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See also: [[Clofabosin/Swadesh list|Swadesh list]]
[[Clofabosin/Swadesh list|Swadesh list]]<br/>[[Clofabosin/Phrasebook|Phrasebook]]
*''-·in'' denotes nouns that take the combining form ''-(o)-''; ''-i·n'' denotes nouns that take the combining form ''-i(n)-''.
*''-·avir'' denotes verbs whose stem ends in a consonant; ''-a·vir'' denotes verbs whose stem ends in ''a''.

actin, acti(n)-: day
abaca·vir: greet
aglen, agle(n)-: team
aban: ''formal greeting, irrespective of target's gender or number'' (from Dodellian ''ıbı'' 'father', which was also an honorific)
aglepristin, agleprist(o)-: teammate
acetam: later (in time)
aclan: sugar
aclarubic·in: diabetes
acti·n: day
ada·vir: destroy
adrovir: swear
aglen: team
agleprist·in: teammate
alfa: and
alfa: and
allicin, allici(n)-: nickname
allin, all(o)-: name
alteplase: of course
alteplase: of course
ampin, amp(o)-: human
alufin: uncle
amaxi.n: mother
ambri.n: poetry
amp·in: human
ampaf·in: soul
anivot·in: celebration
anivovir: bless, celebrate
anlos·in, anloserot·in: English language
anlor·in: English person
apaxi.n: father
apidan: range
aptica·vir: lay, put
aptilivir: lie down
aptivir: be lying somewhere
aptivir: be lying somewhere
aptilivir: lie down
arben: rule
apticavir: lay, put
artabine: ante meridiem
arten, arte(n)-: middle, interval
artacetam: post meridiem
arteflen, artefle(n)-: lunch
artacti·n: noon, midday
-ase rivuvir: fight
arteflen: middle ground
asirtufen: farmer (Dodellian)
artelt·in: lunch
asirtuvir: cultivate/agriculture
arten: middle, interval
asnudan, asnuda(n)-: science
artenimi·n: middle class
asnudan: science
asnusiban: scientist
asnusulfan: academy
asovir: late
astil·in: name
astilici·n: nickname
atacivir: leave
atacivir: leave
atazacavir: narrate, recount
atamestan: foreigner (from Dodellian; ata- is cognate with Etalocin)
atazaca·vir: narrate, recount
atazan: story
atazan: story
atazasiban: narrator
atazasiban: narrator
atevir: can, to be able to
atran: belief; faith
atrivir: believe
axovir: stand
axovir: stand
-axovir: perfect tense
baci·n: half
bacifors·in: estuary
bacitrac·in: peninsula
baclofen: actor
baclovir: to act out
balivir: visit
baruca·vir: kill
barusiban: mortal
baruvir: die
baruvir: die
barucavir: kill
becand·in: copper
barusiban: mortal
Becand·in: Bjeheond
beltuvir: dream
bel·avir: dream
beloran: channel
bendavir: fall
bendavir: fall
bentin, bent-: hand
benz·in: city
beta: but
beta: but
bidafivir: warm
bex·in: store
bitralin: cloud
bibivir: to rub, to mix
bicivir: help
binivir: go/come down
bisavir: wake up
biuzan: ego, self
bixovir: judge
bixovir: judge
blis·in: art
blos·in: child
bolcuvir: to backstab
bradi·n: flower
briavir: be patient
briavir: be patient
brinase: already
brom·in: foot
burivir: sink
burivir: sink
busuvir: slow
busuvir: slow
calcavir: thank
butivir: feel
butrin: daughter
ca·vir: do, make
cabadan: agriculture
cabafen: farmer
cabavir: cultivate
calan: reason
calca·vir: thank
cambrilocin: Wales
cambririn: Welsh person
cambriserotin/cambrisin: Welsh language
cam·in: leg
canavir: forgive
canavir: forgive
caspofen: merchant, entrepreneur
caran: crow
caspovir: exchange
carluvir: to beware
caspotin: money
carsa.vir: to observe
casan: table (diagram)
cedovir: to think (engage in cognition)
cefacti.n: today
cefan: today
cefoxitin: in the end lip
cen: this; yes
cepra·vir: create
certoburivir: fall asleep
certoburivir: fall asleep
certocin, certoc(o)-: sleep (noun)
certoc·in: sleep (noun)
certolivir: sleep
certolivir: sleep
cetacti.n: the day after tomorrow
cetan: the day after tomorrow
cibi·n: child
ciclovir: receive
ciclovir: receive
cifravir: create
cin·in: ear
cinin, cin(o)-: ear
clanfa·vir: to stop
clonin, clon(o)-:  
clofabos·in: Clofabosin
clotrivir: big
clorovir: big
conavir: see
clotrimazole: good job!
