Literature:Hymn to Pan/Brooding: Difference between revisions

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Line 8: Line 8:
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|A]]
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|A]]
[[Contionary: oobrageetawn#Brooding|oobrageetawn]]
[[Contionary: oobraageetawn#Brooding|oobraageetawn]]
[[Contionary: tichee#Brooding|tichee]]
[[Contionary: tichee#Brooding|tichee]]
[[Contionary: kauwen#Brooding|kauwen]]
[[Contionary: kauwen#Brooding|kauwen]]
Line 22: Line 22:
[[Contionary: aazraw#Brooding|aazraw]]
[[Contionary: aazraw#Brooding|aazraw]]
[[Contionary: elstaeth#Brooding|elstaeth]],
[[Contionary: elstaeth#Brooding|elstaeth]],
[[Contionary: ezaad#Brooding|ezaad]]<br />
[[Contionary: ezad#Brooding|ezaad]]<br />
[[Contionary: se#Brooding|Se]]
[[Contionary: se#Brooding|Se]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
Line 54: Line 54:
[[Contionary: aewawwol#Brooding|aewawwol]]
[[Contionary: aewawwol#Brooding|aewawwol]]
[[Contionary: otlai#Brooding|otlai]]
[[Contionary: otlai#Brooding|otlai]]
[[Contionary: Bakhus#Brooding|Bakhus]],  
[[Contionary: Bakhuhs#Brooding|Bakhuhs]],  
[[Contionary: chee#Brooding|chee]]
[[Contionary: chee#Brooding|chee]]
[[Contionary: fawnfik#Brooding|fawnfiki]]
[[Contionary: fawnfik#Brooding|fawnfiki]]
Line 89: Line 89:
A oonathal chee Apawl aw tuhnging oonatawnee.<br />
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|A]]
Braubakh ai adruhk ee slaazoom shee
[[Contionary: oonathal#Brooding|oonathal]]
[[Contionary: chee#Brooding|chee]]
[[Contionary: Apawl#Brooding|Apawl]]
[[Contionary: aw#Brooding|aw]]
[[Contionary: tuhnging#Brooding|tuhnging]]
[[Contionary: ootnatawnee#Brooding|ootnatawnee]].<br />
[[Contionary: braubakh#Brooding|Braubakh]]
[[Contionary: ai#Brooding|ai]]
[[Contionary: adruhk#Brooding|adruhk]]
[[Contionary: ee#Brooding|ee]]
[[Contionary: slaazoom#Brooding|slaazoom]]
[[Contionary: shee#Brooding|shee]]
Come with Apollo in wedding garb<br />
Come with Apollo in wedding garb<br />
Line 96: Line 107:
A oonathal chee Artemis dechee hem leenigee<br />
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|A]]
Daebuh a afas elzaid braikee slooln winderim staitigee.
[[Contionary: oonathal#Brooding|oonathal]]
[[Contionary: chee#Brooding|chee]]
[[Contionary: Artemis#Brooding|Artemis]]
[[Contionary: dechee#Brooding|dechee]]
[[Contionary: hem#Brooding|hem]]
[[Contionary: leenigee#Brooding|leenigee]]<br />
[[Contionary: daebuh#Brooding|Daebuh]]
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|a]]
[[Contionary: afas#Brooding|afas]]
[[Contionary: elzaid#Brooding|elzaid]]
[[Contionary: braikee#Brooding|braikee]]
[[Contionary: sloon#Brooding|slooln]]
[[Contionary: winderim#Brooding|winderim]]
[[Contionary: staitigee#Brooding|staitigee]].
Come with Artemis adorned with silken shoes<br />
Come with Artemis adorned with silken shoes<br />
Line 103: Line 127:
Aw spaazool se tarthaur, kothai maaproon mindenee ga<br />
[[Contionary: aw#Brooding|Aw]]
Fin zeebo se broobel bekee ga
[[Contionary: spaazool#Brooding|spaazool]]
[[Contionary: se#Brooding|se]]
[[Contionary: tarthaur#Brooding|tarthaur]],
[[Contionary: kothai#Brooding|kothai]]
[[Contionary: maaproon#Brooding|maaproon]]
[[Contionary: mindenee#Brooding|mindenee]]
[[Contionary: ga#Brooding|ga]]<br />
[[Contionary: fin#Brooding|Fin]]
[[Contionary: zeebo#Brooding|zeebo]]
[[Contionary: se#Brooding|se]]
[[Contionary: broobel#Brooding|broobel]]
[[Contionary: bekee#Brooding|bekee]]
[[Contionary: ga#Brooding|ga]]
In the moonlight of the forest, upon the mountain of marble<br />
In the moonlight of the forest, upon the mountain of marble<br />
Line 110: Line 146:
A aagaap oogreenod e eenduhfar gawna<br />
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|A]]
Aw zaunool raizawna, aeshlagreeth staizawna,
