Soc'ul'/Corpus: Difference between revisions

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C'uayud miúx (kinki)
Ceñ miúx (kinki)

Fresh idiot (kinki)
Fresh idiot (kinki)
Line 709: Line 709:

Z'aiaji hez'i tumyan jál c'uayud tumyan
Z'aiaji hez'i tumyan jál ceñ tumyan

A fool follows the sun for a day
A fool follows the sun for a day
Line 1,291: Line 1,291:

Úu: C'en setnxecmuñ'o maíuas, āhsecr'úz jeve eý je jál jál
Úu: C'en setnxecmuñ'o maíuas, āhsecr'úz jeve eý je jál jál
C'uayud: Securzi, secr'úz maíuas ner'iy je jál jál
Ceñ: Securzi, secr'úz maíuas ner'iy je jál jál

Friend: Can I borrow a cloak, just to go down to the countryside?
Friend: Can I borrow a cloak, just to go down to the countryside?