coricavir: to sway, vibrate
colivir: to sway, vibrate
crusin, crus(o)-: evening
cona·vir: see
crusoflen, crusofle(n)-: dinner
corsat·in: eternity
-dar: emphatic particle
cracan: raven
dastuvir: close
cravir: to be painful
demavir, demtinib: take
cridan: kingdom, realm
crizovir: dissolve
crus·in: evening
cruselt·in: dinner
cacan: shit
dabi·n: gift
dacivir: warm
daclovir: important womb sibling
danuvir: to stay
dapivir: to invite
daps·in: self, oneself
dapsumenintedan: Independence Day
dapsumestatin: independence
dasa·vir: to be pleasing
dastuvir: to close
deb.avir: white
dec.avir: simple
del.avir: old
dem·avir: take
dembr·in: key
dembrex·in: keyboard
depluvir: run
depluvir: run
derotran: student
derotran: student
desmerpan: agreement (Dodellian)
des.avir: different
desmerpan: disagreement, dissent
dex-: any
dex-: any
diravir: wash
diclofen: sculptor
dirman: group (Dodellian)
diclovir: to sculpt
distu-: move (Dodellian)
difen: (''obsolete'') carpenter
dir·avir: wash
dirman: group
distusiban: machine
distusiban: machine
docelin: east
distuvir: move
docel·in: east
domavir: mix
domavir: mix
domorelin: Saturday
domorel·in: Saturday
doxerin, doxero-: potato
doran: level
draxuvir: start
doxer·in: potato
dranavir: thin
draxovir: start
drepavir: read
drepavir: read
efatafen: doctor, physician
dumica·vir: hang sth/so
efatavir: heal
dumivir: be hanging; (''idiomatic'') something feels...
efataxin: medicine
dusp·in: soap
efa·vir: heal
efafen: doctor, physician
efast·in: medicine
efen, efe: path
efen, efe: path
efepristin: companion
efeprist·in: companion
eltin, elt(o)-: meal
elivir: become
epavir: say
elt·in: meal
epsovir: use
elzi·n: maple tree
etamin: wall
end·in: I
fabin: river
enemavir: to shit
enil·in: ethics
enteca·vir: to burn (transitive)
entevir: to burn (intransitive)
epavir: to say
epsovir: to use (dative-stative)
erid·in: animal, beast
erub·in: ice
espivir: straight
estran: right (direction)
etam·in: wall
exevir: to be in bloom
fab·in: river
famivir: wrap
famivir: wrap
famorelin: Tuesday
famorel·in: Tuesday
faravir: be exalted, raised
faravir: be exalted, raised
fasuvir: blue
febuvir: to record, etch
febuvir: to record, etch
febuxin: pencil, pen
febuxin: pencil, pen
fedovir: fine, high quality
felavir: cold
felavir: cold
(fesbuvir: to Facebook)
fend·in: color, paint
fendoca·vir: to paint
fesbuvir: to Facebook
fexovir: to build
filcon: at __ o'clock
filcon·in: hour
filgevir: to know (''conocer'')
filgevir: to know (''conocer'')
filin, fili(n)-: card, tag
fili·n: card, tag
filidemacin: inauguration
filibuvir: dyed-in-the-wool, card-carrying
fingolin: moment
filidemac·in: inauguration
fingol·in: moment
fingolib (or just fingol?): at the moment, right now
fingolib (or just fingol?): at the moment, right now
fletivir: hard
fletivir: hard
flidevir: sad
flidevir: sad
floxin: brain
floxavir: to stop
forsin: island
fors·in: sea
frixavir: kick
fost·avir: black
froxavir: good
froxavir: to fit, be appropriate; OK
fuletavir: buy
fudevir: to open
furin, furi(n)-: health
fumavir: to buy
fusilin: hat
funan: bed
gamin: south
fura·vir: ripe
gezuflivir: practice
furi·n: peace
fusil·in: hat
futivir: easy; (slang) consenting readily to sex or dates
futran: order (arrangement)
gabar·in: ten
gadovir: good
galevir: to make (manufacture, produce)
gam·in: south
gaptan: member
gativir: to clap
glasdegin: nonsense
glasdegin: nonsense
glaspin, glaspo-: rice
glasp·in: rice
glican: why
glicerol, glice-: how many
glifos: how many (specifically countable)
glitazar: how much, to what extent
glitazone: how much, to what extent
gluta-: how much (of a thing), how many
glutasin: how much of it
gosivir: to give
grian: sun
grian: sun
gubin: thirst
gubi·n: thirst
ibrivir: ask
ibacavir: influence
icavir: build
ibrivir: to grow
itrin, itro-: wheat
ibuvir: to carry, to have
ixevir: think
icatibant: by means of...
