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'''Al-Qayljiyyah''' (the Arabic name for the language; the native name is ''a Ᵹaeiliᵹ'' /ə 'gəɪlʲɪc/) is a descendant of Old Irish that has been heavily influenced by Arabic. It is written using the Arabic script. '''Qaylji''' may be used in English as the related adjective. It has lost mutations and grammatical gender.
'''Judeo-Anbirese''' is a Talmic language spoken by Jews who immigrated early to Talma; it's a descendant of Middle [[Anbirese]]. It's natively called ''ŏ Jŏhuδing'' 'the Jewish language'.

== A Ᵹiumhúirie Ᵹaelaċ ==
Dom·lathṁar (**de-lath-amhar >  deltamhar?) in mbróŋae den césand (the "bróngae" met us in the "césand") (direct evolution to Anbirese: **Tŏn:laδvŏr ŏ m-prongae djŏn χjesŏnd, JAnb: זאלתאבאר א מ-בּרוֹעא זאן שייסאןּ אַם ''Djaelθŏvŏr ŏ m-prongŏ djŏn sjesŏnn am'')
The '''Gaelic Republic''' (''a Ᵹiumhúirie Ᵹaelaċ'' /ə ɟʊmˈhuːrʲjə ˈgeːlˠəχ/) is a Goidelic-speaking, historically Muslim country comprising a part of Iberia. It's often shortened to ''an Ᵹiumhúirie'' by its inhabitants. The indigenous Celtic speaking peoples converted to Islam around 11th century AD.
Should be as far from An Yidish as possible -- think simplified Munster Irish rather than simplified Gàidhlig
* no case unlike Standard Anbirese
* ae != e unlike in Standard Anbirese
* marks def direct objects with ''ljŏ''
* synthetic verbs unlike Ăn Yidiș and Eevo
* t and t' for unmutated tet and tav?

== Phonology ==
== Phonology ==
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align: center;"
=== Consonants ===
cc c gg g ŋ ŋŋ
! rowspan="2" colspan="2" |
* broad x γ k⁼ g w ŋ (''x γ k g w ng'')
! rowspan="2" | Labial
* slender ʃ j t̪ʃ⁼ dʒ (''sj y tj dj'') (Tigol has no slender ŋ)
! colspan="2" | Dental/Alveolar
tt t dd d n nn
! rowspan="2" |Retroflex
* broad θ ð t̪⁼ d̪ n n̪ˠ (''θ δ t d n nn'')
! rowspan="2" |Palatal
* slender ʃ j t̪ʃ⁼ dʒ n ɲ (''sj y tj dj n nj'')
! rowspan="2" | Dorsal
pp/f p bb b m mm
! rowspan="2" | Glottal
* broad f v p⁼ b v/-ŋ m (''f v p b v/-ng m'')
|- style="font-size: small;"
* slender fj vj p⁼j bj vj/-ɲ mj (''fy vy py by v/-nj my'')
! {{small|broad}}
r rr l ll ṡ ss h
! {{small|slender}}
* broad ɾ rˠ w ŋ zero s h (''r rr w ng 0 s h'')
* slender ɾ r̝ l ʎ j- ʃ hj (''r rj l ll j sj hy'')
! colspan="2" | Nasal
| m
| n̪ˠ || nʲ
| ŋ
! rowspan="2" | Stop
! <small>voiceless</small>
| p  
| t̪ˠ || tʲ
| c
| k
| ʔ
! <small>voiced</small>
| b
| d̪ˠ || dʲ
| ɟ
| g
! rowspan="2" | Fricative
! <small>voiceless</small>
| f
| s̪ˠ || ɕ
| ʂ
| ç
| χ
| h
! <small>voiced</small>
| v
| z̪ˠ
| ʑ
| ɣ
! colspan="2" | Resonant
| w
| r̠ˠ~ɹˠ, lˠ
| rʲ, lʲ
| j
Especially in educated, careful and formal speech, vowel-initial words are pronounced with a glottal stop.

