User:Shariifka/Sandbox: Difference between revisions

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Tags: Mobile edit Mobile web edit Advanced mobile edit
(12 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 19: Line 19:
! 4
! 4
| kʷɑtɔ
| kʷɑtːɔ
! 5
! 5
Line 31: Line 31:
! 8
! 8
| ɔ
| ɔtːɔː
! 9
! 9
| nɔwɛ
! 10
! 10
| teɣe
! 11
! 11
Line 43: Line 43:
! 20
! 20
| βiː
! 30
! 30
Line 79: Line 79:
==Bantu-esque Indo-European lang==
==Somali-like relative of Zanahi==
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center"
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center"
Line 91: Line 90:
! 1
! 1
| cayn
! 2
! 2
| dhow
! 3
! 3
| taray
! 4
! 4
| kodor
! 5
! 5
| fangi
! 6
! 6
| hash
! 7
! 7
| hafti
! 8
! 8
| casti
! 9
! 9
| now
! 10
! 10
| dhas
! 11
! 11
| cayn oo dhas
! 20
! 20
Line 148: Line 147:
! 100
! 100
| sinti
! 200
! 200
| dhow sinti
! 1000
! 1000
Line 161: Line 160:

==Somali-like Romlang==
==Somali-like relative of Zanahi==
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center"
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center"
|+ Verb conjugation of ''amaal'' "to love" - non-continuous tenses
|+ ???? numerals
! !! colspan="3"| Present !! colspan="3"| Past !! rowspan="2"| Imperative !! rowspan="2"| Jussive
! Symbol !! Cardinal number
! !! Indicative !! Subordinate !! Adjectival !! Affirmative !! Negative !! Adjectival
! 0
| colspan="2"| ṣifr || ṣifr-
! 1
| ceyn
! 2
| amaa || ame || rowspan="6"| amá || amay || rowspan="6"| amays || rowspan="6"| amaý || — || áme
| dhaba
! 3
| amaas || ames || amays || áma || ámes
| taray
! 4
| shodor
! 5
| fash
! 6
| shag
! 7
| hafad
! 8
| casta
! 9
| now
! 10
| amaa || ame || amay || — || áme
| dhas
! 11
| amaan || amaan || amayn || — || ameén
| ceyn oo dhas
! 20
| amaad || amaad || amayd || amaád || ameéd
| dhabaasan
! 30
| amaan || amaan || amayn || — || ameén
| tiriisan
! 40
| shodoorsan
==English-like relative of Twench==
! 50
===Swadesh list===
| fashaasan
*irr. = irregular (conjugation cannot be predicted from principal parts)
! 60
*pl. = plural
| shagaasan
*pol. = polite
*arch. = archaic
! 70
<table class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;">
| haftaasan
! 80
<th>[[wikipedia:English language|English]]</th>
| castaash
! 90
<tr><th>2</th><th>[[wiktionary:you|you (singular)]]</th><td>woose; tu (arch.)</td></tr>
| nabaasan
! 100
<tr><th>5</th><th>[[wiktionary:you|you (plural)]]</th><td>woose</td></tr>
| sid
! 200
| dhow sid
! 1000
| dahal
! 2000
| dhaba dahal
==Somali-like Romlang==
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center"
|+ Verb conjugation of ''amaal'' "to love" - non-continuous tenses
! !! colspan="3"| Present !! colspan="3"| Past !! rowspan="2"| Imperative !! rowspan="2"| Jussive
! !! Indicative !! Subordinate !! Adjectival !! Affirmative !! Negative !! Adjectival
| amaa || ame || rowspan="6"| amá || amay || rowspan="6"| amays || rowspan="6"| amaý || — || áme
| amaas || ames || amays || áma || ámes
| amaa || ame || amay || — || áme
| amaan || amaan || amayn || — || ameén
| amaad || amaad || amayd || amaád || ameéd
| amaan || amaan || amayn || — || ameén
==English-like relative of Twench==
===Swadesh list===
*irr. = irregular (conjugation cannot be predicted from principal parts)
*pl. = plural
*pol. = polite
*arch. = archaic
<table class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;">
<th>[[wikipedia:English language|English]]</th>
<tr><th>2</th><th>[[wiktionary:you|you (singular)]]</th><td>woose; tu (arch.)</td></tr>
<tr><th>5</th><th>[[wiktionary:you|you (plural)]]</th><td>woose</td></tr>

==Iberian Celtic lang==
==Iberian Celtic lang==
Line 3,490: Line 3,524:
| laam<br>لام
| laam<br>لام
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ل</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ل</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـل</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـل</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـلـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـلـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">لـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">لـ</span>
| miim<br>ميم
| miim<br>ميم
|<span style="font-size:160%;">م</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">م</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـم</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـم</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـمـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـمـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">مـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">مـ</span>
|m, -n
|m, -n
| Often represents /n/ when unvowelled word-finally.
