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[[Category: Languages]]
[[Category: Conlangs]]
[[Category: Artlangs]]
[[Category: A posteriori]]
[[Category: Indo-European languages]]
[[Category: Germanic languages]]
[[Category: Germanic languages]]

Northeadish is a Germanic language which, while similar to [[North Germanic|North]] and [[West Germanic]] languages due to many areal similarities, does not belong to either of these branches. The name “Northeadish” is a compound of ‘north’ and ‘thead’ (an ancient word referring to a folk or people). A late sound change ([[metathesis]]) in the language caused the word ''*nurþ'' ‘north’ to become ''*nruþ'', which, being difficult to pronounce, corrected itself through a process of stop-insertion (becoming ''*n̩druþ'').  Later still, the nasal component of word-initial pre-nasalized stops (all of which occur only because of this process) were deleted, leaving present-day ''druðþ''.  A similar process occurs with other Germanic words such as ‘morning’ (''*murganaz'' → ''mrugan'' →  ''m̩brugan'' → ''brugɴ'').
{{|Northeadish|Druðþþᵫ̄ðeſc (Druþýðesk)|drʊˈθyːðɛsk|2000|Europe, vaguely|Indo-European|Indo-European|Germanic|South Germanic||||||nthd}}
Northeadish is a Germanic language which, while similar to [[w:North_Germanic_languages|North]] and [[w:West_Germanic_languages|West Germanic]] languages due to many areal similarities, does not belong to either of these branches. The name “Northeadish” is a compound of ‘north’ and ‘thead’ (an ancient word referring to a folk or people). A late sound change ([[metathesis]]) in the language caused the word ''*nurþ'' ‘north’ to become ''*nruþ'', which, being difficult to pronounce, corrected itself through a process of stop-insertion (becoming ''*n̩druþ'').  Later still, the nasal component of word-initial pre-nasalized stops (all of which occur only because of this process) were deleted, leaving present-day ''druðþ''.  A similar process occurs with other Germanic words such as ‘morning’ (''*murganaz'' → ''mrugan'' →  ''m̩brugan'' → ''brugɴ'').

== Writing Systems ==
== Writing Systems ==
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**ʀ+S → rS, ''faðʀ'' ‘father’ → dative plural ''fæðrᴍ''
**ʀ+S → rS, ''faðʀ'' ‘father’ → dative plural ''fæðrᴍ''
**but x+V → xV, ''cynx'' ‘king’ → plural ''cynxʀ'', not **''cynŋʀ''
**but x+V → xV, ''cynx'' ‘king’ → plural ''cynxʀ'', not **''cynŋʀ''
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====Morphographemes: Scribal Shorthand====
====Morphographemes: Scribal Shorthand====
In addition to the common abbreviations above, some texts use a sort of “scribal shorthand” which takes the place of most common inflections of both nouns and verbs, as well as adjectives (if they are inflected at all). Most commonly, this type of shorthand replaces pronouns with a single-character signifier, surrounded by periods, appended to the front of their accompanying verb. Inflection of the verb is thereby also elided. In cases where i-umlaut occurs in the paradigm (usually in the second and third person singular), the vowel may optionally change, or a raised comma may be added to the vowel.
In addition to the common abbreviations above, some texts use a sort of “scribal shorthand” which takes the place of most common inflections of both nouns and verbs, as well as adjectives (if they are inflected at all). Most commonly, this type of shorthand replaces pronouns with a single-character signifier, surrounded by periods, appended to the front of their accompanying verb. Inflection of the verb is thereby also elided. In cases where i-umlaut occurs in the paradigm (usually in the second and third person singular), the vowel may optionally change, or a raised comma may be added to the vowel.
([[File:Northeadish-dot.gif|.]][[File:Northeadish-g.gif|.]][[File:Northeadish-g.gif|.]][[File:Northeadish-dot.gif|.]] = gaŋɴ)

Normally only the root of the verb is used, but in some cases, there are also further abbreviations for common verbs.
Normally only the root of the verb is used, but in some cases, there are also further abbreviations for common verbs.
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[''more details coming soon'']
[''more details coming soon'']

===The Reform Alphabet===
===Alternative Writing Systems===
====The Reform Alphabet====

In addition to the standard alphabet (also called the “Standard Literary Alphabet”), Northeadish can also be written with a simplified script called simply the “Reform Alphabet.” Whereas the Standard Literary Alphabet conforms to many of the rules of more traditional Germanic languages such as Old English, Old Norse, Old Saxon, &c, the Reform Alphabet is much more consistent with the orthographic conventions of modern Germanic languages like Swedish, Icelandic, or Dutch, and can be a bit of a stickler for function and efficiency at the expense of form and æsthetics.
In addition to the standard alphabet (also called the “Standard Literary Alphabet”), Northeadish can also be written with a simplified script called simply the “Reform Alphabet.” Whereas the Standard Literary Alphabet conforms to many of the rules of more traditional Germanic languages such as Old English, Old Norse, Old Saxon, &c, the Reform Alphabet is much more consistent with the orthographic conventions of modern Germanic languages like Swedish, Icelandic, or Dutch, and can be a bit of a stickler for function and efficiency at the expense of form and æsthetics.
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Punctuation in the reform alphabet uses no special symbols (such as the lowered quotation mark). Single- and double-quotes are written at their standard height and are not kerned with lower punctuation, and only the standard question mark is used.
Punctuation in the reform alphabet uses no special symbols (such as the lowered quotation mark). Single- and double-quotes are written at their standard height and are not kerned with lower punctuation, and only the standard question mark is used.
====The Hyper-Reform Alphabet====
There is also the “hyper-reform alphabet,” which does not have official status, but is in common use on the internet. It is largely based on the rules of the Standard Reform Alphabet, but, whereas the Reform Alphabet is simplified to the Basic Latin and Latin-1 Unicode Subsets, the Hyper-Reform Alphabet is further simplified to include only twenty-three letters of the Basic Latin set; no Latin-1 Supplement characters are used, nor are ‘c’, nor ‘q’, nor ‘x’.  All other sounds are represented by digraphs.
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Aa''' || '''Bb''' || '''Dd''' || '''Ee''' || '''Ff''' || '''Gg''' || '''Hh''' || '''Ii''' || '''Jj'''
| '''Kk''' || '''Ll''' || '''Mm''' || '''Nn''' || '''Oo''' || '''Pp''' || '''Rr''' || '''Ss''' || '''Tt'''
| '''Uu''' || '''Vv''' || '''Ww''' || '''Yy''' || '''Zz'''
Non-alphabetic variants:
{| class="wikitable"
| '''aa''' || '''dh''' || '''ee''' || '''ng''' || '''oa''' || '''aw''' || '''oe''' || '''th''' || '''oo''' || '''ue'''
====The Eastheadish Alphabet====
[NB: table coming soon... updating fonts...]
