Togarmite/Lexicon: Difference between revisions

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Line 46: Line 46:
*''beiþ'' 'house'
*''beiþ'' 'house'
**''beiþi'' 'to house'
**''beiþėþ'' 'housing'
**''beiþėþ'' 'housing'
*''bin'' 'veena'
*''bin'' 'veena'

Revision as of 18:39, 9 September 2019


  • √ʔ-b-b
    • ybib 'spring'
    • eþy'ybib (literary) 'to become spring'
  • √ʔ-(w)-r
    • aur 'light'
    • awer 'to illuminate'
  • √ʔ-d-m
    • ydum 'red'
  • 'then'
  • √ʔ-h-b
    • yhabt 'love'
    • øhab 'to love'
  • √ʔ-h-ž
    • haž 'receive'
  • √ʔ-ž-n
    • øžny 'ear'
  • √ʔ-y-s
    • is 'equal'
    • my'ės 'identity'
    • my'ėsi 'to identify (find the identity of)'
    • ajes 'to compare'
      • ajus 'metaphor; simile'
    • þy'ajes 'to equate; to identify (mathematics)'
      • þy'ajus 'identification (mathematics)'
  • √ʔ-x-l
    • øxal 'to eat'
    • exly 'food'
    • þaxil 'comsumption'
      • þaxili 'to consume'
  • √ʔ-l-h
    • Elėh 'God'
    • aleh 'to deify'
  • √ʔ-m-n
    • amėn (in some religions) 'Amen'
    • amen 'to trust, to believe'
  • √ʔ-m-r
    • ømar 'to say'
    • emry 'remark'
    • amer 'to command'
  • √ʔ-r-þ
    • arþy 'earth'
  • √ʔ-þ-j
    • øþė 'to come'


  • beiþ 'house'
    • beiþėþ 'housing'
  • bin 'veena'
    • møbinė 'veena player'
  • √b-ȝ-l
    • bol 'master, lord'
    • abȝel 'to be able to'
  • √b-lb-l
    • balbel 'to confuse'
  • √b-r-ʔ
    • bra 'to create'
    • bri 'healthy'
  • √b-š-r
    • bašar 'body'


  • √g-d-l
    • gdėl 'big'
    • eþygdel 'to grow'
  • √g-l
    • gal 'wave'
    • þygalel 'to reverberate, to resound'


  • √d-m
    • dam = blood
    • damem = to bleed
  • √d-n
    • dun = to think (to be of the opinion that); to deem
    • dajan = judge
    • dajen = to judge
    • dint = judgement
  • √d-r-x
    • darxy = road
    • drax = to go, to walk
    • adrex = to lead
    • stydrex = to prove (mathematics)
      • istydrexbyl = unprovable
  • √d-r-s
    • drøs = to study, to learn
    • daras = student, pupil
    • dares = to demand
    • þydares = to teach
    • mydras = school
      • jymydrasi = he schooled
    • þydrus = lesson


  • √h-b-r
  • √h-d-r
    • hedry 'chest (box)'
  • √h-d-š
    • hydiš 'new'
  • √h-t-ʔ
    • heta 'sin'
    • hatė 'to sin'
  • √h-m-d
  • √h-m-l
    • hømal 'to suffer'
    • hymlan 'patient'
    • ahmel 'to make someone suffer, to inflict'
    • þyhamel 'to deserve (something bad), to have it coming'
  • √h-m-m
    • ham 'hot'
    • hymum 'warm'
  • √h-sm-l
    • hysmaluþ 'electricity'
  • √h-r-b
    • harby 'sword'
    • harøb (flowery) 'to slay'
  • √h-r-c
    • hyruc 'yellow'


  • √w-d-ȝ
    • wedȝy 'knowledge'
    • wduȝ 'knowledgeable'
      • wduȝyr 'know-it-all'
    • daȝ 'to know'
    • mauduȝ 'known; data'
    • audeȝ 'to let someone know'
  • wein 'wine'
  • √w-l-d
    • waldy 'child'
    • molad 'birth'
    • lad (archaic) 'to give birth to (of a woman)'
    • auled 'to give birth to, to sire, to father' (for both genders in the modern language)
  • √w-r-k
    • wyruk 'green'
  • √w-r-š
    • waršy 'inheritance'
    • reš 'to inherit'
    • aureš 'to leave as inheritance'
    • wriš 'heritable'
    • wrišt 'gene'
    • morašt 'heritage'
    • þwarešt 'tradition'


