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The first declension has the following sub-patterns:
The first declension has the following sub-patterns:
* Nouns ending in '''-au''' change this into '''-āva''' before any ending beginning with a vowel, so for example ''hīmuyau'' "husband of father's sister" has ''hīmuyāvai, '' ''hīmuyauss, '' ''hīmuyāvau'' ... ''hīmuyaunam, ''and so on. ''Chlou'', the only word with /ɔ<span>u̯/, may informally follow this pattern (alternating between ''-ou'' and either ''-ova'' or ''-āva''), but the official recommendation is to use compounds such as ''Chlou-marta ''"Chlou city" or ''Chlou-lila ''"Chlou person" in order to decline it or derive forms.</span>
* Nouns ending in '''-au''' change this into '''-āva''' before any ending beginning with a vowel, so for example ''hīmuyau'' "husband of father's sister" has ''hīmuyāvai, '' ''hīmuyauss, '' ''hīmuyāvau'' ... ''hīmuyaunam, ''and so on. ''Chlou'', the only word with /ɔ<span>u̯/, may informally follow this pattern (alternating between ''-ou'' and either ''-ova'' or ''-āva''), but the official recommendation is to use compounds such as ''Chlou ga marta ''"Chlou city" or ''Chlou-lila ''"Chlou person" in order to decline it or derive forms.</span>
* Nouns ending in '''-ia, -iā, -ie, '''or '''-iė '''all have accusative singular in '''-vau''' (e.g. ''nahia ''"mountain" > ''nahiavau'') genitive singular in '''-ei''' (''nahia ''> ''nahei''), ablative singular in '''-vų''' (''nahia ''> ''nahiavų''), locative singular in '''-ye '''(''nahia ''> ''nahiaye''); ergative plural in '''-lss '''(''nahia ''> ''nahialss''), genitive plural in '''-riė''' (''nahia ''> ''nahiariė''), and locative plural in '''-rilym '''(''nahia ''> ''nahiarilym'').
* Nouns ending in '''-ia, -iā, -ie, '''or '''-iė '''all have accusative singular in '''-vau''' (e.g. ''nahia ''"mountain" > ''nahiavau'') genitive singular in '''-ei''' (''nahia ''> ''nahei''), ablative singular in '''-vų''' (''nahia ''> ''nahiavų''), locative singular in '''-ye '''(''nahia ''> ''nahiaye''); ergative plural in '''-lss '''(''nahia ''> ''nahialss''), genitive plural in '''-riė''' (''nahia ''> ''nahiariė''), and locative plural in '''-rilym '''(''nahia ''> ''nahiarilym'').
''heilenu ''"wind" is an irregular noun which, for the most part, follows the first declension, alternating between ''heilenu- ''stem and umlauted ''høylen- ''stem, the latter used in singular accusative, genitive, essive, and locative, and in every plural form except essive, ablative, and locative. Non-umlauted forms have /u/ replacing any /a/ in the "normal" first declension pattern, becoming breathy-voiced in ablative plural. Ablative singular is ''heilenų'' with a single, breathy-voiced /<span class="">ṳ</span>/; locative plural is ''heilenuilym'', with the /<span class="">ui̯/ diphthong.</span>
''heilenu ''"wind" is an irregular noun which, for the most part, follows the first declension, alternating between ''heilenu- ''stem and umlauted ''høylen- ''stem, the latter used in singular accusative, genitive, essive, and locative, and in every plural form except essive, ablative, and locative. Non-umlauted forms have /u/ replacing any /a/ in the "normal" first declension pattern, becoming breathy-voiced in ablative plural. Ablative singular is ''heilenų'' with a single, breathy-voiced /<span class="">ṳ</span>/; locative plural is ''heilenuilym'', with the /<span class="">ui̯/ diphthong.</span>