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: ''ṣubha'' "few, little" {{IPA|/ʂubʱä/}} — Std., Cam. {{IPA|[ʂubʱä]}}, Līl. {{IPA|[ʂubʱɐ]}}, Līt. {{IPA|[ʃubʱɐ]}}, Hiy. {{IPA|[ʃʉbʱä]}}
: ''ṣubha'' "few, little" {{IPA|/ʂubʱä/}} — Std., Cam. {{IPA|[ʂubʱä]}}, Līl. {{IPA|[ʂubʱɐ]}}, Līt. {{IPA|[ʃubʱɐ]}}, Hiy. {{IPA|[ʃʉbʱä]}}
: ''šumilkoe'' "theory" {{IPA|/ɕuminkɔə̯~ɕumiɴkɔə̯~ɕumiɴ̆kɔə̯/}} – Std. {{IPA|[ɕumiŋkɔə̯~ɔɒ̯]}}, Līl. {{IPA|[ɕumiɴqœː]}}, Cam. {{IPA|[ɕumiŋkɔɪ̯]}}, Līt. {{IPA|[ʃumiɴqɔɒ̯~ɔɪ̯]}}, Hiy. {{IPA|[ʃʉmiŋkɔɒ̯]}}
: ''šumilkoe'' "theory" {{IPA|/ɕuminkɔə̯~ɕumiɴkɔə̯~ɕumiɴ̆kɔə̯/}} – Std. {{IPA|[ɕumiŋkɔə̯~ɔɒ̯]}}, Līl. {{IPA|[ɕumiɴqœː]}}, Cam. {{IPA|[ɕumiŋkɔɪ̯]}}, Līt. {{IPA|[ʃumiɴqɔɒ̯~ɔɪ̯]}}, Hiy. {{IPA|[ʃʉmiŋkɔɒ̯]}}
While saṃdhi makes any two adjacent sibilants (except for {{IPA|/ss/}}) transform into {{IPA|/kʂ/}}, Jade Coastal dialects have developed phonetic {{IPA|[ʂː]}} from the common sequence {{IPA|/ʂj/}}:
: ''muṣyā'' "our, ours" {{IPA|/muʂjäː/}} – Std. {{IPA|[muʂjäː]}}, Līl., Līt. {{IPA|[muʂːɑː]}}, Cam. {{IPA|[muʂjæː]}}
: ''Lūṣya'' (given name) {{IPA|/ɴ̆uːʂjä/}} – Std., Cam- {{IPA|[ɴ̆uːʂjä]}}, Līl., Līt. {{IPA|[ɴ̆uːʂːɐ]}}
This also happens, unlike all other phonetic geminates, after consonants:
: ''jalṣya'' "3SG will be" {{IPA|/ɟ͡ʑäɴ̆ʂjä/}} – Std., Cam. {{IPA|[ɟ͡ʑäɴ̆ʂjä]}}, Līl., Līt. {{IPA|[ɟ͡ʑɐɴ̆ʂːɐ]}}
The two laryngeal fricatives {{IPA|/ħ ɦ/}} vary little, but they may be considered to merge word-finally where /ɦ/ (the only one analyzed there) is pronounced as {{IPA|[ħ]}} in most pronunciations. Notably, though, the whole Far East and Northeast uses {{IPA|[h]}}, while the inland Jade Coast from Ilēnimarta up until the coast to Līṭhalyinām uses {{IPA|[χ]}}. {{IPA|/ħ/}} (< Proto-Lahob *pʰ) corresponded to {{IPA|/ɸ/}} in many pre-Classical era dialects and is reflected as {{IPA|/ɸ/}} or {{IPA|/f/}} in many vernaculars (including Līlasuṃghāṇi and Ilēnimarti), as they derived from those dialects; however, local pronunciations of Chlouvānem use {{IPA|[ħ]}} anyway.
The two laryngeal fricatives {{IPA|/ħ ɦ/}} vary little, but they may be considered to merge word-finally where /ɦ/ (the only one analyzed there) is pronounced as {{IPA|[ħ]}} in most pronunciations. Notably, though, the whole Far East and Northeast uses {{IPA|[h]}}, while the inland Jade Coast from Ilēnimarta up until the coast to Līṭhalyinām uses {{IPA|[χ]}}. {{IPA|/ħ/}} (< Proto-Lahob *pʰ) corresponded to {{IPA|/ɸ/}} in many pre-Classical era dialects and is reflected as {{IPA|/ɸ/}} or {{IPA|/f/}} in many vernaculars (including Līlasuṃghāṇi and Ilēnimarti), as they derived from those dialects; however, local pronunciations of Chlouvānem use {{IPA|[ħ]}} anyway.
: ''hįnna'' "wheel" {{IPA|/ɦi̤nnä/}} – Std., Hiy. {{IPA|[ɦi̤nnä]}}, Līl. {{IPA|[ɦi̤nnɐ]}}, Cam. {{IPA|[ɦihnä~hiçnä]}}
: ''hįnna'' "wheel" {{IPA|/ɦi̤nnä/}} – Std., Hiy. {{IPA|[ɦi̤nnä]}}, Līl. {{IPA|[ɦi̤nnɐ]}}, Cam. {{IPA|[ɦihnä~hiçnä]}}