Chlouvānem: Difference between revisions

2,764 bytes added ,  3 September 2017
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: main mæn asenānu flut nanān pārṇaman ñumirāja : nanān heirlaukan marcęe e gu nomire ša gu leila jāyim væl ! hālkenīs yanamųnāja keikom namṛcñāja daše šutimīneja ।। dašai juniahiyunyi jaṃšė gātarakeberdīran e ।। bunā mæn main nali maildomanu maitėmęlia nāṭ  væse pābunā ⸫daṃdhigūlan ga glūkam no mæn kalirena nāniai khāngeltių kaumilūkīran kælitsai mārai no vārīkai no baubai no goṃsīran no ।।
: main mæn asenānu flut nanān pārṇaman ñumirāja : nanān heirlaukan marcęe e gu nomire ša gu leila jāyim væl ! hālkenīs yanamųnāja keikom namṛcñāja daše šutimīneja ।। dašai juniahiyunyi jaṃšė gātarakeberdīran e ।। bunā mæn main nali maildomanu maitėmęlia nāṭ  væse pābunā ⸫daṃdhigūlan ga glūkam no mæn kalirena nāniai khāngeltių kaumilūkīran kælitsai mārai no vārīkai no baubai no goṃsīran no ।।
: nilāmulka mæn maildomanom nañelīsa tainā lili no ṣveye primirtaram ñumirlam ।। lilše pārṇam louliriṣya tṛlirlam : naina tī sora pārṇaṃrīs flut mojende heirom nañelīsa : jånirāh mæn lahīlęe kamikækyaiti avyāṣa moe : blikyon lili no amalthirā māmei pārṇaṃrye maitėmęlima ।। meinā mæn buneyon lili no nali jilkire bhadvęs lā dhāne<ref>Note how "hands" is always in the singular when it's a single person's pair, even if it should theoretically be dual.</ref> keikom dāmė — toman mæn maiyā pārṇami jånirai ।।
: nilāmulka mæn maildomanom nañelīsa tainā lili no ṣveye primirtaram ñumirlam ।। lilše pārṇam louliriṣya tṛlirlam : naina tī sora pārṇaṃrīs flut mojende heirom nañelīsa : jånirāh mæn lahīlęe kamikækyaiti avyāṣa moe : blikyon lili no amalthirā māmei pārṇaṃrye maitėmęlima ।। meinā mæn buneyon lili no nali jilkire bhadvęs lā dhāne<ref>Note how "hands" is always in the singular when it's a single person's pair, even if it should theoretically be dual.</ref> keikom dāmė — toman mæn maiyā pārṇami jånirai ।।
: tainā mæn jñūṃris halimendė bahīri sumenīs heicādrīti nadamė sama isiflun urutha nānumi hanaṃhariana lairu smaurildekte ।। nilāmulka mæn yanadāmė jånirū kamitekyāk tainā mutireti heicīni nusmītite udvī dāmė no sama bahīrah mimendenāntagė naina najoltek nilāmulku lū no tora lijakenartateflunildek no ।। nilāmulka mæn meinā murku milkekte sama dhāne danihaicė tarṣanu juniekūsi væse daṃdhigūlan tadāmė murkirde vārṇaigiyūri kamyūsijunaiti<ref>Syntactically, here it is ambiguous whether the black vārṇaigi have to be tied to Daṃdhigūlan or to Nilāmulka - there is no such ambiguity, however, for Chlouvānem people because only women wear black vārṇaigi.</ref> ।।
: tainā mæn jñūṃris halimendė bahīri sumenīs heicādrīti nadāmė sama isiflun urutha nānumi hanaṃhariana lairu smaurildekte ।। nilāmulka mæn yanadāmė jånirū kamitekyāk tainā mutireti heicīni nusmītite udvī dāmė no sama bahīrah mimendenāntagė naina najoltek nilāmulku lū no tora lijakenartateflunildek no ।। nilāmulka mæn meinā murku milkekte sama dhāne danihaicė tarṣanu juniekūsi væse daṃdhigūlan tadāmė murkirde vārṇaigiyūri kamyūsijunaiti<ref>Syntactically, here it is ambiguous whether the black vārṇaigi have to be tied to Daṃdhigūlan or to Nilāmulka - there is no such ambiguity, however, for Chlouvānem people because only women wear black vārṇaigi.</ref> ।।
: naina mæn væse jaṃšān chi moe dildhā geta no pa liju tī lilea minnūliom<ref>Again, note the singular for the pair of ears.</ref> lijītite nadāmė — meinā lęi gu glidemæh nainęs lā bīskæmųk dāšikė mūmikīdera : jaṃšī ñæñuchlire jilkire jånīrei kamyakyā nilāmulkei mbu dilęe dṛk ।। tainā mæn yanadāmė pārṇami nacu milkekte no nainęs lā fuldek no væse mutirau — færviṣe ājvalunāmom dāmaram<ref>The use of the dual here means that Nilāmulka had already left in the meantime.</ref> væse ñikire naina meinei bhik ।।

two.<small>DIR</small>. morning-<small>LOC.SG</small>. be-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. Naina.<small>DIR</small>. <small>ADP</small>. female's_younger_sister.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. Nilāmulka.<small>DIR</small>. Tainā.<small>DIR</small>. and. <small>1SG.DIR.</small>. and. sleep-<small>IND.PAST.1P.EXTR.PAT</small>. room-<small>DAT.SG</small>. run_into-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. wake_up-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. and. : girl.<small>VOC.PL</small>. nature.<small>DIR.SG</small> bloom-<small>LOC.SG</small>. <small>DECLAR</small>. <small>QUOT</small><br/>