Some phonetic differences exist in Eastheadish in the table above, mainly because this alphabet represents an earlier realization of the Northeadish language; for instance, the sounds /ɪ/, /o/, and /œ/ still existed in the language at that time, and syllabics had not yet developed from earlier /ə/+sonorant. Initial sonorants after /h/ were merely unvoiced. Other differences include /z/ as a separate grapheme from /s/, /ɛ/ and /eː/ not distinct because of umlaut. However, even as many of these sounds or conventions are no longer used, the Eastheadish alphabet continues to be used to transcribe modern Northeadish in a sort of nostalgically sentimental way.
Approximately 500 years ago, the Eastheadish alphabet was used nearly exclusively to write what is now considered Middle Northeadish. The name ‘Eastheadish’ came into being when the Eastern dialect of Northeadish started to diverge. Many years later, the few remaining speakers of Eastheadish found themselves part of the Soviet Union in what is modern-day Slovakia and Hungary. An effort was made by the Soviets in the 1940s to create a Cyrillic-based alphabet for the language, but this was eventually abandoned as the population was so small. Vladimir Zubarev, the last known native speaker of Eastheadish, died on August 31st, 1977 at the age of 103.
In opposition to historical sound changes which have shaped the development of the language so far, this section refers to those synchronic changes which occur within the present spoken language when certain sounds find themselves in certain positions.
===Final Obstruent Devoicing===
This is a phenomenon common to all Germanic languages at some stage of their evolution. What this means for Northeadish is that the voiced continuant obstruents (i.e. ‘ð’, ‘v’, and ‘ſ’) become unvoiced at the end of a word. 
Orthographically, this does not affect ‘ſ’, since it is not voiced when final anyway. However, ‘ð’ and ‘v’ would be expected to change to ‘þ’ and ‘f’, respectively.  In order to preserve the root of the words to which this rule applies, however, ‘ð’ and ‘v’ are preserved and merely followed by ‘þ’ and ‘f’, respectively.
* ''dœ̄vnɴ'' ‘to become deaf’, but ''dōvf'' [doːf] ‘deaf’.
* ''clǣðʀ'' ‘clothes’, but clǣðþ [kleːθ] ‘cloth’.
See also [[Northeadish#.C3.B0.C3.BE.2C_vf|Orthography]]
===Assimilation and Insertion of [ð]===
The letter ‹ð› is slippery. It appears in the darnedest places.  In addition to its refusal to go away when it is unvoiced, as above, it also pops up as a result of two specific sound changes when other letters get near /r/.
Do you have one of those friends who just wants everyone to get along and goes around trying to make everyone happy?  In the Northeadish alphabet, ‹ð› is that friend. Meanwhile, ‹r› is that friend that you all sort of have to be nice to but no one really likes. ‹d› and ‹n› in particular can’t stand to be around ‹r›. Whenever ‹d› finds itself stuck talking to ‹r›, it usually just kind of walks away, leaving ‹ð› to take over the conversation. ‹n›, on the other hand, is ready to punch it out with ‹r›, and ‹ð› is always rushing in to break things up.  At least that’s how I like to think of them, but some might say I’m spending too much time with my letters.
====Change of [d] to [ð]: d → ð / __r====
This means simply that the letter ‹d› becomes ‹ð› when followed by ‹r› or ‹ʀ›.  While this is an historical sound change in the language, it is persistent, which means that it is still going on in the language and may appear without warning in inflections.  So, in other words, some words are permanently and irrevocably altered (e.g. *''fader'' ‘father’ → /fadr̩/ → ''faðʀ'': this word will never be written with a ‹d› in any form), while others will dither depending on what tense or case they may find themselves in (e.g. ''ænd'' ‘end’, but ''ænðʀ'' ‘ends’).
====Insertion of [ð]: Ø → ð / n__r====
Very similar to the above rule, this means simply that whenever ‹n› finds itself next to ‹r› or ‹ʀ›, ‹ð› magically appears between then. Once again, some of these are permanent sound changes (e.g. *''þunraz'' ‘thunder’ → /þunr̩/ → ''þunðʀ'', which will never become **''þunʀ'' again), while others are variable (e.g. ''mīn'' ‘mine’, but with dative feminine ending ‘-ʀ’ → ''mīnðʀ''). (We actually had a variant of this rule in English, too, which is no longer persistent, but which gave us words like ''thunder'' from the same PGmc. *''þunraz''.)
===Assimilation of Coronal Consonants before [st]:  t,d,þ,ð → Ø / __st===
That is, the letters /t/, /d/, /þ/, and /ð/ are deleted when followed by /st/ in the same syllable. This rule is common to most older Germanic languages in various forms, and is a reflex of an earlier rule of IndoEuropean.  This is the same rule that gives us the word ''best'' from earlier *'batistaz'': batist → betest → betst → best, or ''last'', a reflex of ''latest''.  In Northeadish this specifically applies to superlative adjectives (where –ſt is added to an adjective) and to the second person singular indicative past and present forms of verbs.
===I-Umlaut: V[+back] → [+front]===
While i-umlaut (also known as “i/j-umlaut” or sometimes just “umlaut”) is no longer productive in Northeadish, it does continue to have an impact on inflections (much as it does in modern German), appearing in the following environments:
* Verbs:
**Second person present indicative of strong verbs
**Third person present indicative of strong verbs
**Second person imperative of strong verbs
**Plural forms of monosyllabic nouns.
**Feminine nouns with the suffix –aðþ (nominal ending)
**Feminine nouns with the suffix -x (nominal ending)
**Nouns with the suffix -a (masculine agentive ending)
**Nouns with the suffix -ena (feminine ending)
**Nouns with the suffix -aſtra (feminine agentive ending)
**Comparative adjectives
**Superlative adjectives
**Adjectives with the suffix –ag
**Adjectives with the suffix –lec
**Adverbs with the suffix –ega
**Adverbs with the suffix –līga
There are five “syllabics” in the Northeadish alphabet, all of which stem from syllabic sonorants (or, depending on dialect, a sonorant – specifically a nasal or liquid – preceded by a schwa). When a schwa is followed by a sonorant consonant, it becomes a syllabic. Conversely, when a syllabic is followed by a vowel, it reverts to its non-syllabic equivalent.  (We do this in English too; in fact, most languages have some version of this – we just don’t usually have the same sort of rules around how it’s spelled.)
*When a schwa is followed by a sonorant, they form a syllabic:
**a+l → ʌ, *''apalaz'' ‘apple’ → ''apʌ''
**a+m → ᴍ, *''aþala-dōmaz'' ‘nobility’ → ''aðʌdᴍ''
**a+n → ɴ, *''etaną'' ‘to eat’ → ''etɴ''
**a+ŋ → x, *''kuningaz'' ‘king’ → ''cᵫnx''
**a+r → ʀ, *''fader'' ‘father’ → ''faðʀ''
*When a syllabic is followed by a vowel, it reverts to a non-syllabic sonorant; however, this change does not apply to x:
**ʌ+V → lV, ''ᵫvʌ'' ‘bad’ → neuter ''ᵫvlat''
**ᴍ+V → mV, ''mēðᴍ'' ‘gift’ → dative ''mēðma''
**ɴ+V → nV, ''œ̄ðbrucɴ'' ‘fragile’ → feminine ''œ̄ðbrucna''
**ʀ+V → rV, ''faðʀ'' ‘father’ → gentive plural ''fæðra''
**but x+V → xV, ''cᵫnx'' ‘king’ → genitive plural ''cᵫnxa'', not **''cᵫnŋa''
*When two syllabics occur in succession, the first syllabic is reduced to a non-syllabic sonorant (since, per the rule above, a syllabic may also be interpreted as beginning with a schwa). The same exception also exists for x.