| Often represents /n/ when unvowelled word-finally.
| ngiim<br>ݦيم
| ngiim<br>ݦيم
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ݦ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ݦ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـݦ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـݦ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـݦـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـݦـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ݦـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ݦـ</span>
| Used in Af Maay. Equivalent to final or pre-consonantal ''-n'' in Af Maay. Can instead be written with ''nuun''.
| Used in Af Maay. Equivalent to final or pre-consonantal ''-n'' in Af Maxaa. Can instead be written with ''nuun''.
| nuun<br>نون
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ن</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـن</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـنـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">نـ</span>
| nyuun<br>ݧون
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ݧ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـݧ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـݧـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ݧـ</span>
|ny (also written "y‘" in Af Maay)
| Mainly used in Af Maay. It can also be used in Af Maxaa, but it is usually replaced with ''y'' or else written as ''ny''.
| woow<br>وو
|<span style="font-size:160%;">و</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـو</span>
|/w/<Br>/ɞ: ~ ɔ:/, /ʉ: ~ u:/
|w<br>oo, uu
|The letter ''waaw'' serves three functions. Firstly, is as a consonant, with a sound /w/. Secondly, it is used to write the long vowels /oː/ and /uː/. Finally, it is used as a carrier for ''hamzah''.
| ha'<br>هأ
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ه<br>ة</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـه<br>ـة</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـهـ<br></span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">هـ<br></span>
| <i>Haa'</i> is also used silently at the end of nouns ending in /e/, /o/, (in Af Maay) /ə/. Such a silent <i>haa'</i> may be replaced with ''taa' marbuuṭah'' (ـَة، ة) in some words (generally feminine words and/or words that end in it in Arabic).
| ya'<br>يأ
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ي</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـي</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـيـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">يـ</span>
|/j/<Br>/eː ~ ɛ:/, /i: ~ ɪ:/
| y<br>ee, ii
| The letter <i>yaa'</i> serves three functions. Firstly, it is used as a consonant, with a sound /j/. Secondly, it is used to write the long vowels /eː/ and /iː/. Finally, it is used as a carrier for ''hamzah''. It can also be used silently at the ends of words ending in ''-e'' as an alternative to <i>haa'</i>.
| hamse/firgin<br>همزه\فرڭن
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ء<br>أ<br>ؤ<br>ئ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;"><br>ـأ<br>ـؤ<br>ـئ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;"><br><br><br>ـئـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;"><br><br><br>ئـ</span>
| ’
| It may be written on its own (ء) or with a carrier (أ، ؤ، ئ) depending on the environment.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+Diacritics in Somali Arabic Alphabet
! colspan="2"| Name
! rowspan="2"| Diacritic
! rowspan="2"|Sound represented
! rowspan="2"|Latin equivalent
! rowspan="2"|Remarks
! Arabized !! Traditional (adjective)
| فتحة<br>fatxah
| كرڟبن<br>kordhaban
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌َ</span>
| /a/
| a
| <br>
| <br>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٖ</span>
| /e/
| e
| كسرة<br>kasrah
| هوسڟبن<br>hoosdhaban
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ِ</span>
| /i/
| i
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٗ</span>
| /o/
| o
| ضمة<br>ḍammah
| ڭدن<br>godan
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ُ</span>
| /u/
| u
| <br>
| <br>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌٘</span>
| /ə(ʰ)/
| y (Af Maay)
| Used in Af Maay.