[[Contionary: aagaap#Brooding|aagaap]]
[[Contionary: greenod#Brooding|oogreenod]]
[[Contionary: e#Brooding|e]]
[[Contionary: eenduhfar#Brooding|eenduhfar]]
[[Contionary: gawna#Brooding|gawna]]<br />
[[Contionary: aw#Brooding|Aw]]
[[Contionary: zaunool#Brooding|zaunool]]
[[Contionary: raizawna#Brooding|raizawna]],
[[Contionary: aeshlaegreeth#Brooding|aeshlaegreeth]]
[[Contionary: staizawna#Brooding|staizawna]],
Dunk the purple of adamant prayer<br />
Dunk the purple of adamant prayer<br />
Line 117: Line 162:
Setlik ga, au ispook, deyaw loo baestoo<br />
[[Contionary: setlik#Brooding|Setlik]]
Ite enduhhlaanteer flipeed slooln, ai aileek otlai floo
[[Contionary: ga#Brooding|ga]],
[[Contionary: au#Brooding|au]]
[[Contionary: ispook#Brooding|ispook]],
[[Contionary: deyaw#Brooding|deyaw]]
[[Contionary: loon#Brooding|loo]]
[[Contionary: baestoo#Brooding|baestoo]]<br />
[[Contionary: ite#Brooding|Ite]]
[[Contionary: ehlaanteer#Brooding|enduhhlaanteer]]
[[Contionary: flipeed#Brooding|flipeed]]
[[Contionary: sloon#Brooding|slooln]],
[[Contionary: ai#Brooding|ai]]
[[Contionary: aileek#Brooding|aileek]]
[[Contionary: otlai#Brooding|otlai]]
[[Contionary: floo#Brooding|floo]]
That soul which is startled within blue eyes<br />
That soul which is startled within blue eyes<br />
Line 124: Line 182:
Aasawnith au eruhnzel, guhleen au awretlik,<br />
[[Contionary: aasawnith#Brooding|Aasawnith]]
E geeth fibre ai aeram sidrikisetlik
[[Contionary: au#Brooding|au]]
[[Contionary: eruhnzel#Brooding|eruhnzel]],
[[Contionary: guhleen#Brooding|guhleen]]
[[Contionary: au#Brooding|au]]
[[Contionary: awretlik#Brooding|awretlik]],<br />
[[Contionary: e#Brooding|E]]
[[Contionary: geeth#Brooding|geeth]]
[[Contionary: febre#Brooding|febre]]
[[Contionary: ai#Brooding|ai]]
[[Contionary: aeram#Brooding|aeram]]
[[Contionary: sidrikisetlik#Brooding|sidrikisetlik]]
The grove that is tangled, the trunk that is gnarled,<br />
The grove that is tangled, the trunk that is gnarled,<br />
Line 131: Line 199:
Ee keepishotnar, a oonathal dekostai shawkoreed<br />
[[Contionary: ee#Brooding|Ee]]
Iyo Paan, Iyo Paan, radawalder o winderim, aa leed, aa leed
[[Contionary: keepishotnar#Brooding|keepishotnar]],
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|a]]
[[Contionary: oonathal#Brooding|oonathal]]
[[Contionary: dekostai#Brooding|dekostai]]
[[Contionary: shawkoreed#Brooding|shawkoreed]]<br />
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]],
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]],
[[Contionary: radawalder#Brooding|radawalder]]
[[Contionary: o#Brooding|o]]
[[Contionary: winderim#Brooding|winderim]],
[[Contionary: aa#Brooding|aa]]
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]],
[[Contionary: aa#Brooding|aa]]
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
and mind-and-body come over sea<br />
and mind-and-body come over sea<br />
Line 138: Line 221:
Ahe yawbeth! A zreshlaan!<br />
[[Contionary: ahe#Brooding|Ahe]]
A oonathal chee raisuhwala ai osenloog otlai skoowee<br />
[[Contionary: yawbeth#Brooding|yawbeth]]!
Khauma waeb otlai khogradee
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|A]]
[[Contionary: eshlaan#Brooding|zreshlaan]]!<br />
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|A]]
[[Contionary: oonathal#Brooding|oonathal]]
[[Contionary: chee#Brooding|chee]]
[[Contionary: raisuhwal#Brooding|raisuhwala]]
[[Contionary: ai#Brooding|ai]]
[[Contionary: osenloog#Brooding|osenloog]]
[[Contionary: otlai#Brooding|otlai]]
[[Contionary: skoowee#Brooding|skoowee]]<br />
[[Contionary: khauma#Brooding|Khauma]]
[[Contionary: waeb#Brooding|waeb]]
[[Contionary: otlai#Brooding|otlai]]
[[Contionary: khogradee#Brooding|khogradee]]
Hey man! Don’t be left behind!<br />
Hey man! Don’t be left behind!<br />
Line 147: Line 243:
A oonathal chee suhnuhnguh ai uhmumbrel otlai drooga<br />