**ʌ+S → lS, 'ᵫvʌ'' ‘bad’ → masculine ''ᵫvlʀ''
**ᴍ+S → mS, ''mēðᴍ'' ‘gift’ → accusative plural ''mēðmɴ''
**ɴ+S → nS, ''œ̄ðbrucɴ'' ‘fragile’ → masculine œ̄ðbrucnʀ
**ʀ+S → rS, ''faðʀ'' ‘father’ → dative plural ''fæðrᴍ''
**but x+V → xV, ''cᵫnx'' ‘king’ → plural ''cᵫnxʀ'', not **''cᵫnŋʀ''
===Assimilation of [ɾ]: ɾ → Ø / __ɾ̩===
A complicated name for a simple sound change: when ‹r› is followed by ‹ʀ›, it is deleted. This applies mostly to nominative plural nouns and comparative adjectives ending in ‹-ʀ›.
===Insertion of [ə] after Voiced Obstruent: Ø → ə / C[+voice]___+[-voice]===
When a root ends in a voiced obstruent (i.e. ‹b›, ‹d›, ‹g›, ‹v›, ‹ð›, or ‹ſ›), a schwa is inserted before unvoiced suffixes, (e.g. second person singular indiciative -''ſt'', third person singular present indicative -''ðþ'', nominal ending -''ðþ'', feminine agentive ending -''aſtra'', or superlative ending -''ſt''). This also applies to ‹t›  – an unvoiced obstruent – before the third person present indicative and nominal -''ðþ''. (However, as already discussed in the '''Coronal Consonant Assimilation rule''', ‹t› is deleted before ''ſt''.)
===Personal Pronouns===
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!
| 1sg || ec || mīn || mīr || mec || ''I, my, (to) me, me''
| 2sg || þū || þīn || þīr || þec || ''thou, thy, (to) thee, thee''
| 3sg.masc || hī<sup>i</sup> || hes || hem || hen || ''he, his, (to) him, him''
| 3sg.neu || het || hes<sup>ii</sup> || hem || het || ''it, its, (to) it, it''
| 3sg.fem || ſī<sup>i</sup> || her || her || ſī || ''she, her, (to) her, her''
| 1du || vet || xcʀ || xc || xc || ''we two, our, (to) us, us''
| 2du || iᵫt || iᵫŋcʀ || iᵫŋc || iᵫŋc || ''you/ye two, your, (to) you, you''
| 1pl || vī<sup>i</sup> || ɴſʀ || ɴs || ɴs || ''we all, our, (to) us, us''
| 2pl || iȳ<sup>i</sup> || iȳr || iȳc || iȳc || ''you/ye all, your, (to) you, you''
| 3pl || ſī<sup>i</sup> || hīr || hīm || ſīn || ''they, their, (to) them, them''
===Relative Pronouns===
What follows here are the “true” relative pronouns, though several words may take over this function, such as those mentioned in the Indefinite Pronouns below (''qer'', ''qīr'', and ''qet''), the word ''ſᴍ''.
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.
| masc. || ſā || þaſɴ || þᴍ || þɴ
| neu. || het || þaſɴ || þᴍ || þat
| fem. || ſū || þera || þera || þā
| pl. || þē || þera || þᴍ || þā
===Reflexive Pronouns===
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.<sup>iii</sup>
| 1sg || mīn || mīſc || meſc
| 2sg || þīn || þīſc || þeſc
| 3sg || ſīn || ſīr, ſīſc<sup>iv</sup> || ſec, ſeſc<sup>iv</sup>
| 1du || xcʀ || xcſc || xcſc
| 2du || iᵫŋcʀ || iᵫŋcſc || iᵫŋcſc
| 1pl || ɴſʀ || ɴſc || ɴſc
| 2pl || iȳr || iȳſc || iȳſc
| 3pl || ſīr || ſīm, ſīſc<sup>iv</sup> || ſec, ſeſc<sup>iv</sup>
===Other Pronouns===
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!
| inter. || ƕer || ƕes || ƕem || ƕen || ''who, whose, to whom, whom''
| || ƕīr || ƕīr || ƕīm || ƕīn || ''who, &c'', plural.
| rel. || qer || qes || qem || qen || ''who/which, &c''
| || qīr || qīr || qīm || qīn || ''who/which, &c'', plural.
| gen. || man || hes || hem || man || ''one, one’s, &c''
| non-sp. || þer || þes || þem || þen || ''“singular ‘they’”''
| neg. || ner || nes || nem || nen || ''noöne, noöne’s, &c''
| sel. || ƕet || ƕes<sup>ii</sup> || ƕem || ƕet || ''which (one), &c''
| sel.rel. || qet || qes<sup>ii</sup> || qem || qet || ''that/which, &c''
<sup>i</sup> When the following word begins with a vowel, numerals and pronouns ending in a vowel are followed by ‹r›.  This applies to the numbers tvē, tvō, and þrī, and the pronouns hī, ſī, vī, and iȳ. E.g. ''ſī gǣðþ'' ‘she goes’, but ''ſīr ærðþ'' ‘she is’.
The neuter genitive forms may also be rendered as ''hets'', ''ƕets'', and ''qets'', though that is more vernacular and not standard.
<sup>iii</sup> By definition, reflexive pronouns cannot exist in the nominative case.
<sup>iv</sup> Though it is in common usage, having been assimilated from the other reflexive pronouns, the words ''ſeſc'' and ''ſīſc'' are technically not correct. The common ''–ſc'' ending on the reflexive dative and accusative pronouns comes from an earlier compounding of the third person reflexive pronoun (''ſec'') onto the non-reflexive pronouns, much in the same way that the North Germanic medio-passive was formed. Appending ſec onto itself is redundant, but assimilation will out.
The first three numbers decline according to case and gender. In addition, all higher numbers ending in these numbers will decline accordingly (e.g. 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, &c. Eleven and twelve are exceptions: see Indeclinable Numerals.)
In addition to the numerals, ‘two’ and ‘three’ also have distributive forms. The dual distributive is equivalent to the English ‘both’; there is not a direct equivalent for the trial distributive, but it would translate to ‘all three’.
(For the declension of the number ‘one’, see the [[Northeadish#Indefinite_Article_.28.E2.80.98a.2C_an.2C_one.E2.80.99.29|Indefinite Article]].)
