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Sukkista Isiat (Sukkistan Kesi/ƽɞϑϑιƽⱶoⱱ ϑ϶ƽι) [sukːistanˑkɛsi] is a language developed by Sihithe Avralte. It is spoken by over 2.5 million people in the south hills across the country of Sukkistanas. The language has a limited vocabulary, however in grammar and etymologically it is closely related to Latirdo, the relation can be compared with that of French and Spanish.


Sukkista Isiat phonology is more limited than that of Latirdo in consonants, and uses the alphabet slightly differently (ԇ - [ʏ]; ҧ - [j])


Labial Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive p t d k
Fricative v f ð þ s h
Affricate ts
Lateral l
Tap/flap ɾ
Approximant w j
Nasal m n ŋ
Trill ʀ



Front Central Back
High i iː ʏ ʏː u uː
Mid ɛ ɛː ʌ o oː
Low æ a aː

-accented vowels are pronounced twice as long as non-accented


Front Central Back
High i, í y, ý u, ú
Mid e, é ö o, ó
Low ä a á
Labial Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive p t d k
Fricative v f ð þ s h
Affricate ts
Lateral l
Tap/flap r
Approximant u j
Nasal m n ng
Trill rr


Sukkista Isiat is a very agglutinative language, attaching concepts such as case, tense, aspect, mood, person, number, diminutives, definiteness, and possession onto nouns and verbs directly via prefixing and suffixing. An example of a word of significant length is ottokjóikojmuruniarkavatielankossoretiteksynýnallekylyhynovomisinarvynsirystäsi? It is a one-word question meaning "if because of us having been not wanting to have been able to crouch them down with the little deciduous forest's plan that used to be ours??"


Sukkista Isiat grammar is VERY complicated and irregular, pluralization and conjugation in particular are difficult.



CASE Singular Plural Suffix
Nominative Lira Lyrä none
Accusative Liras Lyräs -s, -es
Genitive Liran Lyrän -n, -en
Comitative Liralle Lyrälle -lle, -alle
Vocative Lirasses Lyrässes -sses, -esses
Locative Liravu Lyrävy -vu, -vy, -uvu, -yvy


Sukkista Isiat goes from singular to plural number by a series of vowel shifts.

a →→→ ä

e →→→ ä

i →→→ y

o →→→ ö

u →→→ y

There are many exceptions however to this rule. Irregularities include the following nouns which pluralize differently...

povi, aþta, aþto, sko, tronse, diva, orumu, liákta, kuoma, hyva, pelepri, tupu, toki, alou, vou, kjou, fi, puiri, lospa, vá

their plurals are...

pyvä, äþtörä, äþtör, sköjri, äyrä/jörä, dyttä, irymy, lyéktärä, kyäntä, hyttä, päläprytä, tytty, tökrä, alyö, vyö, kyö, fyttärä, pýrtä, löspärä, värtä

Diminutives and Augmentatives

diminutive: -eti; lira >> lireti

augmentative: -otu; lira >> lirotu

note: final vowel changed to either e or o

note: genitive + accusative leaves possessor in gen. and possesed object in acc.

note: empowered or dimuned nouns have plurals in -nä, AFTER the suffix is added, so it becomes another word alone


Nominaccusative is the case used when a noun is both receiving an action and giving one, it is in the nominative and accusative simultaneously, we use the suffix -si to denote this, then conjugate the verb committed by the object with the object

Example: I have a tree that grows. - Lennoin luesi mi luara.


Sukkista Isiat has many, many articles, one on its own the indefinite is 'ne' and it goes before the noun, then the suffixes for the definite article are as follows...

Singular Plural
Masculine im -ti ym -ty
Feminine am -ti äm -ty
Inanimate is -ta ys -tä
Abstract ikoj-tea yköj-tä



Sukkista Isiat has five distinct verb groups: -ava, -eva, -iva, -ova, -uva, and they all conjugate differently, mostly in the perfect and pluperfect tenses and sometimes in internal vowels.