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|A]]
[[Contionary: oonathal#Brooding|oonathal]]
[[Contionary: chee#Brooding|chee]]
[[Contionary: suhnuhng#Brooding|suhnuhnguh]]
[[Contionary: ai#Brooding|ai]]
[[Contionary: uhmuhmbrel#Brooding|uhmuhmbrel]]
[[Contionary: otlai#Brooding|otlai]]
[[Contionary: drooga#Brooding|drooga]]<br />
[[Contionary: chaatanooga#Brooding|Chaatanooga]]
Come with drums that mumble deeply<br />
Come with drums that mumble deeply<br />
Line 154: Line 257:
A oonathal chee doot daebuh oonathal chee brooloo<br />
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|A]]
Hlai zraeram leed shloo?
[[Contionary: oonathal#Brooding|oonathal]]
[[Contionary: chee#Brooding|chee]]
[[Contionary: doot#Brooding|doot]]
[[Contionary: daebuh#Brooding|daebuh]]
[[Contionary: oonathal#Brooding|oonathal]]
[[Contionary: chee#Brooding|chee]]
[[Contionary: brool#Brooding|brooloo]]<br />
[[Contionary: hlai#Brooding|Hlai]]
[[Contionary: zraeram#Brooding|zraeram]]
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
[[Contionary: shloo#Brooding|shloo]]?
Come with flute and come with pipes!<br />
Come with flute and come with pipes!<br />
Line 161: Line 274:
Leed ai afigram awretlik athuhngkim<br />
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|Leed]]
Ibreeth ai zraeram haek p’andbaltim
[[Contionary: ai#Brooding|ai]]
[[Contionary: afigram#Brooding|afigram]]
[[Contionary: awretlik#Brooding|awretlik]]
[[Contionary: athuhngkim#Brooding|athuhngkim]]<br />
[[Contionary: breeth#Brooding|Ibreeth]]
[[Contionary: ai#Brooding|ai]]
[[Contionary: zraeram#Brooding|zraeram]]
[[Contionary: haek#Brooding|haek]]
[[Contionary: pa#Brooding|p’]][[Contionary: andbaltim#Brooding|andbaltim]]
I who wait, writhe, and wrestle<br />
I who wait, writhe, and wrestle<br />
Line 168: Line 289:
Shotnar leeld stai tai ootaw atyool yuhneeta<br />
[[Contionary: shotnar#Brooding|Shotnar]]
Skogra thle wargaz, thle shargah zekhspena
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leeld]]
[[Contionary: stai#Brooding|stai]]
[[Contionary: tai#Brooding|tai]]
[[Contionary: ootaw#Brooding|ootaw]]
[[Contionary: atyool#Brooding|atyool]]
[[Contionary: yuhneeta#Brooding|yuhneeta]]<br />
[[Contionary: skogra#Brooding|Skogra]]
[[Contionary: thle#Brooding|thle]]
[[Contionary: wargaz#Brooding|wargaz]],
[[Contionary: thle#Brooding|thle]]
[[Contionary: shargah#Brooding|shargah]]
[[Contionary: zekhspena#Brooding|zekhspena]]
My body, so tired because of the grip of emptiness<br />
My body, so tired because of the grip of emptiness<br />
Line 175: Line 307:
A oonathal, o oonathal! Daebuh<br />
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|a]]
Leed aeram kooyuh
[[Contionary: oonathal#Brooding|oonathal]],
[[Contionary: o#Brooding|o]]
[[Contionary: oonathal#Brooding|oonathal]]!
[[Contionary: daebuh#Brooding|Daebuh]]<br />
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|Leed]]
[[Contionary: aeram#Brooding|aeram]]
[[Contionary: kooyuh#Brooding|kooyuh]]
Come, oh come! And<br />
Come, oh come! And<br />
Line 182: Line 320:
Ootaw kauwen yeewaa se radawaldering<br />
[[Contionary: ootaw#Brooding|Ootaw]]
A aushook iskeeth ga aataw elshaed ai awgawldering
[[Contionary: kauwen#Brooding|kauwen]]
[[Contionary: yeewaa#Brooding|yeewaa]]
[[Contionary: se#Brooding|se]]
[[Contionary: radawaldering#Brooding|radawaldering]]<br />
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|a]]
[[Contionary: aushook#Brooding|aushook]]
[[Contionary: skeeth#Brooding|iskeeth]]
[[Contionary: ga#Brooding|ga]]
[[Contionary: aataw#Brooding|aataw]]
[[Contionary: elshaed#Brooding|elshaed]]
[[Contionary: ai#Brooding|ai]]
[[Contionary: awgawldering#Brooding|awgawldering]]
Because of the lonely lust of demonry.<br />
Because of the lonely lust of demonry.<br />
Line 189: Line 338:
Ai eekhoh aakhogragath<br />