ixoravir: bake
ic·avir: to build
idovir: to block, to prevent
ilsan: hawk
inflivir: equal
inovir: to be worth it
ipamorel·in: (''slang'') fictional day of the week; when pigs fly
ipavir: ???
irinovir: to send
it.avir: low
itr·in: wheat
ixevir: think (be of the opinion)
kerat·in: thing, existence
keravir: exist
keravir: exist
keratin: thing, existence whiskey
lamivir: hold
lamivir: hold
lamorelin: Thursday
lamorel·in: Thursday
landevir: bind
landevir: bind
lani·n: fog
lanibuvir: foggy
lapsivir: (''vulgar'') have sex
lasmiditan: pharmacy
lasmisiban: pharmacist
leprican: (''Earth, CF Tricin'') leprechaun
lequi·n: sister
lesovir: to lack
levo: xor
levo: xor
litifavir: finish
lifavir: to bake
litivir: finish
lofavir: (''vulgar'') to rot, to perish
lopran: text
lorin: tongue
lorin: tongue
loxavir: to kill
loxavir: to kill
lucrifen: bodyguard
lucrivir: to watch
lumevir: to fry, sauté
lumevir: to fry, sauté
lumexin: frying pan
lumexin: frying pan
merpentan: probability (-mab merpentan = probably)
lusevir: bitter
mibreva-: celebrate
maloc·in: fever
mibrevatin: celebration
malovir: hot
mibrevavir: bless, celebrate
maman: mom
mifen, mife: back
maravir: to belong
mavrivir: understand
maximaxi·n: mother's mother
maxipaxi·n: mother's father hate
mecl·in: flag
med·in: hand
medovir: demand
mefen: shape, form
merpentan: probability (-mab merpentan: probably)
mevir: to hate
miavin: cat
miavocavir: to meow
mifen: back
mifepristin: best friend
mifepristin: best friend
mimin, mimi(n)-: mom
miglustat: exactly
mimorelin: Monday
migluvir: exact
mimorel·in: Monday
minzafen: merchant
minzavir: exchange
mir·avir: young
mirvevir: laugh
mirvevir: laugh
mitovir: hot
mitovir: bad
mocavir: radiate (light, sound)
moca.vir: radiate (light, sound)
morelin: day of the week
moctin: life
mixin, mix(o)-: mother
morel·in: day of the week
nabovir: call
moxivir: to live
nafevavir: drift
mozavaptan: grammar
naptivir: to be flat
mudan: occasion, opportunity
natavir: to freeze (transitive)
nabconavir: to look for
nepicavir: to work
nabdrepafen: student
nepin, nepi-: work
nabdrepavir: to study
nibucavir: teach
nabitavir: to remember
nibuvir: learn
nabovir: to call
niptin: garden
nadivir: to return, go back
nafevir: to drift
napsivir: to be flat
nasarupl·in: a man's in-laws
nata.vir: to display
neflivir: practice
nel·in: love
nelca·vir: to love
neman: aunt
nepi·n: work
nepi·vir: to work
nesan: office
nesapivir: official
nesuvir: to swell; to exaggerate
nevtan: spice
nibuca·vir: to teach
nibuvir: to learn
nid.avir: to place
nifurserotin: conlang
nimi·n: stratum, class
nintecavir: celebrate a holiday
nintedan: festival
nipti·n: garden statement
nocuvir: thick
nocuvir: thick
nuxin: west
nusmadan: administration, executive branch
nusmasiban: president (of a nation or an organization), CEO
nusmavir: to preside
nuxi·n: west
obinuvir: dirty
obinuvir: dirty
ofavir: new
ocrase: still, yet
olidin, olid(o)-: morning
ocrevir: to ask
olidoflen, olidofle(n)-: breakfast
oduvir: to invite
ọlen: town square
olid·in: morning
olidelt·in: breakfast
olpan: apple
olpan: apple
papan, papa(n)-: dad
opavir: new
orlivir: strong proud
oseltamivir: proud
otetan: period of time
pad·in: autumn
pafan: left (direction)
pali.n: line of poetry
paluvir: to obey, to submit
papan: dad
pastruvir: determine, rule
pastruvir: determine, rule
paxin, pax(o)-: father
paximaxi·n: father's mother
pefetin: cake
paxipaxi·n: father's father
pevuvir: hide
pefet·in: cake
pelin: north
pel·in: north
pẹr·in: cloud collection
petivir: to hope
pevuvir: to cover, to hide
pevuxin: cloak
pezadan: eclipse
pidevir: find
pilavir: similar
pilavir: similar
pinin, pin(o)-: mouth
pimacti.n: yesterday
piritizin: flights of fancy
piman: yesterday
plocavir: drink
