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He swallowed a seed last month and then got rain and sunshine for two weeks straight. But doctors still can't figure out how he grew a fucking plant through his skull.
He swallowed a seed last month and then got rain and sunshine for two weeks straight. But doctors still can't figure out how he grew a fucking plant through his skull.
[[File:LotR Days of Christmas.png|thumb]]
сипӏтӏы кӏугвис сә виъс зинтӏды олур,
биккӏ ккэн сә дыкӏинтӏбыдды,
пӏукӏ гьәълкъэ̄с зәреэ̄с сә виъс минтӏдэды,
гьу дыро̄инэ къуърис ллинтӏды бәтт
seven swans to rule them all,
six geese to find them,
five golden rings to bring them all,
and in the pear tree to bind them