[[Contionary: ai#Brooding|ai]]
Ai osendais aakhogragath
[[Contionary: eekhoh#Brooding|eekhoh]]
[[Contionary: khogragath#Brooding|aakhogragath]]<br />
[[Contionary: ai#Brooding|ai]]
[[Contionary: osendais#Brooding|osendais]]
[[Contionary: khogragath#Brooding|aakhogragath]]
That which devours everything<br />
That which devours everything<br />
Line 196: Line 349:
A akin eseering looln ga ote pa lee<br />
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|a]]
Ee oonekot aako elzaild zikstikee<br />
[[Contionary: akin#Brooding|akin]]
Ee daaplith e baachid riduhzee
[[Contionary: seering#Brooding|eseering]]
[[Contionary: loon#Brooding|looln]]
[[Contionary: ga#Brooding|ga]]
[[Contionary: ote#Brooding|ote]]
[[Contionary: pa#Brooding|pa]]
[[Contionary: lee#Brooding|lee]]<br />
[[Contionary: ee#Brooding|Ee]]
[[Contionary: nekot#Brooding|oonekot]]
[[Contionary: aako#Brooding|aako]]
[[Contionary: elzaid#Brooding|elzaild]]
[[Contionary: zikstikee#Brooding|zikstikee]]<br />
[[Contionary: ee#Brooding|Ee]]
[[Contionary: daaplith#Brooding|daaplith]]
[[Contionary: e#Brooding|e]]
[[Contionary: baachid#Brooding|baachid]]
[[Contionary: riduhzee#Brooding|riduhzee]]
Give the sign of the Open Eye to me<br />
Give the sign of the Open Eye to me<br />
Line 205: Line 373:
O Paan! Iyo Paan!<br />
[[Contionary: o#Brooding|O]]
Iyo Paan! Iyo Paan Paan! Paan Paan! Paan!
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!<br />
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
O Pan! Io Pan!<br />
O Pan! Io Pan!<br />
Line 212: Line 390:
Leed aeram yawbeth<br />
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|Leed]]
A ithlayaked oo otlai eebang winderin staibraw, keth!
[[Contionary: aeram#Brooding|aeram]]
[[Contionary: yawbeth#Brooding|yawbeth]]<br />
[[Contionary: a#Brooding|a]]
[[Contionary: ithlayaked#Brooding|ithlayaked]]
[[Contionary: oo#Brooding|oo]]
[[Contionary: otlai#Brooding|otlai]]
[[Contionary: eebang#Brooding|eebang]]
[[Contionary: winderim#Brooding|winderim]]
[[Contionary: staibraw#Brooding|staibraw]],
[[Contionary: keth#Brooding|keth]]!
I am a man<br />
I am a man<br />
Line 219: Line 406:
O Paan! Iyo Paan!<br />
[[Contionary: o#Brooding|O]]
Iyo Paan Iyo Paan Paan, awslig leed
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!<br />
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]],
[[Contionary: awslig#Brooding|awslig]]
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
O Pan! Io Pan!<br />
O Pan! Io Pan!<br />
Line 226: Line 422:
Aw slaalz atyool<br />
[[Contionary: aw#Brooding|Aw]]
Muhrkagan ga ishlaekh tichee plikislaashkas<br />
[[Contionary: slaaz#Brooding|slaalz]]
Winderimi aplet aazraw naashkas:
[[Contionary: atyool#Brooding|atyool]]<br />
[[Contionary: muhrkagan#Brooding|Muhrkagan]]
[[Contionary: ga#Brooding|ga]]
[[Contionary: ishlaekh#Brooding|ishlaekh]]
[[Contionary: tichee#Brooding|tichee]]
[[Contionary: plikislaashkas#Brooding|plikislaashkas]]<br />
[[Contionary: winderim#Brooding|Winderimi]]
[[Contionary: aplet#Brooding|aplet]]
[[Contionary: aazraw#Brooding|aazraw]]
[[Contionary: naashkas#Brooding|naashkas]]:
In snake’s grasp<br />
In snake’s grasp<br />
Line 235: Line 440:
Droogoo mooloo oonathal. Iyo Paan! Leed au enak<br />
[[Contionary: droog#Brooding|Droogoo]]
Aa zaaktonag kothai leekonfilk ga hlak
[[Contionary: moolo#Brooding|moolo]]
[[Contionary: oonathal#Brooding|oonathal]].
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|Leed]]
[[Contionary: au#Brooding|au]]
[[Contionary: enak#Brooding|enak]]<br />
[[Contionary: aa#Brooding|aa]]
[[Contionary: zaaktonag#Brooding|zaaktonag]]
[[Contionary: kothai#Brooding|kothai]]
[[Contionary: leekonfik#Brooding|leekonfilk]]
[[Contionary: ga#Brooding|ga]]
[[Contionary: hlak#Brooding|hlak]]
Great beasts come. Io Pan! I am carried<br />
Great beasts come. Io Pan! I am carried<br />
Line 242: Line 459:
