Verse:Irta/Hebrew: Difference between revisions

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/ʔ/ and /h/ is often reduced to vowel voice distinctions (creakiness and breathiness respectively) or silenced altogether.
/ʔ/ and /h/ are often reduced to vowel voice distinctions (creakiness and breathiness respectively) or silenced altogether.


Revision as of 15:16, 27 January 2014

Modern Hebrew (עברית מאדערנית ivris modernis /ʔivˈʀis moˈdɛʀnis/), also known as Israeli Hebrew (עברית ישראלית ivris yisre'eilis), was revived based on the Ashkenazi pronunciation of the Tiberian vocalization.



The Hebrew word for consonants is ‘itzurį́ (עיצורים). The following table lists the Hebrew consonants and their pronunciation in IPA transcription:

Labial Alveolar Post-
Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n
Plosive p   b t   d k   ɡ (ʔ)
Affricate ts        
Fricative f   v s   z ʃ   ʒ χ ʁ (h)
Approximant l j w

/ʔ/ and /h/ are often reduced to vowel voice distinctions (creakiness and breathiness respectively) or silenced altogether.


Israeli Hebrew has 7 oral vowels and 6 nasal vowels, one of the largest vowel inventories to occur in any Semitic language and one of the few ones with nasal vowels (also cf. Inor). Nasal vowels arise from historical oral vowels before a nasal coda. Vowels are also nasalized allophonically before nasal consonants.

Phoneme Example
/ɐ/ /ʔɐˈdø̃/ ʼadø̨ אדון 'lord, sir'
/ɐ̃/ /ʔɐ̃ˈtsi/ ʼątzi אמציא 'I will invent'
/ɛ/ /ˈʔɛvẽ/ ʼévę אבן 'stone'
/e/ /ˈʔezɛʁ/ ʼếzer עזר 'aid'
/ẽ/ /ʔẽ/ ʼę אין 'there is no'
/i/ /ʔiʃ/ ʼiš איש 'man'
/ɪ̃/ /ʔɪ̃/ ʼį אם 'if'
/o/ /ʔov/ ʼov אב 'father'
/ɔ̃/ /ʔɔ̃/ ʼǫ עם 'people, nation'
/ø/ /ʔøʁ/ ʼør אור 'light'
/ø̃~ə̃/ /ʔoˈsø̃/ ʼosø̨ אתון 'jenny'
/u/ /ʔäduˈmo/ ʼadumo אדומה 'red' (f. sg.)
/ʊ̃/ /ʔʊ̃ˈnɔ̃/ ʼųnǫ אומנם 'indeed'

Vowels tend to reduce in unstressed syllables: /ɛ/ reduces to [ə], /ø/ to [ɵ], /u/ to [ʉ], and /i/ to [ɪ].


Modern Hebrew no longer observes the distinction between masculine plural and feminine plural pronouns, phonetically or orthographically (an edge case remains in the numeral + pronoun complexes שנינו/שתינו šnếnu/štếnu 'we two (m/f)', שניכם/שתיכם šnếchę/štếchę 'you two (m/f)' and שניהם/שתיהם šnếhę/štếhę 'they two (m/f)'). Gender in plural remains almost exclusively in nouns, adjectives, and the (participial) present tense, and numerals. Hence הלכתם (holáchtę 'y'all went'); אתם הולכים\הולכות (atę hølchį/hølchøs 'y'all go' (mp/fp)).


רוח הצפון והשמש נכנסו פעם לויכוח, מי מהם חזקה יותר - והנה בא לקראתם הולך רגל, עטוף במעיל חם. השתים השכימו, שזאת אשר תצליח ראשונה להפשיט את האיש ממעילו, תיחשב כחזקה יותר. אז נשבה הרוח חזק ככל שייך לה - אבל ככל שנשבה יותר, כן התעטף האיש במעילו ביתר שאת, ולבסוף ויתרה הרוח על כל ניסיון נוסף. אז התחילה השמש להפיץ את קרניה החמות, ומיד פשט הולך הרגל את מעילו. וכך נאצלה הרוח להודות, שהשמש הזקה ממנה.

/ʁʉɐχ hɐt͡sofɔ̃ vɛhɐʃɛmɛʃ niχnɛsʉ pɐʔɐ̃ lɛvikʉɐχ mi mehẽ χɐzoko jøseʁ | vɛˈhine bo likʁɐsɔ̃ høleχ ʁɛgɛl ʔɐtʉf bimʔil χɐ̃ | hɐʃtɐ̃ɪ̃ hiskimʉ ʃɛzøs ʔɐʃɛʁ tɐt͡sliɐχ ʁiʃøno lɛhɐfʃit ʔɛs hoʔiʃ mimʔilø teχɐʃev kɐχɐzɐko jøseʁ | ʔoz noʃvo hoʁʉɐχ χozok kɛχol ʃɐjoχ lo | ʔɐvol kɛχol ʃɛnoʃvo jøseʁ kẽ hisʔɐtef hoʔiʃ bimʔilø bɛjeseʁ sɛʔes | ʔʉlɛvɐsøf vitro hoʁʉɐχ ʔɐl kol nisojø̃ nøsof | ʔoz hisχilo hɐʃɛmɛʃ lɛhofit͡s ʔɛs kɐʁneho hɛχɐmøs | ʔʉmijod poʃɐt høleχ hoʁɛgɛl ʔɛs mɛʔilø | vɛχoχ nɛʔɛt͡slo hoʁʉɐχ lɛhødøs ʃɛhɐʃɛmɛʃ χɐzoko mimeno/