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Personal pronouns distinguish three persons in the singular and plural. Unlike some other languages, Bźatga does not distinguish gender in the third person singular, so ''e'' means "he, she, it". Both singular and plural have Nominative-Accusative and Oblique forms, but pronouns also have a functioning like a possessive adjective.
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="bluetable lightbluebg" text-align:center;"
! rowspan="2;" | Pers.
! colspan="3;" align="center" | Singular
! colspan="3;" style="width: 150px;"  align="center" | Plural
! style="width: 120px; " align="center"| Nom.-Acc.
! style="width: 120px; " align="center"| Oblique
! style="width: 120px; " align="center"| Genitive
! style="width: 120px; " align="center"| Nom.-Acc.
! style="width: 120px; " align="center"| Oblique
! style="width: 120px; " align="center"| Genitive
! align="center" style="width: 50px;"| 1
| align="center"| ''mi''
| align="center"| ''mô''
| align="center"| ''ma''
| align="center"| ''śńi''
| align="center"| ''sna''
| align="center"| ''ara''
! align="center" | 2
| align="center"| ''tu''
| align="center"| ''tô''
| align="center"| ''ta''
| align="center"| ''śi''
| align="center"| ''sa''
| align="center"| ''śara''
! align="center" rowspan="2;" | 3
| align="center"| ''e''
| align="center"| ''ju''
| align="center"| ''eja''
| align="center"| ''je''
| align="center"| ''êve''
| align="center"| ''ja''
The NA pronouns are used as subject and direct object of the verb. As subject, they are really suffixes which attach to the verb directly. The 3rd person ''e'' is not added to verbs, which generally end in a vowel, so for example, ''carde'' implicitly means 'he/she/it loves' unless another subject is stated. As direct object, the pronouns follow the verb and subject, e.g. ''cardemi e'' "I love him", ''velse Małgǫ tu'' "Małgǫ saw you".
The Oblique forms are used following prepositions, e.g. ''cate ju'' "with him/her/it", ''ẑi sna'' "from us".
The Genitive pronouns precede the noun they qualify and function much like possessive adjectives in English, e.g. ''ma teje'' "my house", ''śara adri'' "your father".