Leed aeram Paan! Iyo Paan! Iyo Paan Paan! Paan!<br />
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
Leed aeram taem slooln, leed aream yawbeth slooln<br />
[[Contionary: aeram#Brooding|aeram]]
Yooketh nald slooln, leed aeram lood, leed winderim aeram<br />
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
Meez skau suhnuhb slooln, flaum skau rook slooln
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!<br />
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|Leed]]
[[Contionary: aeram#Brooding|aeram]]
[[Contionary: taem#Brooding|taem]]
[[Contionary: sloon#Brooding|slooln]],
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
[[Contionary: aeram#Brooding|aeram]]
[[Contionary: yawbeth#Brooding|yawbeth]]
[[Contionary: sloon#Brooding|slooln]]<br />
[[Contionary: yooketh#Brooding|Yooketh]]
[[Contionary: nad#Brooding|nald]]
[[Contionary: sloon#Brooding|slooln]],
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
[[Contionary: aeram#Brooding|aeram]]
[[Contionary: lood#Brooding|lood]],
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
[[Contionary: winderim#Brooding|winderim]]
[[Contionary: aeram#Brooding|aeram]]<br />
[[Contionary: meez#Brooding|Meez]]
[[Contionary: skau#Brooding|skau]]
[[Contionary: suhnoob#Brooding|suhnoob]]
[[Contionary: sloon#Brooding|slooln]],
[[Contionary: flaum#Brooding|flaum]]
[[Contionary: skau#Brooding|skau]]
[[Contionary: sloon#Brooding|rook]]
[[Contionary: sloon#Brooding|slooln]]
I am Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan!<br />
I am Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan!<br />
Line 253: Line 500:
Tichee fools’heme starekhee ezad leed kostai skakha<br />
[[Contionary: tichee#Brooding|Tichee]]
Awyaa skailawng gruhfee aa widiken<br />
[[Contionary: foolshem#Brooding|foolsheme]]
Nool de wawrgidee itonyuh<br />
[[Contionary: starekhee#Brooding|starekhee]]
Leed ikhaum, leed iklaang, leed ishlaekh, leed isken
[[Contionary: ezad#Brooding|ezad]]
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
[[Contionary: kostai#Brooding|kostai]]
[[Contionary: skakh#Brooding|skakha]]<br />
[[Contionary: awyaa#Brooding|Awyaa]]
[[Contionary: skailawng#Brooding|skailawng]]
[[Contionary: gruhfee#Brooding|gruhfee]]
[[Contionary: aa#Brooding|aa]]
[[Contionary: widiken#Brooding|widiken]]<br />
[[Contionary: nool#Brooding|Nool]]
[[Contionary: de#Brooding|de]]
[[Contionary: wawrgidee#Brooding|wawrgidee]]
[[Contionary: itonyuh#Brooding|itonyuh]]<br />
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|Leed]]
[[Contionary: ikhaum#Brooding|ikhaum]],
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
[[Contionary: iklaang#Brooding|iklaang]],
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
[[Contionary: ishlaekh#Brooding|ishlaekh]],
[[Contionary: leed#Brooding|leed]]
[[Contionary: isken#Brooding|isken]]
With steel hoof I race over rocks<br />
With steel hoof I race over rocks<br />
Line 264: Line 531:
Tooyeed, gan, chath, maenad, yawbeth hauwaaln<br />
[[Contionary: tooyeed#Brooding|Tooyeed]],
Tichee graf Paaln
[[Contionary: gan#Brooding|gan]],
[[Contionary: chath#Brooding|chath]],
[[Contionary: maenad#Brooding|maenad]],
[[Contionary: yawbeth#Brooding|yawbeth]]
[[Contionary: hauwaan#Brooding|hauwaaln]]<br />
[[Contionary: tichee#Brooding|Tichee]]
[[Contionary: graf#Brooding|graf]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paaln]]
Small creature, bird, girl, wild-woman, man<br />
Small creature, bird, girl, wild-woman, man<br />
Line 271: Line 545:
Iyo Paan! Iyo Paan Paan! Paan! Iyo Paan!
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
[[Contionary: iyo#Brooding|Iyo]]
[[Contionary: Paan#Brooding|Paan]]!
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan! Io Pan!
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan! Io Pan!
[[Contionary: xxxxxx#Brooding|xxxxxx]]

