Meoka: Difference between revisions

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s + voiceless stop
s + voiceless stop

diphthongs occur in nearly all incidences of i or u adjacent to another vowel. Otherwise, the vowels are pronounced as separate syllables. In Meoka's script, the i and u glyphs are modified with a dot to indicate they are acting as a glide.
diphthongs occur in nearly all incidences of i or u adjacent to another vowel. Otherwise, the vowels are pronounced as separate syllables. In Meoka's script, the i and u glyphs are modified with a dot to indicate they are acting as a glide.

Revision as of 02:48, 27 August 2017




Romanization IPA Glyph
a a ?
aa a: ?
b b ?
c ɨ ?
cc ɨ: ?
d d ?
e e ?
ee e: ?
f f ?
g g ?
h h, ç ?
i i ?
ii i: ?
y j ?
j ʒ ?
k k ?
l l ?
ll ɬ ?
m m ?
n n ?
nn ŋ ?
o o ?
oo o: ?
p p ?
q q ?
s s ?
ss ʃ ?
t t ?
u u ?
uu u: ?
w w ?
v v ?
z z ?


Stress defaults to the first syllable of a word. Occasionally, a word with a modifying prefix will retain its stress on the first syllable of the root word, but words thought of as individual words will stress the first syllable, even when that is a prefix.


The long vowels in Meoka are normally pronounced with a falling tone. In some contexts, such as a formal speech, in poetry, or in music, the long vowel may rise, or simply be held steady, but in everyday usage, it is only slightly longer than a short vowel, and falls in tone.


Allowable initial consonant clusters

dj tss

dz ts


s + voiceless stop


diphthongs occur in nearly all incidences of i or u adjacent to another vowel. Otherwise, the vowels are pronounced as separate syllables. In Meoka's script, the i and u glyphs are modified with a dot to indicate they are acting as a glide.




Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts

Other resources