Dundulanyä: Difference between revisions

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| gloss = yesterday. evening-<small>LOC.SG</small>. temple-<small>DAT.SG</small>. <small>1SG.DIR</small>. walk-<small>EXP-LOC-PAST.3SG.IND</small>.
| gloss = yesterday. evening-<small>LOC.SG</small>. temple-<small>DAT.SG</small>. <small>1SG.DIR</small>. walk-<small>EXP-LOC-PAST.3SG.IND</small>.
| translation = Yesterday [in the] evening I went/was walking to the temple on foot.
| translation = Yesterday [in the] evening I went/was walking to the temple on foot.
Sentences can act as unmarked topics of other sentences, see e.g. the following rather more complex example:
| phrase = tainah haice nusmai sure ravikai gālavī, didya bāhṛmū ajalsāgi mimendnābgī va tūva gaujulḍa kilahmullat yunat himena khurūvoba gālorap.
| morphemes = tainaɂ haic-e nusm-∅-∅-ai sure ro-∅-ik-ai gā-lav-∅-∅-ī didya bāhr0m-ū ajalsā-∅-g-∅-i mimendnā-∅-āp-g-∅-ī va tūva gā-u-julḍ-∅-∅-a kilahmulla=t yuna=t himena khur-∅-ū-oba gā-lav-∅-∅-rap
| gloss = Tainah.<small>DIR.SG</small>. wordless_rhythmic_chant-<small>DIR.SG</small>. cease-<small>EXP-PAT-IMPF.3.SUBJ</small>. without. wash-<small>EXP-REFL-IMPF.3.SUBJ</small>. into-walk-<small>EXP-PAT-PRES.3SG.IND</small>. more. bāhram-<small>ABL.SG</small>. be.<small>FREQ-EXP-IRR-PAT-FREQ.3SG.IND</small>. hear.<small>POT-EXP-CIRC-IRR-PAT-PAST.3SG.IND</small>. not. Tūva.<small>DIR.SG</small>. into-<small>PERF_STEM_MARKER</small>-hum-<small>EXP-PAT-PERF.3.IND</small>. Kilahmulla.<small>DIR.SG</small>=and. <small>1SG.DIR</small>=and. therefore. sing-<small>EXP-AG-IMPF.1DU.SUBJ</small>. into-walk-<small>EXP-PAT-PAST.1DU.IND</small>.
| translation = Tainah went washing without stopping her haice<ref>A style of rhythmic wordless chant, used in religious chanting, Dundulanyä classical music, and even popular songs.</ref>, and even if the bāhram<ref>A plucked string instrument similar to a sitar, usually with seven played strings and 18 sympathetic ones.</ref> couldn't be heard anymore Tuvā hummed into and got Kilahmulla and I singing too.