===Dual Numeral (‘two’)===
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.
| masc. || tvē<sup>i</sup> || tvēg || tvēm || tvan
| neu. || tvō<sup>i</sup> || tvēg || tvēm || tvō<sup>i</sup>
| fem. || tvō<sup>i</sup> || tvēg || tvēm || tvō<sup>i</sup>
===Dual Distributive (‘both’)===
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.
| masc. || bēðþ || bēg || bēðᴍ || þrēðɴ
| neu. || bōðþ  || bēg || bēðᴍ || bōðþ
| fem. || bōðþ  || bēg || bēðᴍ || bōðþ
===Trial Numeral (‘three’)===
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.
| masc. || þrī<sup>i</sup> || þrēg || þrem || þren
| neu. || þrī<sup>i</sup> || þrēg || þrem || þren
| fem. || þrī<sup>i</sup> || þrēg || þrem || þrī<sup>i</sup>
===Trial Distributive (‘all three’)===
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.
| masc. || þrēðþ || þrēg || þrēðᴍ || þrēðɴ
| neu. || þrēðþ || þrēg || þrēðᴍ || þrēðþ
| fem. || þrēðþ || þrēg || þrēðᴍ || þrēðþ
===Undeclinable Numerals===
{| class="wikitable"
! !! # !! 1# !! #0 !! #00 !! #000 !! #000<sup>#</sup>
|  0 || (nat) || ''-tehɴ'' || ''-tag'' || ''hundraðþ''<sup>i</sup> || ''þūshund'' || ''-liōn''<sup>ii</sup>
|  1 || (ēn) || ''elevf'' || ''tehɴ'' || ent hund || ēn þūshund || meliōn
|  2 || (tvō) || ''tvelevf'' || ''tventag'' || tvō hundraðþ || tvō þūshᵫnðʀ || beliōn
|  3 || (þrī) || þrītehɴ || þrītag || þrī hundraðþ || þrī þūshᵫnðʀ || þreliōn
|  4 || feur || feurtehɴ || feurtag || feur hundraðþ || feur þūshᵫnðʀ || qaðreliōn
|  5 || fem || femtehɴ || femtag || fem hundraðþ || fem þūshᵫnðʀ || qenteliōn
|  6 || ſecs || ſecstehɴ || ſecstag || ſecs hundraðþ || ſecs þūshᵫnðʀ || ſecsteliōn
|  7 || ſevɴ || ſevɴtehɴ || ſevɴtag || ſevɴ hundraðþ || ſevɴ þūshᵫnðʀ || ſevɴteliōn
|  8 || aht || ahtehɴ || ahtag || aht hundraðþ || aht þūshᵫnðʀ || ahteliōn
|  9 || neᵹɴ || neᵹɴtehɴ || neᵹɴtag || neᵹɴ hundraðþ || neᵹɴ þūshᵫnðʀ || neᵹɴteliōn
| 10 || tehɴ || tventag || tehɴtag<sup>iii</sup> || tehɴ hundraðþ || tehɴ þūshᵫnðʀ || decteliōn
| 11 || elevf || tventag ēn || eleftag<sup>iii</sup> || elevf hundraðþ || elevf þūshᵫnðʀ || undecteliōn
| 12 || tvelevf || tventag tvō || tveleftag<sup>iii</sup> || tvelevf hundraðþ || tvelevf þūshᵫnðʀ || dūdecteliōn…
===Ordinal Numbers===
To make most numbers ordinal, simply add ''–ðþ'' to the end of its cardinal counterpart. When a number ends in an unvoiced consonant or a syllabic (most notably -''ɴ''), add ''-þ''.  The numbers ‘one’ and ‘two’, as well as any numbers ending with them, are the only glaring exceptions to this rule.
{| class="wikitable"
| 0 || - ||align="right"| 9 || neᵹɴ'''þ'''
| 1 || '''fᵫrſt''' ||align="right"| 10 || tehɴ'''þ'''
| 2 || '''anðʀ''' ||align="right"| 11 || elef'''þ'''
| 3 || þrī'''ðþ''' ||align="right"| 12 || tvelef'''þ'''
| 4 || feur'''ðþ''' ||align="right"| 1X || -tehɴ'''þ'''
| 5 || fem'''ðþ''' ||align="right"| X0 || -tag'''aðþ'''
| 6 || ſehſ'''þ''' ||align="right"| X00 || hund'''aðþ'''<sup>i</sup>
| 7 || ſevɴ'''þ''' ||align="right"| X000 || þūshund'''aðþ'''
| 8 || aht'''aðþ''' ||align="right"| X000<sup>x</sup> || -liōn'''ðþ'''
<sup>i</sup> Our English word ‘hundred’ is actually a compound of two words, from Proto-Germanic *''hundą'' ‘hundred’ and *''raþjō'' ‘count’. In Northeadish, the singular word ''hund'' ‘hundred’ does not have the ''–raðþ'' ending, but it is added in the plural. Note, however, that ''–raðþ'' is dropped for ordinals.
<sup>ii</sup> The larger “-illion” numbers, borrowed in most languages from Latin roots, start out simply enough in Northeadish:  ''meliōn'' and ''beliōn'' are fairly direct borrowing. By the third iteration, ‘trillion’, the initial ‹t› has been replaced to make it resemble the native word for ‘three.’ The fourth through sixth iterations are also fairly standard, but the seventh through ninth are indisputably nativized. The tenth iteration, ''decteliōn'', is back to a Latin root, but the ‹te› preceding  ''–liōn''  since the fifth iteration has been retained. Numerals higher than ''decteliōn'' are still in dispute among Northeadish scholars; fortunately they are not used often enough to cause many problems.
<sup>iii</sup> In addition to the standard forms (“one hundred, one hundred ten, &c.”) Northeadish also retains the terms ''tehɴtag'' ‘“ten-ty’”, ''eleftag'' ‘“eleven-ty’”, and ''tveleftag''  ‘“twelf-ty’”, hearkening back to an earlier duodecimal system.
==Articles & Determiner==
===Definite Article (‘the’)===
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.
| masc. || þa, þɴ<sup>i</sup> || þas || þᴍ || þɴ
| neu. || þet || þas || þᴍ || þet
| fem. || þa, þɴ<sup>i</sup> || þer || þer || þa, þɴ<sup>i</sup>
| pl. || þa, þɴ<sup>i</sup> || þer || þᴍ || þa, þɴ<sup>i</sup>
<sup>i</sup> When the following word begins with a vowel, the masculine, feminine, and plural nominative article and the feminine and plural accusative article change from ''þa'' to ''þɴ'' (much in the same way English ''a'' changes to ''an''.)
===Indefinite Article (‘a’, ‘an’, ‘one’)===
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.
| masc. || ēn || ēnas || ēnᴍ || ēnɴ
| neu. || ent || ēnas || ēnᴍ || ent
| fem. || ēna || ēnðʀ|| ēnðʀ|| ēna
===Possessives & other Determiners (‘my’, ‘this’, ‘which’, &c)===
Possessives, demonstratives, and other determiners decline like ''ēn'', but also have a plural. (''Ēn'' does have a plural which is used in very specific circumstances, but in those cases it is not considered a determiner.) All determiners in Northeadish end in ‹n›, ‹r›, ‹ʀ›, ‹s›, or ‹t›. Each will have a slightly different declension depending on this final letter. (NB: These are not dissimilar to the declension of adjectives, but since these words are used more frequently and have a few other quirks, I do not want to conflate the two categories here.)