Obstruents are subject to Auslautverhärtung.
In sum, the Judeo-Anbirese consonant phonology is:
* Velars: k⁼ g x γ w ŋ (in Hebrew orthography ''q g(dag) k(rafe) g(rafe) w ʕ'')
* Palatals: tʃ⁼ dʒ ʃ ʒ j ɲ ʎ (in Hebrew orthography ''ṣ dz š z y n' l(dag)'')
* Alveolars: s n ɾ rˠ r̝ l (in Hebrew orthography ''s n(rafe) r(rafe) r(dag) r' l(rafe)'')
* Dentals: t̪⁼ d̪ θ ð n̪ˠ (in Hebrew orthography ''ṭ d t(rafe) d(rafe) n(dag) '')
* Labials: p⁼ b f v m (in Hebrew orthography ''p b p(rafe) b(rafe) m'')

=== Vowels ===
=== Vowels ===
/a ɪ ʊ ɔ ə ɐ a: (e:) ɵ:~o: i: ʉ:~u: əj əw iə uə/
The Judeo-Anbirese vowel system is identical to Italian or Tiberian Hebrew (in stressed syllables).
* "Conjugation by imāla": OIr /a:/ after non-velarized consonants merges with OIr /e₂ː/ and is pronounced [a:~ä:] in young urban secular speech e.g. ''Gaibd ar Raħmán'' [ɐbdʲəɹˠəh'ma:n]; سْكال ''scéal'' [ɕcaːlˠ] 'news; story'. After velarized consonants [ɔː] is used.
* Our Irish broad /e:/ becomes /əj/, and /e:/ in some monosyllabic words become /əj/ too: ''sé'' /ɕəj/ [ɕeɪ] 'six'.
/ɐ/ is found as an "ayin-colored" reduced vowel in words of Arabic origin: e.g. Gaizíz /ɐˈʑiːɕ/ (male name)
=== Intonation ===
Lifted from German
== Orthography ==
Al-Qayljiyyah is written with the Arabic script. Native Gaelic words have established spellings but cannot always be read unambiguously in the orthography, as broadness is unwritten in many cases. ''Siuiciún'', ''šeidde'' and (generally) long vowels are always written.
Final schwa is spelled with final ''teá marbúta'' except in proclitics such as ''le'' or ''do'', called ''marbúta'' for short. (final /h/ is spelled with ''há'')
Final -(a)idh and -(a)igh are spelled with ى
== Romanized spelling ==
Based on our Irish orthography, but:
* Lenition is always spelled with an overdot, never with ''h''. This is because of Arabic clusters with /h/.
* /g/ (broad or slender) is spelled {{angbr|ᵹ}}.
=== Spelling Arabic loans ===
The spelling of Arabic loans strives to be simultaneously as etymological as possible and as faithful to Gaelic orthographical rules as possible. Where conflict exists, this section will specify what to choose.
The Arabic article is transliterated ''ail'' (except (1) when assimilated, and (2) in ''Alláh'' when pronounced with a broad L in Arabic), usually regardless of case endings preceding it.
e.g. Gaibd ail Ceirím 'Abdul Kareem'.
* Geminates are always reflected: e.g. ''Ħaiᵹᵹ'' /hac/ 'Hajj'.
* /dʒ q k x t θ d ð tˁ s sˁ dˁ ðˁ/ are borrowed as /ɟ k c x tʲ tʲ dʲ zʲ tˠ sʲ sˠ zˠ zˠ/.
* ''ra ru rØ'' becomes broad /rˠ/ (unless the r is word final); ''ri'' is slender /rʲ/.
* Arabic /z ʃ ʔ ʕ h ħ/ are transliterated {{angbr|z š ' g h ħ}} /zʲ ʃ ʔ ʔ h h/; the resulting z and š are always slender.
* Arabic labials /m b f w/ {{angbr|m b f v}} are considered to be broadness; these consonants have lost palatalization even in native Qaylji words.
* Arabic /j/ is always {{angbr|j}} initially: ''jagъní'' /ja:nʲi:/ 'i.e., namely'
* /a i u a: i: u: aj aw/ become (b_b, b_s, s_b, s_s): a/ai/ea/ei, oio/oi/io/i, u/ui/iu/iui, á/ái/eá/eái, oío/oí/ío/í, ú/úi/iú/iúi, ae/é/aei/éi, ó/eo/ói/eoi.
* In Arabic loans, final consonant is always slender unless laryngeal, /r/ or emphatic (This is because of the genitive ending ''-i'')
* Iotation in Arabic loans is spelled with an extra ''i'' before the vowel: ''ᵹiumhúirie'' /ɟʊmˈhuːrʲjə/ 'republic'. It palatalizes the preceding consonant unless preceded by ''o''.
* Arabic 3ayn is spelled {{angbr|g}}, but only acts as vowel coloring in Qaylji. It turns neighboring schwa to /ɐ/, and makes diphthongs /aj ai: ae: aw au: ao:/. and turns preceding /a i: u:/ to /a: iə uə/: ''mavdúg'' /məw'dˠuə/ 'spurious'.
* In Arabic clusters that violate ''leathan le leathan agus caol le caol'', the Cyrillic hard sign ъ is used where the broadness switch happens. e.g. ''ceisъra'' /ˈcɛsʲrˠə/ 'kasrah (Arabic vowel sign)'. The hard sign is not necessary when a broad consonant is followed by /j/: ''šeaċsoie'' /ˈʃaxsˠjə/ 'character, personality', from Arabic ''šaxṣiyyah''.
== Grammar ==
Due to language contact, Qaylji grammar is more analytic than Irish, Gaelic or Welsh.
article = ''a'' (sg), ''na'' (plural); no mutation, no gender
=== Verbs ===
Qaylji verbs have three forms:
* imperative (''aimir''): إه ''iṫ!'' 'eat! (sg)', إهف ''iṫibh!'' (pl)
* verbnoun (''masъdeir''): إهة ''iṫe'' (also a number-neutral imperative)
* passive participle (''isim mafgúil''): إتة ''ite'' (only used adjectivally)
The older imperatives are currently losing ground to the verbnoun-based imperative.
Native -(a)iᵹ̇ verbs have the following forms:
* imperative: كنّى ''ceannaiᵹ̇!'' كنّيف ''ceannaíbh!'' 'buy!'
* verbnoun: كنّو ''ceannú''
* passive participle: كنّهة ''ceannaiṫe''