  • √z-m-r
    • myzmer 'kantele'
    • zømør 'to sing'
    • þyzmert 'choir'
  • √z-n-h
    • zønah 'to abandon'
  • √z-ȝ-r
    • zȝur 'small'
    • zȝarȝer 'tiny'
  • √z-r-ȝ
    • zarȝe 'seed'
    • zøraȝ 'to sow'


  • √ž-b-h
    • þyžbuh 'sacrifice (the act of sacrifice)'
    • žbih 'sacrifice (the thing or person sacrificed)'
    • žabeh 'to sacrifice'
    • mižbeh 'altar'
  • žabi 'antelope'
  • √ž-h-b
    • žahab 'gold'
    • žaheb 'to gild'
  • √ž-h-r
    • žohry 'noon'
  • √ž-m-r
    • žemryþ 'might'
    • eþyžmer 'to intensify'
  • √ž-n-b
    • žanab 'tail'
  • √ž-x-r "to remember"
    • žøxør 'to remember'
    • žaxer 'to record; to memorize'
    • ažxer 'to remind'
    • hyždyxer 'to come to mind'
    • styžxer 'to make note of'
    • þyžxir 'mnemonic'
    • myžxar 'souvenir'
    • žexryþ 'memory'
  • √ž-x-r "male"
    • žyxar 'male'
  • √ž-r-ȝ
    • žerėȝ (f.) 'arm'


  • √t-b
    • tėb 'good'
  • √t-b-h
    • tabeh 'to slaughter'
    • tabhan 'butcher'
  • √t-ȝ-y
    • tyȝuj 'wrong'
  • √t-ȝ-m
    • tøȝam 'to choose; (archaic) to taste'
    • taȝem 'to elect'
      • taȝum 'election'
    • þytaȝem '(literary) to be pleased with, to take pleasure in'
    • stytȝem 'to try out'
  • √t-m-ʔ
    • tma 'dirty'
  • √t-k-y
    • tuki 'parrot'
    • takė 'to parrot, to repeat'


  • jad 'hand'
  • √j-b-s
    • jabas 'dry'
  • jam 'sea'
  • √j-m-n
    • jymin 'right'


  • √x-ž-b
    • xažby 'lie (untruth)'
    • xøžøb 'to lie (tell a lie)'
    • xažeb 'to deceive'
    • axžeb 'to deny'
  • √x-h-y
    • xyhuj 'dark'
  • xenėr 'harp' (from An Bhlaoighne "chionnóir", cognate with Hebrew כִּנּוֹר‎)
  • √x-r-s
    • xares 'to thank'
    • exarus 'thanksgiving; thank you!'
  • √x-s-f
    • xasfy 'silver, money'
    • myxsaf 'bank'
  • √x-þ-b
    • xøþøb 'to write'


  • = not; no
  • ly = to, for
  • √l-b-n
    • lbun 'white'
    • þlyben 'to become white'
    • alben 'to whiten (something)'
  • √l-b-s
    • lbas 'clothes'
  • √l-m-d
    • lømad 'to notice, to experience, to come to know'
    • lamed 'to show, to point out'
    • hylþymed 'to find one's way around'
  • √l-m-s
    • lamusin 'charity'
    • lames 'give charitably, do charity'
  • √l-(w)-n
    • lun 'to sojourn, to stay as guest'
    • lawan 'guest'
    • alen 'to host'
    • malen 'host'
    • malunt 'hospitality'
    • mylan 'inn'
  • lysėn 'tongue; language'


  • √m-g-l
    • mygil 'glorious' (from Greek megalos)
  • √m-l-x
    • malxy 'king'
  • √m-n-w
    • møno 'to count' (in the sense 'to matter, to be considered')
  • mein 'water'
    • majen 'to water'
    • meini 'aquatic, aqueous'
  • √m-ȝ-l
    • maȝly 'step'
    • maȝlyþ 'stairway'
    • stymȝel 'to dare'
  • √m-(w)-t
    • mauþ 'death'
    • muþ 'to die'


  • √n-b-ʔ
    • nabi 'prophet' (from Hebrew)
    • nabe 'to prophesy; to call out (a wrongdoing)'
    • stynbe 'to lecture sanctimoniously, to scold'
  • √n-b-t
    • þynabet (by) 'to look (at)'
  • √n-d-r
    • nydur 'few'
  • √n-ȝ-m
    • nyȝam 'nice'
  • √n-f-l
    • føl 'to fall'
    • nøfl 'fall (season)'
  • √n-š-ʔ
    • naše 'to carry'
  • √n-þ-n
    • þen 'to give'
    • maþun 'data'