Latest revision as of 19:32, 19 May 2023

Etsaaf skau Paan — Hymn to Pan

A oobraageetawn tichee kauwen wasuhree e spaad,
Ahe, yawbeth, a zreshlaan!
A oonathal, aazraw elstaeth, ezaad
Se Paan! Iyo Paan!

Cause thrill with lithe desires of light,
Hey, man, don’t stay behind!
Come out of the night, rushing,
From Pan, Io Pan!

Iyo Paan! Iyo Paan! A oonathal dekostai shawkoreed.
Se Sisileeh ee Harkadeed.

Io Pan, Io Pan, Come over sea
From Sicily and from Arcady

Ai aewawwol otlai Bakhuhs, chee fawnfiki ee pardefiki,
Ee nimfiki, otlai aelthele, ee saetir’ki

which roams like Bacchus with fauns and pards
and nymphs as guards – and satyrs.

Kothai raas staigrae otlai thloogir,
A oonathal dekostai shawkoreed,
Aa leed, skau leed!

Upon an ass as bright as milk
come over sea
To me, for me!

A oonathal chee Apawl aw tuhnging ootnatawnee.
Braubakh ai adruhk ee slaazoom shee

Come with Apollo in wedding garb
Herder-woman and giant lady-snake

A oonathal chee Artemis dechee hem leenigee
Daebuh a afas elzaid braikee slooln winderim staitigee.