Arabic verbs are borrowed in their VN forms:
* אי i (= chiriq) /i/
* imperative forms كتْبى ''ceitbiᵹ̇'' 'write' (< ''katb'', vn of ''kataba''), صلاتى ''saileáitiᵹ̇'' 'pray' (< ''ṣalā™'', vn of ''ṣallā'')
* איי e (= tzere) /e/
* verbnoun forms كتْب ''ceitb'', صلاة ''saileá''
* אֶ ae (= segol) /E/ (''maelŏx'' 'king')
* passive participle forms كتْبهة ''ceitbiṫe'' and صلاتهة ''saileáitiṫe''
* אַ a (= patach) /a/
==== Auxiliaries ====
* א ŏ (= qamatz) /O/
* אוֹ o (= cholam) /o/
* אוּ u (= shuruq) /u/

=== Nouns ===
=== Hebrew reading ===
Arabic broken plurals applied to native Gaelic words: ''madra'' 'dog' > ''mudar'' 'dogs'; ''caṫaoir'' 'chair' > ''cuṫuir'' 'chairs'. The regular plural of native ''-e/-a'' nouns is ''-(a)id'', influenced by Arabic ''-āt''.
Judeo-Anbirese is among the more conservative Hebrew reading traditions in Crackfic Irta/Tricin. It distinguishes all 7 stressed vowels of Tiberian Hebrew and retains all 6 begadkefat consonants, and dageshed nun, lamed and resh are retained as distinct. The emphatics tet and kuf merge with nonemphatic tav and kaf as in our Ashkenazi Hebrew.

Possession is indicated with ''aᵹ'', rather than with the genitive case or preposed possessive pronouns: ''a maisᵹíd aᵹ a caṫair ᵹainne'' /ʔə məsʲˈciːdʲ ʔəg ə ˈkahərʲ gənʲə/ 'our city's mosque'. "Possessive pronouns": ''ᵹam, ᵹat, aiᵹ/ᵹe (after C/after V), ci, ᵹen, ᵹainne, ᵹaibh, cu'' (the emphatic form ''ᵹainne'' replaced older ''*ᵹainn'' in the 1pl form)
/u o O a E e i (shva na) (chataf patach) (chataf segol) (chataf qamatz)/ ''u o ŏ a e ė i ŏ a e ŏ'', but some dialects use ''a'' instead of ''ŏ'' for shva na

3rd person pronouns are ''se, sí, sin'' ('he, she, it')
/ʔ b v g ɣ d ð h w z ħ tˁ j k x l m n s ʕ p f sˁ q r ʃ t θ/ = [ʔ b v g ɣ d ð h w dʒ h t= j k= x l/ʎ m n/n̪ˠ s ŋ p= f tʃ= k= ɾ/rˠ ʃ t= θ]

== Wordlist ==
* já (literary) 'O'
* vacъt 'time'
* seága [sʲa:] 'hour'
* deacaíoca [dʲəˈki:kə] 'minute'
* teáinie ['tʲaːnʲjə] 'second'
* caidear 'fate; destiny' (< ''qadar'' 'divine predestination')
* anna (formal) 'complementizer' (from Arabic)

[[Category:Celtic languages]][[Category:Goidelic languages]][[Category:Indo-European languages]]
[[Category:Talmic languages]]

Latest revision as of 03:56, 19 December 2022

Judeo-Anbirese is a Talmic language spoken by Jews who immigrated early to Talma; it's a descendant of Middle Anbirese. It's natively called ŏ Jŏhuδing 'the Jewish language'.