| مدة<br>maddah
| مدن<br>madan
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٓ</span>
| (aː)
| (aa)
| Only used on ''alif'' to represent the long vowel [aː].
| سكون<br>sukuun
| ريبن<br>reebban
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ْ</span>
| colspan="2"| (absence of vowel)
| Used to show that a consonant is not followed by a vowel. It is also used on the second element of diphthongs, and optionally on the long vowel letter of long vowels.
| شدة<br>shaddah
| شدن<br>shadan
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ّ</span>
| colspan="2"| (geminated consonant)
| Used to show that a consonant is geminated.
| <!--الف خنجرية<br>‘alif khanjariyyah-->
| <br>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٰ</span>
| /aː/
| aa
| Used for /aː/ in a few words as an alternative to ـَا.
| فتحتين\فتحة تنوين<br>fatxatayn/fatxah tanwiin
| لب كرڟبن<br>laba kordhaban
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ً</span>
| /an/
| an
| rowspan="3"| In Arabic phrases only.
| كسرتين\كسرة تنوين<br>kasratayn/kasrah tanwiin
| لب هوسڟبن<br>laba hoosdhaban
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٍ</span>
| /in/
| in
| ضمتين\ضمة تنوين<br>ḍammatayn/ḍammah tanwiin
| لب ڭدن<br>laba godan
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٌ</span>
| /un/
| un
Long vowels are written as the short vowel followed by the corresponding long vowel letter.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+ Long vowels in the Somali Arabic Alphabet
! aa || ee || ii || oo || uu
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَا</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٖي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـِي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗو</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـُو</span>
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+ Diphthongs in the Somali Arabic Alphabet
! aw || ay || ey || ow || oy || aaw || aay || eey || oow || ooy
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَوْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَيْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٖيْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗوْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗيْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَاوْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَايْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٖيّْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗوّْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗويْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَا</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٖي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـِي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗو</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـُو</span>
Vowels, when occurring at the beginning of words, are placed on top of ''alif'' (ا). This ''alif'' actually has a ''hamzah'' on it; however, this ''hamzah'' is often left unwritten. However, /(ʔ)aː/ is written with ''maddah'' on ''alif'' (آ). <!--Long vowels are written as they would be in the middle of the word, except that ''waaw'' (و), and <i>yaa'</i> (ي) would be preceded by ''alif'' instead of another consonant.The exception to this convention is long vowel [aa], where similar to Arabic, ''[[w:Arabic_diacritics#Maddah|alif maddah]]'' (آ) is used.-->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+Vowels at the beginning of words in the Somali Arabic Alphabet
! colspan = "5" | Short vowels
! colspan = "5" | Long vowels
! a || e || i || o || u || aa || ee || ii || oo || uu
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اَ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اٖ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اِ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اٗ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اُ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">آ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اٖي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اِي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اٗو</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اُو</span>
Like in Arabic, ''sukūn'' (◌ْ) and ''shaddah'' (◌ّ) are used to indicate an unvowelled consonant and a geminate consonant respectively. They can also be used on the consonant letter of long vowels; however, they are more often dropped.-->
===Adapted for other languages===
Similar to Somali, but with the following changes:
*ڀ for /pʼ/.
*ڇ or ڃ for /tʃʼ/.
*ط for /tʼ/ in native Oromo words.