two.<small>DIR</small>. morning-<small>LOC.SG</small>. be-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. Naina.<small>DIR</small>. <small>ADP</small>. female's_younger_sister.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. Nilāmulka.<small>DIR</small>. Tainā.<small>DIR</small>. and. <small>1SG.DIR.</small>. and. sleep-<small>IND.PAST.1P.EXTR.PAT</small>. room-<small>DAT.SG</small>. run_into-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. wake_up-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. and. : girl.<small>VOC.PL</small>. nature.<small>DIR.SG</small> bloom-<small>LOC.SG</small>. <small>DECLAR</small>. <small>QUOT</small><br/>
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Tainā.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. tree-<small>ABL.PL</small>. hear_from_through-<small>IND.PRES.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. bahīrah-<small>GEN.SG</small>. note-<small>ABL.PL</small>. sing_heicā-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. go_into-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. and. shortly. bake-<small>IND.PERF.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. flatbread-<small>GEN.PL</small>. anise_perfume.<small>DIR.SG</small>. air-<small>ACC.SG</small>. be_full-<small>CAUS.IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>.<br/>
Tainā.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. tree-<small>ABL.PL</small>. hear_from_through-<small>IND.PRES.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. bahīrah-<small>GEN.SG</small>. note-<small>ABL.PL</small>. sing_heicā-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. go_into-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. and. shortly. bake-<small>IND.PERF.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. flatbread-<small>GEN.PL</small>. anise_perfume.<small>DIR.SG</small>. air-<small>ACC.SG</small>. be_full-<small>CAUS.IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>.<br/>
Nilāmulka.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. come_out-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. sarī-<small>ACC.SG</small>. wrap_around-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. Tainā.<small>DIR.SG</small>. wash-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3S.INTR</small>. heicā-<small>INSTR.SG</small>. stop-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. without. go-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. and. and. bahīrah-<small>DIR.SG</small>. hear-<small>POT-OPPOSITION-IND.PRES.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. Naina.<small>DIR.SG</small>. start_humming_to_tune-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. Nilāmulka-<small>ACC.SG</small>. <small>1SG.ACC</small>. and. also. sing-<small>INF</small>-reach-<small>CAUS.IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. and.<br/>
Nilāmulka.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. come_out-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. sarī-<small>ACC.SG</small>. wrap_around-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. Tainā.<small>DIR.SG</small>. wash-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3S.INTR</small>. heicā-<small>INSTR.SG</small>. stop-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. without. go-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. and. and. bahīrah-<small>DIR.SG</small>. hear-<small>POT-OPPOSITION-IND.PRES.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. Naina.<small>DIR.SG</small>. start_humming_to_tune-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. Nilāmulka-<small>ACC.SG</small>. <small>1SG.ACC</small>. and. also. sing-<small>INF</small>-reach-<small>CAUS.IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. and.<br/>
Nilāmulka.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. mother.<small>DIR.SG</small>. black-<small>ACC.SG</small>. take-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. and. hand-<small>LOC.SG</small>. two-<small>DISTR</small>. stripe-<small>ACC.SG</small>. paint-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-DAT</small>. while. Daṃdhigūlan.<small>DIR.SG</small>. come_in-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. be_black-<small>IND.PRES.3D.INTR</small>. vārṇaigi-<small>ACC.DU</small>. tie_around_foot-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3S.EXTR-DAT</small>.