pin·in: mouth
pingavir: (''slang'') to understand
piravir: add
pirmitiz·in: flights of fancy
pitan: rights
plad·in: belly
platacti.n: the day before yesterday
platan: the day before yesterday
plex·in: chain
ploc·avir: drink
poet·in: mountain pass
pona·vir: be attracted to
poptin: (vulgar pejorative)
pot·avir: high
prantan: cape gooseberry
prazan: space, room
prazan: space, room
pricolin: metal
prema.vir: to bloom
pristin, prist-: mate, friend
pren·in: pine tree
pricol·in: metal
prist·in: mate, friend
pritevir: to sell
privir: to bring
probut·in: will
proca·vir: choose
proctivir: holy
proctivir: holy
protin: tree
prot·in: tree
provolin: honorific 2nd person pronoun
protaf·in: tree trunk
provol·in: honorific 2nd person pronoun
quab·in: rainbow
quacartuvir: narrow
quacartuvir: narrow
quetivir: cool, great
quinupristin: frenemy
quinuvir: to happen by fate, to be forced/determined
quinuvir: to happen by fate, to be forced/determined
quinupristin: frenemy blanket
rabin: star
rab·in: star
ratrivir: believe
ranivir: sour
raxin: water
raxin: water
rebin, rebo-: word
rebin, rebo-: word
rebotaxin: dictionary
rebotaxin: dictionary
refin: glass
ref·in: glass
remorelin: Sunday
remorel·in: Sunday
repsivir: be surprised
repsivir: be surprised
ribavir: sick
rib·in: two
ridin: moon
riduvir (-ase): fight
riptavir: to mean
rifaponadilin: a straight person
rotamin: squash
riftavir: to mean
rovastatin: knowledge
rituvir: to count
rixavir: to kick
rosnivir: to teach
rotam·in: squash
rovastat·in: knowledge
rovavir: know (dative-stative)
rovavir: know (dative-stative)
rupaca-: announce; advertise; causative of rupa- (hear)
rubic·in: disease
rupacacin: advertising
rubivir: sick
sabavir: write
rupaca·vir: announce; advertise; causative of rupa- (hear)
santerin: rainbow
rupakac·in: advertising
savtuvir: study
rupintrivir: perfect
ruxi·n: brother
saba·vir: write
sapa·vir: agree by contract
sapran: poison
sapt·in: persimmon
saqu·in: kite
sarbovir: collect
sarin, saru-: (literary) disaster, calamity
sartan: condition
sarupl·in: a woman's in-laws
satavaptan: morphology
savinoteplin: Halloween
savtuprazan: university
savtuprazan: university
scarbovir: collect
savtuvir: to study
scinavir: grow
sebuvir: wish
seprivir: turn (intransitive)
selacti.n: tomorrow
sepricavir: turn (transitive)
selan: tomorrow
sevuvir: wish
sepovir: brown
sertin: time
serotin: language
serotonin: dialect
serovir: to speak
sert·in: time
-setron: towards
setrobuvir: to turn towards
sevoren: piano
sifavir: melt
sifavir: melt
sildenavir: fuck
sifli·n: woman
solmorelin: Wednesday
siguazovir: marry
sulin, sul(o)-: eye
silase: soon
spactin: hunger
silpavir: early
simendan: class (''learning'')
sirpec·in: question
sirpevir: to ask
sita.vir: sad
solmorel·in: Wednesday
sontacavir: to be painful
sontan: pain
sop·in: fish; euphemism for ''soptin''
soptin: (vulgar pejorative)
sorbivir: to post
spacti·n: hunger
spaluvir: busy
spaluvir: busy
spidexin: alphabet, writing system
spar·in: horse
spidin: letter
spid·in: letter (character)
stilin, stil-: song
spidex·in: alphabet, writing system
stilocavir: sing
spot·in: food
spoter·in: restaurant
spovir: to eat
sta·vir: same
staponadilin: a gay person
stat·in: quality, trait
stil·in: song
stiloca·vir: to sing
stilofen: singer
stilofen: singer
stimin: air
sturan: cat
subran: yard
sul·in: eye
sulfan: institution
sulfan: institution
surnan: sin
surnan: vice, sin
suxitin: picture
suxitin: picture
suxivir: draw
suxivir: draw
tacivir: happy
tacivir: happy
taxin: book
talbi·n: bread
tanuvir: to fear
tax·in: book
tazevir: share
tegra·vir: to answer
tenofovir: there is no need
tenovir: there is a need night
ter·in: house
teravir: knock
teravir: knock
terin, ter-: house
tia·vir: abandon, give up (?)