*ڠ‎ for /ɡ/ instead of ڭ‎ (though ڭ‎ can alternatively be used).
*ق for /kʼ/ in native Oromo words.
*There is no ݦ.
Similar to Somali.
====Amharic and Tigrigna====
Similar to Oromo, with the following changes:
*پ is exclusively used for /p/.
** /β/ is represented identically to /v/: ڤ.
*ژ for /ʒ/.
*ڞ for /(t)sʼ/.
*There is no ڟ. <!--Alternatively, it can be used for /tʃʼ/ instead of ڇ or ڃ.-->
*څ for /xʼ/ (exclusive to Tigrigna).
**/e/ and /o/ are written as Somali /eː/ and /oː/ respectively.
**/ə/ is written as Somali /a/.
**/a/ is written as Somali /aː/ (though it may be written as /a/ after guttural consonants).
**/i/ and /u/ are written as Somali /i(ː)/ and /u(ː)/ respectively. They are most often written as the long variants except in Arabic loanwords.
**/ɨ/ is written as Af Maay /ə/.
**Labialized consonants are written either as a combination of consinant plus /w/, or with a ''ḍammah'' as follows (with /kʷ/ as an example):
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+Representation of labialized consonants
! kʷə || kʷi || kʷa || kʷe || kʷ(ɨ)
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">كَُ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">كُِي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">كَُا</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">كُٖي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">كُ</span>
====Additional letters for other languages spoken in Ethiopia====
When needed, the following additional letters are used:
*ݝ for /ŋ/.
*ڮ‎ for /kʼ/ when distinguished from /q/.
*Gurage palatalized velars:<!-- are represented with ۦ (small <i>yaa'</i>) under the letter.-->
**ك࣮ for /kʲ/.
**عٔ for /ɡʲ/.
**ٯٔ for /kʲʼ/.
**حٔ for /xʲ/.
**ٿ for /ʈʂ/.
**ڟ for /ʈʂʼ/ (instead of /ɖ/).
**ݜ for /ʂ/.
**ڙ for /ʐ/.
**ڀ for /ɓ/ (instead of /pʼ/).
**ڎ for /ɗ/.
Basically, a Slavic language that lost all (or most) distinctive Slavic features.
Note: It's not that these features did not develop, but rather they did develop and then were lost.
*Palatalized consonants are lost, either merging with their plain counterparts or become a different consonant altogether.
*When a root would have alterations between palatalized and non-palatalized consonants, one of these variants is selected and extended to all forms.
{| class=wikitable style="text-align:center"}
|+ Fate of palatalized consonants
! Proto-Slavic !! Unpalatalized !! Palatalized
| nuun<br>نون
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ن</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـن</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـنـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">نـ</span>
| m || m || m
| nyuun<br>ݧون
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ݧ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـݧ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـݧـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ݧـ</span>
|ny (also written "y‘" in Af Maay)
| Mainly used in Af Maay. It can also be used in Af Maxaa, but it is usually replaced with ''y'' or else written as ''ny''.
| p || p || p
| woow<br>وو
|<span style="font-size:160%;">و</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـو</span>
|/w/<Br>/ɞ: ~ ɔ:/, /ʉ: ~ u:/
|w<br>oo, uu
|The letter ''waaw'' serves three functions. Firstly, is as a consonant, with a sound /w/. Secondly, it is used to write the long vowels /oː/ and /uː/. Finally, it is used as a carrier for ''hamzah''.
| b || b || b
| ha'<br>هأ
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ه<br>ة</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـه<br>ـة</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـهـ<br></span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">هـ<br></span>
| <i>Haa'</i> is also used silently at the end of nouns ending in /e/, /o/, (in Af Maay) /ə/. Such a silent <i>haa'</i> may be replaced with ''taa' marbuuṭah'' (ـَة، ة) in some words (generally feminine words and/or words that end in it in Arabic).