Come with Artemis adorned with silken shoes
And wash thy white thigh, beautiful god

Aw spaazool se tarthaur, kothai maaproon mindenee ga
Fin zeebo se broobel bekee ga

In the moonlight of the forest, upon the mountain of marble
The speckled dawn of the amber fountain

A aagaap oogreenod e eenduhfar gawna
Aw zaunool raizawna, aeshlaegreeth staizawna,

Dunk the purple of adamant prayer
In crimson shrine, in scarlet snare

Setlik ga, au ispook, deyaw loo baestoo
Ite enduhhlaanteer flipeed slooln, ai aileek otlai floo

That soul which is startled within blue eyes
by watching thy wantonness, which weeps, self-aware

Aasawnith au eruhnzel, guhleen au awretlik,
E geeth febre ai aeram sidrikisetlik

The grove that is tangled, the trunk that is gnarled,
Of living tree which is sprit-and-soul

Ee keepishotnar, a oonathal dekostai shawkoreed
Iyo Paan, Iyo Paan, radawalder o winderim, aa leed, aa leed

and mind-and-body come over sea
Io Pan, Io Pan, demon or deity, to me, to me

Ahe yawbeth! A zreshlaan!
A oonathal chee raisuhwala ai osenloog otlai skoowee
Khauma waeb otlai khogradee

Hey man! Don’t be left behind!
Come with trumpets that make a shrill noise
Completely beyond the wet hill-side.

A oonathal chee suhnuhnguh ai uhmuhmbrel otlai drooga

Come with drums that mumble deeply

A oonathal chee doot daebuh oonathal chee brooloo
Hlai zraeram leed shloo?

Come with flute and come with pipes!
Am I not ripe?

Leed ai afigram awretlik athuhngkim
Ibreeth ai zraeram haek p’andbaltim

I who wait, writhe, and wrestle
against the air that is without branches to nestle in

Shotnar leeld stai tai ootaw atyool yuhneeta
Skogra thle wargaz, thle shargah zekhspena

My body, so tired because of the grip of emptiness
as strong as a lion, as sharp as a venomous snake

a oonathal, o oonathal! Daebuh
Leed aeram kooyuh

Come, oh come! And
I am numb

Ootaw kauwen yeewaa se radawaldering
a aushook iskeeth ga aataw elshaed ai awgawldering

Because of the lonely lust of demonry.
Shove that sword through the humiliating shackles.

ai eekhoh aakhogragath
ai osendais aakhogragath

That which devours everything
That which begets everything

a akin eseering looln ga ote pa lee
Ee oonekot aako elzaild zikstikee
Ee daaplith e baachid riduhzee

Give the sign of the Open Eye to me
And up-pointing token of the thorny thigh
and word of madness and of mystery

O Paan! Iyo Paan!
Iyo Paan! Iyo Paan Paan! Paan Paan! Paan!

O Pan! Io Pan!
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan Pan! Pan!

Leed aeram yawbeth
a ithlayaked oo otlai eebang winderim staibraw, keth!

I am a man
Do thine own bidding as can a great god, damn!

O Paan! Iyo Paan!
Iyo Paan Iyo Paan Paan, awslig leed

O Pan! Io Pan!
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Awake I am!

Aw slaalz atyool
Muhrkagan ga ishlaekh tichee plikislaashkas
Winderimi aplet aazraw naashkas:

In snake’s grasp
The eagle slashes using beak-and-talon
The gods pull away form those jaws:

Droogoo moolo oonathal. Iyo Paan! Leed au enak
aa zaaktonag kothai leekonfilk ga hlak

Great beasts come. Io Pan! I am carried
to death upon the unicorn’s horn

leed aeram Paan! Iyo Paan! Iyo Paan Paan! Paan!
Leed aeram taem slooln, leed aeram yawbeth slooln
Yooketh nald slooln, leed aeram lood, leed winderim aeram
Meez skau suhnoob slooln, flaum skau rook slooln

I am Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan!
I am thy mate, I am thy man,
Goat of thy flock, I am gold, god I am
Meat for thy bone, flower for thy staff

Tichee foolsheme starekhee ezad leed kostai skakha
Awyaa skailawng gruhfee aa widiken
Nool de wawrgidee itonyuh
Leed ikhaum, leed iklaang, leed ishlaekh, leed isken

With steel hoof I race over rocks
Through stubborn solstice to equinox
This eternal world, endless,
I rant, I rape, I rip, I rend

Tooyeed, gan, chath, maenad, yawbeth hauwaaln
Tichee graf Paaln

Small creature, bird, girl, wild-woman, man
By means of the Might of Pan

Iyo Paan! Iyo Paan Paan! Paan! Iyo Paan!

Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan! Io Pan!