tifavir: cry
tibavir: come
timorelin: Friday
til·avir: blow
tiravir: bite
timorel·in: Friday
toxavir: to be right
tipr·in: car
trabucin: incantation
tir·avir: bite
tivozacavir: pronounce
tivozan: sound
tixavir: purple
tixuvir: cry
ton·in: variety, kind
topti.n: bed
-toran: -ism (ideology), theory of...
tosivir: forget
tox·avir: to be right
trabuc·in: magic, incantation
trabuvir: to summon, to conjure
trabuvir: to summon, to conjure
tribavir: come
trac·in: island
tricin: world
tric·in: world
tripsin, tripso-: king
trim·avir: make an effort
trixavir: exaggerate
trips·in: king
troxin, troxo-: snow god
turin, turo-: salt
trox·in: snow
umivir: be hanging
tulc·in: worth, value
umicavir: hang sth/so
tupevir: green (natural things)
umilivir: be hanged
tur·in: salt
uravir (C): to win, to defeat
turobuvir: salty
vaptan: path, method
tuxovir: difficult
varin, vari(n)-: light
uld·in: stone
volin: place
umivir: deep
vulin: night
upl·in: family
ur·avir: to win, to defeat lid
vactovir: sweet
vadadustat: falteringly (onomatopoeic)
vanc·in: gold
vaptan: method
vari·n: light
vatiran: quinoa
vecrivir: to leave (transitive)
veli·n: noun
veravir: to realize
vesti·n: man
vet.avir: to continue
vexan: sky
vigid·in: spouse (gender neutral)
vipr·in: blood
viquivir: gray
viuzan: zero
vol·in: place
voril·in: pill, pellet
vorivir: to push, to press
vorpan: sword
vul·in: alcoholic drink
zacevir: knock
zacevir: knock
zantupin, zantupi-: religion
zanamivir: play
zefin: heart
zantupi·n: religion
zenatin: way, path
zardan: oak tree
zef·in: heart
zenat·in: way, path
zenavir: go, walk
zenavir: go, walk
zentavir: burn
zepavir: change
zetovir: to be clear
zinovir: follow
ziruvir: beautiful
ziruvir: beautiful
zobin: nose
zob·in: nose
zocragarin: birthday
zocracti·n: birthday
zocravir: give birth
zocravir: give birth
zopin, zopi-: body
zolof·in: fox
zoxilin: bean
zopi·n: body
zoxi·n: message
zoxibuvir: to notify
zoxil·in: bean
zupsevir: steal
zupsevir: steal
-axovir: perfect tense
-dar: emphatic particle
==Dodello-Clofabosin morphemes and native counterparts==
-mestan = -orin, ampin
-siban = -fen
-dan/-tan = -cin (the -tan allomorph is used after voiceless C)
-bendan = -cacin
ditan = terin
-poetin = ?
-prazan/-siran/-osuran = -mycin/benzin (mycin is an early Quame loan, from smukʷ-; Naquian ''muqui'' 'house')


Latest revision as of 14:27, 10 August 2023

Swadesh list

  • -·in denotes nouns that take the combining form -(o)-; -i·n denotes nouns that take the combining form -i(n)-.
  • -·avir denotes verbs whose stem ends in a consonant; -a·vir denotes verbs whose stem ends in a.

