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The definite article is ''an''-L for singular nouns and ''na''-E for plural nouns. Colloquial Bhadhagha may drop the definite article in the singular, and also in the plural if the initial C of the noun is "eclipsable" (i.e. is one of ''∅, p, t, c, b, d, g, f, s'').
The definite article is ''an''-L for singular nouns and ''na''-E for plural nouns. Colloquial Bhadhagha may drop the definite article in the singular, and also in the plural if the initial C of the noun is "eclipsable" (i.e. is one of ''∅, p, t, c, b, d, g, f, s'').
casual bhadhagha  could overgeneralize 'an' into an emphatic particle
h-eafhad = the cat
an h-eafhad = THE cat
an eafhad = (specifically) a cat

The Thensarian relativizer ''rin'' turned into a genitive marker: ''an scain ri n-Aodhàn'' (Aodhàn's friend).
The Thensarian relativizer ''rin'' turned into a genitive marker: ''an scain ri n-Aodhàn'' (Aodhàn's friend).