| v || v || v
| ya'<br>يأ
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ي</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـي</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ـيـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;">يـ</span>
|/j/<Br>/eː ~ ɛ:/, /i: ~ ɪ:/
| y<br>ee, ii
| The letter <i>yaa'</i> serves three functions. Firstly, it is used as a consonant, with a sound /j/. Secondly, it is used to write the long vowels /eː/ and /iː/. Finally, it is used as a carrier for ''hamzah''. It can also be used silently at the ends of words ending in ''-e'' as an alternative to <i>haa'</i>.
| n || n || y
| hamse/firgin<br>همزه\فرڭن
|<span style="font-size:160%;">ء<br>أ<br>ؤ<br>ئ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;"><br>ـأ<br>ـؤ<br>ـئ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;"><br><br><br>ـئـ</span>
|<span style="font-size:160%;"><br><br><br>ئـ</span>
| ’
| It may be written on its own (ء) or with a carrier (أ، ؤ، ئ) depending on the environment.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+Diacritics in Somali Arabic Alphabet
! colspan="2"| Name
| t || t || č
! rowspan="2"| Diacritic
! rowspan="2"|Sound represented
! rowspan="2"|Latin equivalent
! rowspan="2"|Remarks
! Arabized !! Traditional (adjective)
| d || d || j
| فتحة<br>fatxah
| c || th || ch
| كرڟبن<br>kordhaban
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌َ</span>
| /a/
| a
| <br>
| dz || dh || j
| <br>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٖ</span>
| /e/
| e
| كسرة<br>kasrah
| s || s || sh
| هوسڟبن<br>hoosdhaban
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ِ</span>
| /i/
| i
| z || z || j
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٗ</span>
| /o/
| o
| ضمة<br>ḍammah
| r || r || r
| ڭدن<br>godan
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ُ</span>
| /u/
| u
| l || w || y
| <br>
| ň || || y
| <br>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌٘</span>
| /ə(ʰ)/
| y (Af Maay)
| Used in Af Maay.
| مدة<br>maddah
| ť || || ch
| مدن<br>madan
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٓ</span>
| (aː)
| (aa)
| Only used on ''alif'' to represent the long vowel [aː].
| سكون<br>sukuun
| ď || || j
| ريبن<br>reebban
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ْ</span>
| colspan="2"| (absence of vowel)
| Used to show that a consonant is not followed by a vowel. It is also used on the second element of diphthongs, and optionally on the long vowel letter of long vowels.
| شدة<br>shaddah
| č || || ch
| شدن<br>shadan
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ّ</span>
| colspan="2"| (geminated consonant)
| Used to show that a consonant is geminated.
| <!--الف خنجرية<br>‘alif khanjariyyah-->
| ždž || || j
| <br>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٰ</span>
| /aː/
| aa
| Used for /aː/ in a few words as an alternative to ـَا.
| فتحتين\فتحة تنوين<br>fatxatayn/fatxah tanwiin
| š || || sh
| لب كرڟبن<br>laba kordhaban
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ً</span>
| /an/
| an
| rowspan="3"| In Arabic phrases only.
