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Each ''garaṇa'' is divided into four timeframes called ''railai'' (singular ''raila'') - about 10.8 Earth minutes - further divided into 30 (26<sub>12</sub>) units known as ''nartī'' (singular ''narti'') - a little less than 22 Earth seconds each.<br/>
Each ''garaṇa'' is divided into four timeframes called ''railai'' (singular ''raila'') - about 10.8 Earth minutes - further divided into 30 (26<sub>12</sub>) units known as ''nartī'' (singular ''narti'') - a little less than 22 Earth seconds each.<br/>
''Nartī'' are divided into eight ''nīmaṣi'' (sg. ''nīmaṣe'') - 2.72 Earth seconds - which are further divided into twelve ''idimaṣi'' (sg. ''idimaṣe'') - 0.227 Earth seconds.
''Nartī'' are divided into eight ''nīmaṣi'' (sg. ''nīmaṣe'') - 2.72 Earth seconds - which are further divided into twelve ''idimaṣi'' (sg. ''idimaṣe'') - 0.227 Earth seconds.
==="Thinking" in Dundulanyä===
The English verb "to think" may be translated in different ways in Dundulanyä. Its meaning "to think" in the sense of imagining or communicating in one's own mind is translated by the root ''√nely-'':
: ''nad tho nelyah''. — I'm thinking about you.
: ''nelyāpah jallah''. — I think, therefore I am.
When "to think" is used in order to state one's opinion, Dundulanyä makes the distinction of that thing being a personal opinion based on experience or trustable facts (root ''√sām-'') or an uncertain opinion, often because of mere sensation (still ''√nely-'') (much like the Danish distinction between ''at synes'' and ''at tro''). Both verbs require the quotative particle '''tati''':
: ''duljive umūm tati sāmūh''. — I think the movie is good. (for I have seen it)
: ''duljive umūm tati nelyah''. — I think the movie is good. (but I haven't seen it)
''√sām-'' is used also to state one's opinion about a situation (still requiring ''tati'') as well as in the construction ''(2SG) inyo'', better translated as "if I were you" (needs a subjunctive verb):
: ''taśive umūm tati sāmūh''. — I think it's a good idea.
: ''viṣam guntai nad inyo sāmūh''. — if I were you, I'd buy the other one. (note imperfective subjunctive)
: ''viṣam uguntai nad inyo sāmūh''. — if I were you, I'd have bought the other one. (perfective subjunctive here)
''√nely-'', on the other hand, is used in the past to state something that was thought to be one way but turned out not to be. Also, it is used for future forecasts:
: ''nälte nilavā tati nilin, lalla dāvan cāhin jallīyās''. — I thought it was 4:00 in the morning, but it was already ''lalla dāvan'' (7:00 in the morning).
: ''nad ga naṅgaśaurulu tati inilyam hä !'' — I thought you were from Naṅgaśūra! (the perfect here could also be translated as "until now, I had been thinking ...")
: ''prānilau daśa mäliṣya tati nelyah''. — I think it's going to rain tomorrow.
Still, it's better not to translate directly "to think" as ''√nely-'' as in many cases Dundulanyä simply uses an evidential marker:
: ''ut drävūnī''. — I think (s)he did it. (= apparently, (s)he did it)
: ''ut drebūnī''. — I think (s)he did it, but it's probably not so. (= apparently, (s)he did it, but probably not)
: ''duljive umūm emi''. — I've been told the movie is good.

===Sensorial and emotional beauty===
===Sensorial and emotional beauty===
