min Kirmast (Dog Speaker) Nurrappam Kirmast (Bear Speaker) Yattaxmin Kirmast (Fox Speaker) Modern Standard Minhast Naggikim Kirmast (Elk Speaker) Hurkadim Kirmast (Seal Speaker) Annea min Kirmast (Gull Speaker) Neyūn min Kirmast (Osprey Speaker) Šunnekim Kirmast (Egret Speaker) City Speaker Banakim Kirmast (Stone Speaker)
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
bear beir bear beer beer bear Baar Bier Bär בער
𐌱𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌰 (Baira) björn bjørn björn bjørn bjørn bear
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple
apple aiple apel appel appel appel Appel Apel Apfel עפּל
epli epli äpple æble eple eple