| كسرتين\كسرة تنوين<br>kasratayn/kasrah tanwiin
| ś || sh || sh
| لب هوسڟبن<br>laba hoosdhaban
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٍ</span>
| /in/
| in
| ضمتين\ضمة تنوين<br>ḍammatayn/ḍammah tanwiin
| ž || || j
| لب ڭدن<br>laba godan
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">◌ٌ</span>
| /un/
| un
| ř || — || r
Long vowels are written as the short vowel followed by the corresponding long vowel letter.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+ Long vowels in the Somali Arabic Alphabet
! aa || ee || ii || oo || uu
| ľ || || y
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَا</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٖي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـِي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗو</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـُو</span>
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+ Diphthongs in the Somali Arabic Alphabet
! aw || ay || ey || ow || oy || aaw || aay || eey || oow || ooy
| j || || y
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَوْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَيْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٖيْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗوْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗيْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَاوْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَايْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٖيّْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗوّْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗويْ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـَا</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٖي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـِي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـٗو</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">ـُو</span>
Vowels, when occurring at the beginning of words, are placed on top of ''alif'' (ا). This ''alif'' actually has a ''hamzah'' on it; however, this ''hamzah'' is often left unwritten. However, /(ʔ)aː/ is written with ''maddah'' on ''alif'' (آ). <!--Long vowels are written as they would be in the middle of the word, except that ''waaw'' (و), and <i>yaa'</i> (ي) would be preceded by ''alif'' instead of another consonant.The exception to this convention is long vowel [aa], where similar to Arabic, ''[[w:Arabic_diacritics#Maddah|alif maddah]]'' (آ) is used.-->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+Vowels at the beginning of words in the Somali Arabic Alphabet
! colspan = "5" | Short vowels
| k || k || —
! colspan = "5" | Long vowels
! a || e || i || o || u || aa || ee || ii || oo || uu
| g || g ||
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اَ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اٖ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اِ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اٗ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اُ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">آ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اٖي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اِي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اٗو</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">اُو</span>
Like in Arabic, ''sukūn'' (◌ْ) and ''shaddah'' (◌ّ) are used to indicate an unvowelled consonant and a geminate consonant respectively. They can also be used on the consonant letter of long vowels; however, they are more often dropped.-->
===Adapted for other languages===
Similar to Somali, but with the following changes:
*ڀ for /pʼ/.
*ڇ or ڃ for /tʃʼ/.
*ط for /tʼ/ in native Oromo words.
*ڠ‎ for /ɡ/ instead of ڭ‎ (though ڭ‎ can alternatively be used).
*ق for /kʼ/ in native Oromo words.
*There is no ݦ.
Similar to Somali.
====Amharic and Tigrigna====
Similar to Oromo, with the following changes:
*پ is exclusively used for /p/.
** /β/ is represented identically to /v/: ڤ.
*ژ for /ʒ/.
*ڞ for /(t)sʼ/.
*There is no ڟ. <!--Alternatively, it can be used for /tʃʼ/ instead of ڇ or ڃ.-->
*څ for /xʼ/ (exclusive to Tigrigna).
**/e/ and /o/ are written as Somali /eː/ and /oː/ respectively.
**/ə/ is written as Somali /a/.
**/a/ is written as Somali /aː/ (though it may be written as /a/ after guttural consonants).
**/i/ and /u/ are written as Somali /i(ː)/ and /u(ː)/ respectively. They are most often written as the long variants except in Arabic loanwords.
**/ɨ/ is written as Af Maay /ə/.
**Labialized consonants are written either as a combination of consinant plus /w/, or with a ''ḍammah'' as follows (with /kʷ/ as an example):
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+Representation of labialized consonants
! kʷə || kʷi || kʷa || kʷe || kʷ(ɨ)
| x || h ||
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">كَُ</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">كُِي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">كَُا</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">كُٖي</span>
| <span style="font-size:200%;line-height:1.35;">كُ</span>
====Additional letters for other languages spoken in Ethiopia====
When needed, the following additional letters are used:
*ݝ for /ŋ/.
*ڮ‎ for /kʼ/ when distinguished from /q/.
*Gurage palatalized velars:<!-- are represented with ۦ (small <i>yaa'</i>) under the letter.-->
**ك࣮ for /kʲ/.
**عٔ for /ɡʲ/.
**ٯٔ for /kʲʼ/.
**حٔ for /xʲ/.
**ٿ for /ʈʂ/.
**ڟ for /ʈʂʼ/ (instead of /ɖ/).
**ݜ for /ʂ/.
**ڙ for /ʐ/.
**ڀ for /ɓ/ (instead of /pʼ/).
**ڎ for /ɗ/.