All determiners which end in ‹n› follow the first paradigm, which is like ''ēn''.  (Note that, as with the indefinite article, the stressed vowel is shortened for the neuter singular nominative and accusative. This is common to all determiner paradigms, because the phonology of Northeadish does not allow a long vowel in a “heavy” syllable, i.e. when a long vowel is followed by more than one consonant.) 
Unique to these determiners in ‹n› is the declension of the feminine genitive and dative and the plural genitive, where ‹ð› is inserted before the ending to break up the illegal ‹nr› combination that would otherwise result (see Phonology: Insertion of [ð]). Included in this first category are ''mīn'' ‘my’, ''þīn'' ‘thy, your’, ''ſīn'' ‘his, her, its’, ''ēn'' ‘a, an, one’, and ''iēn'' ‘yon, yonder’.
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.
|| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''iēn''''' ‘that, yon’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''mīn''''' ‘my, mine’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''ſīn''''' ‘his, her, hers, its’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''þīn''''' ‘thy, thine, your, yours (sg.)’
|align="right"| '''Masc.'''
|| iēn ||rowspan=2| iēn'''as''' ||rowspan=2| iēn'''ᴍ''' || iēn'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || mīn ||rowspan=2| mīn'''as''' ||rowspan=2| mīn'''ᴍ''' || mīn'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || ſīn ||rowspan=2| ſīn'''as''' ||rowspan=2| ſīn'''ᴍ''' || ſīn'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || þīn ||rowspan=2| þīn'''as''' ||rowspan=2| þīn'''ᴍ''' || þīn'''ɴ'''
|align="right"| '''Neu.'''
|| i<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>n'''t''' || i<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>n'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || m<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>nt || m<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>n'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ſ<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>n'''t''' || ſ<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>n'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || þ<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>n'''t''' || þ<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>n'''t'''
|align="right"| '''Fem.''' ||rowspan=2| iēn'''a''' ||rowspan=2| iēn<span style="color:red">'''ð'''</span>'''ʀ''' || iēn<span style="color:red">'''ð'''</span>'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| iēn'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| mīn'''a''' ||rowspan=2| mīn<span style="color:red">'''ð'''</span>'''ʀ''' || mīn<span style="color:red">'''ð'''</span>'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| mīn'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| ||rowspan=2| ſīn'''a''' ||rowspan=2| ſīn<span style="color:red">'''ð'''</span>'''ʀ''' || ſīn<span style="color:red">'''ð'''</span>'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| ſīn'''a'''||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| ||rowspan=2| þīn'''a''' ||rowspan=2| þīn<span style="color:red">'''ð'''</span>'''ʀ''' || þīn<span style="color:red">'''ð'''</span>'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| þīn'''a'''
|align="right"| '''Pl.''' || iēn'''ᴍ'''||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || mīn'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ſīn'''ᴍ'''||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || þīn'''ᴍ'''
Those determiners ending in ‹r›, including ''her'' ‘her’, ''hīr'' ‘their’, ''ƕīr'' ‘whose’, ''iȳr'' ‘your’, ''qīr'' ‘whose’, and ''ſīr'' ‘their (rfl.)’ decline as follows. (''Her'' does not have a long vowel, so the neuter singular is not shortened.) The main distinction with this and the next group is that those declensions in ‹ʀ› (feminine genitive and dative and plural genitive) are deleted because of the phonology of the language (See Phonology: Assimilation of [ɾ].)
{| class="wikitable"
!  !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.
|| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''her''''' ‘her, hers’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''hīr''''' ‘their, theirs’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''ƕīr''''' ‘whose (pl.)’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''iȳr''''' ‘your, yours (pl.)’||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''qīr''''' ‘whose (rel. pl.)’
|align="right"| '''Masc.''' || her ||rowspan=2| her'''as''' ||rowspan=2| her'''ᴍ''' || her'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || hīr ||rowspan=2| hīr'''as''' ||rowspan=2| hīr'''ᴍ''' || hīr'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || ƕīr ||rowspan=2| ƕīr'''as''' ||rowspan=2| ƕīr'''ᴍ''' || ƕīr'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || iȳr ||rowspan=2| iȳr'''as''' ||rowspan=2| iȳr'''ᴍ''' || iȳr'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || qīr ||rowspan=2| qīr'''as''' ||rowspan=2| qīr'''ᴍ''' || qīr'''ɴ'''
|align="right"| '''Neu.''' || her'''t''' || her'''t'''||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || h<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>r'''t''' || h<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>r'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ƕ<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>r'''t''' || ƕ<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>r'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || i<span style="color:red">'''ᵫ'''</span>r'''t''' || i<span style="color:red">'''ᵫ'''</span>r'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || q<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>r'''t''' || q<span style="color:red">'''e'''</span>r'''t'''
|align="right"| '''Fem.''' ||rowspan=2| her'''a''' ||rowspan=2| her || her ||rowspan=2| her'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| hīr'''a''' ||rowspan=2| hīr || hīr ||rowspan=2| hīr'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| ||rowspan=2| ƕīr'''a''' ||rowspan=2| ƕīr || ƕīr ||rowspan=2| ƕīr'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| ||rowspan=2| iȳr'''a''' ||rowspan=2| iȳr || iȳr ||rowspan=2| iȳr'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| ||rowspan=2| qīr'''a''' ||rowspan=2| qīr || qīr ||rowspan=2| qīr'''a'''
|align="right"| '''Pl.''' || her'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || hīr'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ƕīr'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || iȳr'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || qīr'''ᴍ'''
Similar to those determiners in ‹r› are those in ‹ʀ›; the main difference between them is that the syllabic becomes non-syllabic is all but a few of the declensions. This group includes the first and second person dual and plural possessives ''iᵫŋcʀ'' ‘your’, ''ɴſʀ'' ‘our’, and ''xcʀ'' ‘our’.