abaca·vir: greet
aban: formal greeting, irrespective of target's gender or number (from Dodellian ıbı 'father', which was also an honorific)
acetam: later (in time)
aclan: sugar
aclarubic·in: diabetes
acti·n: day
ada·vir: destroy
adrovir: swear
aglen: team
agleprist·in: teammate
alfa: and
alteplase: of course
alufin: uncle
amaxi.n: mother
ambri.n: poetry
amp·in: human
ampaf·in: soul
anivot·in: celebration
anivovir: bless, celebrate
anlos·in, anloserot·in: English language
anlor·in: English person
apaxi.n: father
apidan: range
aptica·vir: lay, put
aptilivir: lie down
aptivir: be lying somewhere
arben: rule
artabine: ante meridiem
artacetam: post meridiem
artacti·n: noon, midday
arteflen: middle ground
artelt·in: lunch
arten: middle, interval
artenimi·n: middle class
asnudan: science
asnusiban: scientist
asnusulfan: academy
asovir: late
astil·in: name
astilici·n: nickname
atacivir: leave
atamestan: foreigner (from Dodellian; ata- is cognate with Etalocin)
atazaca·vir: narrate, recount
atazan: story
atazasiban: narrator
atevir: can, to be able to
atran: belief; faith
atrivir: believe
axovir: stand
baci·n: half
bacifors·in: estuary
bacitrac·in: peninsula
baclofen: actor
baclovir: to act out
balivir: visit
baruca·vir: kill
barusiban: mortal
baruvir: die
becand·in: copper
Becand·in: Bjeheond
bel·avir: dream
beloran: channel
bendavir: fall
benz·in: city
beta: but
bex·in: store
bibivir: to rub, to mix
bicivir: help
binivir: go/come down
bisavir: wake up
biuzan: ego, self
bixovir: judge
blis·in: art
blos·in: child
bolcuvir: to backstab
bradi·n: flower
briavir: be patient
brinase: already
brom·in: foot
burivir: sink
busuvir: slow
butivir: feel
butrin: daughter
ca·vir: do, make
cabadan: agriculture
cabafen: farmer
cabavir: cultivate
calan: reason
calca·vir: thank
cambrilocin: Wales
cambririn: Welsh person
cambriserotin/cambrisin: Welsh language
cam·in: leg
canavir: forgive
caran: crow
carluvir: to beware
carsa.vir: to observe
casan: table (diagram)
cedovir: to think (engage in cognition)
cefacti.n: today
cefan: today
cefoxitin: in the end lip
cen: this; yes
cepra·vir: create
certoburivir: fall asleep
certoc·in: sleep (noun)
certolivir: sleep
cetacti.n: the day after tomorrow
cetan: the day after tomorrow
cibi·n: child
ciclovir: receive
cin·in: ear
clanfa·vir: to stop
clofabos·in: Clofabosin
clorovir: big
clotrimazole: good job!
colivir: to sway, vibrate
cona·vir: see
corsat·in: eternity
cracan: raven
cravir: to be painful
cridan: kingdom, realm
crizovir: dissolve
crus·in: evening
cruselt·in: dinner
cacan: shit
dabi·n: gift
dacivir: warm
daclovir: important womb sibling
danuvir: to stay
dapivir: to invite
daps·in: self, oneself
dapsumenintedan: Independence Day
dapsumestatin: independence
dasa·vir: to be pleasing
dastuvir: to close
deb.avir: white
dec.avir: simple
del.avir: old
dem·avir: take
dembr·in: key
dembrex·in: keyboard
depluvir: run
derotran: student
des.avir: different
desmerpan: disagreement, dissent
dex-: any
diclofen: sculptor
diclovir: to sculpt
difen: (obsolete) carpenter
dir·avir: wash
dirman: group
distusiban: machine
distuvir: move
docel·in: east
domavir: mix
domorel·in: Saturday
doran: level
doxer·in: potato
dranavir: thin
draxovir: start
drepavir: read
dumica·vir: hang sth/so
dumivir: be hanging; (idiomatic) something feels...
dusp·in: soap
efa·vir: heal
efafen: doctor, physician
efast·in: medicine
efen, efe: path
efeprist·in: companion
elivir: become
elt·in: meal
elzi·n: maple tree
end·in: I
enemavir: to shit
enil·in: ethics
enteca·vir: to burn (transitive)
entevir: to burn (intransitive)
epavir: to say
epsovir: to use (dative-stative)
erid·in: animal, beast
erub·in: ice
espivir: straight
estran: right (direction)
etam·in: wall
exevir: to be in bloom
fab·in: river
famivir: wrap
famorel·in: Tuesday
faravir: be exalted, raised
fasuvir: blue
febuvir: to record, etch
febuxin: pencil, pen
fedovir: fine, high quality
felavir: cold
fend·in: color, paint
fendoca·vir: to paint
fesbuvir: to Facebook
fexovir: to build
filcon: at __ o'clock
filcon·in: hour
filgevir: to know (conocer)
fili·n: card, tag
filibuvir: dyed-in-the-wool, card-carrying
filidemac·in: inauguration
fingol·in: moment
fingolib (or just fingol?): at the moment, right now
fletivir: hard
flidevir: sad
floxavir: to stop
fors·in: sea
fost·avir: black
froxavir: to fit, be appropriate; OK
fudevir: to open
fumavir: to buy
funan: bed
fura·vir: ripe
furi·n: peace
fusil·in: hat
futivir: easy; (slang) consenting readily to sex or dates
futran: order (arrangement)
gabar·in: ten
gadovir: good
galevir: to make (manufacture, produce)
gam·in: south
gaptan: member
gativir: to clap
glasdegin: nonsense
glasp·in: rice
glican: why
glicerol, glice-: how many
glifos: how many (specifically countable)
glitazar: how much, to what extent
glitazone: how much, to what extent
gluta-: how much (of a thing), how many
glutasin: how much of it
gosivir: to give
grian: sun
gubi·n: thirst
ibacavir: influence
ibrivir: to grow
ibuvir: to carry, to have
icatibant: by means of...
