Jyglagi: Difference between revisions

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Ûû: ə
Ûû: ə

In Jyglagi, primary stress is placed on the first syllable, and secondary is on the second syllable.
In Jyglagi, primary stress is placed on the first syllable, and secondary is on the second syllable.

Revision as of 03:51, 13 January 2017

Jyglagi[jɪɡ.ˈlɑ.ˌɡi] is an artlang created by Edward Harper in 2013. It was first made as a personal challenge when he first discovered conlanging. This is the 2017 revival, however, being a remake of the original.


Jyglagi primarily focuses on the latin alphabet, but is also able to be written in cyrillic as well.

The two alphabets: FfVvPpBbMmŤťĎďSsŠšTt DdLlĽľRrNnXxΓγKkQqGgŇň JjHhAaEeIiOoUuÛûYyWw


There are 23 consonant phonemes.

Mm: m Nn: n Ňň: ŋ Pp: p, pʰ Bb: b Tt: t, tʰ Dd: d Kk: c, kʰ Gg: ɟ, g Qq: qʰ, ɢ Ff: f Vv: v Ťť: θ Ďď: ð Ss: s, z Šš: ʃ, ʒ Xx: x Гг: ɣ Hh: h Jj: j Rr: ɾ

Ll: l Ľľ: ɬ


There are 9 vowel phonemes.

Ii: i Uu: u̜ Oo: o̜ Aa: ɑ Ee: e Yy: ɪ Ww: ʊ Ûû: ə


In Jyglagi, primary stress is placed on the first syllable, and secondary is on the second syllable.

Ex. Jyglagi[ˈJɪg.lɑ.ˌgi]






Constituent order

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