{| class="wikitable"
! !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.  !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.  !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.
|| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''iᵫŋcʀ''''' ‘your, yours (du.)’  ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''ɴſʀ''''' ‘our, ours (pl.)’  ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''xcʀ''''' ‘our, ours (du.)’
|align="right"| '''Masc.''' || iᵫŋcʀ ||rowspan=2| iᵫŋc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''as''' ||rowspan=2| iᵫŋc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''ᴍ''' || iᵫŋc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''ɴ'''  ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || ɴſʀ ||rowspan=2| ɴſ<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''as''' ||rowspan=2| ɴſ<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''ᴍ''' || ɴſ<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''ɴ'''  ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || xcʀ ||rowspan=2| xc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''as''' ||rowspan=2| xc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''ᴍ''' || xc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''ɴ'''
|align="right"| '''Neu.''' || iᵫŋcʀ'''t''' || iᵫŋcʀ'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ɴſʀ'''t''' || ɴſʀ'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || xcʀ'''t''' || xcʀ'''t'''
|align="right"| '''Fem.''' ||rowspan=2| iᵫŋc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''a''' ||rowspan=2| iᵫŋcʀ || iᵫŋcʀ ||rowspan=2| iᵫŋc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| ɴſ<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''a''' ||rowspan=2| ɴſʀ || ɴſʀ ||rowspan=2| ɴſ<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| ||rowspan=2| xc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''a''' ||rowspan=2| xcʀ || xcʀ ||rowspan=2| xc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''a'''
|align="right"| '''Pl.''' || iᵫŋc<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ɴſ<span style="color:red">'''r'''</span>'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || xc<span style="color:red">r</span>'''ᴍ'''
====‹s›- and ‹t›-stems====
Finally the last two groups are those determiners in ‹s› (''hes'' ‘his, its’, ''ƕes'' ‘whose’, ''nes'' ‘noöne’s’, ''qes'' ‘whose’, and ''þes'' ‘their’) and those in ‹t› (''hat'' ‘this’, ''ƕat'' ‘what’, ''ƕet'' ‘which’, ''iat'' ‘that, yonder’, ''nat'' ‘no, none’, ''qat'' ‘which’, ''qet'' ‘which’, and ''þat'' ‘that’). The only difference between the two is the neuter singular, which is elided after ‹t›.
{| class="wikitable"
! !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.  !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.  !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. 
|| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''hes''''' ‘his, its’  ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''ƕes''''' ‘whose (sg.)’  ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''nes''''' ‘noöne’s’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''qes''''' ‘whose (rel.)’  ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''þes''''' ‘“their” (sg.), someone’s’
|align="right"| '''Masc.''' || hes ||rowspan=2| heſ'''as''' ||rowspan=2| heſ'''ᴍ''' || heſ'''ɴ'''  ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || ƕes ||rowspan=2| ƕeſ'''as''' ||rowspan=2| ƕeſ'''ᴍ''' || ƕeſ'''ɴ'''  ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || nes ||rowspan=2| neſ'''as''' ||rowspan=2| neſ'''ᴍ''' || neſ'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || qes ||rowspan=2| qeſ'''as''' ||rowspan=2| qeſ'''ᴍ''' || qeſ'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| || þes ||rowspan=2| þeſ'''as''' ||rowspan=2| þeſ'''ᴍ''' || þeſ'''ɴ'''
|align="right"| '''Neu.''' || heſ'''t''' || heſ'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ƕeſ'''t''' || ƕeſ'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || neſ'''t''' || neſ'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || qeſ'''t''' || qeſ'''t''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || þeſ'''t''' || þeſ'''t'''
|align="right"| '''Fem.''' ||rowspan=2| heſ'''a''' ||rowspan=2| heſ'''ʀ''' || heſ'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| heſ'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| ƕeſ'''a''' ||rowspan=2| ƕeſ'''ʀ''' || ƕeſ'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| ƕeſ'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| neſ'''a''' ||rowspan=2| neſ'''ʀ''' || neſ'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| neſ'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| qeſ'''a''' ||rowspan=2| qeſ'''ʀ''' || qeſ'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| qeſ'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| þeſ'''a''' ||rowspan=2| þeſ'''ʀ''' || þeſ'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| þeſ'''a'''
|align="right"| '''Pl.''' || heſ'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ƕeſ'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || neſ'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || qeſ'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || þeſ'''ᴍ'''
{| class="wikitable"
! !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.  !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.  !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. 
|| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''hat''''' ‘this’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''ƕat''''' ‘what’ ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''ƕet''''' ‘which one’  ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''iat''''' ‘that, yonder’ 
|align="right"| '''Masc.''' ||rowspan=2| hat ||rowspan=2| hat'''as''' ||rowspan=2| hat'''ᴍ''' || hat'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| ƕat ||rowspan=2| ƕat'''as''' ||rowspan=2| ƕat'''ᴍ''' || ƕat'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2|  ƕet ||rowspan=2| ƕet'''as''' ||rowspan=2| ƕet'''ᴍ''' || ƕet'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2|  iat ||rowspan=2| iat'''as''' ||rowspan=2| iat'''ᴍ''' || iat'''ɴ'''
|align="right"| '''Neu.''' || hat ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ƕet ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ƕat ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || iat
|align="right"| '''Fem.''' ||rowspan=2| hat'''a''' ||rowspan=2| hat'''ʀ''' || hat'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| hat'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| ƕat'''a''' ||rowspan=2| ƕat'''ʀ''' || ƕat'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| ƕat'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| ƕet'''a''' ||rowspan=2| ƕet'''ʀ''' || ƕet'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| ƕet'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| iat'''a''' ||rowspan=2| iat'''ʀ''' || iat'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| iat'''a'''
|align="right"| '''Pl.''' || hat'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ƕat'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || ƕet'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || iat'''ᴍ'''
{| class="wikitable"
! !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.  !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc.  !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. !!style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| !! Nom. !! Gen. !! Dat. !! Acc. 
|| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''nat''''' ‘no, none’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''qat''''' ‘what (rel.)’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''qet''''' ‘which one (rel.)’ ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||colspan=4 align="center"| '''''þat''''' ‘that’
|align="right"| '''Masc.''' ||rowspan=2|  nat ||rowspan=2| nat'''as''' ||rowspan=2| nat'''ᴍ''' || nat'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| qat ||rowspan=2| qat'''as''' ||rowspan=2| qat'''ᴍ''' || qat'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2|  qet ||rowspan=2| qet'''as''' ||rowspan=2| qet'''ᴍ''' || qet'''ɴ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| þat ||rowspan=2| þat'''as''' ||rowspan=2| þat'''ᴍ''' || þat'''ɴ'''
|align="right"| '''Neu.''' || nat ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || qat ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || qet ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || þat
|align="right"| '''Fem.''' ||rowspan=2| nat'''a''' ||rowspan=2| nat'''ʀ''' || nat'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| nat'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| qat'''a''' ||rowspan=2| qat'''ʀ''' || qat'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| qat'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| qet'''a''' ||rowspan=2| qet'''ʀ''' || qet'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| qet'''a''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom: none"| ||rowspan=2| þat'''a''' ||rowspan=2| þat'''ʀ''' || þat'''ʀ''' ||rowspan=2| þat'''a'''
|align="right"| '''Pl.''' || nat'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || qat'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || qet'''ᴍ''' ||style="border-top: none;border-bottom:none"| || þat'''ᴍ'''
===Correlatives & Pro-Forms===
The Northeadish system of correlatives is similar to those in many other Germanic languages, though, through analogy, it has grown to be far more extensive than any other. The correlative system is based on six simple roots:
{| class="wikitable"
! P.I.E. !! !! P.Gmc. !! !! Nthd.
| *''k-'' || → || *''h-'' || → || ''h-'' (proximal)
| *''t-'' || → || *''þ-'' || → || ''þ-'' (medial)
| *''i-'' || → || *''j-'' || → || ''i-'' (distal)
| *''kʷ-'' || → || *''hw-'' ||rowspan=2 align="right"| →<br />↘ || ''ƕ-'' (interrogative)
| || || || ''q-''<sup>i</sup> (relative)
| *''n-'' || → || *''n-'' || → || ''n-'' (negative)
Though the Northeadish correlative system is more thorough than those of other Germanic languages, it is still by no means complete.  Many other common words already hold the place of some of the correlatives; they are noted below.