↓person↓ Pluperfect Progressive Perfect Past Recent Present Future Imminent
1sg mlimieksi mlimiensa mlimiesta mlimienu mlimienurta mlimien mlimienti mlimientile
2sg mlimuoksi mlimuotsa mlimuosta mlimuotu mlimuoturta mlimuot mlimuotti mlimuottile
3sg mlimaksi mlimasa mlimasta mlimu mlimarta mlima mlimati mlimatile
1pl mlimyeksi mlimyensä mlimyestä mlimyeny mlimyenyrtä mlimyen mlimyenti mlimyentilä
2pl mlimyöksi mlimyötsä mlimyöstä mlimyöty mlimyötyrtä mlimyöt mlimyötti mlimyöttilä
3pl mlimäksi mlimäsä mlimästä mlimy mlimärtä mlimä mlimäti mlimätilä

regular verb in use: mlimava (to drink)

↓person↓ Pluperfect Progressive Perfect Past Recent Present Future Imminent
1sg marútéksi marútensa marútéin marúténu marúténurta marútén marúténti marúténtile
2sg marútétsi marútétsa marútéit marútétu marútéturta marútét marútétti marútéttile
3sg marútési marútésa marútéi marútú marútérta marúté marútéti marútétile
1pl marútyeksi marútyensa marútyin marútyeny marútyenyrtä marútyen mlimyenti marútyentilä
2pl marútyetsi marútyetsa marútyit marútyety marútyetyrtä marútyet mlimyötti marútyettilä
3pl marútevytsi marútevytsa marútevyit marútý marútévytyrta marútevyt marútevytti marútevyttilä

regular verb in use: marúteva (to translate)

↓person↓ Pluperfect Perfect Progressive Past Recent Present Future Imminent
1sg kirinsi kirista kirinsa kirinu kirinurta kirin kirinti kirintile
2sg kiritsi kiritta kiritsa kiritu kiriturta kirit kiritti kirittile
3sg kirísi kiriasta kirísa kirú kirirta kirí kiríti kirítile
1pl kirynsi kirystä kirynsä kiryny kirynyrtä kiryn kirynti kiryntilä
2pl kirytsi kiryttä kiryttä kiryty kirytyrtä kiryt kirytti kiryttilä
3pl kirýsi kiryästä kirýsä kirýhy kirýrtä kirý kirýti kirýtilä

regular verb in use: kiriva (to attack)

↓person↓ Pluperfect Progressive Perfect Past Recent Present Future Imminent
1sg ruskonsi ruskonsa ruskosta ruskonu ruskonurta ruskon ruskonti ruskontili
2sg ruskotsi ruskotsa ruskotta ruskotu ruskoturta ruskot ruskotti ruskottili
3sg ruskoksi ruskoasa ruskoasta ruskou ruskoarta ruskoa ruskoati ruskoatili
1pl ruskönsi ruskönsä rusköstä rusköny ruskönyrtä ruskön ruskönti rusköntili
2pl ruskötsi ruskötsä rusköttä rusköty ruskötyrtä rusköt ruskötti rusköttili
3pl rusköjäksi rusköjäsä rusköjästä rusköjy rusköjärtä rusköjä rusköjäti rusköjätili

regular verb in use: ruskova (to search, look for)


-UVA verbs are conjugated exactly the same way as -OVA verbs, except each internal -o- is replaced with a -u- (-oasta — -uasta)

Irregular Verbs

Although they won't be conjugated here, here is a list of all irregular verbs in Sukkista Isiat:

enneva, aitiva, mieva, lennuva, fereva, vónova, nónova, jupava, hualuva, vintiva, toástava, kuluva, misenuva, noinava, ursava, jorava, luva, tiva, lainiva, novomisenuva, novenneva, lastereva, kotinuva, viniva, ulmava, tiokiva, ovonaitiva, novoaitiva, koaskava, arava


In Sukkista Isiat, if the object of the verb is direct and a pronoun, it is placed as a suffix. The object suffixes are listed in the Pronouns section. Example: I see, I see you. Ursien, Ursientút

Zero Person

it is formed by putting verb in 3rd person singular conjugation with any tense and mood needed, then adding hyphenated '-ne', meaning 'one' onto the end Example: One cannot think here. Kupivaus-ne étti.


it is the base form of all verbs, in which always ends in VOWEL-va, which must be removed when conjugating Example: We go, To go. Aityän, Aitiva.


verbs can reflect their actions back onto their committers by adding the suffix -sse/-ssä Example: He ate, He ate himself. Joru, Jorusse.

