Fourth Linguifex Relay/Sceptrian: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 19:13, 8 July 2015

Óphi fatipap Lingwifekson Lushakha:



  1. léhkod-é pai ko qhó~qhøk-os
    ADVZ\fast-VOC MIR DIST.SG SUBJ~\is_broken\-3SG.INCEP
  2. léhkod-é pai keewesht mjula-n
    ADVZ\fast-VOC MIR mosaic life-GEN
  3. léhkod-é pai qhó~qhøg-ho klo
    ADVZ\fast-VOC MIR SUBJ~\is_broken\-3PL.FUT PRO.3PL
  4. léhkod-é pai qhó~qhøk-l tshel-o
    ADVZ\fast-VOC MIR SUBJ~\is_broken-3PL.GNO sand-LAT
  • léh-ko-d-é might be glossed as ADVZ\leg-LAT-VBZ.MVT\ADJZ-VOC, but the core was translated for simplicity
  • verb particles don't always require verbs
  • Sceptrian has several ways of indicating possessive forms

  1. mjul(a) keeweshtsozh oil qot<i>~t-l-óo
    life mosaic-PL.COM-POSS.3SG.INAL as rock~DIM-PL-LAT
  2. qhó~qhøk oil qot<i>~t-l-óo tshel-o
    SUBJ~\is_broken as rock~DIM-PL-LAT sand-LAT
  3. mjul(a) keeweshtsozh oil qot<i>~t-l-óo
    life mosaic-PL.COM-POSS.3SG.INAL as rock~DIM-PL-LAT

daremu soi slop<a>~p-u-os
Ruler on chair~AUG-LOC-POSS.3SG.ALIEN

jak rajidhé mitup-u-r-p-óo
away (ADVZ\)sudden-VOC sea-LOC-VBZ.FREQ-NMZ-LAT



Sceptrian is a head-initial, ergative-absolutive language, i.e. the word order in clauses is VAO and the head of the noun phrase is followed by adjectives and demostratives. Both prepositions and postpositions are used, however.