Schlaub: Difference between revisions

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[as] VN move GEN DEF people PREP east 3PL find INDEF plain PREP Shinar CONJ [settle] PAST
[as] VN move GEN DEF people PREP east 3PL find INDEF plain PREP Shinar CONJ [settle] PAST

Aus ein Ntrub tlau neu veß, "Jab, bus Ngu aus nlaß zug [schlag schlag] mal."
Aus ein Zëhl tlau neu veß, "Jab, bus Ngu aus nlaß zug [schlag schlag] mal."

CONJ DEF people say PREP one_another come make brick CONJ fire_ceramic 3PL [throughly] COHORT
CONJ DEF people say PREP one_another come make brick CONJ fire_ceramic 3PL [throughly] COHORT