Jyglagi: Difference between revisions

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Line 51: Line 51:
Kk: c, kʰ
Kk: c, kʰ
Gg: ɟ, g
Gg: ɟ, g
Qq: , ɢ
Qq: , ɢ
Ff: f
Ff: f
Vv: v
Vv: v
Line 57: Line 57:
Ďď: ð
Ďď: ð
Ss: s, z
Ss: s, z
Šš: ʃ, ʒ
Xx: x
Гг: ɣ
Hh: h
Jj: j
Rr: ɾ
Ll: l


Revision as of 03:26, 13 January 2017

Jyglagi[jɪɡ.ˈlɑ.ˌɡi] is an artlang created by Edward Harper in 2013. It was first made as a personal challenge when he first discovered conlanging. This is the 2017 revival, however, being a remake of the original.


Jyglagi primarily focuses on the latin alphabet, but is also able to be written in cyrillic as well.

The two alphabets: FfVvPpBbMmŤťĎďSsŠšTt DdLlĽľRrNnXxΓγKkQqGgŇň JjHhAaEeIiOoUuÛûYyWw


Mm: m Nn: n Ňň: ŋ Pp: p, pʰ Bb: b Tt: t, tʰ Dd: d Kk: c, kʰ Gg: ɟ, g Qq: qʰ, ɢ Ff: f Vv: v Ťť: θ Ďď: ð Ss: s, z Šš: ʃ, ʒ Xx: x Гг: ɣ Hh: h Jj: j Rr: ɾ Ll: l









Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts

Other resources