ic·avir: to build
idovir: to block, to prevent
ilsan: hawk
inflivir: equal
inovir: to be worth it
ipamorel·in: (slang) fictional day of the week; when pigs fly
ipavir: ???
irinovir: to send
it.avir: low
itr·in: wheat
ixevir: think (be of the opinion)
kerat·in: thing, existence
keravir: exist whiskey
lamivir: hold
lamorel·in: Thursday
landevir: bind
lani·n: fog
lanibuvir: foggy
lapsivir: (vulgar) have sex
lasmiditan: pharmacy
lasmisiban: pharmacist
leprican: (Earth, CF Tricin) leprechaun
lequi·n: sister
lesovir: to lack
levo: xor
lifavir: to bake
litivir: finish
lofavir: (vulgar) to rot, to perish
lopran: text
lorin: tongue
loxavir: to kill
lucrifen: bodyguard
lucrivir: to watch
lumevir: to fry, sauté
lumexin: frying pan
lusevir: bitter
maloc·in: fever
malovir: hot
maman: mom
maravir: to belong
mavrivir: understand
maximaxi·n: mother's mother
maxipaxi·n: mother's father hate
mecl·in: flag
med·in: hand
medovir: demand
mefen: shape, form
merpentan: probability (-mab merpentan: probably)
mevir: to hate
miavin: cat
miavocavir: to meow
mifen: back
mifepristin: best friend
miglustat: exactly
migluvir: exact
mimorel·in: Monday
minzafen: merchant
minzavir: exchange
mir·avir: young
mirvevir: laugh
mitovir: bad
moca.vir: radiate (light, sound)
moctin: life
morel·in: day of the week
moxivir: to live
mozavaptan: grammar
mudan: occasion, opportunity
nabconavir: to look for
nabdrepafen: student
nabdrepavir: to study
nabitavir: to remember
nabovir: to call
nadivir: to return, go back
nafevir: to drift
napsivir: to be flat
nasarupl·in: a man's in-laws
nata.vir: to display
neflivir: practice
nel·in: love
nelca·vir: to love
neman: aunt
nepi·n: work
nepi·vir: to work
nesan: office
nesapivir: official
nesuvir: to swell; to exaggerate
nevtan: spice
nibuca·vir: to teach
nibuvir: to learn
nid.avir: to place
nifurserotin: conlang
nimi·n: stratum, class
nintecavir: celebrate a holiday
nintedan: festival
nipti·n: garden statement
nocuvir: thick
nusmadan: administration, executive branch
nusmasiban: president (of a nation or an organization), CEO
nusmavir: to preside
nuxi·n: west
obinuvir: dirty
ocrase: still, yet
ocrevir: to ask
oduvir: to invite
ọlen: town square
olid·in: morning
olidelt·in: breakfast
olpan: apple
opavir: new
orlivir: strong proud
oseltamivir: proud
otetan: period of time
pad·in: autumn
pafan: left (direction)
pali.n: line of poetry
paluvir: to obey, to submit
papan: dad
pastruvir: determine, rule
paximaxi·n: father's mother
paxipaxi·n: father's father
pefet·in: cake
pel·in: north
pẹr·in: cloud collection
petivir: to hope
pevuvir: to cover, to hide
pevuxin: cloak
pezadan: eclipse
pidevir: find
pilavir: similar
pimacti.n: yesterday
piman: yesterday
pin·in: mouth
pingavir: (slang) to understand
piravir: add
pirmitiz·in: flights of fancy
pitan: rights
plad·in: belly
platacti.n: the day before yesterday
platan: the day before yesterday
plex·in: chain
ploc·avir: drink
poet·in: mountain pass
pona·vir: be attracted to
poptin: (vulgar pejorative)
pot·avir: high
prantan: cape gooseberry
prazan: space, room
prema.vir: to bloom
pren·in: pine tree
pricol·in: metal
prist·in: mate, friend
pritevir: to sell
privir: to bring
probut·in: will
proca·vir: choose
proctivir: holy
prot·in: tree
protaf·in: tree trunk
provol·in: honorific 2nd person pronoun
quab·in: rainbow
quacartuvir: narrow
quetivir: cool, great
quinupristin: frenemy
quinuvir: to happen by fate, to be forced/determined blanket
rab·in: star
ranivir: sour
raxin: water
rebin, rebo-: word
