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One phoneme found in Tashunka's system absent in Iyyaħmi's system is /ã/.  In some texts, a certain ideograph, the <MIN> ideogram appears twice in a row followed by the ''Širkattarnaft'' character <'ā> representing the glottal stop followed by a long vowel. In other texts this ideograph is absent, even though the words have the same meaning.  So whether the phoneme /ã/ exists in Vadi phonology remains indeterminate.
One phoneme represented in Tashunka's system that is absent in Iyyaħmi's system is /ã/.  In some texts, a certain ideograph, the <MIN> ideogram appears twice in a row followed by the ''Širkattarnaft'' character <'ā> representing the glottal stop followed by a long vowel. In other texts this ideograph is absent, even though the words have the same meaning.  So whether the phoneme /ã/ exists in Vadi phonology remains indeterminate.

All three Vadists do employ IPA to represent the actual phonology of the textual material, but even here significant divergences often emerge. The IPA of Iyyaħmi reflects his more recent work on how the ''Širkattarnaft'' was used to represent Vadi phonology and phonotactics, and for the most part Tashunka's IPA is concordant with that of Iyyaħmi.  The traditionalist system Schumann  uses is the main source of discordant IPA renditions of the same text.  
All three Vadists do employ IPA to represent the actual phonology of the textual material, but even here significant divergences often emerge. The IPA of Iyyaħmi reflects his more recent work on how the ''Širkattarnaft'' was used to represent Vadi phoħħnology and phonotactics, and for the most part Tashunka's IPA is concordant with that of Iyyaħmi.  The traditionalist system Schumann  uses is the main source of discordant IPA renditions of the same text.  These divergences can impact other areas of reconstructing the Vadi language, as the IPA rendition in one system may yield separate words or morphemes that are lacking in the other system.  

These different orthographies sparked a great amount of controversy in the Vadist community, dividing it into the traditionalist camp represented first and foremost by Schumann, and by the "Young Turk" camp (as called by the traditionalists).  The existence of the Aħħur texts have only served to add confusion to this controversy, as the spelling in the fragments of the textual material is consistent and regular, and if anything indicates the Vadi phonemic inventory is even smaller than that of Minhast.  A compromise solution has been advanced, that the Aħħur texts represent an even younger form of Vadi.  Unfortunately carbon dating analysis of the Aħħur and Kalapái materials cannot provide support for that hypothesis as both corpora have been already contaminated by the number of hands that have handled the material.

whereas Schumann maintains Iyyaħmi's analyses are problematic, but he is among the minorityToday, the consensus among Vadists is that Iyyaħmi's analyses are more accurate.  Tashunka's IPA for the most part agrees with Iyyaħmi's; where the two diverge will be noted.  
However, Iyyaħmi statistical analyses are statistically significant and have withstood scrutiny in numerous peer reviewsThe traditionalists argue that Iyyaħmi starts out with the conclusion and worked backwards to make the data conform to his hypothesis, but this conclusion lacks support. As a result, an increasing number of Vadists are adopting Iyyaħmi's findings today.
In this article, Tashunka's system will be used alongside Iyyaħmi's romanization, which follows the general practice of Vadists today. Schumann's system, being the older and the less accurate one of the two, when it appears will be noted.