{| class="wikitable"
! !! Proximal (h-) !! Medial (þ-) !! Distal (i-)
|align="right"| place: -''ar'' || ''har'' ‘here’ || ''þar'' ‘there’ || ''iar'' ‘yonder, elsewhere’
|align="right"| to a place: -''aðra'' || ''haðra'' ‘hither’ || ''þaðra'' ‘thither’ || ''iaðra'' ‘yonder’
|align="right"| from a place: -''arɴ'' || ''harɴ'' ‘hence’ || ''þarɴ'' ‘thence’ || ''iarɴ'' ‘“yence”, from yonder’
|align="right"| time: -''an'' || ''han'' ‘now’ || ''þan'' ‘then’ || ''ian'' ‘yore, elsewhen’
|align="right"| thing: -''at'' || ''hat'' ‘this’ || ''þat'' ‘that’ || ''iat'' ‘something else’
|align="right"| person<sup>ii</sup>: -''er'' || ''her''<sup>iii</sup> ‘her’ || ''þer''<sup>iv</sup> ‘they (sg.)’ || ''ier'' ‘someone else’
|align="right"| manner: -''ū'' || ''hū'' ‘like this’ || ''þū''<sup>v</sup> ‘thou’ || ''iū''<sup>vi</sup> ‘yes’
|align="right"| reason: -''ī'' || ''hī''<sup>viii</sup> ‘herefore, he’ || ''þī'' ‘therefore’ || ''iī'' ‘elsewhy’
|align="right"| result: -''us'' || ''hus'' ‘herewith’ || ''þus'' ‘thus’ || ''ius'' ‘elsewith’
|align="right"| abstract: -''et'' || ''het'' ‘it’ || ''þet'' ‘the’ || ''iet''<sup>ix</sup> ‘yet’
{| class="wikitable"
! !! Interrogative (ƕ-) !! Relative (q-) !! Negative (n-)
|align="right"| place: -''ar'' || ''ƕar'' ‘where’ || ''qar'' ‘where’ || ''nar'' ‘nowhere’
|align="right"| to a place: -''aðra'' || ''ƕaðra'' ‘whither’ || ''qaðra'' ‘whither’ || ''naðra'' ‘to nowhere’
|align="right"| from a place: -''arɴ'' || ''ƕarɴ'' ‘whence’ || ''qarɴ'' ‘whence’ || ''narɴ'' ‘from nowhere’
|align="right"| time: -''an'' || ''ƕan'' ‘when’ || ''qan'' ‘when’ || ''nan'' ‘never’
|align="right"| thing: -''at'' || ''ƕat'' ‘what’ || ''qat'' ‘what’ || ''nat'' ‘nothing’
|align="right"| person<sup>ii</sup>: -''er'' || ''ƕer'' ‘who’ || ''qer'' ‘who’ || ''ner'' ‘noöne’
|align="right"| manner: -''ū'' || ''ƕū'' ‘how’ || '''qū'' ‘how’ || ''nū''<sup>vii</sup> ‘in no way, now’
|align="right"| reason: -''ī'' || ''ƕī'' ‘wherefore, why’ || ''qī'' ‘wherefore, why’ || ''nī'' ‘for no reason’
|align="right"| result: -''us'' || ''ƕus'' ‘wherewith’ || ''qus'' ‘wherewith’ || ''nus'' ‘-’
|align="right"| abstract: -''et'' || ''ƕet'' ‘which’ || ''qet'' ‘which’ || ''net'' ‘not’
<sup>i</sup> Northeadish ''q-'' is believed to have developed from a stressed ''ƕ-'', and is used exclusively for relatives.  This is one piece of evidence that the Northeadish people may have lived for a time in proximity to a Uralic-speaking population which preserves the distinction between interrogative and relative adverbs and pronouns, though others argue that Proto-Norse may have borrowed heavily from Sami and Finnic (and vice versa), yet it did not assimilate this sort of distinction.
<sup>ii</sup> These pronouns also decline in regular ways. See [[Northeadish#Pronouns|Pronouns]].
<sup>iii</sup> ''Her'' has been replaced by the dative and accusative inflection of the third person singular feminine pronoun ''ſī'' in Northeadish (‘her’, from *''hėzō''), though if the correlative were assimilated, it would have meant something like ‘this person’. Similarly, the inflections which would have been extrapolated from this form would have been occupied by the third person singular masculine pronoun: genitive ''hes'' ‘his’, dative ''hem'' ‘him’, and accusative ''hen'' ‘him’.
<sup>iv</sup>The medial version of the above, ''þer'' (‘that person’), has come to be used as a non-specific third person singular pronoun, much like we use ''they'', ''them'', or ''their'' in (prescriptively-incorrect-but descriptively-happening-whether-you-like-it-or-not) English to refer to someone whose gender is unknown, e.g. “Someone left ''their'' book here.”
<sup>v</sup>''Þū'' has been replaced entirely by the second person singular nominative pronoun (‘thou’, from *''þū'').
<sup>vi</sup>''İū'' has been replaced entirely by the “affirmative rebuke” (‘yes, it is’, ‘“yuh-huh”’, from *''jō''?).
<sup>vii</sup>''Nū'' shares a space with the descendant of *''nu'', whose primary semantic role was taken over by ''han'' (above), but which is still widely used, particularly in th sense of ‘right now, immediately’.
<sup>viii</sup>''Hī'' shares a space with the third person masculine singular pronoun (‘he’, from *''hėz''), though ''hī'' does still appear occasionally with the meaning ‘for this reason.’
<sup>ix</sup>''İet'' has been replaced entirely by the adverb ‘yet’ (from *''juta'').