rebotaxin: dictionary
ref·in: glass
remorel·in: Sunday
repsivir: be surprised
rib·in: two
riduvir (-ase): fight
rifaponadilin: a straight person
riftavir: to mean
rituvir: to count
rixavir: to kick
rosnivir: to teach
rotam·in: squash
rovastat·in: knowledge
rovavir: know (dative-stative)
rubic·in: disease
rubivir: sick
rupaca·vir: announce; advertise; causative of rupa- (hear)
rupakac·in: advertising
rupintrivir: perfect
ruxi·n: brother
saba·vir: write
sapa·vir: agree by contract
sapran: poison
sapt·in: persimmon
saqu·in: kite
sarbovir: collect
sarin, saru-: (literary) disaster, calamity
sartan: condition
sarupl·in: a woman's in-laws
satavaptan: morphology
savinoteplin: Halloween
savtuprazan: university
savtuvir: to study
sebuvir: wish
selacti.n: tomorrow
selan: tomorrow
sepovir: brown
serotin: language
serotonin: dialect
serovir: to speak
sert·in: time
-setron: towards
setrobuvir: to turn towards
sevoren: piano
sifavir: melt
sifli·n: woman
siguazovir: marry
silase: soon
silpavir: early
simendan: class (learning)
sirpec·in: question
sirpevir: to ask
sita.vir: sad
solmorel·in: Wednesday
sontacavir: to be painful
sontan: pain
sop·in: fish; euphemism for soptin
soptin: (vulgar pejorative)
sorbivir: to post
spacti·n: hunger
spaluvir: busy
spar·in: horse
spid·in: letter (character)
spidex·in: alphabet, writing system
spot·in: food
spoter·in: restaurant
spovir: to eat
sta·vir: same
staponadilin: a gay person
stat·in: quality, trait
stil·in: song
stiloca·vir: to sing
stilofen: singer
sturan: cat
subran: yard
sul·in: eye
sulfan: institution
surnan: vice, sin
suxitin: picture
suxivir: draw
tacivir: happy
talbi·n: bread
tanuvir: to fear
tax·in: book
tazevir: share
tegra·vir: to answer
tenofovir: there is no need
tenovir: there is a need night
ter·in: house
teravir: knock
tia·vir: abandon, give up (?)
tibavir: come
til·avir: blow
timorel·in: Friday
tipr·in: car
tir·avir: bite
tivozacavir: pronounce
tivozan: sound
tixavir: purple
tixuvir: cry
ton·in: variety, kind
topti.n: bed
-toran: -ism (ideology), theory of...
tosivir: forget
tox·avir: to be right
trabuc·in: magic, incantation
trabuvir: to summon, to conjure
trac·in: island
tric·in: world
trim·avir: make an effort
trips·in: king god
trox·in: snow
tulc·in: worth, value
tupevir: green (natural things)
tur·in: salt
turobuvir: salty
tuxovir: difficult
uld·in: stone
umivir: deep
upl·in: family
ur·avir: to win, to defeat lid
vactovir: sweet
vadadustat: falteringly (onomatopoeic)
vanc·in: gold
vaptan: method
vari·n: light
vatiran: quinoa
vecrivir: to leave (transitive)
veli·n: noun
veravir: to realize
vesti·n: man
vet.avir: to continue
vexan: sky
vigid·in: spouse (gender neutral)
vipr·in: blood
viquivir: gray
viuzan: zero
vol·in: place
voril·in: pill, pellet
vorivir: to push, to press
vorpan: sword
vul·in: alcoholic drink
zacevir: knock
zanamivir: play
zantupi·n: religion
zardan: oak tree
zef·in: heart
zenat·in: way, path
zenavir: go, walk
zepavir: change
zetovir: to be clear
zinovir: follow
ziruvir: beautiful
zob·in: nose
zocracti·n: birthday
zocravir: give birth
zolof·in: fox
zopi·n: body
zoxi·n: message
zoxibuvir: to notify
zoxil·in: bean
zupsevir: steal
-axovir: perfect tense
-dar: emphatic particle

Dodello-Clofabosin morphemes and native counterparts

-mestan = -orin, ampin
-siban = -fen
-dan/-tan = -cin (the -tan allomorph is used after voiceless C)
-bendan = -cacin
ditan = terin
-poetin = ?
-prazan/-siran/-osuran = -mycin/benzin (mycin is an early Quame loan, from smukʷ-; Naquian muqui 'house')