Dom·lathṁar (**de-lath-amhar > deltamhar?) in mbróŋae den césand (the "bróngae" met us in the "césand") (direct evolution to Anbirese: **Tŏn:laδvŏr ŏ m-prongae djŏn χjesŏnd, JAnb: זאלתאבאר א מ-בּרוֹעא זאן שייסאןּ אַם Djaelθŏvŏr ŏ m-prongŏ djŏn sjesŏnn am)

Should be as far from An Yidish as possible -- think simplified Munster Irish rather than simplified Gàidhlig

  • no case unlike Standard Anbirese
  • ae != e unlike in Standard Anbirese
  • marks def direct objects with ljŏ
  • synthetic verbs unlike Ăn Yidiș and Eevo
  • t and t' for unmutated tet and tav?



cc c gg g ŋ ŋŋ

  • broad x γ k⁼ g w ŋ (x γ k g w ng)
  • slender ʃ j t̪ʃ⁼ dʒ (sj y tj dj) (Tigol has no slender ŋ)

tt t dd d n nn

  • broad θ ð t̪⁼ d̪ n n̪ˠ (θ δ t d n nn)
  • slender ʃ j t̪ʃ⁼ dʒ n ɲ (sj y tj dj n nj)

pp/f p bb b m mm

  • broad f v p⁼ b v/-ŋ m (f v p b v/-ng m)
  • slender fj vj p⁼j bj vj/-ɲ mj (fy vy py by v/-nj my)

r rr l ll ṡ ss h

  • broad ɾ rˠ w ŋ zero s h (r rr w ng 0 s h)
  • slender ɾ r̝ l ʎ j- ʃ hj (r rj l ll j sj hy)

In sum, the Judeo-Anbirese consonant phonology is:

  • Velars: k⁼ g x γ w ŋ (in Hebrew orthography q g(dag) k(rafe) g(rafe) w ʕ)
  • Palatals: tʃ⁼ dʒ ʃ ʒ j ɲ ʎ (in Hebrew orthography ṣ dz š z y n' l(dag))
  • Alveolars: s n ɾ rˠ r̝ l (in Hebrew orthography s n(rafe) r(rafe) r(dag) r' l(rafe))
  • Dentals: t̪⁼ d̪ θ ð n̪ˠ (in Hebrew orthography ṭ d t(rafe) d(rafe) n(dag) )
  • Labials: p⁼ b f v m (in Hebrew orthography p b p(rafe) b(rafe) m)


The Judeo-Anbirese vowel system is identical to Italian or Tiberian Hebrew (in stressed syllables).

  • אי i (= chiriq) /i/
  • איי e (= tzere) /e/
  • אֶ ae (= segol) /E/ (maelŏx 'king')
  • אַ a (= patach) /a/
  • א ŏ (= qamatz) /O/
  • אוֹ o (= cholam) /o/
  • אוּ u (= shuruq) /u/

Hebrew reading

Judeo-Anbirese is among the more conservative Hebrew reading traditions in Crackfic Irta/Tricin. It distinguishes all 7 stressed vowels of Tiberian Hebrew and retains all 6 begadkefat consonants, and dageshed nun, lamed and resh are retained as distinct. The emphatics tet and kuf merge with nonemphatic tav and kaf as in our Ashkenazi Hebrew.

/u o O a E e i (shva na) (chataf patach) (chataf segol) (chataf qamatz)/ u o ŏ a e ė i ŏ a e ŏ, but some dialects use a instead of ŏ for shva na

/ʔ b v g ɣ d ð h w z ħ tˁ j k x l m n s ʕ p f sˁ q r ʃ t θ/ = [ʔ b v g ɣ d ð h w dʒ h t= j k= x l/ʎ m n/n̪ˠ s ŋ p= f tʃ= k= ɾ/rˠ ʃ t= θ]