''I haven't got quite as far as describing the verbs yet, but everyone likes a good conjugation of their favorite irregular verbs, right? So here you go:''
''verɴ'' ‘to be’
{| class="wikitable"
! !!  !!colspan=2| Preterit !!colspan=2| Present !! Imperative
|| '''Infinitive:''' ||align="right"|  || '''Indicative''' || '''Subjunctive''' || '''Indicative''' || '''Subjunctive''' ||
|| ''verɴ'' ||align="right"| ''ec'' || ''var'' || ''vǣra'' || ''æm'' || ''ſī(a)'' ||
||  ||align="right"| ''þū'' || ''varſt'' || ''vǣraſt'' || ''ærſt'' || ''ſī(a)ſt'' || ''ſī''
|rowspan=2| '''Present<br />Participle:''' ||align="right"| ''hī/ſī'' || ''var'' || ''vǣra'' || ''ærðþ'' || ''ſī(a)'' ||
|align="right"| ''vet'' || ''vāra'' || ''vǣrma'' || ''ara'' || ''ſīma'' || ''ſīma''
|| ''verɴða''  ||align="right"| ''iᵫt'' || ''vārſt'' || ''vǣrſt'' || ''arſt'' || ''ſīſt'' || ''ſīſt''
|rowspan=2| '''Past<br />Participle:''' ||align="right"| vī'' || ''vārᴍ'' || ''vǣrᴍ'' || ''arᴍ'' || ''ſīm'' || ''ſīm''
|align="right"| ''iȳ'' || ''vārðþ'' || ''vǣrðþ'' || ''arðþ'' || ''ſīðþ'' || ''ſīðþ''
|| ''gaverɴ'' ||align="right"| ''ſī'' || ''vārɴþ'' || ''vǣrɴþ'' || ''arɴþ'' || ''ſīnðþ'' ||
''gān~ganɴ'' ‘to go’
{| class="wikitable"
! !!  !!colspan=2| Preterit !!colspan=2| Present !! Imperative
|| '''Infinitive:''' ||align="right"|  || '''Indicative''' || '''Subjunctive''' || '''Indicative''' || '''Subjunctive''' ||
|| ''gān~ganɴ'' ||align="right"| ''ec'' || ''gæŋ'' || ''gæŋa'' || ''gām~gaŋa'' || ''gaŋa'' ||
||  ||align="right"| ''þū'' || ''gæŋſt'' || ''gæŋaſt'' || ''gǣſt~gæŋſt'' || ''gaŋaſt'' || ''gǣ~gaŋ''
|rowspan=2| '''Present<br />Participle:''' ||align="right"| ''hī/ſī'' || ''gæŋ'' || ''gæŋa'' || ''gǣðþ~gæŋðþ'' || ''gaŋa'' ||
|align="right"| ''vet'' || ''gæŋa'' || ''gæŋma'' || ''gā~gaŋa'' || ''gaŋama'' || ''gā~gaŋa''
|| ''gānða~gaŋɴða''  ||align="right"| ''iᵫt'' || ''gæŋſt'' || ''gæŋaſt'' || ''gāſt~gaŋſt'' || ''gaŋaſt'' || ''gāſt~gaŋſt''
|rowspan=2| '''Past<br />Participle:''' ||align="right"| vī'' || ''gæŋᴍ'' || ''gæŋᴍ'' || ''gām~gaŋᴍ'' || ''gaŋᴍ'' || ''gām~gaŋᴍ''
|align="right"| ''iȳ'' || ''gæŋðþ'' || ''gæŋaðþ'' || ''gāðþ~gaŋðþ'' || ''gaŋaðþ'' || ''gāðþ~gaŋðþ''
|| ''gagān~gagaŋɴ'' ||align="right"| ''ſī'' || ''gæŋɴþ'' || ''gæŋɴþ'' || ''gānðþ~gaŋɴþ'' || ''gaŋɴþ'' ||
''dōn'' ‘to do’
{| class="wikitable"
! !!  !!colspan=2| Preterit !!colspan=2| Present !! Imperative
|| '''Infinitive:''' ||align="right"|  || '''Indicative''' || '''Subjunctive''' || '''Indicative''' || '''Subjunctive''' ||
|| ''dōn'' ||align="right"| ''ec'' || ''dæðþ'' || ''dǣða '' || '' dōm '' || '' dōa '' ||
||  ||align="right"| ''þū'' || ''dæſt'' || ''dǣðaſt '' || '' dœ̄ſt '' || '' dōaſt '' || '' dœ̄ ''
|rowspan=2| '''Present<br />Participle:''' ||align="right"| ''hī/ſī '' || ''dæðþ'' || ''dǣða '' || '' dœ̄ðþ '' || '' dōa '' ||
|align="right"| ''vet'' || ''dāða'' || ''dǣðma '' || '' dō '' || '' dōma '' || '' dō ''
|| ''dōnða''  ||align="right"| ''iᵫt'' || ''dāðaſt'' || ''dǣðaſt '' || '' dōſt '' || '' dōaſt '' || '' dōſt ''
|rowspan=2| '''Past<br />Participle:''' ||align="right"| vī '' || ''dāðᴍ'' || ''dǣðᴍ '' || '' dōm '' || '' dōm '' || '' dōm ''
|align="right"| ''iȳ'' || ''dāðaðþ'' || ''dǣðaðþ '' || '' dōðþ '' || '' dōaðþ '' || '' dōðþ ''
|| ''gadān'' ||align="right"| ''ſī'' || ''dāðɴþ '' || ''dǣðɴþ '' || '' dōnðþ '' || '' dōnðþ '' ||
''ſtān~ſtandɴ'' ‘to stay, to stand, to be’
{| class="wikitable"
! !!  !!colspan=2| Preterit !!colspan=2| Present !! Imperative
|| '''Infinitive:''' ||align="right"|  || '''Indicative''' || '''Subjunctive''' || '''Indicative''' || '''Subjunctive''' ||
|| ''stān~standɴ'' ||align="right"| ''ec'' || ''ſtōðþ'' || ''ſtœ̄ða '' || ''ſtām~ſtanda'' || ''ſtanda '' ||
||  ||align="right"| ''þū'' || ''ſtōſt '' || ''ſtœ̄ðaſt '' || ''ſtǣſt~ſtændaſt '' || ''ſtandaſt '' || ''ſtǣ~ſtand''
|rowspan=2| '''Present<br />Participle:''' ||align="right"| ''hī/ſī '' || ''ſtōðþ'' || ''ſtœ̄ða '' || ''ſtǣðþ~ſtændaðþ '' || ''ſtanda '' ||
|align="right"| ''vet'' || ''ſtōða'' || ''ſtœ̄ðma '' || ''ſtā~ſtanda'' || ''ſtandma '' || ''ſtā~ſtanda''
|| ''ſtānða~ſtandɴða ''  ||align="right"| ''iᵫt'' || ''ſtōðaſt '' || ''ſtœ̄ðaſt '' || ''ſtāſt~ſtandaſt '' || ''ſtandaſt '' || ''ſtāſt~ſtandaſt ''
|rowspan=2| '''Past<br />Participle:''' ||align="right"| vī '' || ''ſtōðᴍ '' || ''ſtœ̄ðᴍ '' || ''ſtām~ſtandᴍ '' || ''ſtandᴍ '' || ''ſtām~ſtandᴍ ''
|align="right"| ''iȳ'' || ''ſtōðþ '' || ''ſtœ̄ðaðþ '' || ''ſtāðþ~ſtandaðþ '' || ''ſtandaðþ '' || ''ſtāðþ~ſtandaðþ ''
|| '' gaſtān~gaſtandɴ '' ||align="right"| ''ſī'' || ''ſtōðɴþ '' || ''ſtœ̄ðɴþ '' || ''ſtānðþ~ſtandɴþ '' || ''ſtandɴþ '' ||