Nilāmulka.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. mother.<small>DIR.SG</small>. black-<small>ACC.SG</small>. take-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. and. hand-<small>LOC.SG</small>. two-<small>DISTR</small>. stripe-<small>ACC.SG</small>. paint-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-DAT</small>. while. Daṃdhigūlan.<small>DIR.SG</small>. come_in-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. be_black-<small>IND.PRES.3D.INTR</small>. vārṇaigi-<small>ACC.DU</small>. tie_around_foot-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3S.EXTR-DAT</small>.<br/>
Naina.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. while. celebration-<small>TRANSL.SG</small>. indeed. be-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. dildhā.<small>DIR.SG</small>. elephant.<small>DIR.SG</small>. and. about. song-<small>ACC.SG</small>. because. <small>1SG.POSS.LOC</small>. ear-<small>DAT.SG</small>. sing-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. go_into-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. mother.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>1SG.ERG</small>. not. only. Naina-<small>ESS.SG</small>. with. jump_away-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-ANTIBENEF</small>. monsoon-<small>LOC.SG</small>. dance-<small>SUBJ.IMPF.1D.EXTR.PAT</small>. : celebration-<small>GEN.SG</small>. be_beautiful-<small>IND.PRES.3S.INTR</small>. be_orange-<small>IND.PRES.3S.INTR</small>. sarī-<small>ERG.SG</small>. wrap_around-<small>IND.PERF.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. Nilāmulka-<small>ERG.SG</small>. but. be_the_same-<small>ADV</small>. do-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>.<br/>
Tainā.<small>DIR.SG</small>. <small>TOPIC</small>. come_out-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. day-<small>GEN.SG</small>. cloth-<small>ACC.SG</small>. take-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR-AGENT</small>. and. Naina-<small>ESS.SG</small>. with. play-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>. and. while. wash-<small>IND.PAST.1S.INTR</small>. — after. breakfast-<small>DAT.SG</small>. go-<small>IND.PAST.1D.EXTR.PAT</small>. while. be_little-<small>IND.PRES.3S.INTR</small>. Naina.<small>DIR.SG</small>. mother-<small>ERG.SG</small>. take_care-<small>IND.PAST.3S.EXTR.PAT</small>.

: It was two in the morning<ref>One hour after dawn.</ref> and [my] younger sister Naina came running into our room where Nilāmulka, Tainā<ref>The author's two older sisters.</ref>, and I were sleeping and woke us up. "''Lañye''<ref>A (today old-fashioned) term for "girls", used here just like modern ''blikai'', as a very informal second-person pronoun among sisters.</ref>, nature is blooming!"<br/>
: It was two in the morning<ref>One hour after dawn.</ref> and [my] younger sister Naina came running into our room where Nilāmulka, Tainā<ref>The author's two older sisters.</ref>, and I were sleeping and woke us up. "''Lañye''<ref>A (today old-fashioned) term for "girls", used here just like modern ''blikai'', as a very informal second-person pronoun among sisters.</ref>, nature is blooming!"<br/>
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: Nilāmulka had gone<ref>Traditionally, washing order is generational, with the oldest woman in the house going first, then her husband, and so on. A Chlouvānem person would not need to be explained that Nilāmulka went first as the oldest of the sisters, and the author, Mæmihomah, is third in line as the third-born out of four sisters. Her brother Daṃdhigūlan, despite being older than all sisters but Nilāmulka, washes last because brothers wash after all female siblings — and anyway, during ''juniahiyunyi jaṃšā'', all women wash before all men.</ref> into the washing room and Tainā and me were waiting behind the wall<ref>As typical of hot-climate southern Chlouvānem rural houses, washing rooms are actually little more than three walls and a wooden cover outside the house, and have no actual doors; the entrance is towards a windowless wall of the house, so that privacy is assured anyway.</ref>. We both know this was going to be a special day: Naina had entered her 9th year a few days before and it was time for her to wear her first ''jånirāh''<ref>The Chlouvānem sarī.</ref>, which the girls and I<ref>Mæmihomah and her two older sisters.</ref> had spent the last twelve days preparing. Mum came into the yard with the hands full of orange cotton for the ''buneyon''<ref>Dual of ''buneya'' (older sister).</ref> and I - our own ''jånirai'' for the day.<br/>