  • √ȝ-m-d
    • ȝømød 'to stand
    • þyȝamed 'to resist'
  • √ȝ-n-y
    • þyȝane 'to satisfy'
    • ȝni 'needy, in distress'
    • ȝnuþ 'need, emergency'
  • √ȝ-š-j
    • ȝyše 'to do, to make'
    • maȝše 'deed'
  • √ȝ-s-r (?)
    • ȝysur 'noble'
  • √ȝ-š-r
  • √ȝ-št-r
    • Ȝaštarty 'Venus (planet)'
    • ȝaštiruþ (poetic) 'libido, sexual desire'


  • √f-l-ʔ
    • føla 'miracle'
    • afle 'to amaze'
    • miføla 'wonderful'


  • √p-rk-s
    • parkes 'to act'
    • parkis 'action'
    • þyparkes 'to react'
  • √p-s-f
    • psif 'vote'
    • psifin 'voting'
    • pøsøf 'to vote'
    • pėsef 'voter'
  • √p-w
    • pau 'peacock'
    • pawė 'to peacock, to show off'


  • √c-b-ȝ
  • √c-d-k
    • cdak = right
    • hycdek = to justify
    • þycadek = to make right, to set right; to right a wrong


  • √k-d-s
    • kdės 'holy'
    • hakdes 'to dedicate'
    • makdas (formal) 'chosen, particular, specific, not arbitrary'
    • kades 'to sanctify'
    • mykødas 'holy'
      • mykøsyn (a swear word)
  • √k(-w-)l
    • kaul 'voice'
    • þykawel 'to resound; to echo'
  • √k-t-l
    • køtøl 'to kill'
  • √k-j-ž
    • keiž 'summer'
  • √k-m
    • kum 'to stand up, to rise'
    • mykėm 'place'
    • mykėmi 'to locate'
  • √k-r-ʔ
    • køra 'to read, to call'
    • mekra 'scripture'
    • tykru 'invocation, incantation'
      • tykruji 'to invoke, to summon'
  • √k-r-y
    • kri 'to happen'
  • √k-s-m
    • hyksem 'to curse'


  • √r-b
    • rab 'many'
    • myrėb 'majority'
      • myrėbi 'to overwhelm numerically'
    • √r-b-y
      • rabė 'to multiply'
  • √r-ʔ-j
    • rø'e 'to see'
  • √r-þ-m
    • reþmy 'number'
    • raþem 'to count'
    • myrþam 'musical meter'
    • myrþem 'abacus'
    • styrþem 'to enumerate'
    • styrþum 'sequence'
    • ryþim 'rhyming'
    • reþmi 'to number (assign a number to)'


  • sem 'name'
  • √s-m-j
    • samė 'to name'
    • þysamė 'to rename'
  • √s-w-j
    • swė 'same'
    • aswė 'to compare'
  • √s-x-n
    • sxan 'to live (at a certain place)'
    • mysxan 'apartment'
    • saxen 'to inhabit'
  • √s-l-m
    • slėm 'peace; hello!'
      • Slėm ȝalėxøm! 'hello (more formal)'
    • slem 'whole'
    • aslem 'to complete'
    • stylem 'to make peace; to reconcile'
    • þysalem 'to repay'
  • √s-m
    • sem 'name'
    • samem 'to name'
  • symein 'sky'
    • symeiniþ 'heaven' (from OTog. θarHebθ samaynīθ "celestial domain")
  • √s-m-ȝ
    • smaȝ 'to hear'
  • √s-m-n
    • smen '(is) fat'
    • samny 'fat, oil'
  • √s-þ-w
    • seþaw 'winter'


  • √š-d-y
    • šadi 'breast', pl. šadjė or šadė
  • √s(-j-)r
    • sir 'to sing, to call (of an animal)'
    • sajer 'to admonish, to warn'
    • seiran 'smoke signal' (source of English siren)
    • stysir 'to announce'
  • √š-m-l
    • šmėl 'left'
  • √š-k-l
    • škul 'heavy'
  • √š-l-g
    • šalgy 'snow'
  • √š-n-j
    • šanė 'to repeat'
  • šol 'fox'
  • šøm 'therefore'


  • √þ-g-m
    • aþgem 'explain'
  • √þ-l-l
    • þlul 'steep; difficult'
  • √þ-ȝ-b
    • þøȝab 'to hate'
    • aþȝeb 'to disgust'
    • þaȝebt 'abomination'
    • þȝub 'disgusting, ugly'
  • √þ-r-n
    • þrøn 'throne'
    • aþren 'enthrone'