Transitive verbs

Transitive verbs transfer their action to the object, with the use of the suffix -ti, which is put after the object, equivalent in english is 'to make' the object do something Example: I sleep, I make you sleep. Toisien, Toisientútti.

Subjunctive Mood

The subjunctive mood in Sukkista Isiat is used to speak of something possible but not concrete, such as 'if I were an astronaut...' and it is denoted with the circumfix ott-i/ot-i note: this mood can be applied to any tense and the circumfix must remain outside Example: You sleep, If you slept. Toisuot, ottoisuoti.


Mood Sukkista I. Translation
Normal indicative ursien I see
Interrogative l(u)ursien do I see?
Negative k(u)ursien I do not see
Willing h(u)ursien I want to see
Imperative ursienurty I must see
Possible ursienus I may/can see
Subjunctive ottursieni if I saw

-if moods are to be used together, they are to be attached in the order that they are displayed in the chart.

-moods are indicated AFTER personal and tense conjugation



Nominative Accusative Genitive Comitative Locative
1sg tie -tét tien ilte tivu
2sg tu -tút tun ultu tuvu
3sg ta -tas táen alla tavu
3sg inan. y -yres yren ylle juvu
1pl tye -tyes tyen tyelle tyevy/tervy
2pl työ -tyt tyn tylle tyvy
3pl -täs täen tällä tävy

-there is no gender distinction in pronouns


interrogative conjunctive this... that... none... every/all...
PERSON mami marí marú sema tulma
THING memi täjä, täytä töjä seme tulme
TIME momi sata, jarmu orú semo tulmo
PLACE muéla muélami étti ótti, orú semuéla tulmuéla
REASON mirki mirkimi mirkí mirkú semirki tulmirki
MEANS mirika mirikami mirikarí mirikarú semirika tulmirika

NOTE ON CONJUNCTIVE: In the conjunctive to say for example "with he who", one would use the conjunctive of person "marmu" and decline the "mar" to "malle" to get "mallemu - with he who", and this can be done with any of them by removing -r and adding -lle (mallemi, mellemi, mirkillemi, muéllemi) this also is done for accusative and other cases (mesmi, masmi, muélasmi).

CASES: Often pronouns are declined, which is done by removing the last vowel and adding -s, which is a fairly simple rule. This chart only shoes the pronouns in their NOMINATIVE form. For example, to say "what are you doing?", the "what" is in the accusative, so mé → mes (mes þuotsa?)

Possessive Pronouns

Although the normal possessive pronouns (shown above) can be used for indicating ownership, the simpler way is to add the following suffixes...

pluperfect perfect progress present future past 1 sg. liraksenín lirastanín lirasanín liranín liratinín lirapunín 2 sg liraksenón lirastanón lirasanón liranón liratinón lirapunón 3 sg liraksana lirastana lirasana lirana liratina lirapuna 1 pl liraksynýn lirastänýn lirasänýn liranýn liratinýn lirapynýn 2 pl liraksynőn lirastänőn lirasänőn liranőn liratinőn lirapynőn 3 pl liraksynä lirastänä lirasänä liranä liratinä lirapynä

Example in use - “lira”, meaning "house"

Note: the different tenses indicate the time in which the noun is possessed


Adjective endings are changed depending on the gender of the noun they describe. Noun classes - or genders - in Sukkista Isiat have adjectives take the following forms...

Singular Plural
Animate masc. lasido lasirs
Animate fem. lasivo lasirs
Inanimate lasis lasirs
Abstract lasisk lasirs

Adjectives ALWAYS come after their nouns

Nouns Derived from Adjectives

The simple suffix -te can be put on the end of any adjective in its default INANIMATE form to make it a noun possessing the quality denoted by the adjective.

koäis → red

koäiste → "the red one"

these nouns can be declined and pluralized just like any other noun.


Prepositions in Sukkista Isiat work the same way as they do in English. Here are some prepositions...

arvu - into

el - of

malá - away from

kjó - by

alkjó - alongside

ufu - over

novovu -n - under

oksivu -n - next to

noivu (-n) - outside

trúvu (-n) - inside

ar - to

tylä - through

yljä - across

lunta - in terms of

Language Examples

Article one of the Declaration of Rights...

Óm ähör nuolä holjórs ju vartars sástolavu ju kuorimiavu. Fällä malirs tihios ju tissotas, ju sáfikiorunivkualle farässärty.
