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===Days and months===
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Days of the week
! English !! Lifashian !! Gender !! IPA
! Saturday
| syawat || m || {{IPA|[ʃæˈwæt]}}
! Sunday
| nyésywat || m || {{IPA|[ɲeːʃˈwæt]}}
! Monday
| lúsywat || m || {{IPA|[luˤːʃˈwæt]}}
! Tuesday
| terisywat || m || {{IPA|[teriʃˈwæt]}}
! Wednesday
| pitúrisywat || m || {{IPA|[pituːriʃˈwæt]}}
! Thursday
| pembisywat || m || {{IPA|[pembiʃˈwæt]}}
! Friday
| syússywat || m || {{IPA|[ʃuːʃːˈwæt]}}
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Lifashian (Iranian) months
! English !! Lifashian !! Gender !! IPA
! Farvardin
| farwardín || n || {{IPA|[færwærˈdiːn]}}
! Ordibehesht
| urdíwhist || m || {{IPA|[urdiːu̯ˈhiʃt]}}
! Khordad
| hurdádi || m || {{IPA|[hurˈdɑːdi]}}
! Tir
| tír || m || {{IPA|[tiːr]}}
! Mordad
| amurdádi || m || {{IPA|[æmurˈdɑːdi]}}
! Shahriwar
| syahréwá || f || {{IPA|[ʃæreːˈwɑː]}}
! Mehr
| mehr || m || {{IPA|[mer]}}
! Aban
| ábán || n || {{IPA|[ɑːˈbɑːn]}}
! Azar
| ádar || m || {{IPA|[ɑːˈdær]}}
! Dey
| day || m || {{IPA|[dæi̯]}}
! Bahman
| bahman || m || {{IPA|[bæˈmæn]}}
! Esfand
| isfandi || m || {{IPA|[iʃˈfændi]}}
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Gregorian months
! English !! Lifashian !! Gender !! IPA
! January
| zená || f || {{IPA|[zeˈnɑː]}}
! February
| ferwá || f || {{IPA|[ferˈwɑː]}}
! March
| marsi || m || {{IPA|[ˈmærsi]}}
! April
| arwí || m || {{IPA|[ærˈwiː]}}
! May
| mazi || m || {{IPA|[ˈmæzi]}}
! June
| zyuni || m || {{IPA|[ˈʒuni]}}
! July
| lyuji || m || {{IPA|[ˈljudʒi]}}
! August
| agusti || m || {{IPA|[æˈɡuʃti]}}
! September
| seténgri || m || {{IPA|[seˈteːŋri]}}
! October
| otúbri || m || {{IPA|[oˈtuːbri]}}
! November
| nowéngri || m || {{IPA|[noˈweːŋri]}}
! December
| dezyéngri || m || {{IPA|[deˈʒeːŋri]}}
Dár&nbsp;Lífasyám is one of the few countries in the world that does not use the Gregorian calendar, and notably it is the only one that reverted to its national calendar after using the Gregorian one for seven decades (during the Soviet period).<br/>
The current Lifashian calendar is the Solar&nbsp;Hijri (Iranian) calendar but counting years since (Gregorian/Julian) 1917, the year of the October Revolution; the month names are the Persian ones also used in Iran, which were the ones traditionally used by the Lifashians before adopting the Gregorian calendar in 1918.<br/>The Solar&nbsp;Hijri calendar had been unofficially used all throughout the Soviet era, and the shift from the Gregorian calendar to it (with the year numbering change) was approved in 1992, right after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Lifashian independence; the calendar entered official use on Nowruz 77 (21 March 1993). In Dár&nbsp;Lífasyam, 20 March 1993 was followed by 1 farwardín 77.<br/>Years before 1917 are counted backwards and marked in writing with the abbreviation ''p.R.'', "before the Revolution" (''pire Rewalúciyehi''); 1916 is 1 p.R. in the Lifashian calendar
The Gregorian calendar is unofficially used in international (and non-Greater Iranian) contexts, but historical dates e.g. in school textbooks are always cited and learned in the Lifashian calendar only; it is also used by the ethnic minority of the Lifashian Ligurians and by the Roman Catholic Church in Dár&nbsp;Lífasyám, which uses it to determine the dates of Catholic holidays; the dates of Orthodox holidays are similarly determined using the Julian Calendar. Interestingly, as the Julian calendar was first spread during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era, during the period of Genoese rule over Dár&nbsp;Lífasyám, the Gregorian (and Julian) month names in Lifashian are derived from Ligurian.
====Lifashian public holidays====
Public holidays and other festivities - which, in Dár&nbsp;Lífasyám, are for the most part the same as in the Soviet era - were realigned either based on the date of the historical event they are based on, or on what day of the Solar Hijri calendar they fell on in 1992.
* Nowruz (''Nawróz''): 1-4 farwardín; Nowruz is the main holiday in Dár&nbsp;Lífasyám and it is celebrated by all ethnic groups of the country. A broader two-week period of Nowruz holidays is the general holiday season in the country and all schools are closed during those days, much like Christmas holidays in Western countries.
* Day of the International (''hámor Diyakisyuwársyássyá''): 11 and 12 urdíwhist (celebration of International Workers' Day; the days correspond to Gregorian 1/2 May in most years)
* Victory Day (''hámor pawyedehi''): 19 urdíwhist (commemorating the Victory over Nazi Germany on 9 May 1945 / 19 urdíwhist 29)
* Day of the Constitution (''hámor Syadúbmé'') : 14 syahréwá (commemorating the signing of the Lifashian Constitution on 5 September 1992 / 14 syahréwá 76)
* Day of the Revolution (''hámor Rewalúciyehi otúbri''): 16 ábán (commemorating the October Revolution on 7 November 1917 / 16 ábán 1)
* Day of the Memory of Lenin (''hámor yádi Leniné''): 1 bahman (commemorating the death of V.I.&nbsp;Lenin on 21 January 1925 / 1 bahman 8). Reintroduced in 1995.
* International Women's Day (''hámor diyakisyuwársyás ninfehám''): 18 isfandi (corresponds to 9 March in most years, but the date was fixed on the occurrence in 1992)
* Day of the Paris Commune (''hámor komúné Parízyi''): 27 isfandi (commemorating the uprising of the National Guard of Paris on 18 March 1871 / 27 isfandi 46 p.R.). Reintroduced in 1998.
Members of the three main religious confessions of Dár&nbsp;Lífasyám (Orthodox Christians, Muslims, and Catholics) celebrate as "religious public holidays" the main religious holidays of their faith: Christmas and Easter for Christians and Eid&nbsp;al-Adha and Eid&nbsp;al-Fitr for Muslims. The dates of these holidays are calculated using the Julian calendar for Orthodox Christians, the Gregorian one for Catholics, and the Islamic calendar for Muslims.
===Schleicher's Fable ''(So masy aw tí esyúi)''===
===Schleicher's Fable ''(So masy aw tí esyúi)''===