: Nilāmulka had gone<ref>Traditionally, washing order is generational, with the oldest woman in the house going first, then her husband, and so on. A Chlouvānem person would not need to be explained that Nilāmulka went first as the oldest of the sisters, and the author, Mæmihomah, is third in line as the third-born out of four sisters. Her brother Daṃdhigūlan, despite being older than all sisters but Nilāmulka, washes last because brothers wash after all female siblings — and anyway, during ''juniahiyunyi jaṃšā'', all women wash before all men.</ref> into the washing room and Tainā and me were waiting behind the wall<ref>As typical of hot-climate southern Chlouvānem rural houses, washing rooms are actually little more than three walls and a wooden cover outside the house, and have no actual doors; the entrance is towards a windowless wall of the house, so that privacy is assured anyway.</ref>. We both know this was going to be a special day: Naina had entered her 9th year a few days before and it was time for her to wear her first ''jånirāh''<ref>The Chlouvānem sarī.</ref>, which the girls and I<ref>Mæmihomah and her two older sisters.</ref> had spent the last twelve days preparing. Mum came into the yard with the hands full of orange cotton for the ''buneyon''<ref>Dual of ''buneya'' (older sister).</ref> and I - our own ''jånirai'' for the day.<br/>
: Tainā started singing rhythmically<ref>''Heicā'': a style of rhythmic wordless chant, used in religious chanting, Chlouvānem classical music, and even popular songs.</ref> along the notes of a ''bahīrah'' we heard through the trees, and an anise perfume of freshly baked ''nāniai'' filled the air. Nilāmulka came out and put on her ''jånirāh'' as Tainā went to wash without stopping her ''heicā'', and even if the ''bahīrah'' couldn't be heard anymore Naina hummed into and got Nilāmulka and I singing too. Mum took the black<ref>''Lunīla'' berry juice - a kind of henna.</ref> and drew Nilāmulka two stripes per hand, as Daṃdhigūlan came to tie her the black ''vārṇaigīye''<ref>The ''vārṇaigi'' are a kind of sandals tied to the lower part of the leg. Common ''vārṇaigi'' are made of straw and are undyed, but those worn by women during the days of ''juniahiyunyi jaṃšā'' are of black-dyed linen.</ref>.
: Tainā started singing rhythmically<ref>''Heicā'': a style of rhythmic wordless chant, used in religious chanting, Chlouvānem classical music, and even popular songs.</ref> along the notes of a ''bahīrah'' we heard through the trees, and an anise perfume of freshly baked ''nāniai'' filled the air. Nilāmulka came out and put on her ''jånirāh'' as Tainā went to wash without stopping her ''heicā'', and even if the ''bahīrah'' couldn't be heard anymore Naina hummed into and got Nilāmulka and I singing too. Mum took the black<ref>''Lunīla'' berry juice - a kind of henna.</ref> and drew Nilāmulka two stripes per hand, as Daṃdhigūlan came to tie her the black ''vārṇaigīye''<ref>The ''vārṇaigi'' are a kind of sandals tied to the lower part of the leg. Common ''vārṇaigi'' are made of straw and are undyed, but those worn by women during the days of ''juniahiyunyi jaṃšā'' are of black-dyed linen.</ref>.
: Naina, meanwhile, was fully in the mood for celebration, as she started to sing the song of the dildhā and the elephant<ref>Probably ''ɧømidz diljå'' [ˈxʷœːmidz dĩˤˈʑɔː] ("little dildhā" in Nanašīrami), a once popular folk tune in the area of Līlasuṃghāṇa.</ref> right into my ears - to the disappointment of mom, not only did I jump with her dancing in the monsoon, but Nilāmulka did the same in her festive, beautiful orange ''jånirāh''. Tainā came out, got dressed for the day<ref>Literally "took her daily cloth".</ref> and played with Naina while I washed - then we went for breakfast while mom took care of little Naina.

