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Occasionally "'''Ť,ť'''" and "'''Ď,ď'''" can be used to indicate '''/c/''' and '''/ɟ/''' respectively. These letters called ''"tė hačinå"'' and ''"dė hačinå"'' are not treated as fully independent, but as variants of ordinary "'''T,t'''" and "'''D,d'''" which could be wtitten instead.
Occasionally "'''Ť,ť'''" and "'''Ď,ď'''" can be used to indicate '''/c/''' and '''/ɟ/''' respectively. These letters called ''"tė hačinå"'' and ''"dė hačinå"'' are not treated as fully independent, but as variants of ordinary "'''T,t'''" and "'''D,d'''" which could be wtitten instead.
==Spelling rules==
==Spelling rules==
The Pomorian language has palatalized or palatal consonants as separate phonemes, but there are no special characters to represent them in its' orthography (except for /c/ and /ɟ/ sounds which in the Standard are written sometimes as "ť" and "ď"). Instead a silent "i" letter is used before a back vowel called ''"i kluså"''. This applies only to dental consonants (/n/, /l/, /r/, /t/, /d/, /s/ and /z/), other consonants can not palatalize in Pomorian. There is no distinction between plain and palatalized consonants after front vowels in the Pomorian Proper (somewhat palatalized consonants appear in this position, for example: ''ši'' - "this" - is usually /ʃʲɪ/, but /ʃʲ/ is not fully palatalized and is not a phoneme in Pomorian)
{| class="wikitable"
| ni || /ɲ/
| li || /ʎ/
| ri || /rʲ/
| ti/či || /c//t͡ɕ/
| di/dži ||/ɟ//d͡ʑ/
| si || /sʲ~ɕ/
| zi ||/zʲ~ʑ/
===Nasal vowels===
In Pomorian nasal vowels are represented by letters with an ogonek and in the Standard those letters should always be pronounced as nasal vowels. Despite that after plosive consonants (or "stops") most speakers pronounce them as a sequence of an oral (or sometimes nasal) vowel and nasal consonant usually of the same place of articulation as the stop is. This is very common among speakers of Western dialects. For example the word ''ązù'' - "narrow" - is pronounced /ɔ̃ː.ˈzʊ/, but ''blą̃de'' - "fog" - is /ˈblɒn.dɛ/ or /ˈblɒ̃n.dɛ/. In North-Western dialect a nasal consonant is always fully articulated and does not always match the following consonant, for example: ''dų́ti'' - "to blow" - is /ˈdʊm.tɪ/ (as if it was *''dùmti''), but in the Pomorian Proper the usual pronunciation is /ˈdʊ̃n.tɪ/ or /ˈdʊ̃n.tʲɪ/.
In Pomorian words almost always end with a vowel because of the final consonant reduction - a process happened in Old Pomorian. Only some words still end with a consonant, which if voiced can undergo devoicing before a word beginning with a voiceless consonant. For example: ''az tėkojå'' - "I run" - is pronounced /ɑs.tʲeː.ˈkoː.jɒ/, but ''az gålbėjå'' - I speak - is /ɑz.gɒl.ˈbʲeː.jɒ/. In non-Western dialects some final vowels are dropped and this rule proceeds in more cases.
